BREAKING NEWS:two US Navy boats in Iranian custody - Pentagon

Just listening to Mark Levin...He had a former naval officer on that was familiar with those boats, and their operation...said each boat has 2 I REPEAT TWO motors, and the ODDS that both would fail at the same time is pretty low...BUT besides that there were Two, I repeat TWO boats that BOTH had duel motor failures and simply DRIFTED into Iranian waters?...He also stated that if ONE boat had gone down, these boats were equipped with gear that let's them TOW another boat and takes about 5 minutes to afix and get underway again. Also stated that each boat has a hand held GPS device that gives you your location accurately up to 9 feet from your actual position, and would NEVER DRIFT that far away from where they supposedly were to enter Iranian waters.....He refused to believe the story, as do I as I stated at the beginning of this thread..... SOMETHING ISN'T RIGHT and SOMEONE ISN'T TELLING THE TRUTH!

I never bought the breaking down BS from the get go
I'm quite sure that The Trumpster would simply tell them, if they aren't underway within 2 hours......


THIS is why he will be president, You ACT like a president, and don't take SHIT from any terrorist muslims!
but problem is: only superme leader can order to revolution gaurd.
maybe leader have affair tonight and he need more sleep :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

don't they behead people in your country for having affairs????:eek-52:

you 28 years old.and i just jerking off in all life? :badgrin::badgrin:
you know what is big issue for very religious-consertative in iran?
they cant find virgin girl for married :badgrin::badgrin:
we have idiom in iran.
bad translate:
if they want caught drunk people
they must caught everybody
So, Dani, what do you think about this situation?

Did the Supreme Leader demand that they were arrested?

What usually happens when they find foreign boats in their waters?

Do you think they will be released soon?
What about our treaty with Iran? Was it good for your country?
Do you think our Secretary of State should go over there and help with their release?
Were you aware of the Hostage Crisis we had with Iran in the Carter years?

Supreme Leader
is smart.. He Will Never Be Involved In this case directly in press.
yes.they will be
released soon.but im not sure that they will be released two hours later.
Were you aware of the Hostage Crisis when they held Americans for over a year?
it was different.
I have my gun on the table....

but problem is: only superme leader can order to revolution gaurd.
maybe leader have affair tonight and he need more sleep :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

don't they behead people in your country for having affairs????:eek-52:

you 28 years old.and i just jerking off in all life? :badgrin::badgrin:
you know what is big issue for very religious-consertative in iran?
they cant find virgin girl for married :badgrin::badgrin:
we have idiom in iran.
bad translate:
if they want caught drunk people
they must caught everybody


didn't understand a word my son! :lmao:
deltex1 always understand me.
deltex please help
Take it slow with Dani. He is an Iranian with a sense of humor and some trouble with the English language. Having said that...I have a question...about virgins, Dani. How are you supposed to determine if a woman is a virgin? Do you ask them? Do you inspect them? And if you find one, does she remain a virgin until you marry her?
I'm quite sure that The Trumpster would simply tell them, if they aren't underway within 2 hours......


THIS is why he will be president, You ACT like a president, and don't take SHIT from any terrorist muslims!
don't they behead people in your country for having affairs????:eek-52:

you 28 years old.and i just jerking off in all life? :badgrin::badgrin:
you know what is big issue for very religious-consertative in iran?
they cant find virgin girl for married :badgrin::badgrin:
we have idiom in iran.
bad translate:
if they want caught drunk people
they must caught everybody
So, Dani, what do you think about this situation?

Did the Supreme Leader demand that they were arrested?

What usually happens when they find foreign boats in their waters?

Do you think they will be released soon?
What about our treaty with Iran? Was it good for your country?
Do you think our Secretary of State should go over there and help with their release?
Were you aware of the Hostage Crisis we had with Iran in the Carter years?

Supreme Leader
is smart.. He Will Never Be Involved In this case directly in press.
yes.they will be
released soon.but im not sure that they will be released two hours later.
Were you aware of the Hostage Crisis when they held Americans for over a year?
it was different.
What do you mean?
Just listening to Mark Levin...He had a former naval officer on that was familiar with those boats, and their operation...said each boat has 2 I REPEAT TWO motors, and the ODDS that both would fail at the same time is pretty low...BUT besides that there were Two, I repeat TWO boats that BOTH had duel motor failures and simply DRIFTED into Iranian waters?...He also stated that if ONE boat had gone down, these boats were equipped with gear that let's them TOW another boat and takes about 5 minutes to afix and get underway again. Also stated that each boat has a hand held GPS device that gives you your location accurately up to 9 feet from your actual position, and would NEVER DRIFT that far away from where they supposedly were to enter Iranian waters.....He refused to believe the story, as do I as I stated at the beginning of this thread..... SOMETHING ISN'T RIGHT and SOMEONE ISN'T TELLING THE TRUTH!

Someone is Lying?

We are getting a story from the liars in Iran and a story from Obama and his entourage of lackeys. Both hate the truth like vampires hate the sunrise.

I say they give us our people back...and as soon as we get them to safety...we tell the Iranians, that we want our boats back within the next hour, or Farsi Island will cease to exist.

It is long past time to quit pussyfooting around with these dangerously insane lunatics.

What would Churchill do?

He would fight the cocksuckers before they got a nuclear bomb, because Ayatollahs and Mullahs are too bat-shit crazy to ever have a nuclear bomb. They are looking for "the end of days". Its perfect. They will use it!

What would Chamberlain do?

Wait and see what Obama does...and you will have that answer.
I'm quite sure that The Trumpster would simply tell them, if they aren't underway within 2 hours......


THIS is why he will be president, You ACT like a president, and don't take SHIT from any terrorist muslims!
you 28 years old.and i just jerking off in all life? :badgrin::badgrin:
you know what is big issue for very religious-consertative in iran?
they cant find virgin girl for married :badgrin::badgrin:
we have idiom in iran.
bad translate:
if they want caught drunk people
they must caught everybody
So, Dani, what do you think about this situation?

Did the Supreme Leader demand that they were arrested?

What usually happens when they find foreign boats in their waters?

Do you think they will be released soon?
What about our treaty with Iran? Was it good for your country?
Do you think our Secretary of State should go over there and help with their release?
Were you aware of the Hostage Crisis we had with Iran in the Carter years?

Supreme Leader
is smart.. He Will Never Be Involved In this case directly in press.
yes.they will be
released soon.but im not sure that they will be released two hours later.
Were you aware of the Hostage Crisis when they held Americans for over a year?
it was different.
What do you mean?

In 2 hours LIGHT UP Tehran! I thought it was self explanatory! We don't need nukes to do that, a few dozen cruise missiles would certainly get their attention...if still alive!
but problem is: only superme leader can order to revolution gaurd.
maybe leader have affair tonight and he need more sleep :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

don't they behead people in your country for having affairs????:eek-52:

you 28 years old.and i just jerking off in all life? :badgrin::badgrin:
you know what is big issue for very religious-consertative in iran?
they cant find virgin girl for married :badgrin::badgrin:
we have idiom in iran.
bad translate:
if they want caught drunk people
they must caught everybody


didn't understand a word my son! :lmao:
deltex1 always understand me.
deltex please help
Take it slow with Dani. He is an Iranian with a sense of humor and some trouble with the English language. Having said that...I have a question...about virgins, Dani. How are you supposed to determine if a woman is a virgin? Do you ask them? Do you inspect them? And if you find one, does she remain a virgin until you marry her?
1: i dont agree with this virgin bullshit
2:do you know what is hymen?
+ if you fuck virgin pussy for first time. your penis will be bloody. :badgrin:.
.anal sex is very popular in consertative states of iran.
Don't bother our president...he's busy rehearsing his speech. Valerie will handle it.

Is the SOTU tonight? If so, I know to not have the television or BBC Radio Propaganda on.

This is a dangerous time. It's State of the Union tonight.

Obama is insane.

Yes agree. Mr. Lucy is Psychiatrist, he thinks Obama has Narcissistic Personality Disorder and is at least borderline Psychopath/Sociopath.

Oh please ask your husband on this then. A gentleman called into a radio personality's show. Michael Savage. This man gee I don't know how to put it I spun around in the kitchen to listen. One of those where you hit that sixth sense and I was riveted.

He said how dangerous Obama was because his nature was to believe his lies. Oh heavens I hope this makes sense. The caller said the danger is that Obama will repeat the lie in his own head so much that he believes he's telling the truth.

Is this doctor right? I'm afraid of your answer.

I'll ask Mr. Lucy about this.

I'd appreciate that. Sheesh I love crime oh boy that doesnt sound good but I've always loved the criminal mind in the sense of their brilliance.

But if we look at a Merkel or a Cameron or an Obama and we can profile them I'm buying your husbands ticket to paradise.

Seriously there look at what Merkel is doing. She is in front of everyone's eyes destroying her country
don't they behead people in your country for having affairs????:eek-52:

you 28 years old.and i just jerking off in all life? :badgrin::badgrin:
you know what is big issue for very religious-consertative in iran?
they cant find virgin girl for married :badgrin::badgrin:
we have idiom in iran.
bad translate:
if they want caught drunk people
they must caught everybody


didn't understand a word my son! :lmao:
deltex1 always understand me.
deltex please help
Take it slow with Dani. He is an Iranian with a sense of humor and some trouble with the English language. Having said that...I have a question...about virgins, Dani. How are you supposed to determine if a woman is a virgin? Do you ask them? Do you inspect them? And if you find one, does she remain a virgin until you marry her?
1: i dont agree with this virgin bullshit
2:do you know what is hymen?
+ if you fuck virgin pussy for first time. your penis will be bloody. :badgrin:.
.anal sex is very popular in religious states of iran.

ok ....tell us you are not a sock/troll or any of that????:biggrin:
Maybe the Administration should sell weapons to the Iranians to gain their trust and so get the sailors and hostages back.
Perhaps they could funnel the money to a secret war somewhere.
It's been done before.
I'm quite sure that The Trumpster would simply tell them, if they aren't underway within 2 hours......


THIS is why he will be president, You ACT like a president, and don't take SHIT from any terrorist muslims!
So, Dani, what do you think about this situation?

Did the Supreme Leader demand that they were arrested?

What usually happens when they find foreign boats in their waters?

Do you think they will be released soon?
What about our treaty with Iran? Was it good for your country?
Do you think our Secretary of State should go over there and help with their release?
Were you aware of the Hostage Crisis we had with Iran in the Carter years?

Supreme Leader
is smart.. He Will Never Be Involved In this case directly in press.
yes.they will be
released soon.but im not sure that they will be released two hours later.
Were you aware of the Hostage Crisis when they held Americans for over a year?
it was different.
What do you mean?

In 2 hours LIGHT UP Tehran! I thought it was self explanatory! We don't need nukes to do that, a few dozen cruise missiles would certainly get their attention...if still alive!

Tehran is not your enemy. You are falling for the bullshit. SA's suckering you man. Haven't you got it yet?

Saudi Arabia/Qatar/Turkey are doing you in.

I thought you got it. Obviously you don't.
don't they behead people in your country for having affairs????:eek-52:

you 28 years old.and i just jerking off in all life? :badgrin::badgrin:
you know what is big issue for very religious-consertative in iran?
they cant find virgin girl for married :badgrin::badgrin:
we have idiom in iran.
bad translate:
if they want caught drunk people
they must caught everybody


didn't understand a word my son! :lmao:
deltex1 always understand me.
deltex please help
Take it slow with Dani. He is an Iranian with a sense of humor and some trouble with the English language. Having said that...I have a question...about virgins, Dani. How are you supposed to determine if a woman is a virgin? Do you ask them? Do you inspect them? And if you find one, does she remain a virgin until you marry her?
1: i dont agree with this virgin bullshit
2:do you know what is hymen?
+ if you fuck virgin pussy for first time. your penis will be bloody. :badgrin:.
.anal sex is very popular in consertative states of iran.
Understand. I had the impression you were looking for a virgin. Nothing wrong with a virgin...but in this modern world...virginity has depreciated in value.
I'm quite sure that The Trumpster would simply tell them, if they aren't underway within 2 hours......


THIS is why he will be president, You ACT like a president, and don't take SHIT from any terrorist muslims!
you 28 years old.and i just jerking off in all life? :badgrin::badgrin:
you know what is big issue for very religious-consertative in iran?
they cant find virgin girl for married :badgrin::badgrin:
we have idiom in iran.
bad translate:
if they want caught drunk people
they must caught everybody
So, Dani, what do you think about this situation?

Did the Supreme Leader demand that they were arrested?

What usually happens when they find foreign boats in their waters?

Do you think they will be released soon?
What about our treaty with Iran? Was it good for your country?
Do you think our Secretary of State should go over there and help with their release?
Were you aware of the Hostage Crisis we had with Iran in the Carter years?

Supreme Leader
is smart.. He Will Never Be Involved In this case directly in press.
yes.they will be
released soon.but im not sure that they will be released two hours later.
Were you aware of the Hostage Crisis when they held Americans for over a year?
it was different.
What do you mean?

it was happened because of revolution.even khomeini wasnt agree with it.
comunism or secular and student involve in ...
khomeini havnt any are are walking with crowd........
Is the SOTU tonight? If so, I know to not have the television or BBC Radio Propaganda on.

This is a dangerous time. It's State of the Union tonight.

Obama is insane.

Yes agree. Mr. Lucy is Psychiatrist, he thinks Obama has Narcissistic Personality Disorder and is at least borderline Psychopath/Sociopath.

Oh please ask your husband on this then. A gentleman called into a radio personality's show. Michael Savage. This man gee I don't know how to put it I spun around in the kitchen to listen. One of those where you hit that sixth sense and I was riveted.

He said how dangerous Obama was because his nature was to believe his lies. Oh heavens I hope this makes sense. The caller said the danger is that Obama will repeat the lie in his own head so much that he believes he's telling the truth.

Is this doctor right? I'm afraid of your answer.

I'll ask Mr. Lucy about this.

I'd appreciate that. Sheesh I love crime oh boy that doesnt sound good but I've always loved the criminal mind in the sense of their brilliance.

But if we look at a Merkel or a Cameron or an Obama and we can profile them I'm buying your husbands ticket to paradise.

Seriously there look at what Merkel is doing. She is in front of everyone's eyes destroying her country

I need the bed, it's 1.33am, busy day tomorrow, but yes these so-called leaders are very twisted and The Agenda is actually evil.

Up until August 2015 I ADORED Angela Merkel, she was my favourite look where we are because of her being compromised. One reason people like me now hate so intensely, is because we so respected and LIKED Merkel....ultimate stab in backs, she's now classic Traitor, like all those classic Traitors in history.

Merkel spent 10 years obsessively protecting Germany and Europa....this is how you know it's blackmail, this woman goes from fanatically protecting country and putting pieces into place to destroy both....and the turn was so quick, literally a few months end of July to the beginning of September.
This is a dangerous time. It's State of the Union tonight.

Obama is insane.

Yes agree. Mr. Lucy is Psychiatrist, he thinks Obama has Narcissistic Personality Disorder and is at least borderline Psychopath/Sociopath.

Oh please ask your husband on this then. A gentleman called into a radio personality's show. Michael Savage. This man gee I don't know how to put it I spun around in the kitchen to listen. One of those where you hit that sixth sense and I was riveted.

He said how dangerous Obama was because his nature was to believe his lies. Oh heavens I hope this makes sense. The caller said the danger is that Obama will repeat the lie in his own head so much that he believes he's telling the truth.

Is this doctor right? I'm afraid of your answer.

I'll ask Mr. Lucy about this.

I would appreciate that because when I heard the caller say it it made so much sense. If someone is oh boy classified as either it explains so much. He actually goes out there and believes what he's saying.

Aye carumba oh I'm an idiot I didn't bring this up. ERGO he doesn't know that he's lying. I am so sorry here.

I would ask Mr. Lucy now, but he's in his pajamas in the bed, he has to be up very early, I don't have to be up until 10am. I won't see him until 7pm, when I get back from Kopenhagen....but I'll ask him then and let you know what he says.

Thank you.
I'm quite sure that The Trumpster would simply tell them, if they aren't underway within 2 hours......


THIS is why he will be president, You ACT like a president, and don't take SHIT from any terrorist muslims!
Supreme Leader
is smart.. He Will Never Be Involved In this case directly in press.
yes.they will be
released soon.but im not sure that they will be released two hours later.
Were you aware of the Hostage Crisis when they held Americans for over a year?
it was different.
What do you mean?

In 2 hours LIGHT UP Tehran! I thought it was self explanatory! We don't need nukes to do that, a few dozen cruise missiles would certainly get their attention...if still alive!

Tehran is not your enemy. You are falling for the bullshit. SA's suckering you man. Haven't you got it yet?

Saudi Arabia/Qatar/Turkey are doing you in.

I thought you got it. Obviously you don't.

There are MORE than a few dozen IRANIAN MULAH buildings in Tehran, whatever collateral damage is done, deserves a SORRY ABOUT THAT SHIT!

SA/Qatar/Turkey DIDN'T TAKE OUR MEN and BOATS!!!!

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