Breaking News: Supreme Court Has Chosen Not To Hear Any Of The 7 Marriage Equality Cases.

so if someone is infertile they should have a different tax rate than someone who can have a child?

rightwingnuthackworld is funny

Where did that come from?

Do you actually read before insulting

Invitro or adoption are acceptable (see previous posts)

Good lord

So a gay or lesbian couple that uses adoption or invitro (egg and/or sperm donation) get's a lower tax rate for life right?


Arghhhh, been addressed

Yes, if they raised a child they are supplying what is needed for the world to go on.

OK so the lifetime tax deduction is available to heterosexuals and homosexuals.

Is it based in the individual testing positive for fertility. In other words the government makes you go to the doctor have a test and submit the medical results?

Or is it based on performance?

Now for women it's pretty easy to determine performance, but for men - will they need to get a get a DNA test to prove that they qualify because they produced off spring or do we just go with the name on the birth certificate? So a woman can go out and screw around and the infertile Dad gets credit?

Share with us specifically how this brilliant idea is going to work?


Child in home = credit

Child grows to maturity = credit

Simple nuff?

So it's performance based and not fertility based.

You didn't answer the question about the Dad though, do we just assume who the biological father is or is proof required?

So you loose the credit if the child dies before the age of 18?

But at the age of 18 then poof the tax credit is for the rest of your life?

I agree with your point on discrimination..

But I think your nutz to be against the first amendment, as being against the SCOTUS ruling on CU is the same as being against the first amendment.
Oh! I'm not against the first amendment. I just don't think money is speech. Money is property; there's a difference.
Yes, money is property. However, spending your money to publish your speech is to the first amendment.
mmmneehhhh...I think that might be stretching the concept of speech a bit. However, like I said, since that is how the Supreme Court ruled, I am more than happy to play by those rules. At least, unless, or until someone comes along, and changes the rules.
Put another way... do you think the feds should be allowed to restrict news, advertising, web pages, books, pamphlets, or are these protected by free speech. Or still more particularly what part of:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
... are you proposing we throw out.
No. However, all of those require a certain level of transparency. We know who wites new paper article - their name is right there in the byline. We know - or, at least can find out relatively easily, who owns a newspaper - it's a matter of public record. We know who authors, and publishes webpages, books, and pamphlets. I have a problem with "Citizens United" allowing people - on the Right, or the Left - being allowed to dump shitloads of money into campaigns all while hiding what they are doing. I just don't see that kind of manipulation as a function of "free speech".
Wrong. We have campaign finance laws, you can't dump shitloads of money into campaigns all the while hiding what you are doing. CU wasn't about whether or not campaign donations had to be reported, because they do. CU was about stopping corporations from running their own advertisements in support of a position. It was about stopping free speech.
This has been explained continually, Rosh.

No more. You don't get "just once more."

It's over.
You haven't explained a single thing! Acting like you have and wishing it will all go away is a cop out.
Rebut the assertion that forced acquiescence to irrelevant behavior is an infringement on rights and liberty. I dare you.
Is it you assertion that you have the right to discriminate? Is hatred, fear and suspicion a 'liberty' you feel is being eroded? And "forced acquiescence". Are you under the impression that granting the right to avail yourself of the benefits and protections of the marriage contract an act that must be 'forced' upon you? How does heterosexual marriage effect your views of freedom and liberty? How on earth could homosexual marriage effect that outlook if heterosexual marriage does not?

Is it your assertion that hatred and discrimination are somehow linked to freedom?
used the Prop 8 as it is the most pertinent and one most have heard of. If I'm not mistaken the SC heard and ruled on Loving v. Virginia. I'll look it up later, but if so then that isn't similar to the legal issues in this thread re the Federal Courts and the SC not hearing the appeals at all.

I was responding to what you said about "Federal judges unilaterally overturning duly voted on referendums like Prop 8 is a bad precedent for the legal system, and nobody is going to be happy with the consequences of that"

Federal judges (which includes District, Circruit, and Supreme Court Judges) resulted in the Alabama Constitutiona "duly voted on" by the people being overturned.

You may also want to look at Romer v. Evans (1996), another case there the people "duly voted" to amend their State Constitution and the result was ruled unconstitutional.

wonderful news for individual rights
No. It's a ruling against rights and freedom.
The gov mandating by fascist decree that all people must acknowledge and acquiesce to irrelevant kinky sex between non-procreative adults is an infringement upon rights and freedom. Not even a religious thing. Just basic logic. Something that eludes most democrats and lefties.

Not acceptance.

Is it so hard to tolerate someone else? Must we all conform to a narrow template of morality? Who arbitrates this morality? Used to be Queen Victoria, but that was under the aegis of the throne in Great Britain. But in America?

The government is mandating that two consenting adults without a blood relationship may avail themselves of the benefits and protections of the marriage contract.

Why do you have a problem with that? Will same sex marriage ruin your marriage?

You are just a bigot whose world is shrinking. Tough.

Looks like my post went over your head, too. Tolerance means not interfering. Forced acquiescence is interference. Homos want to force their irrelevant behavior onto others. That is the opposite of tolerance.
I cannot see any correlation between marriage equality and anyone force(ing) their irrelevant behavior onto others. Do heterosexual married couples 'force' their lives upon yours?
When they create children they have. On those children by their mere existence and others in the sense that new people exist to affect society. Homos cannot create children therefore no need to involve the government or others.
Is procreation a requirement for a marriage license? Should my widowed mother be permitted to apply for a marriage license at age 81?
This has been explained continually, Rosh.

No more. You don't get "just once more."

It's over.
You haven't explained a single thing! Acting like you have and wishing it will all go away is a cop out.
Rebut the assertion that forced acquiescence to irrelevant behavior is an infringement on rights and liberty. I dare you.
Is it you assertion that you have the right to discriminate? Is hatred, fear and suspicion a 'liberty' you feel is being eroded? And "forced acquiescence". Are you under the impression that granting the right to avail yourself of the benefits and protections of the marriage contract an act that must be 'forced' upon you? How does heterosexual marriage effect your views of freedom and liberty? How on earth could homosexual marriage effect that outlook if heterosexual marriage does not?

Is it your assertion that hatred and discrimination are somehow linked to freedom?
That has nothing to do with anything I posted. Re-read and try again.
No. It's a ruling against rights and freedom.
The gov mandating by fascist decree that all people must acknowledge and acquiesce to irrelevant kinky sex between non-procreative adults is an infringement upon rights and freedom. Not even a religious thing. Just basic logic. Something that eludes most democrats and lefties.

Not acceptance.

Is it so hard to tolerate someone else? Must we all conform to a narrow template of morality? Who arbitrates this morality? Used to be Queen Victoria, but that was under the aegis of the throne in Great Britain. But in America?

The government is mandating that two consenting adults without a blood relationship may avail themselves of the benefits and protections of the marriage contract.

Why do you have a problem with that? Will same sex marriage ruin your marriage?

You are just a bigot whose world is shrinking. Tough.

Looks like my post went over your head, too. Tolerance means not interfering. Forced acquiescence is interference. Homos want to force their irrelevant behavior onto others. That is the opposite of tolerance.
I cannot see any correlation between marriage equality and anyone force(ing) their irrelevant behavior onto others. Do heterosexual married couples 'force' their lives upon yours?
When they create children they have. On those children by their mere existence and others in the sense that new people exist to affect society. Homos cannot create children therefore no need to involve the government or others.
Is procreation a requirement for a marriage license? Should my widowed mother be permitted to apply for a marriage license at age 81?
Procreation is not a requirement but its possibility was likely the presumed reason for marriage's creation. I expect those who created marriage with procreation in mind assumed things wouldn't get as weird as they have. Like airliners not expecting people to blow themselves up, too, in the process of potentially taking down a plane.
Marriage falls under the purview of the State.

10th Amendment. Simple.
Not when a state violates the Constitution


Windsor could have been decided on this very violation of the Constitution.

But it wasn't.

It was affirmed that marriage falls under the purview of the State and in States where they have declared it legal, the Federal government, DOMA, couldn't discriminate.
This has been explained continually, Rosh.

No more. You don't get "just once more."

It's over.
You haven't explained a single thing! Acting like you have and wishing it will all go away is a cop out.
Rebut the assertion that forced acquiescence to irrelevant behavior is an infringement on rights and liberty. I dare you.
Is it you assertion that you have the right to discriminate? Is hatred, fear and suspicion a 'liberty' you feel is being eroded? And "forced acquiescence". Are you under the impression that granting the right to avail yourself of the benefits and protections of the marriage contract an act that must be 'forced' upon you? How does heterosexual marriage effect your views of freedom and liberty? How on earth could homosexual marriage effect that outlook if heterosexual marriage does not?

Is it your assertion that hatred and discrimination are somehow linked to freedom?
That has nothing to do with anything I posted. Re-read and try again.
I am asking about your concept of 'forced acquiescence'. Please clarify.
wonderful news for individual rights
The right loves the government controlling them. Liking saying who they can marry. They just love big government.


Progressives love making people live they way the progressives want them to live, or else face government sanction or shaming.
Wrong, again. progressives promote policies that don't "make' people live in any way. Rather they promote policies - like marriage equality, and Pro-Choice - that allows everyone to live as they personally see fit. You see, there is nothing in the support of marriage equality that says you have to marry someone of the same sex - only that you don't get to tell anyone else that they can't. There is noting in Pro-Choice that says you must get an abortion - only that you don't get to tell anyone else that they can't.

Progressive policies allow you to believe anything you want, and to act in accordance with those believes. The only thing Progressive policies won't allow you to do is to force other people to do the same, whether they agree with you, or not.

omg, i'm going to barf. as if we couldn't DO any of that already.
one thing homosexual marraige they can't SHOVE on us so they expect the supreme court to do it for them. the brainwashing is complete on you. and you don't care how foolish you look
Let us know when you are shoved into a homosexual marriage.
Oh! And martybegan, I'm still waiting for you to tell me what marriage equality is making you do now that you didn't have to do before.

It's not what it does not me, its what it does to the Republic when it is enforced by judicial fiat and not through the actions of State Legislatures changing the laws that establish the marriage contract.
Except that isn't what happened. It was you guys who all went rushing to your state legislatures to change the marriage laws to include a restriction - "one man, one woman" - that was never there before, because you didn't like those icky icky fags marrying each other. All the courts have done is said, "Nope. You don't get to change the law just because you don't like who happens to be taking advantage of it,"

Also, "The Republic" isn't a person. Your claim was that we force people to behave according to our beliefs. That means that we are actually forcing people to behave differently than they were before. So, either give us an example of how "we" are doing that, or feel free to find a different argument - preferably one that isn't quite so retarded.

The restriction was always implied, it had to be codified because of you assholes. You then went to courts and got them to create a "right" out of thin air, and violated the prerogatives of the state legislatures.

When government forces you to "bake or go out of business" you are forcing your beliefs on others. That is the only example one needs.

and blacks used to be 3/5 of a person and women didn't have the vote... and jim crow was legal...


You keep wrongly equating government discrimination with private discrimination.
meanwhile, you wrongly equate your bigotry with freedom of speech
Where did that come from?

Do you actually read before insulting

Invitro or adoption are acceptable (see previous posts)

Good lord

So a gay or lesbian couple that uses adoption or invitro (egg and/or sperm donation) get's a lower tax rate for life right?


Arghhhh, been addressed

Yes, if they raised a child they are supplying what is needed for the world to go on.

OK so the lifetime tax deduction is available to heterosexuals and homosexuals.

Is it based in the individual testing positive for fertility. In other words the government makes you go to the doctor have a test and submit the medical results?

Or is it based on performance?

Now for women it's pretty easy to determine performance, but for men - will they need to get a get a DNA test to prove that they qualify because they produced off spring or do we just go with the name on the birth certificate? So a woman can go out and screw around and the infertile Dad gets credit?

Share with us specifically how this brilliant idea is going to work?


Child in home = credit

Child grows to maturity = credit

Simple nuff?

So it's performance based and not fertility based.

You didn't answer the question about the Dad though, do we just assume who the biological father is or is proof required?

So you loose the credit if the child dies before the age of 18?

But at the age of 18 then poof the tax credit is for the rest of your life?


Id let congress handle the details ( I'm far to busy trying to figure out who the hells gonna make the NCAA playoffs), but in my opinion. The household gets the deduction.

In cases of adoption or invitro, and the household breaks apart, the deduction is applied 50/50 to the parents that were within the household when the child is brought home.
This has been explained continually, Rosh.

No more. You don't get "just once more."

It's over.
You haven't explained a single thing! Acting like you have and wishing it will all go away is a cop out.
Rebut the assertion that forced acquiescence to irrelevant behavior is an infringement on rights and liberty. I dare you.
Is it you assertion that you have the right to discriminate? Is hatred, fear and suspicion a 'liberty' you feel is being eroded? And "forced acquiescence". Are you under the impression that granting the right to avail yourself of the benefits and protections of the marriage contract an act that must be 'forced' upon you? How does heterosexual marriage effect your views of freedom and liberty? How on earth could homosexual marriage effect that outlook if heterosexual marriage does not?

Is it your assertion that hatred and discrimination are somehow linked to freedom?
That has nothing to do with anything I posted. Re-read and try again.
I am asking about your concept of 'forced acquiescence'. Please clarify.
When the government mandates tax breaks and subsidies and equal footing for adoption that is forced acquiescence. Tolerance is accepting homos for who they are and not interfering their own personal choices. That is all fine. But forcing others to grant privileges to homos in the name of their personal choices is forced acquiescence. It is fascism.
Oh! And martybegan, I'm still waiting for you to tell me what marriage equality is making you do now that you didn't have to do before.

It's not what it does not me, its what it does to the Republic when it is enforced by judicial fiat and not through the actions of State Legislatures changing the laws that establish the marriage contract.
Except that isn't what happened. It was you guys who all went rushing to your state legislatures to change the marriage laws to include a restriction - "one man, one woman" - that was never there before, because you didn't like those icky icky fags marrying each other. All the courts have done is said, "Nope. You don't get to change the law just because you don't like who happens to be taking advantage of it,"

Also, "The Republic" isn't a person. Your claim was that we force people to behave according to our beliefs. That means that we are actually forcing people to behave differently than they were before. So, either give us an example of how "we" are doing that, or feel free to find a different argument - preferably one that isn't quite so retarded.

The restriction was always implied, it had to be codified because of you assholes. You then went to courts and got them to create a "right" out of thin air, and violated the prerogatives of the state legislatures.

When government forces you to "bake or go out of business" you are forcing your beliefs on others. That is the only example one needs.

and blacks used to be 3/5 of a person
They still are!
go to any black neighborhood and say that out loud.
piece of neo nazi shit.
Should my widowed mother be permitted to apply for a marriage license at age 81?
What does that mean?
If procreation is seen as a requirement for a marriage license, why does that standard get ignored when the elderly wed?
The possibility for adoption into a mother/father circumstance, though unlikely, still exists. Homos can't provide that necessary circumstance. One of the two necessary genders would be missing and empirical data demonstrates that is bad for children and ultimately bad for the society.
This has been explained continually, Rosh.

No more. You don't get "just once more."

It's over.
You haven't explained a single thing! Acting like you have and wishing it will all go away is a cop out.
Rebut the assertion that forced acquiescence to irrelevant behavior is an infringement on rights and liberty. I dare you.
Is it you assertion that you have the right to discriminate? Is hatred, fear and suspicion a 'liberty' you feel is being eroded? And "forced acquiescence". Are you under the impression that granting the right to avail yourself of the benefits and protections of the marriage contract an act that must be 'forced' upon you? How does heterosexual marriage effect your views of freedom and liberty? How on earth could homosexual marriage effect that outlook if heterosexual marriage does not?

Is it your assertion that hatred and discrimination are somehow linked to freedom?
That has nothing to do with anything I posted. Re-read and try again.
I am asking about your concept of 'forced acquiescence'. Please clarify.
When the government mandates tax breaks and subsidies and equal footing for adoption that is forced acquiescence. Tolerance is accepting homos for who they are and not interfering their own personal choices. That is all fine. But forcing others to grant privileges to homos in the name of their personal choices is forced acquiescence. It is fascism.
No, it's equality. Tax breaks are granted to parents, married couples, the uber wealthy and corporations leaving the country. Now, which of these groups forced acquiescence upon you? The marriage license is simply that. A marriage license. It's not a heterosexual license, nor is it a homosexual license. The rights, privileges and protections provided apply to each and every license.

Discriminating because of NO SOUND REASON WHATEVER is, indeed Fascism.
This has been explained continually, Rosh.

No more. You don't get "just once more."

It's over.
You haven't explained a single thing! Acting like you have and wishing it will all go away is a cop out.
Rebut the assertion that forced acquiescence to irrelevant behavior is an infringement on rights and liberty. I dare you.
Is it you assertion that you have the right to discriminate? Is hatred, fear and suspicion a 'liberty' you feel is being eroded? And "forced acquiescence". Are you under the impression that granting the right to avail yourself of the benefits and protections of the marriage contract an act that must be 'forced' upon you? How does heterosexual marriage effect your views of freedom and liberty? How on earth could homosexual marriage effect that outlook if heterosexual marriage does not?

Is it your assertion that hatred and discrimination are somehow linked to freedom?
That has nothing to do with anything I posted. Re-read and try again.
I am asking about your concept of 'forced acquiescence'. Please clarify.
When the government mandates tax breaks and subsidies and equal footing for adoption that is forced acquiescence. Tolerance is accepting homos for who they are and not interfering their own personal choices. That is all fine. But forcing others to grant privileges to homos in the name of their personal choices is forced acquiescence. It is fascism.
that would be true if that's what was happening ...but it's not ...
wonderful news for individual rights
No. It's a ruling against rights and freedom.
The gov mandating by fascist decree that all people must acknowledge and acquiesce to irrelevant kinky sex between non-procreative adults is an infringement upon rights and freedom. Not even a religious thing. Just basic logic. Something that eludes most democrats and lefties.
Keep that in mind if you serve on a jury in a crime where the victim is gay. Keep that in mind when the perversion that this nation has become wants your patriotism.
Are you really this sick?
obviously yes!

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