Breaking News: Supreme Court Has Chosen Not To Hear Any Of The 7 Marriage Equality Cases.

It should also be noted that the Court said it will not hear any of the cases during this session. As I understand it, this still leaves them the option to pick any of the cases up at a later time...

Regarding: "As I understand it, this still leaves them the option to pick any of the cases up at a later time..."

That is incorrect. Once cert is denied, that is the end of the case. There is no "case to pick up later".

Now a different case under different conditions could be "picked-up" under different legal considerations, but these cases are dead.

As an example of what would be "different legal conditions", the current requests were from the 10th, 7th, and 4th Circuit Courts. The 6th Circuit Court has heard arguments but has not issued an opinion. **IF** they were to uphold a ban and that ruling was appealed you would then have a split in the Circuit Courts, the losing side of the 6th Circuits case could appeal to the SCOTUS and you would then have a "split" in the Circuit Courts the SCOTUS would have to address.



Someone needs a lesson on STATES RIGHTS

It was accepted long ago that the Supreme Court made a very bad decision when it legalized abortion with the decision in Roe v. Wade. That decision is what set every subsequent battle over abortion rights. That's why they refused to hear these cases and left it to the states. If they had left abortion as a decision to be made by the states none of that would have happened. These justices weren't about to repeat that mistake which would drag every same sex marriage challenge to the federal level just like abortion has been dragged to the federal level.

the only thing bad about the decision was the WAY it was written.

the only ones who think the ruling was wrong were religious zealots

again, federally protected rights don't get to be undercut by wackos in the states or you loons would still have jim crow laws.
Someone needs a lesson on STATES RIGHTS

states don't get to violate the federal constitution

you're welcome steffie baby.
and you call yourself an attorney. just awful

I only call myself what I am.... your bigotry notwithstanding. but no doubt you and your fellow freaks of nature can amuse yourselves by making yourself feel like you aren't the ignorant, bigoted twits that you are.

You should be banned from this thread. You've done nothing but dump on everyone.
I'm done with you and your catty bullshit
wonderful news for individual rights
The right loves the government controlling them. Liking saying who they can marry. They just love big government.


Progressives love making people live they way the progressives want them to live, or else face government sanction or shaming.
Wrong, again. progressives promote policies that don't "make' people live in any way. Rather they promote policies - like marriage equality, and Pro-Choice - that allows everyone to live as they personally see fit. You see, there is nothing in the support of marriage equality that says you have to marry someone of the same sex - only that you don't get to tell anyone else that they can't. There is noting in Pro-Choice that says you must get an abortion - only that you don't get to tell anyone else that they can't.

Progressive policies allow you to believe anything you want, and to act in accordance with those believes. The only thing Progressive policies won't allow you to do is to force other people to do the same, whether they agree with you, or not.

omg, i'm going to barf. as if we couldn't DO any of that already.
one thing homosexual marraige they can't SHOVE on us so they expect the supreme court to do it for them. the brainwashing is complete on you. and you don't care how foolish you look


bigoted twit at her finest
Someone needs a lesson on STATES RIGHTS

states don't get to violate the federal constitution

you're welcome steffie baby.
and you call yourself an attorney. just awful

I only call myself what I am.... your bigotry notwithstanding. but no doubt you and your fellow freaks of nature can amuse yourselves by making yourself feel like you aren't the ignorant, bigoted twits that you are.

You should be banned from this thread. You've done nothing but dump on everyone.
I'm done with you and your catty bullshit

so responding to insults from people like you is "dumping"

now run along and stop projecting. because no, I don't have to tolerate abuse from loons with single digit IQ's.
The Supreme court just decided it will not hear the Same Sex Marriage cases from IN, OK, UT, VA, or WI. So that means two things.

First, since, in all of those cases, the lower court ruling was to strike down the state ban on Same Sex Marriage, that now means that Marriage Equality is now the "Law of the Land" in those 7 states.

Second, and more importantly, all of those states had a stay on their rulings until the Supreme Court acted. Well, guess what? It just did. So, the stays in all of those states are about to run out.

Bad news for the religious fanatics.

Supreme Court declines to hear gay marriages case in surprise move

So what's that mean? They want each state to decide it for themselves rather than pass a blanket national ruling?
Yep, they love activist Judges in their black robes until it comes to hobby lobby or something

this means nothing. You can't force a STATE to do anything even though you all love to stomp on the voters who lives in them and votes down homosexual marriage. scratch a liberal find a fascist
Let me be the first to offer you congratulations, Stephanie.
So, with this ruling it looks like 30 states will allow gay marriage

How long before Republicans drop their "one man, one woman" stance?

How much longer until Progressives start going after churches and such to force "tolerance" onto everyone?
That would be never. Gotta love the "slippery slope" arguments of the fanatics. We don't give a shit about churches, or what the congregation of those churches do among themselves. We only care, such as in the extreme case of Westboro Baptist, what those churches do to other people, in public.

How is defending another person's right of association and right to make a livelihood within their moral code being a "fanatic"?
When President Putin takes over he will put an end to this nonsense anyway.
The Supreme court just decided it will not hear the Same Sex Marriage cases from IN, OK, UT, VA, or WI. So that means two things.

First, since, in all of those cases, the lower court ruling was to strike down the state ban on Same Sex Marriage, that now means that Marriage Equality is now the "Law of the Land" in those 7 states.

Second, and more importantly, all of those states had a stay on their rulings until the Supreme Court acted. Well, guess what? It just did. So, the stays in all of those states are about to run out.

Bad news for the religious fanatics.

Supreme Court declines to hear gay marriages case in surprise move

So what's that mean? They want each state to decide it for themselves rather than pass a blanket national ruling?
More accurately, it means that the SCOTUS feels the lower federal courts made the correct rulings in these cases, and they saw no reason to revisit the cases. Now, the right-wing fanatics who wanted the SCOTUS to hear the case in the hopes that it would find in their favor and legitimize their Anti-Gay agenda will insist that this means nothing more than the SCOUS "punted" this back to the "states" like cowards. The only problem with that interpretation is that these rulings weren't state rulings. They were federal circuit rulings. This is why the ruling will actually extend beyond the state borders of the specific cases, and will affect the 11 other states in the circuits of these lower federal courts, and will effectively strike down their bans as well.
The Republican Party Convention in 2016 has a problem. Do they cling to endorsing a gay marriage ban that most of the nation opposes, just to appease their crazy base?
The Republican Party Convention in 2016 has a problem. Do they cling to endorsing a gay marriage ban that most of the nation opposes, just to appease their crazy base?

That depends, do they want to have a party after the 2016 election? If so they need to appease that base.
Someone needs a lesson on STATES RIGHTS

states don't get to violate the federal constitution

you're welcome steffie baby.
and you call yourself an attorney. just awful

I only call myself what I am.... your bigotry notwithstanding. but no doubt you and your fellow freaks of nature can amuse yourselves by making yourself feel like you aren't the ignorant, bigoted twits that you are.

You should be banned from this thread. You've done nothing but dump on everyone.
I'm done with you and your catty bullshit

so responding to insults from people like you is "dumping"

now run along and stop projecting. because no, I don't have to tolerate abuse from loons with single digit IQ's.

poor staph and the social con authoritarians...

Their world just gay-sploded

So, with this ruling it looks like 30 states will allow gay marriage

How long before Republicans drop their "one man, one woman" stance?

How much longer until Progressives start going after churches and such to force "tolerance" onto everyone?
That would be never. Gotta love the "slippery slope" arguments of the fanatics. We don't give a shit about churches, or what the congregation of those churches do among themselves. We only care, such as in the extreme case of Westboro Baptist, what those churches do to other people, in public.

How is defending another person's right of association and right to make a livelihood within their moral code being a "fanatic"?
you have no clue what the "right of association" is, do you? Lemme help you out with that. The right of association has not one single precedent that suggest that it allows for businesses to refuse service based on race, creed, or sexual preference. Quite the opposite, in fact:

NAACP v. Claiborne Hardware Co., 458 U.S. 886, 907-15 (1982) (concerted activities of group protesting racial bias); Healy v. James, 408 U.S. 169 (1972) (denial of official recognition to student organization by public college without justification abridged right of association). The right does not, however, protect the decision of entities not truly private to exclude minorities.
In other words, entities which are public, such as businesses, do not share the same protections from nondiscrimation laws that entities that are private, such as clubs, do. So, you are, in fact, defending a businesses "right" to behave contrary to constitutionally based law. The very definition of a fanatic is to encourage ignoring the law for some rigid set of personal beliefs.
"If the Courts won't correct the issue then maybe it's time to appeal to a Higher Court and see what Justices Colt, Winchester, Smith, Wesson, Remington, etc..... have to say on the matter"
Anathema said:
We have not yet begun to FIGHT. Let's see how many churches, Justices of the Peace, Town Clerks, etc.... are willing to be involved in thus when they start turning up like abortion doctors..... dead.
That sounds like a serious threat to do harm to innocent people.
The Supreme court just decided it will not hear the Same Sex Marriage cases from IN, OK, UT, VA, or WI. So that means two things.

First, since, in all of those cases, the lower court ruling was to strike down the state ban on Same Sex Marriage, that now means that Marriage Equality is now the "Law of the Land" in those 7 states.

Second, and more importantly, all of those states had a stay on their rulings until the Supreme Court acted. Well, guess what? It just did. So, the stays in all of those states are about to run out.

Bad news for the religious fanatics.

Supreme Court declines to hear gay marriages case in surprise move
Why do you have to be an ass hole about it. Not all religious fanatics hate gays. I'm christian and I applaud gays having the liberty to get married. So stuff that in your hat and eat it.
Once a nation starts on the road to depravity it doesn't stop until it reaches the very bottom.
The Supreme court just decided it will not hear the Same Sex Marriage cases from IN, OK, UT, VA, or WI. So that means two things.

First, since, in all of those cases, the lower court ruling was to strike down the state ban on Same Sex Marriage, that now means that Marriage Equality is now the "Law of the Land" in those 7 states.

Second, and more importantly, all of those states had a stay on their rulings until the Supreme Court acted. Well, guess what? It just did. So, the stays in all of those states are about to run out.

Bad news for the religious fanatics.

Supreme Court declines to hear gay marriages case in surprise move

So what's that mean? They want each state to decide it for themselves rather than pass a blanket national ruling?
How could they pass a "blanket" national ruling? The court does not write legislature. If the legislature wants a blanket national law, they should amend the civil rights act to include sexual orientation.

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