BREAKING NEWS: Trump proposes 20% tax on imports from Mexico to pay for wall

If you own Stock in these companies you can Thank Orange Ugly Gringo
Mexicans Launch Boycotts of U.S. Companies in Fury at Donald Trump
Mexicans Launch Boycotts of U.S. Companies in Fury at Donald Trump

Ioan Grillo / Mexico City 11:30 AM Central

The digital image shows a clenched fist bathed in the red, white and green of Mexico’s flag and decorated with the nation’s emblematic eagle. “Consumers, to the Shout of War,” it says in Spanish above the fist. “Consume products made in country…Use your buying power to punish the companies that favor the politics of the new U.S. government.”

Created by a Mexican food-activist group, the image is part of a slew of messages, memes and videos that have been spreading in Mexico in recent days as President Donald Trump pushes for a border wall, deportations and punishing new trade rules.

Others messages call for specific boycotts of U.S. companies in Mexico, including McDonalds, Walmart and Coca-Cola. One of the most heavily trending hashtags is #AdiosStarbucks, or “Goodbye Starbucks,” referring to the Seattle company which has opened hundreds of coffee houses here.

Mexicans Launch Boycotts of U.S. Companies in Fury at Donald Trump

That boycott has the potential to have real "teeth."
Of course, in their nationalistic arrogance, Trump and the Trumpkins don't care about that because it's just too much work to look into the facts of a matter before choosing a course of action.
Rather than soiling your baby diapers with a fresh batch of blood why not focus on the real problem? The trade deficit.

Why Can't America Just Make Everything It Needs?
  1. Canada - $576.7 billion traded with a $15.5 billion deficit.
  2. China - $599.4 billion traded with a $367 billion deficit.
  3. Mexico - $532.1 billion with a $60.6 billion deficit.
  4. Japan - $193.6 billion traded with a $68.6 billion deficit.
  5. Germany - $174.8 billion traded with a $74.9 billion deficit.
BREAKING NEWS: Now Trump has slapped a 20% tax on all imports from Mexico to pay for the border wall. Does that include his stuff made in Mexico?

White House press secretary says border wall will be funded by 20 percent import tax on Mexican goods


In other words, the American tax-payer is paying for the wall.
........... ate their lunch on Election Day.

A reminder that factually speaking Americans preferred Clinton by 3 million votes ...just saying that

Indeed, States like California are the perfect example of how the founding fathers were geniuses when it came to the electoral college.

The electoral college is indeed a disaster for democracy. Democracy in it of itself is a historically proven disaster. This is why we are a Democratically Elected Constitutionally Electoral Republic. I don't expect Trump to understand this. He was not elected for his intellectual prowess on the history of democracy. He was elected because the common man wanted a straight talking man with a background in business who talked like they do over a polished corrupt politician who simply told them what they wanted to hear out of one side of her mouth whilst secretly saying the opposite to her various eleitist clients. If we were to do away with the electoral college rural Americans would be ignored and corrupt cities would be the center of our universe. That's hardly democratic and that's the genius of the electoral system. Our electoral system forces our political leadership to pay attention to all Americans. Hillary preached to the choir while Trump preached to America.
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And now President Trump is going after the other 60% that do not originate here.

LOl and six million US jobs ..smooth move Ex Lax
It's a win win for all Americans except Democrats who are trying to woo the Hispanic vote by screwing other Americans.
How is this a win for Americans when the cost of goods from mexico will go up 20% and a trade war will ensue
The 20% tariff was only one option getting Mexico to pay for the wall under consideration, but suppose that were the option chosen. A 20% increase in the cost of Mexican imports would motivate US importers to look for lower prices elsewhere in the world or perhaps it would make local production of these goods profitable. Once Trump's tax cuts for businesses kick in and he reduces unnecessary regulations, it might even be profitable to produce these items here in the US at the same or lower prices than we had previously been paying Mexico, so while the 20% tariff, if it happens, might temporarily raise some prices for American consumers, market forces will bring them down again, and local production will mean more jobs for Americans. Clearly a win for all Americans except Democrats who are trying to woo the Hispanic vote.

There is no danger of a trade war with Mexico because a trade war would throw the Mexican economy into a long term recession while barely making a ripple in the US economy, and no Mexican government would be able to stay in power for very long following a policy so destructive to the welfare of its own people.

Mexico is simply going to have to accept more responsibility for preventing people from crossing its border illegally into the US and since there is little chance it can do that without the wall, it will have to pay for it.
And now President Trump is going after the other 60% that do not originate here.

LOl and six million US jobs ..smooth move Ex Lax
It's a win win for all Americans except Democrats who are trying to woo the Hispanic vote by screwing other Americans.
How is this a win for Americans when the cost of goods from mexico will go up 20% and a trade war will ensue
The 20% tariff was only one option getting Mexico to pay for the wall under consideration, but suppose that were the option chosen. A 20% increase in the cost of Mexican imports would motivate US importers to look for lower prices elsewhere in the world or perhaps it would make local production of these goods profitable. Once Trump's tax cuts for businesses kick in and he reduces unnecessary regulations, it might even be profitable to produce these items here in the US at the same or lower prices than we had previously been paying Mexico, so while the 20% tariff, if it happens, might temporarily raise some prices for American consumers, market forces will bring them down again, and local production will mean more jobs for Americans. Clearly a win for all Americans except Democrats who are trying to woo the Hispanic vote.

There is no danger of a trade war with Mexico because a trade war would throw the Mexican economy into a long term recession while barely making a ripple in the US economy, and no Mexican government would be able to stay in power for very long following a policy so destructive to the welfare of its own people.

Mexico is simply going to have to accept more responsibility for preventing people from crossing its border illegally into the US and since there is little chance it can do that without the wall, it will have to pay for it.
Its time to get real, mexico will NEVER pay for the wall, and a tariff on Mexican goods will cause a major trade war. Already we see countries in South America, also our trading partners, siding with Mexico. Much more of that to follow.
And now President Trump is going after the other 60% that do not originate here.

LOl and six million US jobs ..smooth move Ex Lax
It's a win win for all Americans except Democrats who are trying to woo the Hispanic vote by screwing other Americans.
How is this a win for Americans when the cost of goods from mexico will go up 20% and a trade war will ensue
The 20% tariff was only one option getting Mexico to pay for the wall under consideration, but suppose that were the option chosen. A 20% increase in the cost of Mexican imports would motivate US importers to look for lower prices elsewhere in the world or perhaps it would make local production of these goods profitable. Once Trump's tax cuts for businesses kick in and he reduces unnecessary regulations, it might even be profitable to produce these items here in the US at the same or lower prices than we had previously been paying Mexico, so while the 20% tariff, if it happens, might temporarily raise some prices for American consumers, market forces will bring them down again, and local production will mean more jobs for Americans. Clearly a win for all Americans except Democrats who are trying to woo the Hispanic vote.

There is no danger of a trade war with Mexico because a trade war would throw the Mexican economy into a long term recession while barely making a ripple in the US economy, and no Mexican government would be able to stay in power for very long following a policy so destructive to the welfare of its own people.

Mexico is simply going to have to accept more responsibility for preventing people from crossing its border illegally into the US and since there is little chance it can do that without the wall, it will have to pay for it.
Its time to get real, mexico will NEVER pay for the wall, and a tariff on Mexican goods will cause a major trade war. Already we see countries in South America, also our trading partners, siding with Mexico. Much more of that to follow.
That may be your hope, but as I have demonstrated there is no rational basis for believing it will come true.
What a idiot, 20% tariff on Mexican products. To build a wall, a useless wall, a symbol of American stupidity. So now we also know that Presidents Small Hands knows nothing about economics Either. I had heard from many sources that he would have had way more money now , if he would have retired the day his daddy gave him all his money and he simply dumped it into a simple S&P fund and walked away. Now I totally believe it.
For thousands of years, humans built walls. Only modern day Dumbfucks labeled them useless. Ironic huh?
Then You can tell me what massive wall across continent's did One thing other then slow down the opponent. Great wall of China thats a laugh, Maginot line thats a belly laugh, Siegfried line, Gothic line, Hindenburg line now the audience is laughing their heads off. Hadrian's wall , now I can't get the people off the floor from laughter. These wall were breeched by Barbarians before the time of Christ and the later ones where just laughed at by the generals in contemporary time. Your Billion dollar line wouldn't even need to exist if instead of going after the Workers simply go after the businesses with fines and jail time. Cost $12.34 , your cost, just for a fence, not a wall, 3 to 4 million a mile. Your party is so big on hating, that is the only reason you want this wall. Whatever it costs you will pay for it out of your own pocket ultimately, the biggest increase in cost will be in the cost of what these immigrants do in this country. Any idiot knows that.
They are not immigrants. They are illegal aliens.

Class dismissed
Your Lack of knowledge of what will happen in world trade if we put that large a tariff on Mexicans goods. especially from one of our top trading partner will make it impossible for you to school anyone on this subject. Your parties lack of knowledge on just about everyone of your hate driven issues is monstrous. Us torturing people is against the law in this country, not only by our own law but also because of the fact that treaties are automatically American law once implemented.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------here you go JBander , some info on Mexicos top exports to the USA . --- These Are Mexico's Top Exports | Zero Hedge --- Feck mexico JBander , Nat , and other lefties !!
320 billion
What a idiot, 20% tariff on Mexican products. To build a wall, a useless wall, a symbol of American stupidity. So now we also know that Presidents Small Hands knows nothing about economics Either. I had heard from many sources that he would have had way more money now , if he would have retired the day his daddy gave him all his money and he simply dumped it into a simple S&P fund and walked away. Now I totally believe it.
For thousands of years, humans built walls. Only modern day Dumbfucks labeled them useless. Ironic huh?
Then You can tell me what massive wall across continent's did One thing other then slow down the opponent. Great wall of China thats a laugh, Maginot line thats a belly laugh, Siegfried line, Gothic line, Hindenburg line now the audience is laughing their heads off. Hadrian's wall , now I can't get the people off the floor from laughter. These wall were breeched by Barbarians before the time of Christ and the later ones where just laughed at by the generals in contemporary time. Your Billion dollar line wouldn't even need to exist if instead of going after the Workers simply go after the businesses with fines and jail time. Cost $12.34 , your cost, just for a fence, not a wall, 3 to 4 million a mile. Your party is so big on hating, that is the only reason you want this wall. Whatever it costs you will pay for it out of your own pocket ultimately, the biggest increase in cost will be in the cost of what these immigrants do in this country. Any idiot knows that.
They are not immigrants. They are illegal aliens.

Class dismissed
Your Lack of knowledge of what will happen in world trade if we put that large a tariff on Mexicans goods. especially from one of our top trading partner will make it impossible for you to school anyone on this subject. Your parties lack of knowledge on just about everyone of your hate driven issues is monstrous. Us torturing people is against the law in this country, not only by our own law but also because of the fact that treaties are automatically American law once implemented.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------here you go JBander , some info on Mexicos top exports to the USA . --- These Are Mexico's Top Exports | Zero Hedge --- Feck mexico JBander , Nat , and other lefties !!
The Tarif would cost $525.00 a household, its a gas dealing with people that don't have a clue.
Your Lack lack of knowledge of about what will happen in world trade if we put that large of a tariff on Mexicans goods. - especially from one of our top trading partner will makes it impossible for you to school anyone on this subject. Your parties party's lack of knowledge on just about everyone of your hate driven issues is monstrous. Us Torturing people is against the law in this country, not only by our own law, but also because of the fact that treaties are automatically American law once implemented.
Your lack of grammar is chilling...and is a prime example of the typical Dumbocrat voter.

You have capitals in the middle of a sentence, double spacing where there shouldn't be any, periods where there should be hyphens, and you substitute plurals (parties) where you are attempting to show possession (party's). You are the exact voter the Dumbocrat needs and tries to cultivate.
I always know when I have a person backed into a corner or over a barrel. all of a sudden it's all about my bad spelling and not being able to conjugate a verb. Got to you that bad buddy.
Us torturing people is against the law in this country, not only by our own law but also because of the fact that treaties are automatically American law once implemented.
Remind me again of the "treaty" we have with islam? :uhh:
No, low knowledge person, the treaty is with other countries not to torture. It always burns me when people come in here and remark about subjects that they know nothing about. We have agreed through treaty not to torture, its just the hate party that thinks it's fun.
For thousands of years, humans built walls. Only modern day Dumbfucks labeled them useless. Ironic huh?
Then You can tell me what massive wall across continent's did One thing other then slow down the opponent. Great wall of China thats a laugh, Maginot line thats a belly laugh, Siegfried line, Gothic line, Hindenburg line now the audience is laughing their heads off. Hadrian's wall , now I can't get the people off the floor from laughter. These wall were breeched by Barbarians before the time of Christ and the later ones where just laughed at by the generals in contemporary time. Your Billion dollar line wouldn't even need to exist if instead of going after the Workers simply go after the businesses with fines and jail time. Cost $12.34 , your cost, just for a fence, not a wall, 3 to 4 million a mile. Your party is so big on hating, that is the only reason you want this wall. Whatever it costs you will pay for it out of your own pocket ultimately, the biggest increase in cost will be in the cost of what these immigrants do in this country. Any idiot knows that.
They are not immigrants. They are illegal aliens.

Class dismissed
Your Lack of knowledge of what will happen in world trade if we put that large a tariff on Mexicans goods. especially from one of our top trading partner will make it impossible for you to school anyone on this subject. Your parties lack of knowledge on just about everyone of your hate driven issues is monstrous. Us torturing people is against the law in this country, not only by our own law but also because of the fact that treaties are automatically American law once implemented.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------here you go JBander , some info on Mexicos top exports to the USA . --- These Are Mexico's Top Exports | Zero Hedge --- Feck mexico JBander , Nat , and other lefties !!
320 billion
For thousands of years, humans built walls. Only modern day Dumbfucks labeled them useless. Ironic huh?
Then You can tell me what massive wall across continent's did One thing other then slow down the opponent. Great wall of China thats a laugh, Maginot line thats a belly laugh, Siegfried line, Gothic line, Hindenburg line now the audience is laughing their heads off. Hadrian's wall , now I can't get the people off the floor from laughter. These wall were breeched by Barbarians before the time of Christ and the later ones where just laughed at by the generals in contemporary time. Your Billion dollar line wouldn't even need to exist if instead of going after the Workers simply go after the businesses with fines and jail time. Cost $12.34 , your cost, just for a fence, not a wall, 3 to 4 million a mile. Your party is so big on hating, that is the only reason you want this wall. Whatever it costs you will pay for it out of your own pocket ultimately, the biggest increase in cost will be in the cost of what these immigrants do in this country. Any idiot knows that.
They are not immigrants. They are illegal aliens.

Class dismissed
Your Lack of knowledge of what will happen in world trade if we put that large a tariff on Mexicans goods. especially from one of our top trading partner will make it impossible for you to school anyone on this subject. Your parties lack of knowledge on just about everyone of your hate driven issues is monstrous. Us torturing people is against the law in this country, not only by our own law but also because of the fact that treaties are automatically American law once implemented.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------here you go JBander , some info on Mexicos top exports to the USA . --- These Are Mexico's Top Exports | Zero Hedge --- Feck mexico JBander , Nat , and other lefties !!
The Tarif would cost $525.00 a household, its a gas dealing with people that don't have a clue.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- such is life JBander !!
For thousands of years, humans built walls. Only modern day Dumbfucks labeled them useless. Ironic huh?
Then You can tell me what massive wall across continent's did One thing other then slow down the opponent. Great wall of China thats a laugh, Maginot line thats a belly laugh, Siegfried line, Gothic line, Hindenburg line now the audience is laughing their heads off. Hadrian's wall , now I can't get the people off the floor from laughter. These wall were breeched by Barbarians before the time of Christ and the later ones where just laughed at by the generals in contemporary time. Your Billion dollar line wouldn't even need to exist if instead of going after the Workers simply go after the businesses with fines and jail time. Cost $12.34 , your cost, just for a fence, not a wall, 3 to 4 million a mile. Your party is so big on hating, that is the only reason you want this wall. Whatever it costs you will pay for it out of your own pocket ultimately, the biggest increase in cost will be in the cost of what these immigrants do in this country. Any idiot knows that.
They are not immigrants. They are illegal aliens.

Class dismissed
Your Lack of knowledge of what will happen in world trade if we put that large a tariff on Mexicans goods. especially from one of our top trading partner will make it impossible for you to school anyone on this subject. Your parties lack of knowledge on just about everyone of your hate driven issues is monstrous. Us torturing people is against the law in this country, not only by our own law but also because of the fact that treaties are automatically American law once implemented.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------here you go JBander , some info on Mexicos top exports to the USA . --- These Are Mexico's Top Exports | Zero Hedge --- Feck mexico JBander , Nat , and other lefties !!
320 billion
For thousands of years, humans built walls. Only modern day Dumbfucks labeled them useless. Ironic huh?
Then You can tell me what massive wall across continent's did One thing other then slow down the opponent. Great wall of China thats a laugh, Maginot line thats a belly laugh, Siegfried line, Gothic line, Hindenburg line now the audience is laughing their heads off. Hadrian's wall , now I can't get the people off the floor from laughter. These wall were breeched by Barbarians before the time of Christ and the later ones where just laughed at by the generals in contemporary time. Your Billion dollar line wouldn't even need to exist if instead of going after the Workers simply go after the businesses with fines and jail time. Cost $12.34 , your cost, just for a fence, not a wall, 3 to 4 million a mile. Your party is so big on hating, that is the only reason you want this wall. Whatever it costs you will pay for it out of your own pocket ultimately, the biggest increase in cost will be in the cost of what these immigrants do in this country. Any idiot knows that.
They are not immigrants. They are illegal aliens.

Class dismissed
Your Lack of knowledge of what will happen in world trade if we put that large a tariff on Mexicans goods. especially from one of our top trading partner will make it impossible for you to school anyone on this subject. Your parties lack of knowledge on just about everyone of your hate driven issues is monstrous. Us torturing people is against the law in this country, not only by our own law but also because of the fact that treaties are automatically American law once implemented.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------here you go JBander , some info on Mexicos top exports to the USA . --- These Are Mexico's Top Exports | Zero Hedge --- Feck mexico JBander , Nat , and other lefties !!
The Tarif would cost $525.00 a household, its a gas dealing with people that don't have a clue.
Complete bullshit
Then You can tell me what massive wall across continent's did One thing other then slow down the opponent. Great wall of China thats a laugh, Maginot line thats a belly laugh, Siegfried line, Gothic line, Hindenburg line now the audience is laughing their heads off. Hadrian's wall , now I can't get the people off the floor from laughter. These wall were breeched by Barbarians before the time of Christ and the later ones where just laughed at by the generals in contemporary time. Your Billion dollar line wouldn't even need to exist if instead of going after the Workers simply go after the businesses with fines and jail time. Cost $12.34 , your cost, just for a fence, not a wall, 3 to 4 million a mile. Your party is so big on hating, that is the only reason you want this wall. Whatever it costs you will pay for it out of your own pocket ultimately, the biggest increase in cost will be in the cost of what these immigrants do in this country. Any idiot knows that.
They are not immigrants. They are illegal aliens.

Class dismissed
Your Lack of knowledge of what will happen in world trade if we put that large a tariff on Mexicans goods. especially from one of our top trading partner will make it impossible for you to school anyone on this subject. Your parties lack of knowledge on just about everyone of your hate driven issues is monstrous. Us torturing people is against the law in this country, not only by our own law but also because of the fact that treaties are automatically American law once implemented.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------here you go JBander , some info on Mexicos top exports to the USA . --- These Are Mexico's Top Exports | Zero Hedge --- Feck mexico JBander , Nat , and other lefties !!
320 billion
Then You can tell me what massive wall across continent's did One thing other then slow down the opponent. Great wall of China thats a laugh, Maginot line thats a belly laugh, Siegfried line, Gothic line, Hindenburg line now the audience is laughing their heads off. Hadrian's wall , now I can't get the people off the floor from laughter. These wall were breeched by Barbarians before the time of Christ and the later ones where just laughed at by the generals in contemporary time. Your Billion dollar line wouldn't even need to exist if instead of going after the Workers simply go after the businesses with fines and jail time. Cost $12.34 , your cost, just for a fence, not a wall, 3 to 4 million a mile. Your party is so big on hating, that is the only reason you want this wall. Whatever it costs you will pay for it out of your own pocket ultimately, the biggest increase in cost will be in the cost of what these immigrants do in this country. Any idiot knows that.
They are not immigrants. They are illegal aliens.

Class dismissed
Your Lack of knowledge of what will happen in world trade if we put that large a tariff on Mexicans goods. especially from one of our top trading partner will make it impossible for you to school anyone on this subject. Your parties lack of knowledge on just about everyone of your hate driven issues is monstrous. Us torturing people is against the law in this country, not only by our own law but also because of the fact that treaties are automatically American law once implemented.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------here you go JBander , some info on Mexicos top exports to the USA . --- These Are Mexico's Top Exports | Zero Hedge --- Feck mexico JBander , Nat , and other lefties !!
The Tarif would cost $525.00 a household, its a gas dealing with people that don't have a clue.
Complete bullshit
Ok Einstin you do the math, They export 324 billion to us, theres 124 million households in the country, So put your 20% tariff on the 324 billion and divide it by the households. I'm so tired of dealing with half wits , it gets old. fast.
gotta break eggs to make an omelette and to fix things in the USA , get your money , checkbook or cash ready JBander .
They are not immigrants. They are illegal aliens.

Class dismissed
Your Lack of knowledge of what will happen in world trade if we put that large a tariff on Mexicans goods. especially from one of our top trading partner will make it impossible for you to school anyone on this subject. Your parties lack of knowledge on just about everyone of your hate driven issues is monstrous. Us torturing people is against the law in this country, not only by our own law but also because of the fact that treaties are automatically American law once implemented.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------here you go JBander , some info on Mexicos top exports to the USA . --- These Are Mexico's Top Exports | Zero Hedge --- Feck mexico JBander , Nat , and other lefties !!
320 billion
They are not immigrants. They are illegal aliens.

Class dismissed
Your Lack of knowledge of what will happen in world trade if we put that large a tariff on Mexicans goods. especially from one of our top trading partner will make it impossible for you to school anyone on this subject. Your parties lack of knowledge on just about everyone of your hate driven issues is monstrous. Us torturing people is against the law in this country, not only by our own law but also because of the fact that treaties are automatically American law once implemented.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------here you go JBander , some info on Mexicos top exports to the USA . --- These Are Mexico's Top Exports | Zero Hedge --- Feck mexico JBander , Nat , and other lefties !!
The Tarif would cost $525.00 a household, its a gas dealing with people that don't have a clue.
Complete bullshit
Ok Einstin you do the math, They export 324 billion to us, theres 124 million households in the country, So put your 20% tariff on the 324 billion and divide it by the households. I'm so tired of dealing with half wits , it gets old. fast.
Divide it buy the people who purchase products made in Mexico dumbass. Learn to math, genius
Then You can tell me what massive wall across continent's did One thing other then slow down the opponent. Great wall of China thats a laugh, Maginot line thats a belly laugh, Siegfried line, Gothic line, Hindenburg line now the audience is laughing their heads off. Hadrian's wall , now I can't get the people off the floor from laughter. These wall were breeched by Barbarians before the time of Christ and the later ones where just laughed at by the generals in contemporary time. Your Billion dollar line wouldn't even need to exist if instead of going after the Workers simply go after the businesses with fines and jail time. Cost $12.34 , your cost, just for a fence, not a wall, 3 to 4 million a mile. Your party is so big on hating, that is the only reason you want this wall. Whatever it costs you will pay for it out of your own pocket ultimately, the biggest increase in cost will be in the cost of what these immigrants do in this country. Any idiot knows that.
They are not immigrants. They are illegal aliens.

Class dismissed
Your Lack of knowledge of what will happen in world trade if we put that large a tariff on Mexicans goods. especially from one of our top trading partner will make it impossible for you to school anyone on this subject. Your parties lack of knowledge on just about everyone of your hate driven issues is monstrous. Us torturing people is against the law in this country, not only by our own law but also because of the fact that treaties are automatically American law once implemented.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------here you go JBander , some info on Mexicos top exports to the USA . --- These Are Mexico's Top Exports | Zero Hedge --- Feck mexico JBander , Nat , and other lefties !!
320 billion
Then You can tell me what massive wall across continent's did One thing other then slow down the opponent. Great wall of China thats a laugh, Maginot line thats a belly laugh, Siegfried line, Gothic line, Hindenburg line now the audience is laughing their heads off. Hadrian's wall , now I can't get the people off the floor from laughter. These wall were breeched by Barbarians before the time of Christ and the later ones where just laughed at by the generals in contemporary time. Your Billion dollar line wouldn't even need to exist if instead of going after the Workers simply go after the businesses with fines and jail time. Cost $12.34 , your cost, just for a fence, not a wall, 3 to 4 million a mile. Your party is so big on hating, that is the only reason you want this wall. Whatever it costs you will pay for it out of your own pocket ultimately, the biggest increase in cost will be in the cost of what these immigrants do in this country. Any idiot knows that.
They are not immigrants. They are illegal aliens.

Class dismissed
Your Lack of knowledge of what will happen in world trade if we put that large a tariff on Mexicans goods. especially from one of our top trading partner will make it impossible for you to school anyone on this subject. Your parties lack of knowledge on just about everyone of your hate driven issues is monstrous. Us torturing people is against the law in this country, not only by our own law but also because of the fact that treaties are automatically American law once implemented.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------here you go JBander , some info on Mexicos top exports to the USA . --- These Are Mexico's Top Exports | Zero Hedge --- Feck mexico JBander , Nat , and other lefties !!
The Tarif would cost $525.00 a household, its a gas dealing with people that don't have a clue.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- such is life JBander !!
So president bullshit can stop holding his breath and pounding his hands and fists on the floor , kicking and screaming and doubling down on every one of his lies. because he wont get his way. Kind of like those 50 billion refugees that voted illegally , all of them going to Clinton. You people got yourself a real idiot. I knew this would work , go after his ego as often as possible and he will have a complete breakdown, he's getting close to it already and it's been a week. This will be fun.
Your Lack of knowledge of what will happen in world trade if we put that large a tariff on Mexicans goods. especially from one of our top trading partner will make it impossible for you to school anyone on this subject. Your parties lack of knowledge on just about everyone of your hate driven issues is monstrous. Us torturing people is against the law in this country, not only by our own law but also because of the fact that treaties are automatically American law once implemented.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------here you go JBander , some info on Mexicos top exports to the USA . --- These Are Mexico's Top Exports | Zero Hedge --- Feck mexico JBander , Nat , and other lefties !!
320 billion
Your Lack of knowledge of what will happen in world trade if we put that large a tariff on Mexicans goods. especially from one of our top trading partner will make it impossible for you to school anyone on this subject. Your parties lack of knowledge on just about everyone of your hate driven issues is monstrous. Us torturing people is against the law in this country, not only by our own law but also because of the fact that treaties are automatically American law once implemented.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------here you go JBander , some info on Mexicos top exports to the USA . --- These Are Mexico's Top Exports | Zero Hedge --- Feck mexico JBander , Nat , and other lefties !!
The Tarif would cost $525.00 a household, its a gas dealing with people that don't have a clue.
Complete bullshit
Ok Einstin you do the math, They export 324 billion to us, theres 124 million households in the country, So put your 20% tariff on the 324 billion and divide it by the households. I'm so tired of dealing with half wits , it gets old. fast.
Divide it buy the people who purchase products made in Mexico dumbass. Learn to math, genius
You really don't have a clue do you. Households are people, I guess you didn't know that. So now lets not go to some will pay more then others, Half minds working at half throttle. Typical Small Hands supporter. Watch and learn buddy.

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