Breaking News: Shot fired into Obama Denver campaign headquarters

From what I've heard, it was a black limo and George Bush was seen rolling up the window. :eusa_eh:

how classy

but i guess it's ok to shoot at democrats...

just like it's ok to pretend that voter suppression is a conspiracy theory.
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Well it appears two of our board liberals have learned to wait to claim the Tea Party or Conservatives did it. Wonder how long before that stops.

Tell ya the truth Gunny, wouldn't be surprised to find out this is a black flag op carried out by some media matters, the SEIU or some OWS gimme something for nothing dumbass, lol.
Lacking is just regurgitating it's latest 'thought' (and by 'thought' I mean whatever it was told to think by its masters)
they will always be crazy people from left and right sadly. They are around in every country.

Yep, I've just been reading the intelligent left calling for Romney's assassination on twitter. Sounds like fear to me.
yes but it important not to stereotype either left or right through some crazy idiots calling to either kill romney or obama.

it does the civil discourse no good at all. those idiots do that are just frankly what we in uk would call twits.
Are we suppose to be freaking out over this?

do we have to hear every stupid story about the Dear Leader

man oh man
I suppose next it will labeled as someone was trying to assassinate Obama by shooting at a building that is used for his campaign..just like someone was LYINCHING a CHAIR:lol:
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they will always be crazy people from left and right sadly. They are around in every country.

Yep, I've just been reading the intelligent left calling for Romney's assassination on twitter. Sounds like fear to me.
yes but it important not to stereotype either left or right through some crazy idiots calling to either kill romney or obama.

it does the civil discourse no good at all. those idiots do that are just frankly what we in uk would call twits.

I try not to stereotype people. And, frankly, I have criticized the right for making stupid remarks about Obama's kids, and Michele. Honestly, though, I have yet to see any left winger on USMB do likewise when it's Romney or Ryan's family.

Obama needs to revisit his own words after the AZ shooting. Far too much hysteria going down these days.

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