BREAKING NEWS: The Trump Family is Brawling. Maniford throws Melania under bus

Once again the radical left is attacking a woman. Sleazy investigators went into every aspect of Sara Palin's life and family and now they are doing it to Trump's wife.
Psst...Michelle Obama....Hillary Clinton....

1) Melania saying she didn't show at Pence Presser because she thought the kids pressured dad into a pick he didn't want. Not talking to kids?

2) Melania did not want to do speech. Donald pushed her into speech.

3) Paul Maniford was responsible for "protecting" Melania. And he signed off on speech.

4) Paul Maniford's staff now saying that Melania added (plagarized) the Michelle Obama section of the speech.

5) Speech was not properly vetted.

QUOTE TRUMP: "This is now a 'save my marriage' situation."

Maniford (or his people) just threw Melania under the bus.

This is all just breaking, I will post links as they come up.
Just how many of these spam threads you going to start?

So the keynote speaker of day one of the convention gets busted for plagerizing , THATS NOT A STORY!?

1) Melania saying she didn't show at Pence Presser because she thought the kids pressured dad into a pick he didn't want. Not talking to kids?

2) Melania did not want to do speech. Donald pushed her into speech.

3) Paul Maniford was responsible for "protecting" Melania. And he signed off on speech.

4) Paul Maniford's staff now saying that Melania added (plagarized) the Michelle Obama section of the speech.

5) Speech was not properly vetted.

QUOTE TRUMP: "This is now a 'save my marriage' situation."

Maniford (or his people) just threw Melania under the bus.

This is all just breaking, I will post links as they come up.
Just how many of these spam threads you going to start?

So the keynote speaker of day one of the convention gets busted for plagerizing , THATS NOT A STORY!?
Not if I have to wade through thread after thread of liberal whining.

Nope . I just tune you freaks out.

1) Melania saying she didn't show at Pence Presser because she thought the kids pressured dad into a pick he didn't want. Not talking to kids?

2) Melania did not want to do speech. Donald pushed her into speech.

3) Paul Maniford was responsible for "protecting" Melania. And he signed off on speech.

4) Paul Maniford's staff now saying that Melania added (plagarized) the Michelle Obama section of the speech.

5) Speech was not properly vetted.

QUOTE TRUMP: "This is now a 'save my marriage' situation."

Maniford (or his people) just threw Melania under the bus.

This is all just breaking, I will post links as they come up.
All lies unless link is added to verify specifics layed out in OP.
Here is a 141 Trump quotes you called lies, even though most have video.

141 Things Donald Trump Has Said and Done That Make Him Unfit to Be President

1) Melania saying she didn't show at Pence Presser because she thought the kids pressured dad into a pick he didn't want. Not talking to kids?

2) Melania did not want to do speech. Donald pushed her into speech.

3) Paul Maniford was responsible for "protecting" Melania. And he signed off on speech.

4) Paul Maniford's staff now saying that Melania added (plagarized) the Michelle Obama section of the speech.

5) Speech was not properly vetted.

QUOTE TRUMP: "This is now a 'save my marriage' situation."

Maniford (or his people) just threw Melania under the bus.

This is all just breaking, I will post links as they come up.
Just how many of these spam threads you going to start?

So the keynote speaker of day one of the convention gets busted for plagerizing , THATS NOT A STORY!?
Not if I have to wade through thread after thread of liberal whining.

Nope . I just tune you freaks out.
Funny way to tune us out........
Hey dipstick, that woman got up on a NATIONAL STAGE at the GOP Convention last night. Palin was vying for the VP spot alongside McCain. When you do those things you are fair political game and place yourself in the line of fire voluntarily. Gender is not a shield on a political battlefield! This is not the 14th Century!

Hey peckerbreath, under those Rules Of Engagement can't wait till next Thursday night to bitch slap Chelsea Clinton into the middle of next week. Hope she has a couple of good nannies raising her kids...
Hey dipstick, that woman got up on a NATIONAL STAGE at the GOP Convention last night. Palin was vying for the VP spot alongside McCain. When you do those things you are fair political game and place yourself in the line of fire voluntarily. Gender is not a shield on a political battlefield! This is not the 14th Century!

Hey peckerbreath, under those Rules Of Engagement can't wait till next Thursday night to bitch slap Chelsea Clinton into the middle of next week. Hope she has a couple of good nannies raising her kids...
She gets up and speaks...same rules. No arguments her. Who do you think she will plagiarize?
Trump's campaign is issuing conflicting stories.

Manafort's staff is saying to reporters Melania added the Michelle Obama section herself. Which makes no sense because it's the staff's jobs to vet the speech.

They have software programs that make sure this stuff doesn't happen at this level.

Holy shit!! I can't believe the level of incompetence.

What difference does it make?

1) Melania saying she didn't show at Pence Presser because she thought the kids pressured dad into a pick he didn't want. Not talking to kids?

2) Melania did not want to do speech. Donald pushed her into speech.

3) Paul Maniford was responsible for "protecting" Melania. And he signed off on speech.

4) Paul Maniford's staff now saying that Melania added (plagarized) the Michelle Obama section of the speech.

5) Speech was not properly vetted.

QUOTE TRUMP: "This is now a 'save my marriage' situation."

Maniford (or his people) just threw Melania under the bus.

This is all just breaking, I will post links as they come up.
One of the dumbest threads I have ever read, even if it is true there is not a family does not have disagreements.

No...There WAS a family that had up till last night not nary so much as a slight disagreement. Trump said it. I read it several times when doing some research on him.
They are scrambling to fix the unfixable.

You can't fire the candidate's wife and it looks like she added the section herself.

There's no good spin.

There's no way out of this one except to call the First Lady and apologize.

That's the right thing to do.

But they will dig in and force the media into playing it over and over and over...

Did Obama ever apologize to Deval Patrick? Twice?
Once again the radical left is attacking a woman. Sleazy investigators went into every aspect of Sara Palin's life and family and now they are doing it to Trump's wife.
Do you hear yourself?

Seriously. Do you hear yourself?

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