Breaking News: Team Breitbart Discovers Obama Accepted Money From Bain Executives

Its standard practice for industry and commerce to hedge their bets between candidates and party's, they do it all the time. The two generally give substantially more to the republicans...but they still throw some good will $$ to the other side, just in case. What's interesting here, and what nobody seems to want to address, is that Bain is Captain underpants' baby, he owned it, nurtured it, loved it, and killed perfectly salvageable enterprises to feed it. Having members of that organization split their ticket in any small way, well, that's worse than a candidate not even carrying their own state.

And that's just funny shit right there.

Damn - sounds like what Obama's been doing to America the last 3.5 years.....:clap2:
No candidate knows the name and history of all their contributors. If I send a fat check to a candidate, he/she has no way of knowing everything about me.

You rw's are really scraping the bottom of the barrel on this one. Better luck next time.

So, you don't care where a candidate gets their money?

Oh, thank you for stepping in it!!!


This is just last night (early this morning)
Senate Dems Plan 'Midnight Vigil' For Campaign Finance Bill

Democrats are preparing to put on a two day campaign finance floor show in the Senate, scheduling a handful of votes and a “midnight vigil” for increased disclosure of who, exactly, is donating to the outside groups underwriting both Barack Obama's and — to a larger degree — Mitt Romney's campaigns for president.

The bill has virtually no chance of passage – a fact of which its sponsors are keenly aware. But Democrats hope to use the legislation to point a finger at Republicans on the new flood of cash.

Led by Sens. Sheldon Whitehouse and Chuck Schumer, Democrats this evening will force a the first of two votes on the Disclose Act, legislation designed to force Super PACs to disclose large dollar donors.

Once that vote fails, Democrats will then hold court on the Senate floor well into the night as part of their planned “Midnight Vigil” for the legislation.

“Democrats have pledged to hold onto the Senate floor late into the night tonight in an effort to bring greater attention to the issue and force a second vote on the bill tomorrow,” Whitehouse’s office said in a statement announcing the vigil.

Then, on Tuesday, Democrats will again force a second vote on the bill that is also expected to be filibustered by Republicans.

Since the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision undid most of the nation’s campaign finance controls on corporate donations, Schumer has repeatedly pushed his colleagues to use the bill to paint Republicans as shills of corporate interests.

And on Monday, Democrats were doing exactly that.

Schumer called the lack of transparency “one of the most serious threats to the future of our democracy.”

“Disclosure would at least provide information about who is behind these ads and bring accountability that bolsters democracy in our elections. Unfortunately, a minority of senators are poised to block progress on the DISCLOSE Act and prevent necessary transparency in our election system,” Colorado Democrat Michael Bennett said in a statement.

Majority Leader Harry Reid directly into Republicans – and Mitt Romney – suggesting that “perhaps Republicans want to shield the handful of billionaires willing to contribute nine figures to sway a close presidential election”

Stepping in nothing. You obviously did not understand why I asked that question. Perhaps if you re-read the posts involved, you're pea-sized brain might just be able to figure it out. Then again, maybe I am giving you too much credit.
I love Breitbart scoops. We usually find out the next day it was all lies and distorted bullshit.

Get Pimp O'Keefe on the case...

All of us NON-bedwetting, NON-thumb-sucking, NON-finger-pointing people LOVE to watch MSNBC and all of the leftist Obama lapdogs they parade out every day. Then, when we get bored with the brain-dead idiots on MSNBC, we go to the Huffington Post for some more guffaws.
Its standard practice for industry and commerce to hedge their bets between candidates and party's, they do it all the time. The two generally give substantially more to the republicans...but they still throw some good will $$ to the other side, just in case. What's interesting here, and what nobody seems to want to address, is that Bain is Captain underpants' baby, he owned it, nurtured it, loved it, and killed perfectly salvageable enterprises to feed it. Having members of that organization split their ticket in any small way, well, that's worse than a candidate not even carrying their own state.

And that's just funny shit right there.

Damn - sounds like what Obama's been doing to America the last 3.5 years.....:clap2:

That is what you consider a rejoinder? :splat::wtf:

Meanwhile, and honestly I'm trying to help here; take a critical look at your avatar, your screen name, and the bit of text that follows directly beneath it. You might want to rethink the placement.

location, location, location
Sure..source Anderson Cooper.

Not a right wing hack site.
Did you watch the interview?
Why would a 'right wing' station employ a gay man? Doesn't that just go against everything ' the right wing' stands for?


Mainly because right wing hack sites provide videos that stop when they get what they want.

And it's generally out of context.
That along with the blurb which was nothing but insults really let me know I should not waste my time with it.

Oh, you mean like MSNBC, right?

► 2:01► 2:01

[ame=]Greg Gutfeld of Fox News Calls Out MSNBC on Their 'Strategic Editing'. - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Trayvon Tragedy: Did NBC Edit the Zimmerman 911 Tape to Serve a Political Agenda? - YouTube[/ame]
Me too.

And that he keeps contrasting that against Congressional obstruction along with Romney's plan to give tax breaks to outsourcers.

according to Carville, that isn't working.
And Carville is soooo relevant these days!

He lost all his credibility when his wife went to work for Cheney. Guilt by association? Yes.

Is it your assertion that a wife needs to be controlled by her husband?

How very 'Shariah' of you...
Not once, not a single time has a con$ attempted to explain how accepting money from Bain (especially when it is of Bain's OWN VOLITION TO GIVE SAID MONEY AWAY), and running Bain are the same thing.
Talk about hypocrisy at its finest. Breitbart vetting Obama discovered that Obama recieved tons of money from Bain executives. These were the same execs that supposedly outsourced all kinds of jobs. This is not being covered in the press either proving they are still in the tank for Obama.

This is Fred Garvin-Male Prostitute

More hypocrisy: Report shows Obama took donations from Bain executives - National Elections |

Some or all of his partners were democrats, I read. But that didn't stop one of them from coming out on msnbc to tell that Romney was at the Olympics from 1999-2002, and had nothing to do with Bain.
Not once, not a single time has a con$ attempted to explain how accepting money from Bain (especially when it is of Bain's OWN VOLITION TO GIVE SAID MONEY AWAY), and running Bain are the same thing.

Wasn't it you Libturds that were going ballistic when you found out that Don Black donated $500 to Ron Paul??

Why yes, I believe it was...

Hypocrite much??
I love it when a plan backfires.:clap2: Way to go, Obama, show us what you are REALLY made of.
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The Story has been all over the Major Networks as well. For several Days now they have been reporting that Big Wigs at Bain now, who are Obama Bundlers are saying his Attacks on Romney over Bain are False.

Yet still you dismiss the story because of the source.


Yup, some of this stuff is just. . . .just. . . .words can't express it. But if you don't like Breitbart just google Obama and Bain Capital contributions and you get all sorts of sources. Of course the MSM is not covering it at least any more seriously than Page 10 below the fold, and I'm sure they are scrambling to find some way to spin this in Obama's favor. But it sure illustrates the rampant hypocrisy that politicians will stoop to in order to get elected when that is their goal and not what is good for any of the rest of us.

President Obama has accepted $92,270 in his last two campaigns from employees of Bain Capital, the private equity firm formerly led by Mitt Romney, which he has villainized for profiting on failed companies that laid off workers.

Romney has taken $229,650, more than any other politician. But together, Democratic candidates and committees have received more than $1.3 million from Bain Capital workers since the 2008 election cycle - double the amount collected by Republicans.
Obama campaign got donations from Bain employees -
Not once, not a single time has a con$ attempted to explain how accepting money from Bain (especially when it is of Bain's OWN VOLITION TO GIVE SAID MONEY AWAY), and running Bain are the same thing.

Wasn't it you Libturds that were going ballistic when you found out that Don Black donated $500 to Ron Paul??

Why yes, I believe it was...

Hypocrite much??

How about you get a dictionary and actually find out what hypocrite means.

IMO, it's pretty damn dumb to say donations from a group that advocates human genocide and donations from a company are the same. As usual ya didn't answer my question.'

Btw, what you're saying is news to me. I stopped listening to everything Paul when he accused Santorum of being a "liberal" in Ohio.
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"But but, it's not the same thing!" Obamabots are flailing now. Pretty funny stuff. Their Dear Leader enthusiastically accepted and spent that 'evil' Bain Cash. I can see why that must be causing major Bot crashing. I almost feel sorry for em...Almost.
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Not once, not a single time has a con$ attempted to explain how accepting money from Bain (especially when it is of Bain's OWN VOLITION TO GIVE SAID MONEY AWAY), and running Bain are the same thing.

It's not the same thing. The partner of Bain explained that Romney was paid for the franchise value that he hel[ped to build in the company while he was away. It was negotiated by his attorneys and the company.
Not once, not a single time has a con$ attempted to explain how accepting money from Bain (especially when it is of Bain's OWN VOLITION TO GIVE SAID MONEY AWAY), and running Bain are the same thing.

Wasn't it you Libturds that were going ballistic when you found out that Don Black donated $500 to Ron Paul??

Why yes, I believe it was...

Hypocrite much??

How about you get a dictionary and actually find out what hypocrite means.

IMO, it's pretty damn dumb to say donations from a group that advocates human genocide and donations from a company are the same. As usual ya didn't answer my question.'

Btw, what you're saying is news to me. I stopped listening to everything Paul when he accused Santorum of being a "liberal" in Ohio.

Wait a minute... Isn't it you Libturds that have equated the 'evil' Bain outsourcing with the economic genocide of the American worker? Haven't you been screaming about the MURDER of American jobs and wages?

And now you're claiming there is no moral equivalency?

I don't need a dictionary as long as I've got you, baby... :D
"But but, it's not the same thing!" Obamabots are flailing now. Pretty funny stuff. Their Dear Leader enthusiastically accepted and spent that 'evil' Bain Cash. I can why that must be causing major Bot crashing. I almost feel sorry for em...Almost.

Oookay. You're right, it is the same. Hitler was to the Nazis as Romney is to Bain. So naturally, accepting money from an orgranization whos primary goal/ideal is to make profits is EXACTLY the same as accepting money from an organization whos primary goal/ideal is that the existence of certain humans is unacceptable, and therefore they must be wiped from the face of human history.

lovely logic
Oh, thank you for stepping in it!!!


This is just last night (early this morning)
Senate Dems Plan 'Midnight Vigil' For Campaign Finance Bill

Democrats are preparing to put on a two day campaign finance floor show in the Senate, scheduling a handful of votes and a “midnight vigil” for increased disclosure of who, exactly, is donating to the outside groups underwriting both Barack Obama's and — to a larger degree — Mitt Romney's campaigns for president.

The bill has virtually no chance of passage – a fact of which its sponsors are keenly aware. But Democrats hope to use the legislation to point a finger at Republicans on the new flood of cash.

Led by Sens. Sheldon Whitehouse and Chuck Schumer, Democrats this evening will force a the first of two votes on the Disclose Act, legislation designed to force Super PACs to disclose large dollar donors.

Once that vote fails, Democrats will then hold court on the Senate floor well into the night as part of their planned “Midnight Vigil” for the legislation.

“Democrats have pledged to hold onto the Senate floor late into the night tonight in an effort to bring greater attention to the issue and force a second vote on the bill tomorrow,” Whitehouse’s office said in a statement announcing the vigil.

Then, on Tuesday, Democrats will again force a second vote on the bill that is also expected to be filibustered by Republicans.

Since the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision undid most of the nation’s campaign finance controls on corporate donations, Schumer has repeatedly pushed his colleagues to use the bill to paint Republicans as shills of corporate interests.

And on Monday, Democrats were doing exactly that.

Schumer called the lack of transparency “one of the most serious threats to the future of our democracy.”

“Disclosure would at least provide information about who is behind these ads and bring accountability that bolsters democracy in our elections. Unfortunately, a minority of senators are poised to block progress on the DISCLOSE Act and prevent necessary transparency in our election system,” Colorado Democrat Michael Bennett said in a statement.

Majority Leader Harry Reid directly into Republicans – and Mitt Romney – suggesting that “perhaps Republicans want to shield the handful of billionaires willing to contribute nine figures to sway a close presidential election”

Where did that little sniveling bitch Conservative run off to, instead of answering this post?

Oh my, looks like you're teetering on the edge today. You aren't going to hurt yourself, are you?
:lol: Sometimes you have to be rude to get the intellectual cowards to respond.

But you will always respond, won't you?
This is Nothing, been all over the news that some of the Big wigs in Bain not only are Obama Bundlers, but they also have said Obama's Attacks on Romney over Bain are Untrue, and Unfair.

That's complete and utter bullshit. Anyone who has any kind of financial success hates Obama and you know it. They know what it takes to run a business and would reject Obama instantly.

Right! :cuckoo:

Like George Soros really hates Obama....all those filthy rich Hollywood stars literally hate Obama...

You are so completely full of bullshit...
So, you don't care where a candidate gets their money?

Oh, thank you for stepping in it!!!


This is just last night (early this morning)
Senate Dems Plan 'Midnight Vigil' For Campaign Finance Bill

Democrats are preparing to put on a two day campaign finance floor show in the Senate, scheduling a handful of votes and a “midnight vigil” for increased disclosure of who, exactly, is donating to the outside groups underwriting both Barack Obama's and — to a larger degree — Mitt Romney's campaigns for president.

The bill has virtually no chance of passage – a fact of which its sponsors are keenly aware. But Democrats hope to use the legislation to point a finger at Republicans on the new flood of cash.

Led by Sens. Sheldon Whitehouse and Chuck Schumer, Democrats this evening will force a the first of two votes on the Disclose Act, legislation designed to force Super PACs to disclose large dollar donors.

Once that vote fails, Democrats will then hold court on the Senate floor well into the night as part of their planned “Midnight Vigil” for the legislation.

“Democrats have pledged to hold onto the Senate floor late into the night tonight in an effort to bring greater attention to the issue and force a second vote on the bill tomorrow,” Whitehouse’s office said in a statement announcing the vigil.

Then, on Tuesday, Democrats will again force a second vote on the bill that is also expected to be filibustered by Republicans.

Since the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision undid most of the nation’s campaign finance controls on corporate donations, Schumer has repeatedly pushed his colleagues to use the bill to paint Republicans as shills of corporate interests.

And on Monday, Democrats were doing exactly that.

Schumer called the lack of transparency “one of the most serious threats to the future of our democracy.”

“Disclosure would at least provide information about who is behind these ads and bring accountability that bolsters democracy in our elections. Unfortunately, a minority of senators are poised to block progress on the DISCLOSE Act and prevent necessary transparency in our election system,” Colorado Democrat Michael Bennett said in a statement.

Majority Leader Harry Reid directly into Republicans – and Mitt Romney – suggesting that “perhaps Republicans want to shield the handful of billionaires willing to contribute nine figures to sway a close presidential election”

Stepping in nothing. You obviously did not understand why I asked that question. Perhaps if you re-read the posts involved, you're pea-sized brain might just be able to figure it out. Then again, maybe I am giving you too much credit.
The question is why are the Republicans filibustering this, after so many have gone on record supporting campaign money transparency?

They went apeshit when it was suggested that Clinton got money from the Chinese - now the Chinese could be secretly funding someone's entire campaign and we wouldn't know it.

So tell me why the Republican Senators aren't hypocrites?
This is not much of a surprsie. Washington is just one big whore house where people can be bought to do anything if the money is right. It is not a party issue. As long as congree can pass laws they are exempt from and the president can bypass the constitution the rest of us are in trouble.

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