BREAKING NEWS:two US Navy boats in Iranian custody - Pentagon

New York Times World@nytimesworld 5m5 minutes ago
A U.S. military official said he expected the sailors held by Iran to be released on Wednesday
That's what CNN is saying. They don't want to release the sailors at night in case they might get lost. How considerate...and how hard to believe.

I'm confident the US Navy is capable of navigating in the dark

Those RHIB (Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat) vessels don't have anything in the way of radar, so line of sight is the only way to navigate, and it's damn difficult to do at night, especially if you don't have a Quartermaster onboard to navigate for you.

And, there's also the complication that one of the boats doesn't have a working engine. Waiting until morning is much safer.

Ever been out in the middle of the ocean late at night? It's pretty freaking dark out there.
You sound like the expert...but given that ...don't you wonder wtf precautions the navy was's not like they are operating off corpus Christie....

Traveling between Bahrain and Kuwait when one boat had malfunction. They drifted trying to fix the problem. Iran picked them up and took them to island.
That can't be right...there must be an Obama conspiracy involved somewhere!
This just in. Obama has negotiated with the Iranian regime and has agreed to let Iran have the boats and men and also has given them 10 prisoners from club Gitmo.

Well, it beats their last deal giving Iran billions of dollars and nukes.

Smart ass.


Dumb ass
Obama is not going to know how to solve this.

This is the 3 o'clock phone call that Hillary was talking about.
Time to look at basic facts

The US armed military were in Iranian waters illegally.

The US armed military were very close to an Iranian naval base.

There is no hostage crisis, just armed members of a foreign military arrested as likely spies.
Your people were lucky - Iran had the absolute right to blow them out of the water.

If you disagree, I assume you'd be perfectly happy for an armed Iranian navy team to enter Pearl harbour.

They tried that kinda of shit on us back in the day............didn't work out well for them. These are small patrol boats and nothing more...................

They start shooting at our Navy and their piss ant Navy would cease to exist.

Nice - You invade another country's waters near to a top secret navy base, and you want to attack the country you were spying on.
No wonder so many people hate America.
Anyway, if America apologises, I'm sure you'll get your people back.
Hmm..............wait until sunrise for the solution that has been diplomatically worked out already, or lose our shit and declare war tonight. Which option do you think many on this thread want?
its 4:05 iran
sunrise in sout: 6:35
I have my gun on the table....

but problem is: only superme leader can order to revolution gaurd.
maybe leader have affair tonight and he need more sleep :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

don't they behead people in your country for having affairs????:eek-52:

you 28 years old.and i just jerking off in all life? :badgrin::badgrin:
you know what is big issue for very religious-consertative in iran?
they cant find virgin girl for married :badgrin::badgrin:
we have idiom in iran.
bad translate:
if they want caught drunk people
they must caught everybody
its 4:05 iran
sunrise in sout: 6:35
I have my gun on the table....

but problem is: only superme leader can order to revolution gaurd.
maybe leader have affair tonight and he need more sleep :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

don't they behead people in your country for having affairs????:eek-52:

you 28 years old.and i just jerking off in all life? :badgrin::badgrin:
you know what is big issue for very religious-consertative in iran?
they cant find virgin girl for married :badgrin::badgrin:
we have idiom in iran.
bad translate:
if they want caught drunk people
they must caught everybody


didn't understand a word my son! :lmao:
Shia Muslims do mut'a - "temporary marriage"
The Americans have apologised, and Iran has realised they were just pathetic idiots without a clue, not spies.

They have been returned to international waters.
Obabbles heart goes out to the ayatollah. An investigation will be conducted. Recommendations will be made to ensure this never happens again. We have come a long way...but there is still much to do. Like Joe Biden curing cancer.
Obabbles heart goes out to the ayatollah. An investigation will be conducted. Recommendations will be made to ensure this never happens again. We have come a long way...but there is still much to do. Like Joe Biden curing cancer.
what is obabbles?

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