The key to whether the criminal collusion is criminal or not is whether the American citizens who were colluding with Wikileaks knew that Russia had stolen the emails. Since by the time the "Senior trump campaign official" asked Stone about the stolen emails....US Intel had broadcasted that Russia had indeed stolen the emails that Wikileaks was leaking

Mueller knows who the senior official was who approached Stone. It stands to reason that he also knows who "directed" the Senior Campaign Official. This has to be the most criminal regime in US history....HANDS DOWN.
Mueller needs proof to name them. That’s where applying pressure on Stone comes in. Especially if one of them was Trump.

Mueller is building a wheel. He is using the spokes to get to the center....He knows exactly what happened. I expect trump wished that he had that questionaire back now....It won't take much for a perjury for Junior and Kushner...they have lied numerous times. Mueller knows that also.
What Mueller needs is to link Trump so he can be impeached. Otherwise, Trump will just pardon everyone involved. That’s why Stone is parading false bravado— he’s expecting a presidential pardon to keep him out of prison.
Link Trump to what, perfectly legal activities? Here's clue for you, dumbass, talking to Julian Assange is not a crime. Many journalists have done it, and Mueller hasn't indicted them. Perhaps when you can find an actual crime the Trump has committed, people won't laugh at your ravings.

Again, spits the fucking moron who denied the highlighted text below is in the indictment though said fucking moron claims to have read it...

Day in and day out, you prove you have no fucking clue what you’re talking about.
That's what you do when you can't prove your point.
Mueller is building a wheel. He is using the spokes to get to the center....He knows exactly what happened. I expect trump wished that he had that questionaire back now....It won't take much for a perjury for Junior and Kushner...they have lied numerous times. Mueller knows that also.
What Mueller needs is to link Trump so he can be impeached. Otherwise, Trump will just pardon everyone involved. That’s why Stone is parading false bravado— he’s expecting a presidential pardon to keep him out of prison.
Link Trump to what, perfectly legal activities? Here's clue for you, dumbass, talking to Julian Assange is not a crime. Many journalists have done it, and Mueller hasn't indicted them. Perhaps when you can find an actual crime the Trump has committed, people won't laugh at your ravings.

Again, spits the fucking moron who denied the highlighted text below is in the indictment though said fucking moron claims to have read it...

Day in and day out, you prove you have no fucking clue what you’re talking about.
You're following your usual pattern: I predict you will post this at least 100 times more.
Why shouldn’t I? You claim it’s not in the indictment and I’m proving what a fucking moron you are every time I post it...
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:


Fucking moron, that means WikiLeaks released stolen emails, not that WikiLeaks stole the email.

How should you know that? It says so in the indictment...

”From in or around July 2016 through in or around November 2016, an organization (“Organization 1”), which had previously posted documents stolen by others from U.S. persons, entities, and the U.S. government, released tens of thousands of documents stolen from the DNC and the personal email account of the chairman of the U.S. presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton (“Clinton Campaign”)
That quote isn't in the indictment, you lying piece of shit.
I did a text search, and it said it wasn't found. Blame the software, dickbreath.
6 indictments of those closest to him ? How many left the stink he caused ......and morons think he smells like a rose?

how many more are coming ? Kurshner,,, Jr??
They aren't "those closest to him," shit for brains. They were minor players, except for Flynn, and Trump fired him for lying.
Brennan says there will be many more in the next 60 days....names that are "household name" such as Junior...Kushner....and Ivanka.....?
According to televised news reporting Stone is charged with witness tampering, giving false statements, and obstruction of justice.

I suspect this will affect Donald's handling of the shutdown. He'll probably use it aa distraction, continue yelling at democrats. The smarter thing would be to end the shutdown, to distract by claiming a victory.
I think the Mueller investigation arrested Stone as a distraction from the shutdown.

Everyone knows Mueller has a long law enforcement career of distracting people from pretty political theater.
Mueller has a long history of accusing the wrong guy.
What! Back that up!!

Steven Hatfill. Mueller ignored tips that would had found the actual anthrax attacker, instead he was obsessed with wrongfully accusing Hatfill. He should had been sued and fired from the FBI for such a mistake.
6 indictments of those closest to him ? How many left the stink he caused ......and morons think he smells like a rose?

how many more are coming ? Kurshner,,, Jr??
They aren't "those closest to him," shit for brains. They were minor players, except for Flynn, and Trump fired him for lying.
You don't remember his brightest and best BS?? How all the scum are good men?
Brennan says there will be many more in the next 60 days....names that are "household name" such as Junior...Kushner....and Ivanka.....?
How would Brennan know? Furthermore, he's a lying douchebag.
6 indictments of those closest to him ? How many left the stink he caused ......and morons think he smells like a rose?

how many more are coming ? Kurshner,,, Jr??
They aren't "those closest to him," shit for brains. They were minor players, except for Flynn, and Trump fired him for lying.
You don't remember his brightest and best BS?? How all the scum are good men?
Spare us your idiocy.
According to televised news reporting Stone is charged with witness tampering, giving false statements, and obstruction of justice.

I suspect this will affect Donald's handling of the shutdown. He'll probably use it aa distraction, continue yelling at democrats. The smarter thing would be to end the shutdown, to distract by claiming a victory.
I think the Mueller investigation arrested Stone as a distraction from the shutdown.

Everyone knows Mueller has a long law enforcement career of distracting people from pretty political theater.
Mueller has a long history of accusing the wrong guy.
What! Back that up!!

Steven Hatfill. Mueller ignored tips that would had found the actual anthrax attacker, instead he was obsessed with wrongfully accusing Hatfill. He should had been sued and fired from the FBI for such a mistake.
I think it has something to do with the fact that his parents thought he was such an ugly baby they had to feed him with a slingshot :iagree:
According to televised news reporting Stone is charged with witness tampering, giving false statements, and obstruction of justice.

I suspect this will affect Donald's handling of the shutdown. He'll probably use it aa distraction, continue yelling at democrats. The smarter thing would be to end the shutdown, to distract by claiming a victory.
I think the Mueller investigation arrested Stone as a distraction from the shutdown.

Everyone knows Mueller has a long law enforcement career of distracting people from pretty political theater.
Mueller has a long history of accusing the wrong guy.
What! Back that up!!

Steven Hatfill. Mueller ignored tips that would had found the actual anthrax attacker, instead he was obsessed with wrongfully accusing Hatfill. He should had been sued and fired from the FBI for such a mistake.

Amazing! The trump distraction MO is now commonly used by trumpettes....
Every day that the Liar in Chief is in office is another day the United States is at risk....
Brennan says there will be many more in the next 60 days....names that are "household name" such as Junior...Kushner....and Ivanka.....?
How would Brennan know? Furthermore, he's a lying douchebag.
Everyone are lying douchbags EXCEPT the anti american scum you support
All the former members of the Obama crime syndicate are lying scumbags. That much has been proven.
indictments?? Been after HILL for 15 years and got sheet
According to televised news reporting Stone is charged with witness tampering, giving false statements, and obstruction of justice.

I suspect this will affect Donald's handling of the shutdown. He'll probably use it aa distraction, continue yelling at democrats. The smarter thing would be to end the shutdown, to distract by claiming a victory.
I think the Mueller investigation arrested Stone as a distraction from the shutdown.

Everyone knows Mueller has a long law enforcement career of distracting people from pretty political theater.
Mueller has a long history of accusing the wrong guy.
What! Back that up!!

Steven Hatfill. Mueller ignored tips that would had found the actual anthrax attacker, instead he was obsessed with wrongfully accusing Hatfill. He should had been sued and fired from the FBI for such a mistake.
Link god dam it!

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