'Longtime Donald Trump associate Roger Stone has been indicted by a grand jury on charges brought by special counsel Robert Mueller. He was arrested by the FBI Friday morning, his lawyer tells CNN.

Stone is indicted on seven counts, including one count of obstruction of an official proceeding, five counts of false statements, and one count of witness tampering.
Law enforcement raided Stone's house, and CNN witnessed uniformed and armed law enforcement approach his house just after 6 a.m. ET in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Pounding on his door, one agent said: "FBI. Open the door."

Stone opened the door.'

FBI arrests Roger Stone - CNNPolitics


Once again nothing but process "crimes", absolutely nothing to do with the supposed reason for the investigation.

The Witch Hunt is out of control.

Why is everyone lying? Could it be to protect the Great One...?
The net is closing in on Donald Trump as his associates fall one by one.

Next, we will hear bleating and squealing from the decrepit liar Rudi Giuliani, followed by inane tweets bleating and squealing from Donald Trump.

Donald Junior and Jared Kushner are next.

Frankly, I am surprised it took so long to put Stone in shackles. He has a huge mouth and got on T.V. and stated he had a backdoor into Wikileaks- I imagine through his side kick Jerome Corsi--Info War's nutcase and was in contact with the Russian hacker known as Gucifer 2.0.
Trump adviser Roger Stone repeatedly claimed to know of forthcoming WikiLeaks dumps - CNNPolitics
Report: Former Trump Advisor Roger Stone Was In Contact with a Russian Hacker During the Election

Talking to Julian Assange is not a crime, you fucking dumbass. He didn't claim to know anything other than what was public information. Even if he did, it's still not a crime. Mueller had no probable cause to justify interrogating Stone, period.
He knew about Podesta before it was public information.

The key to whether the criminal collusion is criminal or not is whether the American citizens who were colluding with Wikileaks knew that Russia had stolen the emails. Since by the time the "Senior trump campaign official" asked Stone about the stolen emails....US Intel had broadcasted that Russia had indeed stolen the emails that Wikileaks was leaking

Mueller knows who the senior official was who approached Stone. It stands to reason that he also knows who "directed" the Senior Campaign Official. This has to be the most criminal regime in US history....HANDS DOWN.
”The key to whether the criminal collusion is criminal or not is whether the American citizens who were colluding with Wikileaks knew that Russia had stolen the emails.”

Roger Stone is an American citizen.

Roger Stone was colluding with WikiLeaks.


Roger Stone knew Russia hacked Podesta’s email account. We know that because Muller has the tweets between Stone and the Russian hacker, Guccifer 2.0...



The net is closing in on Donald Trump as his associates fall one by one.

Next, we will hear bleating and squealing from the decrepit liar Rudi Giuliani, followed by inane tweets bleating and squealing from Donald Trump.

Donald Junior and Jared Kushner are next.

Frankly, I am surprised it took so long to put Stone in shackles. He has a huge mouth and got on T.V. and stated he had a backdoor into Wikileaks- I imagine through his side kick Jerome Corsi--Info War's nutcase and was in contact with the Russian hacker known as Gucifer 2.0.
Trump adviser Roger Stone repeatedly claimed to know of forthcoming WikiLeaks dumps - CNNPolitics
Report: Former Trump Advisor Roger Stone Was In Contact with a Russian Hacker During the Election

Talking to Julian Assange is not a crime, you fucking dumbass. He didn't claim to know anything other than what was public information. Even if he did, it's still not a crime. Mueller had no probable cause to justify interrogating Stone, period.
He knew about Podesta before it was public information.

The key to whether the criminal collusion is criminal or not is whether the American citizens who were colluding with Wikileaks knew that Russia had stolen the emails. Since by the time the "Senior trump campaign official" asked Stone about the stolen emails....US Intel had broadcasted that Russia had indeed stolen the emails that Wikileaks was leaking

Mueller knows who the senior official was who approached Stone. It stands to reason that he also knows who "directed" the Senior Campaign Official. This has to be the most criminal regime in US history....HANDS DOWN.
”The key to whether the criminal collusion is criminal or not is whether the American citizens who were colluding with Wikileaks knew that Russia had stolen the emails.”

Roger Stone is an American citizen.

Roger Stone was colluding with WikiLeaks.


Roger Stone knew Russia hacked Podesta’s email account. We know that because Muller has the tweets between Stone and the Russian hacker, Guccifer 2.0...




Yup....Mueller knows exactly what happened and who did it. The trump crime family is used to getting away with shit. Mueller is a crime hound. He will sniff them out.
Frankly, I am surprised it took so long to put Stone in shackles. He has a huge mouth and got on T.V. and stated he had a backdoor into Wikileaks- I imagine through his side kick Jerome Corsi--Info War's nutcase and was in contact with the Russian hacker known as Gucifer 2.0.
Trump adviser Roger Stone repeatedly claimed to know of forthcoming WikiLeaks dumps - CNNPolitics
Report: Former Trump Advisor Roger Stone Was In Contact with a Russian Hacker During the Election

Talking to Julian Assange is not a crime, you fucking dumbass. He didn't claim to know anything other than what was public information. Even if he did, it's still not a crime. Mueller had no probable cause to justify interrogating Stone, period.
He knew about Podesta before it was public information.

The key to whether the criminal collusion is criminal or not is whether the American citizens who were colluding with Wikileaks knew that Russia had stolen the emails. Since by the time the "Senior trump campaign official" asked Stone about the stolen emails....US Intel had broadcasted that Russia had indeed stolen the emails that Wikileaks was leaking

Mueller knows who the senior official was who approached Stone. It stands to reason that he also knows who "directed" the Senior Campaign Official. This has to be the most criminal regime in US history....HANDS DOWN.
”The key to whether the criminal collusion is criminal or not is whether the American citizens who were colluding with Wikileaks knew that Russia had stolen the emails.”

Roger Stone is an American citizen.

Roger Stone was colluding with WikiLeaks.


Roger Stone knew Russia hacked Podesta’s email account. We know that because Muller has the tweets between Stone and the Russian hacker, Guccifer 2.0...




Yup....Mueller knows exactly what happened and who did it. The trump crime family is used to getting away with shit. Mueller is a crime hound. He will sniff them out.
And Stone left a trail behind him. :mm:
The net is closing in on Donald Trump as his associates fall one by one.

Next, we will hear bleating and squealing from the decrepit liar Rudi Giuliani, followed by inane tweets bleating and squealing from Donald Trump.

Donald Junior and Jared Kushner are next.

Frankly, I am surprised it took so long to put Stone in shackles. He has a huge mouth and got on T.V. and stated he had a backdoor into Wikileaks- I imagine through his side kick Jerome Corsi--Info War's nutcase and was in contact with the Russian hacker known as Gucifer 2.0.
Trump adviser Roger Stone repeatedly claimed to know of forthcoming WikiLeaks dumps - CNNPolitics
Report: Former Trump Advisor Roger Stone Was In Contact with a Russian Hacker During the Election

Talking to Julian Assange is not a crime, you fucking dumbass. He didn't claim to know anything other than what was public information. Even if he did, it's still not a crime. Mueller had no probable cause to justify interrogating Stone, period.
He knew about Podesta before it was public information.

The key to whether the criminal collusion is criminal or not is whether the American citizens who were colluding with Wikileaks knew that Russia had stolen the emails. Since by the time the "Senior trump campaign official" asked Stone about the stolen emails....US Intel had broadcasted that Russia had indeed stolen the emails that Wikileaks was leaking

Mueller knows who the senior official was who approached Stone. It stands to reason that he also knows who "directed" the Senior Campaign Official. This has to be the most criminal regime in US history....HANDS DOWN.
”The key to whether the criminal collusion is criminal or not is whether the American citizens who were colluding with Wikileaks knew that Russia had stolen the emails.”

Roger Stone is an American citizen.

Roger Stone was colluding with WikiLeaks.


Roger Stone knew Russia hacked Podesta’s email account. We know that because Muller has the tweets between Stone and the Russian hacker, Guccifer 2.0...



You are so fucking gullible. None that proves that Stone knew Russia hacked Podesta's email account. It doesn't even prove that the Russians are the ones who did it. Even if it was all true, it still wouldn't be a crime.
Last edited:
Talking to Julian Assange is not a crime, you fucking dumbass. He didn't claim to know anything other than what was public information. Even if he did, it's still not a crime. Mueller had no probable cause to justify interrogating Stone, period.
He knew about Podesta before it was public information.

The key to whether the criminal collusion is criminal or not is whether the American citizens who were colluding with Wikileaks knew that Russia had stolen the emails. Since by the time the "Senior trump campaign official" asked Stone about the stolen emails....US Intel had broadcasted that Russia had indeed stolen the emails that Wikileaks was leaking

Mueller knows who the senior official was who approached Stone. It stands to reason that he also knows who "directed" the Senior Campaign Official. This has to be the most criminal regime in US history....HANDS DOWN.
”The key to whether the criminal collusion is criminal or not is whether the American citizens who were colluding with Wikileaks knew that Russia had stolen the emails.”

Roger Stone is an American citizen.

Roger Stone was colluding with WikiLeaks.


Roger Stone knew Russia hacked Podesta’s email account. We know that because Muller has the tweets between Stone and the Russian hacker, Guccifer 2.0...




Yup....Mueller knows exactly what happened and who did it. The trump crime family is used to getting away with shit. Mueller is a crime hound. He will sniff them out.
And Stone left a trail behind him. :mm:
A trail of non-crimes, moron.
Last edited:
Frankly, I am surprised it took so long to put Stone in shackles. He has a huge mouth and got on T.V. and stated he had a backdoor into Wikileaks- I imagine through his side kick Jerome Corsi--Info War's nutcase and was in contact with the Russian hacker known as Gucifer 2.0.
Trump adviser Roger Stone repeatedly claimed to know of forthcoming WikiLeaks dumps - CNNPolitics
Report: Former Trump Advisor Roger Stone Was In Contact with a Russian Hacker During the Election

Talking to Julian Assange is not a crime, you fucking dumbass. He didn't claim to know anything other than what was public information. Even if he did, it's still not a crime. Mueller had no probable cause to justify interrogating Stone, period.
He knew about Podesta before it was public information.

The key to whether the criminal collusion is criminal or not is whether the American citizens who were colluding with Wikileaks knew that Russia had stolen the emails. Since by the time the "Senior trump campaign official" asked Stone about the stolen emails....US Intel had broadcasted that Russia had indeed stolen the emails that Wikileaks was leaking

Mueller knows who the senior official was who approached Stone. It stands to reason that he also knows who "directed" the Senior Campaign Official. This has to be the most criminal regime in US history....HANDS DOWN.
”The key to whether the criminal collusion is criminal or not is whether the American citizens who were colluding with Wikileaks knew that Russia had stolen the emails.”

Roger Stone is an American citizen.

Roger Stone was colluding with WikiLeaks.


Roger Stone knew Russia hacked Podesta’s email account. We know that because Muller has the tweets between Stone and the Russian hacker, Guccifer 2.0...




Yup....Mueller knows exactly what happened and who did it. The trump crime family is used to getting away with shit. Mueller is a crime hound. He will sniff them out.
Mueller is a fraud and a thug.
Frankly, I am surprised it took so long to put Stone in shackles. He has a huge mouth and got on T.V. and stated he had a backdoor into Wikileaks- I imagine through his side kick Jerome Corsi--Info War's nutcase and was in contact with the Russian hacker known as Gucifer 2.0.
Trump adviser Roger Stone repeatedly claimed to know of forthcoming WikiLeaks dumps - CNNPolitics
Report: Former Trump Advisor Roger Stone Was In Contact with a Russian Hacker During the Election

Talking to Julian Assange is not a crime, you fucking dumbass. He didn't claim to know anything other than what was public information. Even if he did, it's still not a crime. Mueller had no probable cause to justify interrogating Stone, period.
He knew about Podesta before it was public information.

The key to whether the criminal collusion is criminal or not is whether the American citizens who were colluding with Wikileaks knew that Russia had stolen the emails. Since by the time the "Senior trump campaign official" asked Stone about the stolen emails....US Intel had broadcasted that Russia had indeed stolen the emails that Wikileaks was leaking

Mueller knows who the senior official was who approached Stone. It stands to reason that he also knows who "directed" the Senior Campaign Official. This has to be the most criminal regime in US history....HANDS DOWN.
Mueller needs proof to name them. That’s where applying pressure on Stone comes in. Especially if one of them was Trump.

Mueller is building a wheel. He is using the spokes to get to the center....He knows exactly what happened. I expect trump wished that he had that questionaire back now....It won't take much for a perjury charge...as for Junior and Kushner...they have lied numerous times. Mueller knows that also.
What Mueller needs is to link Trump so he can be impeached. Otherwise, Trump will just pardon everyone involved. That’s why Stone is parading false bravado— he’s expecting a presidential pardon to keep him out of prison.
He knew about Podesta before it was public information.

The key to whether the criminal collusion is criminal or not is whether the American citizens who were colluding with Wikileaks knew that Russia had stolen the emails. Since by the time the "Senior trump campaign official" asked Stone about the stolen emails....US Intel had broadcasted that Russia had indeed stolen the emails that Wikileaks was leaking

Mueller knows who the senior official was who approached Stone. It stands to reason that he also knows who "directed" the Senior Campaign Official. This has to be the most criminal regime in US history....HANDS DOWN.
”The key to whether the criminal collusion is criminal or not is whether the American citizens who were colluding with Wikileaks knew that Russia had stolen the emails.”

Roger Stone is an American citizen.

Roger Stone was colluding with WikiLeaks.


Roger Stone knew Russia hacked Podesta’s email account. We know that because Muller has the tweets between Stone and the Russian hacker, Guccifer 2.0...




Yup....Mueller knows exactly what happened and who did it. The trump crime family is used to getting away with shit. Mueller is a crime hound. He will sniff them out.
And Stone left a trail behind him. :mm:
A trial of non-crimes, moron.

Too bad for Roger Stone you’re nothing but a fucking moron. Otherwise that might have been true.
Frankly, I am surprised it took so long to put Stone in shackles. He has a huge mouth and got on T.V. and stated he had a backdoor into Wikileaks- I imagine through his side kick Jerome Corsi--Info War's nutcase and was in contact with the Russian hacker known as Gucifer 2.0.
Trump adviser Roger Stone repeatedly claimed to know of forthcoming WikiLeaks dumps - CNNPolitics
Report: Former Trump Advisor Roger Stone Was In Contact with a Russian Hacker During the Election

Talking to Julian Assange is not a crime, you fucking dumbass. He didn't claim to know anything other than what was public information. Even if he did, it's still not a crime. Mueller had no probable cause to justify interrogating Stone, period.
He knew about Podesta before it was public information.

The key to whether the criminal collusion is criminal or not is whether the American citizens who were colluding with Wikileaks knew that Russia had stolen the emails. Since by the time the "Senior trump campaign official" asked Stone about the stolen emails....US Intel had broadcasted that Russia had indeed stolen the emails that Wikileaks was leaking

Mueller knows who the senior official was who approached Stone. It stands to reason that he also knows who "directed" the Senior Campaign Official. This has to be the most criminal regime in US history....HANDS DOWN.
”The key to whether the criminal collusion is criminal or not is whether the American citizens who were colluding with Wikileaks knew that Russia had stolen the emails.”

Roger Stone is an American citizen.

Roger Stone was colluding with WikiLeaks.


Roger Stone knew Russia hacked Podesta’s email account. We know that because Muller has the tweets between Stone and the Russian hacker, Guccifer 2.0...



You are so fucking gullible. None that proves that Stone knew Russia hacked Podesta's email account. It doesn't even proof that the Russians are the ones who did it. Even if it was all true, it still wouldn't a crime.
Talking to Julian Assange is not a crime, you fucking dumbass. He didn't claim to know anything other than what was public information. Even if he did, it's still not a crime. Mueller had no probable cause to justify interrogating Stone, period.
He knew about Podesta before it was public information.

The key to whether the criminal collusion is criminal or not is whether the American citizens who were colluding with Wikileaks knew that Russia had stolen the emails. Since by the time the "Senior trump campaign official" asked Stone about the stolen emails....US Intel had broadcasted that Russia had indeed stolen the emails that Wikileaks was leaking

Mueller knows who the senior official was who approached Stone. It stands to reason that he also knows who "directed" the Senior Campaign Official. This has to be the most criminal regime in US history....HANDS DOWN.
Mueller needs proof to name them. That’s where applying pressure on Stone comes in. Especially if one of them was Trump.

Mueller is building a wheel. He is using the spokes to get to the center....He knows exactly what happened. I expect trump wished that he had that questionaire back now....It won't take much for a perjury charge...as for Junior and Kushner...they have lied numerous times. Mueller knows that also.
What Mueller needs is to link Trump so he can be impeached. Otherwise, Trump will just pardon everyone involved. That’s why Stone is parading false bravado— he’s expecting a presidential pardon to keep him out of prison.

If Stone is pardoned....he will still have to testify truthfully without the right to the 5th Amendment.

The framers if the Constitution never envisioned a man would be elected president who is Mafia boss....He'll...there were no Mafia Bosses in the 1700' s. This man has no morals. He has no ethics. He lies like he breathes.

This man is the greatest threat this nation has right now. I fully expect him to shut down the government again in three weeks. What a POS....
He knew about Podesta before it was public information.

The key to whether the criminal collusion is criminal or not is whether the American citizens who were colluding with Wikileaks knew that Russia had stolen the emails. Since by the time the "Senior trump campaign official" asked Stone about the stolen emails....US Intel had broadcasted that Russia had indeed stolen the emails that Wikileaks was leaking

Mueller knows who the senior official was who approached Stone. It stands to reason that he also knows who "directed" the Senior Campaign Official. This has to be the most criminal regime in US history....HANDS DOWN.
”The key to whether the criminal collusion is criminal or not is whether the American citizens who were colluding with Wikileaks knew that Russia had stolen the emails.”

Roger Stone is an American citizen.

Roger Stone was colluding with WikiLeaks.


Roger Stone knew Russia hacked Podesta’s email account. We know that because Muller has the tweets between Stone and the Russian hacker, Guccifer 2.0...




Yup....Mueller knows exactly what happened and who did it. The trump crime family is used to getting away with shit. Mueller is a crime hound. He will sniff them out.
And Stone left a trail behind him. :mm:
A trial of non-crimes, moron.

Spits the fucking moron who denied the highlighted text below is in the indictment though said fucking moron claims to have read it...

Well, fucking moron? Where’s your apology to me for falsely claiming I lied about that section being in the indictment...?

Don’t you possess any character at all? Even a smidgen???

Talking to Julian Assange is not a crime, you fucking dumbass. He didn't claim to know anything other than what was public information. Even if he did, it's still not a crime. Mueller had no probable cause to justify interrogating Stone, period.
He knew about Podesta before it was public information.

The key to whether the criminal collusion is criminal or not is whether the American citizens who were colluding with Wikileaks knew that Russia had stolen the emails. Since by the time the "Senior trump campaign official" asked Stone about the stolen emails....US Intel had broadcasted that Russia had indeed stolen the emails that Wikileaks was leaking

Mueller knows who the senior official was who approached Stone. It stands to reason that he also knows who "directed" the Senior Campaign Official. This has to be the most criminal regime in US history....HANDS DOWN.
Mueller needs proof to name them. That’s where applying pressure on Stone comes in. Especially if one of them was Trump.

Mueller is building a wheel. He is using the spokes to get to the center....He knows exactly what happened. I expect trump wished that he had that questionaire back now....It won't take much for a perjury charge...as for Junior and Kushner...they have lied numerous times. Mueller knows that also.
What Mueller needs is to link Trump so he can be impeached. Otherwise, Trump will just pardon everyone involved. That’s why Stone is parading false bravado— he’s expecting a presidential pardon to keep him out of prison.
"Link Trump to what," perfectly legal activities? Here's a clue for you, dumbass, talking to Julian Assange is not a crime. Many journalists have done it, and Mueller hasn't indicted them. Perhaps when you can find an actual crime that Trump has committed, people won't laugh at your ravings.

Last edited:
He knew about Podesta before it was public information.

The key to whether the criminal collusion is criminal or not is whether the American citizens who were colluding with Wikileaks knew that Russia had stolen the emails. Since by the time the "Senior trump campaign official" asked Stone about the stolen emails....US Intel had broadcasted that Russia had indeed stolen the emails that Wikileaks was leaking

Mueller knows who the senior official was who approached Stone. It stands to reason that he also knows who "directed" the Senior Campaign Official. This has to be the most criminal regime in US history....HANDS DOWN.
Mueller needs proof to name them. That’s where applying pressure on Stone comes in. Especially if one of them was Trump.

Mueller is building a wheel. He is using the spokes to get to the center....He knows exactly what happened. I expect trump wished that he had that questionaire back now....It won't take much for a perjury charge...as for Junior and Kushner...they have lied numerous times. Mueller knows that also.
What Mueller needs is to link Trump so he can be impeached. Otherwise, Trump will just pardon everyone involved. That’s why Stone is parading false bravado— he’s expecting a presidential pardon to keep him out of prison.

If Stone is pardoned....he will still have to testify truthfully without the right to the 5th Amendment.

The framers if the Constitution never envisioned a man would be elected president who is Mafia boss....He'll...there were no Mafia Bosses in the 1700' s. This man has no morals. He has no ethics. He lies like he breathes.

This man is the greatest threat this nation has right now. I fully expect him to shut down the government again in three weeks. What a POS....
You're such a pathetic moron. Your posts are positively delusional. Not a single word is true, not even the word "the."
The key to whether the criminal collusion is criminal or not is whether the American citizens who were colluding with Wikileaks knew that Russia had stolen the emails. Since by the time the "Senior trump campaign official" asked Stone about the stolen emails....US Intel had broadcasted that Russia had indeed stolen the emails that Wikileaks was leaking

Mueller knows who the senior official was who approached Stone. It stands to reason that he also knows who "directed" the Senior Campaign Official. This has to be the most criminal regime in US history....HANDS DOWN.
”The key to whether the criminal collusion is criminal or not is whether the American citizens who were colluding with Wikileaks knew that Russia had stolen the emails.”

Roger Stone is an American citizen.

Roger Stone was colluding with WikiLeaks.


Roger Stone knew Russia hacked Podesta’s email account. We know that because Muller has the tweets between Stone and the Russian hacker, Guccifer 2.0...




Yup....Mueller knows exactly what happened and who did it. The trump crime family is used to getting away with shit. Mueller is a crime hound. He will sniff them out.
And Stone left a trail behind him. :mm:
A trial of non-crimes, moron.

Too bad for Roger Stone you’re nothing but a fucking moron. Otherwise that might have been true.
It is true, moron. You have failed to prove otherwise.
He knew about Podesta before it was public information.

The key to whether the criminal collusion is criminal or not is whether the American citizens who were colluding with Wikileaks knew that Russia had stolen the emails. Since by the time the "Senior trump campaign official" asked Stone about the stolen emails....US Intel had broadcasted that Russia had indeed stolen the emails that Wikileaks was leaking

Mueller knows who the senior official was who approached Stone. It stands to reason that he also knows who "directed" the Senior Campaign Official. This has to be the most criminal regime in US history....HANDS DOWN.
Mueller needs proof to name them. That’s where applying pressure on Stone comes in. Especially if one of them was Trump.

Mueller is building a wheel. He is using the spokes to get to the center....He knows exactly what happened. I expect trump wished that he had that questionaire back now....It won't take much for a perjury charge...as for Junior and Kushner...they have lied numerous times. Mueller knows that also.
What Mueller needs is to link Trump so he can be impeached. Otherwise, Trump will just pardon everyone involved. That’s why Stone is parading false bravado— he’s expecting a presidential pardon to keep him out of prison.
Link Trump to what, perfectly legal activities? Here's clue for you, dumbass, talking to Julian Assange is not a crime. Many journalists have done it, and Mueller hasn't indicted them. Perhaps when you can find an actual crime the Trump has committed, people won't laugh at your ravings.

Again, spits the fucking moron who denied the highlighted text below is in the indictment though said fucking moron claims to have read it...

Day in and day out, you prove you have no fucking clue what you’re talking about.
”The key to whether the criminal collusion is criminal or not is whether the American citizens who were colluding with Wikileaks knew that Russia had stolen the emails.”

Roger Stone is an American citizen.

Roger Stone was colluding with WikiLeaks.


Roger Stone knew Russia hacked Podesta’s email account. We know that because Muller has the tweets between Stone and the Russian hacker, Guccifer 2.0...




Yup....Mueller knows exactly what happened and who did it. The trump crime family is used to getting away with shit. Mueller is a crime hound. He will sniff them out.
And Stone left a trail behind him. :mm:
A trial of non-crimes, moron.

Too bad for Roger Stone you’re nothing but a fucking moron. Otherwise that might have been true.
It is true, moron. You have failed to prove otherwise.
Spits the fucking moron who denied the highlighted text below is in the indictment though said fucking moron claims to have read it...

The key to whether the criminal collusion is criminal or not is whether the American citizens who were colluding with Wikileaks knew that Russia had stolen the emails. Since by the time the "Senior trump campaign official" asked Stone about the stolen emails....US Intel had broadcasted that Russia had indeed stolen the emails that Wikileaks was leaking

Mueller knows who the senior official was who approached Stone. It stands to reason that he also knows who "directed" the Senior Campaign Official. This has to be the most criminal regime in US history....HANDS DOWN.
Mueller needs proof to name them. That’s where applying pressure on Stone comes in. Especially if one of them was Trump.

Mueller is building a wheel. He is using the spokes to get to the center....He knows exactly what happened. I expect trump wished that he had that questionaire back now....It won't take much for a perjury charge...as for Junior and Kushner...they have lied numerous times. Mueller knows that also.
What Mueller needs is to link Trump so he can be impeached. Otherwise, Trump will just pardon everyone involved. That’s why Stone is parading false bravado— he’s expecting a presidential pardon to keep him out of prison.
Link Trump to what, perfectly legal activities? Here's clue for you, dumbass, talking to Julian Assange is not a crime. Many journalists have done it, and Mueller hasn't indicted them. Perhaps when you can find an actual crime the Trump has committed, people won't laugh at your ravings.

Again, spits the fucking moron who denied the highlighted text below is in the indictment though said fucking moron claims to have read it...

Day in and day out, you prove you have no fucking clue what you’re talking about.
You're following your usual pattern: I predict you will post this at least 100 times more.
Mueller needs proof to name them. That’s where applying pressure on Stone comes in. Especially if one of them was Trump.

Mueller is building a wheel. He is using the spokes to get to the center....He knows exactly what happened. I expect trump wished that he had that questionaire back now....It won't take much for a perjury charge...as for Junior and Kushner...they have lied numerous times. Mueller knows that also.
What Mueller needs is to link Trump so he can be impeached. Otherwise, Trump will just pardon everyone involved. That’s why Stone is parading false bravado— he’s expecting a presidential pardon to keep him out of prison.
Link Trump to what, perfectly legal activities? Here's clue for you, dumbass, talking to Julian Assange is not a crime. Many journalists have done it, and Mueller hasn't indicted them. Perhaps when you can find an actual crime the Trump has committed, people won't laugh at your ravings.

Again, spits the fucking moron who denied the highlighted text below is in the indictment though said fucking moron claims to have read it...

Day in and day out, you prove you have no fucking clue what you’re talking about.
You're following your usual pattern: I predict you will post this at least 100 times more.
Why shouldn’t I? You claim it’s not in the indictment and I’m proving what a fucking moron you are every time I post it...
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:


Fucking moron, that means WikiLeaks released stolen emails, not that WikiLeaks stole the email.

How should you know that? It says so in the indictment...

”From in or around July 2016 through in or around November 2016, an organization (“Organization 1”), which had previously posted documents stolen by others from U.S. persons, entities, and the U.S. government, released tens of thousands of documents stolen from the DNC and the personal email account of the chairman of the U.S. presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton (“Clinton Campaign”)
That quote isn't in the indictment, you lying piece of shit.
6 indictments of those closest to him ? How many left the stink he caused ......and morons think he smells like a rose?

how many more are coming ? Kurshner,,, Jr??

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