BREAKING NEWS: Sources say expectation of NO CHARGES against Hillary

I'd bet that not a goddamn thing will happen to Hillary. Republicans will have shit on their faces once again!

You think she did nothing wrong? Really?

She did something stupid, but the last two sec state did the same thing. The state department now needs to make it clear that this isn't allowed.

You're not aware she tried to get access to the EU's bailout plan on Greece...and her son in law's failed hedge fund....which involved Greece? Really?
Does anybody seriously think there will be any charges from this corrupt communist regime that currently has a stranglehold on our republic?
Does anybody seriously think there will be any charges from this corrupt communist regime that currently has a stranglehold on our republic?

No and it's sad her supporters crow about it and speaks volumes about them
I laugh at these liberal douchebags who hope to see their criminals elected to the highest offices we have.

The amount of pressure that these dirty liberals are putting on the FBI to make sure this nasty bitch doesn't get put in jail is obvious and completely criminal in and of itself.

If the FBI caves, you can bet that her dirty laundry will still be leaked to the public.

Screw these assholes, it's a fight they think they've got won but their nasty wench not going to make it into the catbird seat.

They better all start packing to head to Canada. Their liberal lies end in November.

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Does anybody seriously think there will be any charges from this corrupt communist regime that currently has a stranglehold on our republic?

The only way there will be charges against hiLIARy is if Obama feels that he will personally benefit from taking down the Clinton Machine. If there are no charges, then it's a safe bet that he is an unindicted co-conspirator in the Clinton Racket.
Guys...let it go.

As I've's our turn in history. Over centuries....prosperous empires have collapsed. It's usually from liberalism and a moral collapse.

It's America's turn. There's simply no way around it.

Good luck on the way down.
The RWnuts of course will claim some sort of conspiracy if Hillary Clinton is exonerated.

These are the Birther people. It's what they do. They are incapable of thinking otherwise.
Guys...let it go.

As I've's our turn in history. Over centuries....prosperous empires have collapsed. It's usually from liberalism and a moral collapse.

It's America's turn. There's simply no way around it.

Good luck on the way down.

I plan to enjoy riding the decline for as long as I can.
Here is where it probably came from, with a caveat. Nothing like having a groupie try to convince everyone that most likely not. The article sounds like a 10th grader wrote it.-

Within the next two weeks or so, the expectation is there will be an announcement of no charges being brought against Clinton so long as no evidence of wrongdoing emerges from her interview with the FBI, sources familiar with the investigation told CNN. CNN has previously reported no charges were expected to be brought against Clinton because the investigators had not found evidence to warrant charges, according to multiple law enforcement officials. A Democrat close to Clinton said Saturday the campaign believes the FBI will announce its decision before the conventions

Hillary Clinton questioned by FBI as part of email probe -
CNN said:
Within the next two weeks or so, the expectation is there will be an announcement of no charges being brought against Clinton so long as no evidence of wrongdoing emerges from her interview with the FBI, sources familiar with the investigation told CNN. CNN has previously reported no charges were expected to be brought against Clinton because the investigators had not found evidence to warrant charges, according to multiple law enforcement officials. A Democrat close to Clinton said Saturday the campaign believes the FBI will announce its decision before the conventions.

Hillary Clinton questioned by FBI as part of email probe -
Let me get this straight. You guys are really pleased that two democrats are bascially letting each other go. This just shows how much the democratic party seems to act like one organization protecting its interest above all else.
Strange.....for "breaking" news there is absolutely nothing on CNN's site...although they had an article about the anxiety and worry among the dems over this.

Well, CNN was just reporting it as BREAKING NEWS. That's all I can tell you...

Of course there will be no charges.

For many reasons.

Most of all there was no crime committed.

And the fact that Colin Powell and condi rice had their own servers too. Funny the republicans didn't have any problem with that fact when it was republicans who did it.

She didn't pass on any confidential email. Her server was not hacked even though we kept hearing that putin and others were going to release her emails they hacked any minute now.

The republicans have spent decades and tens of millions of dollars investigating the Clintons but have never found a crime.

I'm still waiting for the indictments they said were coming any minute back in 1998.

All this is, is a way to smear Hillary because the gop doesn't have a decent candidate or any decent polices or platform.
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Guys...let it go.

As I've's our turn in history. Over centuries....prosperous empires have collapsed. It's usually from liberalism and a moral collapse.

It's America's turn. There's simply no way around it.

Good luck on the way down.
Throughout history........that is precisely how freedom dies in countries.

Good people looking the other way while a corrupt government slowly enslaves them.

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