BREAKING NEWS: Trump proposes 20% tax on imports from Mexico to pay for wall


Not so fast, bub. Matthew is smarter than you think. This link proves he is smarter than YOU!

40% of a Mexican import is American

Already been discussed in detail. That much of what is OUTSOURCED is subcomponent work doesn't amount to "exports."

A part made in Los Angeles that is sent to Mexico to get lead paint applied simply is NOT a Mexican import or an American export, regardless of how deceitful CNN is.

FURTHER, I specified CONSUMER GOODS, outsourced process manufacturing is not consumer goods.

Not so fast, bub. Matthew is smarter than you think. This link proves he is smarter than YOU!

40% of a Mexican import is American

Already been discussed in detail. That much of what is OUTSOURCED is subcomponent work doesn't amount to "exports."

A part made in Los Angeles that is sent to Mexico to get lead paint applied simply is NOT a Mexican import or an American export, regardless of how deceitful CNN is.

FURTHER, I specified CONSUMER GOODS, outsourced process manufacturing is not consumer goods.
You haven't said anything to reduce the credibility of my link!

You haven't said anything to reduce the credibility of my link!

Your link does nothing to support your credibility. Did you even read it? I merely states that 40% of what goes over the border is for outside processing in Mexico.

I'm not sure that supports your position the way you think it does.

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