Breaking News: Team Breitbart Discovers Obama Accepted Money From Bain Executives

according to Carville, that isn't working.
And Carville is soooo relevant these days!

He lost all his credibility when his wife went to work for Cheney. Guilt by association? Yes.

Is it your assertion that a wife needs to be controlled by her husband?

How very 'Shariah' of you...
No, just that Carville and Matalin sold their souls to the DC establishment long ago. They may each make good points for their side from time to time, but neither are crusaders for change in Washington - they make too much money off of it.
I think the Republicans will be less 'hypocritical' when the legislation is written to expose ALL donors equally, and not just those mostly targeted at Republicans. From what I have been told by our own inside sources, currently the legislation sort of omits requirements that the Democrats' more embarrassing sources of funding be equally exposed. Perhaps things like Bain Capital execs and employees giving twice as much to Democrats since 2008 as they have given Republicans?
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So, I am still correct, since NOBODY has shown where President Obama (praise be unto Him!) has denounced venture capitalism.

He hasn't denounced it in so many words. He just thinks it comes from the government and not private enterprise. And he constantly pushes more of it from the government/i.e. taxpayer and never offers any incentive to promote more of it in the private sector. In fact his constant push is to diminish it in the private sector by punishing those who provide it. By his proposed policies, rhetoric, and initiatives, therefore, he denounces real venture capitalism.
So, I am still correct, since NOBODY has shown where President Obama (praise be unto Him!) has denounced venture capitalism.

He hasn't denounced it in so many words. He just thinks it comes from the government and not private enterprise. And he constantly pushes more of it from the government/i.e. taxpayer and never offers any incentive to promote more of it in the private sector. In fact his constant push is to diminish it in the private sector by punishing those who provide it. By his proposed policies, rhetoric, and initiatives, therefore, he denounces real venture capitalism.

"But but, it's not the same thing!" Obamabots are flailing now. Pretty funny stuff. Their Dear Leader enthusiastically accepted and spent that 'evil' Bain Cash. I can why that must be causing major Bot crashing. I almost feel sorry for em...Almost.

Oookay. You're right, it is the same. Hitler was to the Nazis as Romney is to Bain. So naturally, accepting money from an orgranization whos primary goal/ideal is to make profits is EXACTLY the same as accepting money from an organization whos primary goal/ideal is that the existence of certain humans is unacceptable, and therefore they must be wiped from the face of human history.

lovely logic

The point is this.

According to the Left, Ron Paul shouldn't take Don Black's $500 because he's a racist, and somehow taking that money equals agreeing with his idiotic beliefs.

And yet the Left also believes that taking over a million dollars of Bain's money doesn't equal agreeing with Bain's belief in outsourcing jobs.

I don't know about you, but I sense a little incongruity/hypocrisy in that position.

Get it?
"But but, it's not the same thing!" Obamabots are flailing now. Pretty funny stuff. Their Dear Leader enthusiastically accepted and spent that 'evil' Bain Cash. I can why that must be causing major Bot crashing. I almost feel sorry for em...Almost.

Oookay. You're right, it is the same. Hitler was to the Nazis as Romney is to Bain. So naturally, accepting money from an orgranization whos primary goal/ideal is to make profits is EXACTLY the same as accepting money from an organization whos primary goal/ideal is that the existence of certain humans is unacceptable, and therefore they must be wiped from the face of human history.

lovely logic

The point is this.

According to the Left, Ron Paul shouldn't take Don Black's $500 because he's a racist, and somehow taking that money equals agreeing with his idiotic beliefs.

And yet the Left also believes that taking over a million dollars of Bain's money doesn't equal agreeing with Bain's belief in outsourcing jobs.

I don't know about you, but I sense a little incongruity/hypocrisy in that position.

Get it?

I'm independpent and have been for 10 years, thanks. I may lean left at times but i lean right an equal amount of time.

It just seems like this is all in response to wanting Romney's tax return (which is/has been my posititon all along).
Unless Paul was catering to Nazi ideals then I don't really see how anyone has the right to tell a company or organization what they can do with their money when they're not committing fraud, or something such as that.

The fact Romney isn't doing what others have always done before him as he continues to hide his current tax returns practically SCREAMS that something's amiss with those returns.
It probably paints to clear a picture of how distant Rom-nom is from the middle class
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Oookay. You're right, it is the same. Hitler was to the Nazis as Romney is to Bain. So naturally, accepting money from an orgranization whos primary goal/ideal is to make profits is EXACTLY the same as accepting money from an organization whos primary goal/ideal is that the existence of certain humans is unacceptable, and therefore they must be wiped from the face of human history.

lovely logic

The point is this.

According to the Left, Ron Paul shouldn't take Don Black's $500 because he's a racist, and somehow taking that money equals agreeing with his idiotic beliefs.

And yet the Left also believes that taking over a million dollars of Bain's money doesn't equal agreeing with Bain's belief in outsourcing jobs.

I don't know about you, but I sense a little incongruity/hypocrisy in that position.

Get it?

I'm independpent and have been for 10 years, thanks. I may lean left at times but i lean right an equal amount of time.

It just seems like this is all in response to wanting Romney's tax return (which is/has been my posititon all along).
Unless Paul was catering to Nazi ideals then I don't really see how anyone has the right to tell a company or organization what they can do with their money when they're not committing fraud, or something such as that.

The fact Romney isn't doing what others have always done before him as he continues to hide his current tax returns practically SCREAMS that something's amiss with those returns.
It probably paints to clear a picture of how distant Rom-nom is from the middle class

The releasing of tax returns is not something that has "always been done". Romney is not required to release his tax returns. If there was "something amiss" the IRS would be all over him like white on rice. The Left wants Romney's tax returns for ONE REASON ONLY, to foment class warfare by pointing out how much money he's made.
Most presidents have not released tax returns prior to their elections, and then released each return during the term of their presidency.

One exception was John McCain who released two years of his returns prior to the 2008 election.

Obama and Biden have made a big show of releasing their returns, but they did not release any returns prior to their entry into government..

Romney has released his 2010 and 2011 returns which is more than most presidential candidates have done. He hasn't even been officially nominated for pete's sake. And the Democrats accuse the GOP of conducting witch hunts?

Tax History Project: Presidential Tax Returns
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This is Nothing, been all over the news that some of the Big wigs in Bain not only are Obama Bundlers, but they also have said Obama's Attacks on Romney over Bain are Untrue, and Unfair.

That's complete and utter bullshit. Anyone who has any kind of financial success hates Obama and you know it. They know what it takes to run a business and would reject Obama instantly.

How about those who merely own a business? If some rich Wall Street trader buys a successful business, but he himself has never run a business, and he just lets the people who made it a successful business continue to keep doing what they were doing, do you include them in your smug statement?

I'd like to include sarcasm lessons for you in my smug statement.
Obama and Biden have made a big show of releasing their returns, but they did not release any returns prior to their entry into government.

And why the fuck would anyone have wanted their returns prior to their entry into government? You want to see my tax returns?
That's complete and utter bullshit. Anyone who has any kind of financial success hates Obama and you know it. They know what it takes to run a business and would reject Obama instantly.

How about those who merely own a business? If some rich Wall Street trader buys a successful business, but he himself has never run a business, and he just lets the people who made it a successful business continue to keep doing what they were doing, do you include them in your smug statement?

I'd like to include sarcasm lessons for you in my smug statement.
Appy-poly-logies for not recognizing the snark!
Talk about hypocrisy at its finest. Breitbart vetting Obama discovered that Obama recieved tons of money from Bain executives. These were the same execs that supposedly outsourced all kinds of jobs. This is not being covered in the press either proving they are still in the tank for Obama.

This is Fred Garvin-Male Prostitute

More hypocrisy: Report shows Obama took donations from Bain executives - National Elections |

Good for you Fred. Thanks for sharing that.
Synthaholic just neg repped me saying, "If it's true, it will be found at many places, besides Breitbart." Just thought I'd put that liberal logic out there for ya'll.
The point is this.

According to the Left, Ron Paul shouldn't take Don Black's $500 because he's a racist, and somehow taking that money equals agreeing with his idiotic beliefs.

And yet the Left also believes that taking over a million dollars of Bain's money doesn't equal agreeing with Bain's belief in outsourcing jobs.

I don't know about you, but I sense a little incongruity/hypocrisy in that position.

Get it?

I'm independpent and have been for 10 years, thanks. I may lean left at times but i lean right an equal amount of time.

It just seems like this is all in response to wanting Romney's tax return (which is/has been my posititon all along).
Unless Paul was catering to Nazi ideals then I don't really see how anyone has the right to tell a company or organization what they can do with their money when they're not committing fraud, or something such as that.

The fact Romney isn't doing what others have always done before him as he continues to hide his current tax returns practically SCREAMS that something's amiss with those returns.
It probably paints to clear a picture of how distant Rom-nom is from the middle class

The releasing of tax returns is not something that has "always been done". Romney is not required to release his tax returns. If there was "something amiss" the IRS would be all over him like white on rice. The Left wants Romney's tax returns for ONE REASON ONLY, to foment class warfare by pointing out how much money he's made.

Perhaps the most powerful argument from the Romney camp is that Romney is much more suited to run the country than Obama, due to his business experience.

Romney isn't a career politician, so we don't have much of a political basis on which we may judge his actions. Certainly, there was the time he was a Governor, but that was short lived and differences between state and federal government are great.

Romney's tax returns could help to provide insight as to just what kind of a business man Romnom is. I just think Romney's refusal to release his tax returns is a very clear signal that he does, in fact, have something to hide. For what ever the reason, the fact is Romney isn't being very transparent.
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I'm independpent and have been for 10 years, thanks. I may lean left at times but i lean right an equal amount of time.

It just seems like this is all in response to wanting Romney's tax return (which is/has been my posititon all along).
Unless Paul was catering to Nazi ideals then I don't really see how anyone has the right to tell a company or organization what they can do with their money when they're not committing fraud, or something such as that.

The fact Romney isn't doing what others have always done before him as he continues to hide his current tax returns practically SCREAMS that something's amiss with those returns.
It probably paints to clear a picture of how distant Rom-nom is from the middle class

The releasing of tax returns is not something that has "always been done". Romney is not required to release his tax returns. If there was "something amiss" the IRS would be all over him like white on rice. The Left wants Romney's tax returns for ONE REASON ONLY, to foment class warfare by pointing out how much money he's made.

Perhaps the most powerful argument from the Romney camp is that Romney is much more suited to run to country than Obama due to his business experience.

Romney isn't a career politician, so we don't have much of a political basis on which we may judge his actions. Certainly, there was the time he was a Governor, but that was short lived and differences between state and federal government are great.

Romney's tax returns could help to provide insight as to just what kind of a business man Romnom is. I just think Romney's refusal to release his tax returns is a very clear signal that he does, in fact, have something to hide. Furthermore, what do you have against disclosure?

Who cares if he has "something to hide." You just saw how Obama and the media falsely accused him of outsourcing jobs. Why the hell should he throw the rats any crumbs?

The releasing of tax returns is not something that has "always been done". Romney is not required to release his tax returns. If there was "something amiss" the IRS would be all over him like white on rice. The Left wants Romney's tax returns for ONE REASON ONLY, to foment class warfare by pointing out how much money he's made.

Perhaps the most powerful argument from the Romney camp is that Romney is much more suited to run to country than Obama due to his business experience.

Romney isn't a career politician, so we don't have much of a political basis on which we may judge his actions. Certainly, there was the time he was a Governor, but that was short lived and differences between state and federal government are great.

Romney's tax returns could help to provide insight as to just what kind of a business man Romnom is. I just think Romney's refusal to release his tax returns is a very clear signal that he does, in fact, have something to hide. Furthermore, what do you have against disclosure?

Who cares if he has "something to hide." You just saw how Obama and the media falsely accused him of outsourcing jobs. Why the hell should he throw the rats any crumbs?


The "no one cares" argument goes both ways. If no one cares, why should there be an issue releasing them?
And maybe you don't care, but some Americans DO like to vote based on an informed opinion
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I'm independpent and have been for 10 years, thanks. I may lean left at times but i lean right an equal amount of time.

It just seems like this is all in response to wanting Romney's tax return (which is/has been my posititon all along).
Unless Paul was catering to Nazi ideals then I don't really see how anyone has the right to tell a company or organization what they can do with their money when they're not committing fraud, or something such as that.

The fact Romney isn't doing what others have always done before him as he continues to hide his current tax returns practically SCREAMS that something's amiss with those returns.
It probably paints to clear a picture of how distant Rom-nom is from the middle class

The releasing of tax returns is not something that has "always been done". Romney is not required to release his tax returns. If there was "something amiss" the IRS would be all over him like white on rice. The Left wants Romney's tax returns for ONE REASON ONLY, to foment class warfare by pointing out how much money he's made.

Perhaps the most powerful argument from the Romney camp is that Romney is much more suited to run the country than Obama, due to his business experience.

Romney isn't a career politician, so we don't have much of a political basis on which we may judge his actions. Certainly, there was the time he was a Governor, but that was short lived and differences between state and federal government are great.

Romney's tax returns could help to provide insight as to just what kind of a business man Romnom is. I just think Romney's refusal to release his tax returns is a very clear signal that he does, in fact, have something to hide. For what ever the reason, the fact is Romney isn't being very transparent.

Right there is where you lost me, Bro....

For some strange reason I have an aversion to that whole "Guilty until proven innocent" thing...

Don't you?
Perhaps the most powerful argument from the Romney camp is that Romney is much more suited to run to country than Obama due to his business experience.

Romney isn't a career politician, so we don't have much of a political basis on which we may judge his actions. Certainly, there was the time he was a Governor, but that was short lived and differences between state and federal government are great.

Romney's tax returns could help to provide insight as to just what kind of a business man Romnom is. I just think Romney's refusal to release his tax returns is a very clear signal that he does, in fact, have something to hide. Furthermore, what do you have against disclosure?

Who cares if he has "something to hide." You just saw how Obama and the media falsely accused him of outsourcing jobs. Why the hell should he throw the rats any crumbs?


The "no one cares" argument goes both ways. If no one cares, why should there be an issue releasing them?
And maybe you don't care, but some Americans DO like to vote based on an informed opinion

And Obama has released his college records?

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