BREAKING NEWS: Trump proposes 20% tax on imports from Mexico to pay for wall

So the $20,000 Ford you buy that was assembled in Mexico will now cost you $24,000

That will show those Mexicans
lol It means that if this becomes law, Ford will have to assemble the cars in the US or lose market share.
And why do you think Ford makes those cars in Mexico?

Because it costs more to make them here.

The price of cars will go up if they are forced to make them here.

Good job, Trump!
No, President Trump has promised to cut corporate taxes and reduce unnecessary regulations so it won't cost more to produce those cars here.
BREAKING NEWS: Now Trump has slapped a 20% tax on all imports from Mexico to pay for the border wall. Does that include his stuff made in Mexico?

White House press secretary says border wall will be funded by 20 percent import tax on Mexican goods


More faux news from the faux indian. They are talking about the possibility, nothing has been "slapped on", at this point.
So the $20,000 Ford you buy that was assembled in Mexico will now cost you $24,000

That will show those Mexicans
lol It means that if this becomes law, Ford will have to assemble the cars in the US or lose market share.

So Ford is competing for consumers who want a Honda Accord instead of a Ford Focus. Used to be the Focus was $4000 cheaper
Now, by slapping on a $4000 tariff or paying more to manufacture in the U.S.,consumers will buy the Honda

All to build a worthless wall
This would make the economy in Mexico worse and make Mexicans much more desperate to get here illegally. Desperation is exactly what you need to get over a wall.
You know, Trump can't just impose taxes on other countries all by himself. He still has to get Congress to pass a bill that does as much.

You Trump supporters are being duped.
Actually, the President can impose tariffs on a country without Congress.

Link please? I've always been of the understanding that for taxes and tariffs, it had to be passed by the Senate to become law.
President Trump can levy tariffs without Congress
So the $20,000 Ford you buy that was assembled in Mexico will now cost you $24,000

That will show those Mexicans
lol It means that if this becomes law, Ford will have to assemble the cars in the US or lose market share.
Then, what happens to the financing of "The Wall"?
If necessary, one option would be to impose a surcharge on the $24 billion a month in money transfers from the US to Mexico.
So will Mexico pay the extra 20% or will the cost be added to what the American consumer pays?

That can't happen according to liberals! I've been saying the same for 25 years about corporate taxes...that businesses don't actually pay taxes, they build that expense into their price point and pass it directly to consumers...and liberals have GUARANTEED that line of reasoning is ridiculous.
So the $20,000 Ford you buy that was assembled in Mexico will now cost you $24,000

That will show those Mexicans
lol It means that if this becomes law, Ford will have to assemble the cars in the US or lose market share.
And sell the car for $30,000.

They'll probably just stop making it and Mexico and the U.S. will lose jobs. Trump's scorched earth policy right there.
Use your head, Ford can't raise prices without losing market share. Business is optimistic about President Trump because he is promising to cut corporate taxes and lowering unnecessary regulations so that Ford and other companies can move their facilities back here without having to raise prices.
You live in a fantasy world. Cutting the corporate tax and regulations won't offset the cost of Ford having to pay way more to produce the same or less amounts of product. Less profit = less jobs. Unless part of Trump's plan is massive subsidies for Ford or dramatically lowering the American standard of living.
So you guys are suddenly against American made?

How will buying American pay for the wall Trump wants to finance with 20% tax American consumers will have to pay?
American consumers won't have to pay more once President Trump lowers corporate taxes and removes unnecessary regulations that currently make it more expensive to manufacture here than in Mexico.
You mean like the Dem's have been working on...
So the $20,000 Ford you buy that was assembled in Mexico will now cost you $24,000

That will show those Mexicans
lol It means that if this becomes law, Ford will have to assemble the cars in the US or lose market share.
And sell the car for $30,000.

They'll probably just stop making it and Mexico and the U.S. will lose jobs. Trump's scorched earth policy right there.
Use your head, Ford can't raise prices without losing market share. Business is optimistic about President Trump because he is promising to cut corporate taxes and lowering unnecessary regulations so that Ford and other companies can move their facilities back here without having to raise prices.
You live in a fantasy world. Cutting the corporate tax and regulations won't offset the cost of Ford having to pay way more to produce the same or less amounts of product. Less profit = less jobs. Unless part of Trump's plan is massive subsidies for Ford or dramatically lowering the American standard of living.

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