I have been talking about the evidence.
Which, of course, is just goofy Trumpkin hand wringing, as stating that Mueller has not knocked on your door and shown you the evidence has no bearing whatsoever on whether or not it exists.

Guess what does? A federal indictment and search warrant.

So, what you are doing is just a desperate attempt to talk about anything but the topic. It won't get you anywhere.
I have been talking about the evidence.
Which, of course, is just goofy Trumpkin hand wringing, as stating that Mueller has not knocked on your door and shown you the evidence has no bearing whatsoever on whether or not it exists.

Guess what does? A federal indictment and search warrant.

So, what you are doing is just a desperate attempt to talk about anything but the topic. It won't get you anywhere.
Not in the case of Mueller, moron. He's often been caught with his pants down, as in the case of the indictment against Russian hackers. They showed up in court, and Mueller had to backpedal and weasel because he had no case prepared against them.

The bottom line, no one has seen any evidence against Stone. It's apparent from the indictment that the FBI has been spying on Stone's communications. It will be interesting to see how that plays out. Did they use another fraudulent FISA warrant?
When you are supposed to be investigating Russian Collusion and intentionally ignore the fact that Barak Obama, Hillary Clinton and The DNC we’re working with Russian intelligence to attack Donald Trump, impact our election, and launch a massive Espionage Operation against his campaign and his family in the midst of an election then you know Mueller is an Evil, Godless man.

There was a COUP and The White House launched it ordered it and sanctioned it all in an attempt to get Hillary Clinton elected.

I take it that you are still all in on a 'soft coup'.
Well, you have alot of company as so is the FBI.
I mean, seriously, no one in the FBI of any influence, resisted the idea of arresting Stone in the manner that they did?
Has the FBI morphed into Hillarys personal KGB?
Looks like it!
And, this is alarming.
Extraordinary claims requires extraordinary evidence.

Where is your evidence?

For starters, let's begin with Hillary crying 'wolf' when she lost and then the still to this day unsubstantiated dossier that she paid for.
Any other questions, nimrod?
Nothing illegal about paying for dossier.
You're supposed to be proving that Obama and Hillary worked with russian intelligence to hurt Trump. The only evidence is that fusion gps hired steele.
It certainly was illegal to pay foreign spies to manufacture dirt on your political opponent. Steele was also a foreign spy, so paying him was also illegal. Doing it through your law firm is money laundering, which is also illegal.
Let’s not forget his partner Skirpal who provides Steele with Russian Propaganda from Russian Spies inside Russia, for Hillary Clinton and Obama during the 2016 election.
I have been talking about the evidence.
Which, of course, is just goofy Trumpkin hand wringing, as stating that Mueller has not knocked on your door and shown you the evidence has no bearing whatsoever on whether or not it exists.

Guess what does? A federal indictment and search warrant.

So, what you are doing is just a desperate attempt to talk about anything but the topic. It won't get you anywhere.
Next up, Mueller indicts 60 million Americans on a process crime as well as Stone. They'll be rounding up Americans and putting them in camps. . . . that will keep them from voting! And the NSA HAS THE PROOF! :auiqs.jpg:

This Mueller guy is in evil p.o.s., all these partisans are. They care more about folks drawing attention to corruption than the corruption itself. smh
He's often been caught with his pants down, as in the case of the indictment against Russian hackers.
More Trumpkin fantasy...look at you, rooting for us to release evidence straight to the Kremlin. Look at what Trump has done to your brain...
I have been talking about the evidence.
Which, of course, is just goofy Trumpkin hand wringing, as stating that Mueller has not knocked on your door and shown you the evidence has no bearing whatsoever on whether or not it exists.

Guess what does? A federal indictment and search warrant.

So, what you are doing is just a desperate attempt to talk about anything but the topic. It won't get you anywhere.
Next up, Mueller indicts 60 million Americans on a process crime as well as Stone. They'll be rounding up Americans and putting them in camps. . . . that will keep them from voting! And the NSA HAS THE PROOF! :auiqs.jpg:

This Mueller guy is in evil p.o.s., all these partisans are. They care more about folks drawing attention to corruption than the corruption itself. smh

Pure Trumpkin fantasy. You guys are really a laughingstock.
The net is closing in on Donald Trump as his associates fall one by one.

Next, we will hear bleating and squealing from the decrepit liar Rudi Giuliani, followed by inane tweets bleating and squealing from Donald Trump.

Donald Junior and Jared Kushner are next.

Frankly, I am surprised it took so long to put Stone in shackles. He has a huge mouth and got on T.V. and stated he had a backdoor into Wikileaks- I imagine through his side kick Jerome Corsi--Info War's nutcase and was in contact with the Russian hacker known as Gucifer 2.0.
Trump adviser Roger Stone repeatedly claimed to know of forthcoming WikiLeaks dumps - CNNPolitics
Report: Former Trump Advisor Roger Stone Was In Contact with a Russian Hacker During the Election

Talking to Julian Assange is not a crime, you fucking dumbass. He didn't claim to know anything other than what was public information. Even if he did, it's still not a crime. Mueller had no probable cause to justify interrogating Stone, period.
He knew about Podesta before it was public information.

The key to whether the criminal collusion is criminal or not is whether the American citizens who were colluding with Wikileaks knew that Russia had stolen the emails. Since by the time the "Senior trump campaign official" asked Stone about the stolen emails....US Intel had broadcasted that Russia had indeed stolen the emails that Wikileaks was leaking

Mueller knows who the senior official was who approached Stone. It stands to reason that he also knows who "directed" the Senior Campaign Official. This has to be the most criminal regime in US history....HANDS DOWN.
Mueller needs proof to name them. That’s where applying pressure on Stone comes in. Especially if one of them was Trump.
The net is closing in on Donald Trump as his associates fall one by one.

Next, we will hear bleating and squealing from the decrepit liar Rudi Giuliani, followed by inane tweets bleating and squealing from Donald Trump.

Donald Junior and Jared Kushner are next.

Frankly, I am surprised it took so long to put Stone in shackles. He has a huge mouth and got on T.V. and stated he had a backdoor into Wikileaks- I imagine through his side kick Jerome Corsi--Info War's nutcase and was in contact with the Russian hacker known as Gucifer 2.0.
Trump adviser Roger Stone repeatedly claimed to know of forthcoming WikiLeaks dumps - CNNPolitics
Report: Former Trump Advisor Roger Stone Was In Contact with a Russian Hacker During the Election

Talking to Julian Assange is not a crime, you fucking dumbass. He didn't claim to know anything other than what was public information. Even if he did, it's still not a crime. Mueller had no probable cause to justify interrogating Stone, period.
He knew about Podesta before it was public information.

The key to whether the criminal collusion is criminal or not is whether the American citizens who were colluding with Wikileaks knew that Russia had stolen the emails. Since by the time the "Senior trump campaign official" asked Stone about the stolen emails....US Intel had broadcasted that Russia had indeed stolen the emails that Wikileaks was leaking

Mueller knows who the senior official was who approached Stone. It stands to reason that he also knows who "directed" the Senior Campaign Official. This has to be the most criminal regime in US history....HANDS DOWN.
Mueller needs proof to name them. That’s where applying pressure on Stone comes in. Especially if one of them was Trump.

Mueller is building a wheel. He is using the spokes to get to the center....He knows exactly what happened. I expect trump wished that he had that questionaire back now....It won't take much for a perjury charge...as for Junior and Kushner...they have lied numerous times. Mueller knows that also.
The net is closing in on Donald Trump as his associates fall one by one.

Next, we will hear bleating and squealing from the decrepit liar Rudi Giuliani, followed by inane tweets bleating and squealing from Donald Trump.

Donald Junior and Jared Kushner are next.

Frankly, I am surprised it took so long to put Stone in shackles. He has a huge mouth and got on T.V. and stated he had a backdoor into Wikileaks- I imagine through his side kick Jerome Corsi--Info War's nutcase and was in contact with the Russian hacker known as Gucifer 2.0.
Trump adviser Roger Stone repeatedly claimed to know of forthcoming WikiLeaks dumps - CNNPolitics
Report: Former Trump Advisor Roger Stone Was In Contact with a Russian Hacker During the Election

Talking to Julian Assange is not a crime, you fucking dumbass. He didn't claim to know anything other than what was public information. Even if he did, it's still not a crime. Mueller had no probable cause to justify interrogating Stone, period.
He knew about Podesta before it was public information.
That's certainly debatable. Even if he did, that isn't against the law.
It’s not debatable, ya fucking moron. Mueller has the tweets between Stone and the Russian hacker from before anyone else knew Podesta’s email was hacked. :eusa_doh:
The net is closing in on Donald Trump as his associates fall one by one.

Next, we will hear bleating and squealing from the decrepit liar Rudi Giuliani, followed by inane tweets bleating and squealing from Donald Trump.

Donald Junior and Jared Kushner are next.

Frankly, I am surprised it took so long to put Stone in shackles. He has a huge mouth and got on T.V. and stated he had a backdoor into Wikileaks- I imagine through his side kick Jerome Corsi--Info War's nutcase and was in contact with the Russian hacker known as Gucifer 2.0.
Trump adviser Roger Stone repeatedly claimed to know of forthcoming WikiLeaks dumps - CNNPolitics
Report: Former Trump Advisor Roger Stone Was In Contact with a Russian Hacker During the Election

Talking to Julian Assange is not a crime, you fucking dumbass. He didn't claim to know anything other than what was public information. Even if he did, it's still not a crime. Mueller had no probable cause to justify interrogating Stone, period.
He knew about Podesta before it was public information.
That's certainly debatable. Even if he did, that isn't against the law.
It’s not debatable, ya fucking moron. Mueller has the tweets between Stone and the Russian hacker from before anyone else knew Podesta’s email was hacked. :eusa_doh:

Mueller is build a conspiracy case..He will keep the indictments coming until the leader of the conspiracy is revealed....and we all know who that is....
Frankly, I am surprised it took so long to put Stone in shackles. He has a huge mouth and got on T.V. and stated he had a backdoor into Wikileaks- I imagine through his side kick Jerome Corsi--Info War's nutcase and was in contact with the Russian hacker known as Gucifer 2.0.
Trump adviser Roger Stone repeatedly claimed to know of forthcoming WikiLeaks dumps - CNNPolitics
Report: Former Trump Advisor Roger Stone Was In Contact with a Russian Hacker During the Election

Talking to Julian Assange is not a crime, you fucking dumbass. He didn't claim to know anything other than what was public information. Even if he did, it's still not a crime. Mueller had no probable cause to justify interrogating Stone, period.
He knew about Podesta before it was public information.

The key to whether the criminal collusion is criminal or not is whether the American citizens who were colluding with Wikileaks knew that Russia had stolen the emails. Since by the time the "Senior trump campaign official" asked Stone about the stolen emails....US Intel had broadcasted that Russia had indeed stolen the emails that Wikileaks was leaking

Mueller knows who the senior official was who approached Stone. It stands to reason that he also knows who "directed" the Senior Campaign Official. This has to be the most criminal regime in US history....HANDS DOWN.
Mueller needs proof to name them. That’s where applying pressure on Stone comes in. Especially if one of them was Trump.

Mueller is building a wheel. He is using the spokes to get to the center....He knows exactly what happened. I expect trump wished that he had that questionaire back now....It won't take much for a perjury charge...as for Junior and Kushner...they have lied numerous times. Mueller knows that also.
Any day now. Any day now. Any day now. Any day now. Any day now. Any day now. Any day now. Any day now. Any day now. Any day now. Any day now.
The net is closing in on Donald Trump as his associates fall one by one.

Next, we will hear bleating and squealing from the decrepit liar Rudi Giuliani, followed by inane tweets bleating and squealing from Donald Trump.

Donald Junior and Jared Kushner are next.

Frankly, I am surprised it took so long to put Stone in shackles. He has a huge mouth and got on T.V. and stated he had a backdoor into Wikileaks- I imagine through his side kick Jerome Corsi--Info War's nutcase and was in contact with the Russian hacker known as Gucifer 2.0.
Trump adviser Roger Stone repeatedly claimed to know of forthcoming WikiLeaks dumps - CNNPolitics
Report: Former Trump Advisor Roger Stone Was In Contact with a Russian Hacker During the Election

Talking to Julian Assange is not a crime, you fucking dumbass. He didn't claim to know anything other than what was public information. Even if he did, it's still not a crime. Mueller had no probable cause to justify interrogating Stone, period.
He knew about Podesta before it was public information.
That's certainly debatable. Even if he did, that isn't against the law.
It’s not debatable, ya fucking moron. Mueller has the tweets between Stone and the Russian hacker from before anyone else knew Podesta’s email was hacked. :eusa_doh:
Perhaps he does. Perhaps he doesn't. One thing we know is that you don't have them. Anything you have to say on the subject is based on ignorance.
Reported on MSNBC.
When you have a tried and tested tactic of creating crimes out of interrogations which is an arrest without probable-cause, Mueller feels he can abuse American's civil rights with impunity.
They'll accuse him of lying to the FBI officially, and try to pressure him so he flips and gives them something on Trump.
Hey Spock I have a news flash for you . Stone has vowed to not testify against Agent Orange. Think about that for a minute if you can. That statement is an ADMISSION that he has knowledge of the "presidents" criminal behavior!
According to televised news reporting Stone is charged with witness tampering, giving false statements, and obstruction of justice.

I suspect this will affect Donald's handling of the shutdown. He'll probably use it aa distraction, continue yelling at democrats. The smarter thing would be to end the shutdown, to distract by claiming a victory.
I think the Mueller investigation arrested Stone as a distraction from the shutdown.

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