BREAKING NEWS: Sources say expectation of NO CHARGES against Hillary


TRUMP is saying it now. No charges.

Crooked Hillary strikes again!!!!

View attachment 80174

Lets be honest...What law did she break to be charged?

The Espionage Act. In particular:

(f) Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.

18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information
Happy Fourth of July to all my NaziCon friends.
You mean Independence Day.

Also, Nazis are "National Socialists". Conservatism is practically the opposite of that. Hillary has been advocating socialism since the start of the election, agreeing with Bernie Sanders to a painful degree. Hillary's supporters are the ones who are deserving of the title "Nazi" by the actual definition. We don't call you "NazilLibs", though, because the title would be redundant.
If the Hill-Beast goes unindicted and is elected, than meet your new Supreme Court Justice..........Low-retta Lynch!

This shit is so predictable, only because our Gov't is corrupt, beyond repair!
Explain to me again the Castle Grande, where Hillary billed for the fraudulent work, and then Chelsea's bio daddy Web Hubbell went to the court, said he did the work Hillary billed for, and did two years in the poke as a result...

Is that the type of character you want in the White House, someone who lied, billed for fraud, and then let someone else take the fall??
The choice we are given in this election is so bad it's almost funny. It's like choosing between stomach cancer or lung cancer.
but yet you have people on both sides supporting them,character doesnt matter anymore.....
Strange.....for "breaking" news there is absolutely nothing on CNN's site...although they had an article about the anxiety and worry among the dems over this.

Vince Foster's ghost is hovering about hillary.....she is dead meat. You cannot out run will get you every time.
Explain to me again the Castle Grande, where Hillary billed for the fraudulent work, and then Chelsea's bio daddy Web Hubbell went to the court, said he did the work Hillary billed for, and did two years in the poke as a result...

Is that the type of character you want in the White House, someone who lied, billed for fraud, and then let someone else take the fall??
The choice we are given in this election is so bad it's almost funny. It's like choosing between stomach cancer or lung cancer.

Really? I realize that the rich have fucked over this nation and both work for them, but Hillary at least will maintain infrastructure, science, and education that helps the poor greatly. There's a difference.
the poor get help?.....since when?....
I hope my NaziCon friends don't choke on their burgers and wieners over the weekend.

I thought red-faced drunken alkie wrinkled arse Injun was lying to aggravate whitey? But now, chief craploader may have tripped into some actual truth! Beast may wiggle off hook. Time to riot.
The RWnuts of course will claim some sort of conspiracy if Hillary Clinton is exonerated.

These are the Birther people. It's what they do. They are incapable of thinking otherwise.
her husband meeting with lynch at this time wasnt to bright,it just put more taint on her......but some people dont care about how much character a person has...
Does anybody seriously think there will be any charges from this corrupt communist regime that currently has a stranglehold on our republic?
The Obamas and the Clintons have so much dirt on each other that there never will be punishment for any of them. If something were to slip out then I look for a bunch of weird ass suicides in their circles. Shit just got real.
The RWnuts of course will claim some sort of conspiracy if Hillary Clinton is exonerated.

These are the Birther people. It's what they do. They are incapable of thinking otherwise.
her husband meeting with lynch at this time wasnt to bright,it just put more taint on her......but some people dont care about how much character a person has...
Libs like their candidates to be as crooked and evil as possible. That way when they do something fishy, libs just shrug their shoulders and say, C'est la Vie.
Hugh Hewitt put this up on Twitter.....

1. @RichardGrenell @TheRickWilson: There is also @CNN @TeddyDavisCNN report that "sources" say @HillaryClinton will be cleared in 2 weeks.

She's clear now. This is all a show.

DNC and the Clinton Regime made sure the FBI knew that their lives would be total hell if they indicted.

You're an FBI agent making under 100K a year. Your future and your family's future....rests on whether you indict the most powerful political machine in US history.

I don't blame the agents one bit. Our empire is in a slow collapse. It's every man for himself now.

I wouldn't have indicted her. Imagine a lifelong audit from IRS. The worst assignments possible at work. Constant budget cuts. Never get promoted. Being constantly disciplined for petty mistakes.

Yall don't get it. We are in the dawn of a communist revolution in America. The Clintons are like the Castors in Cuba. Fuck with them and...well....we know how it ends.
The RWnuts of course will claim some sort of conspiracy if Hillary Clinton is exonerated.

These are the Birther people. It's what they do. They are incapable of thinking otherwise.
her husband meeting with lynch at this time wasnt to bright,it just put more taint on her......but some people dont care about how much character a person has...
Libs like their candidates to be as crooked and evil as possible. That way when they do something fishy, libs just shrug their shoulders and say, C'est la Vie.

Speaking of character.........if Hillary gets elected, it will speak volumes as to the character of our nation.
Hugh Hewitt put this up on Twitter.....

1. @RichardGrenell @TheRickWilson: There is also @CNN @TeddyDavisCNN report that "sources" say @HillaryClinton will be cleared in 2 weeks.

She's clear now. This is all a show.

DNC and the Clinton Regime made sure the FBI knew that their lives would be total hell if they indicted.

You're an FBI agent making under 100K a year. Your future and your family's future....rests on whether you indict the most powerful political machine in US history.

I don't blame the agents one bit. Our empire is in a slow collapse. It's every man for himself now.

I wouldn't have indicted her. Imagine a lifelong audit from IRS. The worst assignments possible at work. Constant budget cuts. Never get promoted. Being constantly disciplined for petty mistakes.

Yall don't get it. We are in the dawn of a communist revolution in America. The Clintons are like the Castors in Cuba. Fuck with them and...well....we know how it ends.

The FBI is not the organization anymore that most think it is.
The RWnuts of course will claim some sort of conspiracy if Hillary Clinton is exonerated.

These are the Birther people. It's what they do. They are incapable of thinking otherwise.
her husband meeting with lynch at this time wasnt to bright,it just put more taint on her......but some people dont care about how much character a person has...
Libs like their candidates to be as crooked and evil as possible. That way when they do something fishy, libs just shrug their shoulders and say, C'est la Vie.
sorry Hoss but i feel die hard righties aint much better .....trump dont seem like he is a guy with great character himself...

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