Breaking News: Sebelius on the Hot Seat at Todays Hearing on Obamacare

There are so many stories of people getting their insurance cancelled and they can't find insurance at an affordable cost for their family. Sad, sad stories. I'm afraid that Obama has created a monster, sorry to say. What are people tt do now?
There are so many stories of people getting their insurance cancelled and they can't find insurance at an affordable cost for their family. Sad, sad stories. I'm afraid that Obama has created a monster, sorry to say. What are people tt do now?

All of this is true, however sitting there and "asking" Sebelius what is the plan for anecdotal stories like this accomplishes nothing today.
All of these stories need to be told, just not during this session. Sebelius is no doubt relieved this morning by these "non questions".
There are so many stories of people getting their insurance cancelled and they can't find insurance at an affordable cost for their family. Sad, sad stories. I'm afraid that Obama has created a monster, sorry to say. What are people tt do now?

Oh those aren't "cancellations," (aaahh, well, yes they are), they're "transitions".

Top Democrat says those aren't 'cancellation notices,' they're 'transitions' into Obamacare |

Don't ya love how leftists like to play around with words thinking they can sneak this kind of bull shit past you?

Well, evidently, it does work for a lot of people. We know now how STUPID so many people are in America... stupid and LAZY... uninformed voters/mouth breathers/people who vote democrap.
Sebelius is the picture of corruption. It's disgusting to see the spin on how insurance hasn't been cancelled because the insured can "transfer" to a better plan.
And the bit about how the system was rigged to give people quotes for coverage designed for much younger people is beyond the pale.
One representative just asked Sebelius, " Have your people purposely mislead us or have the said these things because they are not that smart?"

He talked about the quote of Obama's that said "If you like your insurance you can keep it," when the insurances were clearly not grandfathered in to make that true.

Then, he tried again and again to get the numbers of those who have signed up for Obama care on the phone, through the website and Sebelius gave excuse after excuse why she wouldn't.
Asked if she found out it was 'legal', as she claims it isn't, for her to drop her coverage, would she join the exchange?

Her answer? Anything but a yes.
I do think this is the most hideous abuse of power and biggest demonstration of the horror of the Tyranny of the Majority ever in American history. There have been worse things, such as slaver and Japanese internment, but in the end the system worked to get rid of them. With ObamaCare, the entire government apparatus is set up to put us under the yoke.
what's sickening, is all these idiots have to do is go answer a few questions, say they are sorry and they go on and keep their cushy jobs sucking off the taxpayers

this government has become a frikken joke
One representative just asked Sebelius, " Have your people purposely mislead us or have the said these things because they are not that smart?"

He talked about the quote of Obama's that said "If you like your insurance you can keep it," when the insurances were clearly not grandfathered in to make that true.

Then, he tried again and again to get the numbers of those who have signed up for Obama care on the phone, through the website and Sebelius gave excuse after excuse why she wouldn't.

If the numbers were good, they would have been leaked to the press already.

But in reality, far more people are losing their insurance than are signing up for O-Care (and most of the sign-ups are for Free Medicaid).
Left posters are quite about this...gee...don't understand why? :eusa_shifty:

It's not that left-wingers are quiet, it's that unlike right-wingers, we actually have things to do like working for a living while entitlement-sucking old white right-wingers sit around with their thumbs up their asses complaining about everything while we provide for them.

There's a reason why there are always more righties on internet forums and why FOX Noise will never be beat in the ratings, and it's because old white people on the government dole have nothing better to do than whine online with their tv channel only tuned to FOX.

Kathleen Sebelius apologized for the bugs in the website today.

She actually apologized.

Anyone remember the last time a Republican apologized for anything, EVER?

When Medicare Part D was passed by Bush and the Republicans and the rollout was awful, we didn't point and laugh. When we were asked to help fix it, Democrats helped fix it and then Obama came to power and actually found a way to pay for it.

I love the Republican hypocrisy on this one. They promised for 3 years now that Obamacare would personally come to our homes and rape us up the ass and kill our grandmothers, but now all they bitch about is how slow the website is and that it's taking too much time for their constituents to sign up for it.

STFU already, righties! You don't got a pot to piss in on this one. You waste $24 billion in American productivity to bitch about a buggy $170 million website. Effing hilarious.
"...It's not that left-wingers are quiet, it's that unlike right-wingers, we actually have things to do like working for a living..."


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