Breaking News: U.S. Supreme Court Stops Gay Marriage In Utah

The doctrine of judicial review in the US is not similar to the removal of the King's trial from the colonies to GB.

your just being deliberately obtuse.

I am being very clear. You are calling the removal of where a trial would be held (to GB) the antecedents of our judicial review. It is not.

I suppose you could also include that example as an instance of the judicial overreach, by the king's stooges.

heres a link to that modern stooge judge, (and supporting federal court aides & clerks) that dont know the difference between the Constitution and the Declaration. Ironically a female judge who quotes "all MEN are created equal" and gets the source wrong. Rushes the opinion out in an egotistic attempt to get her name in the history books with a valentines day opinion.

Virginia Same-Sex Marriage Ruling Confuses Declaration of Independence with Constitution
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your just being deliberately obtuse.

I am being very clear. You are calling the removal of where a trial would be held (to GB) the antecedents of our judicial review. It is not.

I suppose you could also include that example as an instance of the judicial overreach, by the king's stooges.

heres a link to that modern stooge judge, (and supporting federal court aides & clerks) that dont know the difference between the Constitution and the Declaration. Ironically a female judge who quotes "all MEN are created equal" and gets the source wrong. Rushes the opinion out in an egotistic attempt to get her name in the history books with a valentines day opinion.

Virginia Same-Sex Marriage Ruling Confuses Declaration of Independence with Constitution

Do you understand that your examples are ones that reveal an executive effort to remove judges and trials from the influence of colonial legislatures influencing such by withholding money?

The problem was the King's executive power not the courts.
You people have went full retard.

There is NO right to adopt, and thus a private adoption agency SHOULD have the right to tell anyone to GTFO if they don't want to adopt to them.

I mean, if you actually believe in freedom, which millions of Americans do not.
That's true BillyZane. People do not have an automatic right to adopt....for now...the church of LGBT is advancing on that though. First things first. They have to advance to marriage before they can start suing adoption agencies for "discrimination against LGBT people' for not automatically rubber stamping fresh mean "adoptable kids" into their custody. Fun fact. I know two devoted lifelong gay men partners who took in a teen boy who was a minor at the time and they simultaneously officiate as his fathers and they have sex with him too. They keep it all in the family that way.

Last I checked 1964-1946 = 18 so the youngest (if Randy Shilts data is correct, remember you are saying his biography is correct) is 17 (depending on the day of the year).

New York age of consent is 17. ("New York - The age of consent is 17." -->> Statutory Rape: The Age of Consent | LegalMatch Law Library

Right, the age of consent then as now in New York was/is 17.

However, Jack McKinley was 16, addled on drugs and mentally ill/suicidal when Milk began sodomizing him. That's three felony counts of sodomy:

One of Milk’s victims was a 16-year-old runaway from Maryland named Jack Galen McKinley. As previously mentioned, Milk had a soft spot in his, um, heart for teenage runaways. Motivated by an apparent quid pro quo of prurience, Milk plucked McKinley from the street

Randy Shilts was a San Francisco Chronicle reporter and close friend to Harvey Milk. Though Shilts died of AIDS in 1994, he remains, even today, one of the most beloved journalists in the “LGBT” community.

Shilts was also Harvey Milk’s biographer. In his glowing book “The Mayor of Castro Street,” he wrote of Milk’s “relationship” with the McKinley boy: ” … Sixteen-year-old McKinley was looking for some kind of father figure. … At 33, Milk was launching a new life, though he could hardly have imagined the unlikely direction toward which his new lover would pull him.” Sexual Predator Honored With US Postal Stamp

Those quotes were taken directly from Milk's biography in the last paragraph above.

That the poor boy was looking for a father figure and found the sexual predator Harvey Milk instead, willing to "act" like a father figure while he was simultaneously sodomizing the suicidal boy on drugs, and that he went on to finally kill himself makes Harvey Milk's crimes aggravated. The boy I mentioned that I know who is very similar to Milk's twinks/sons is also very unstable mentally now. Well, you can imagine getting prison raped until you "like it" by two men you thought were your fathers.. Does a number on the old childhood-development thing... Can't go near the situation because of the LGBT stronghold on the legal system and because the boy is now "of age" and "is happy with his situation"..a la Stockholm Syndrome..

His mother thinks it's neat because even though she's straight, she has a few gay and lesbian friends who all encourage her to love and accept the situation as "healthy" for her son. She refuses to press charges and god help her if she did. They'd burn her house down. Starting to see the cult aspect yet? Don't worry, you will. Only let's hope it's not set in legal stone by then...
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You people have went full retard.

There is NO right to adopt, and thus a private adoption agency SHOULD have the right to tell anyone to GTFO if they don't want to adopt to them.

I mean, if you actually believe in freedom, which millions of Americans do not.

Nobody is arguing that a private adoption agency shouldn't be able to tell anyone to "GFTO". Why create arguments where there is none?
I suppose you could also include that example as an instance of the judicial overreach, by the king's stooges.

heres a link to that modern stooge judge, (and supporting federal court aides & clerks) that dont know the difference between the Constitution and the Declaration. Ironically a female judge who quotes "all MEN are created equal" and gets the source wrong. Rushes the opinion out in an egotistic attempt to get her name in the history books with a valentines day opinion.

Virginia Same-Sex Marriage Ruling Confuses Declaration of Independence with Constitution

Do you understand that your examples are ones that reveal an executive effort to remove judges and trials from the influence of colonial legislatures influencing such by withholding money? The problem was the King's executive power not the courts.

What?, your not making any sense. I think the kings executive power was tied in with the was a monarchy.

Dont bother replying im not going to

I suppose you could also include that example as an instance of the judicial overreach, by the king's stooges.

heres a link to that modern stooge judge, (and supporting federal court aides & clerks) that dont know the difference between the Constitution and the Declaration. Ironically a female judge who quotes "all MEN are created equal" and gets the source wrong. Rushes the opinion out in an egotistic attempt to get her name in the history books with a valentines day opinion.

Virginia Same-Sex Marriage Ruling Confuses Declaration of Independence with Constitution

Do you understand that your examples are ones that reveal an executive effort to remove judges and trials from the influence of colonial legislatures influencing such by withholding money? The problem was the King's executive power not the courts.

What?, your not making any sense. I think the kings executive power was tied in with the was a monarchy.

Dont bother replying im not going to


yes, jakestarkey is a troll and should not be fed
Nobody is arguing that a private adoption agency shouldn't be able to tell anyone to "GFTO". Why create arguments where there is none?

Yet plenty of people belonging to the cult of LGBT are already arguing that private cakemakers and photographers don't have rights to refuse service...odd how you are for either side of the fence only so long as it always favors LGBT inroads into all minds of society.

It will start with public adoption agencies, once the faithful in the church of Harvey Milk get their toe in the door via marriage.

Then the lawsuits will progress into private adoption agencies. From there, finally, even religious organizations like catholic orphanages will be told they no longer can consider a person's membership in a cult that worships a pedophile like Harvey Milk is not fit for adopting.

From there, religious freedom itself will be in question.

It's all quite elementary if you understand the insidious and nearly invisible progression of blind "justice" and legal precedent. Thank goodness there's people like me, Beagle, Craelin etc. who are keeping this progression nice and lit up with floodlights 24/7.
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I suppose you could also include that example as an instance of the judicial overreach, by the king's stooges.

heres a link to that modern stooge judge, (and supporting federal court aides & clerks) that dont know the difference between the Constitution and the Declaration. Ironically a female judge who quotes "all MEN are created equal" and gets the source wrong. Rushes the opinion out in an egotistic attempt to get her name in the history books with a valentines day opinion.

Virginia Same-Sex Marriage Ruling Confuses Declaration of Independence with Constitution

Do you understand that your examples are ones that reveal an executive effort to remove judges and trials from the influence of colonial legislatures influencing such by withholding money? The problem was the King's executive power not the courts.

What?, your not making any sense. I think the kings executive power was tied in with the was a monarchy.

Dont bother replying im not going to :trolls:

So you admit defeat.


The trials were withdrawn to GB so that the colonial legislatures could not interfere with them.

This had nothing to do with the doctrine of judicial review.
Yet plenty of people belonging to the cult of LGBT are"

Their is not cult, honey.

Come back to earth, please.

Only a cult would say "don't worry, we won't force private orphanges to adopt to us." at the same time they are suing private christian cakemakers and photographers to be forced to cater to their "weddings".

The progression is slow, steady and just under the radar. Just how a cult operates in any other venue... I repeat:

Nobody is arguing that a private adoption agency shouldn't be able to tell anyone to "GFTO". Why create arguments where there is none?

Yet plenty of people belonging to the cult of LGBT are already arguing that private cakemakers and photographers don't have rights to refuse service...odd how you are for either side of the fence only so long as it always favors LGBT inroads into all minds of society.

It will start with public adoption agencies, once the faithful in the church of Harvey Milk get their toe in the door via marriage.

Then the lawsuits will progress into private adoption agencies. From there, finally, even religious organizations like catholic orphanages will be told they no longer can consider a person's membership in a cult that worships a pedophile like Harvey Milk is not fit for adopting.

From there, religious freedom itself will be in question.

It's all quite elementary if you understand the insidious and nearly invisible progression of blind "justice" and legal precedent. Thank goodness there's people like me, Beagle, Craelin etc. who are keeping this progression nice and lit up with floodlights 24/7.
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We've already heard from them. They're fine.

"Good evening, Mr. Chairman," the young man said. "My name is Zach Wahls. I'm a sixth-generation Iowan and an engineering student at the University of Iowa, and I was raised by two women."

"Over the next two hours, I'm sure we're going to hear plenty of testimony about how damaging having gay parents is on kids. But in my 19 years not once have I ever been confronted by an individual who realized independently that I was raised by a gay couple.

"And you know why? Because the sexual orientation of my parents has had zero effect on the content of my character..."​

Here's what the American Academy of Pediatrics had to say...

I've already explained about the past APA president who said that the APA has been taken over by a gay cabal in the 1970s-1980s. The American Academy of Pediatrics defers to the APA's political stances so for what it's worth: precisely zero. It's like getting an opinion from a NASCAR driver if he thinks exceeding the speed limit is a good idea.

You say "we already heard from them" meaning kids of gay parents. Looks to me like you've already heard from him, not them. I know two identical twin girls raised by lesbians. One of the lesbians was the "man" lesbian [looked, acted like, spoke like, walked like, dressed like a truck driver guy] and the other one was inexplicably attracted to her...I digress...oh anyway, the two identical twin girls grew up one hetero, married with kids she had with her husband, the other, a butch lesbian. Both have issues. Huge mental issues.

But yeah, you got one kid to stand up and self-diagnose for a crowd to assure everyone on earth that the unexplored realm of hidden strangenesses that make up the church of LGBT are "perfectly fine to raise kids under".

All with a stamp of approval from the APA's offshoot, the AAP... :cuckoo:
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Good luck everyone, and may God have mercy upon us all if we choose not to be honest about these things that are discussed on many of the important issues, and this whether upon these message boards or in life itself. I think that all the important issues are being discussed for the betterment of ones own family, friends, and the society in which we all live in as a whole. It is important to get educated about the many issues out there today, and if we do allow exposures to our young that leave them abused, vulnerable, and weak in any instance, and this instead of strong, proud, educated and informed, then may God have mercy upon us all because we are going to need it for sure when we meet him.

For those who have experienced a lot of things in their lives already, then may the Lord be with you in your lives, and may he comfort and guide you to a higher plain as you ask him for forgiveness, and may he take us all into a better understanding of that which is he who holds the keys to life and of death, and to find that he loves us always, and yet it is his plan to seperate us from our sins in life, otherwise in order to set us free, but we have to allow that to happen first, and we must do it by choice.

All have sinned and come short of the Glory, and upon that cross our sins have been covered by the blood of the lamb Jesus Christ, so rejoice in the lord this day upon all whom believe, and do seek after the truth as the truth shall set you free, and so therefore be patient with all of those who are family and our friends in life, for it is written and it shall be done. Amen !
Wrong on so many counts.

Accusing a person of having a relationship, not necessarily sexual with someone under the age of consent, who by law is not underage isn't a reasonable suspicion.

In "Mayor of Castor Street", Shilts biography of Harvey Milk, he does not accuse Milk of any sexual abuse, He alleges that there was a relationship between Milk and John "Jack" Galen McKinley, a teenager which of course is enough for any Homophobe to conclude sexual abuse. However, it's unlikely that Child Protective Services would see it as such, particular since McKinley was not underage. McKinley was born October 18, 1946, so he was seventeen or eighteen when he first met Milk in late 1964. Seventeen is the age of consent in New York, so Milk's relationship was not with someone underage, as many of Milk's detractors have claimed.)

It is well known and documented that Harvey Milk had sex with the minor Jack McKinley who later killed himself on Milk's birthday. Reasonable suspicion is the documentation of that and many other sordid sexual behavior of Harvey Milk in Milk's biography, that Milk freely admitted to other people at the time.

People know that about him and defend it. We'll let the courts sort out whether or not the 60 + LGBT groups that promoted his postage stamp and the laws in California requiring school kids to celebrate that he was the first "openly gay man" to hold a public office is reflective of the culture's values.
Jack McKinley was either 17 or 18 which is above the age of consent when Milk met him therefore there was no child sexual abuse. You choose to ignore this but it is a fact.

Shilts makes many minor factual errors. (The most notorious is his implication that John "Jack" Galen McKinley was sixteen years old when he moved in with Milk. McKinley was born October 18, 1946, so he was seventeen or eighteen when he first met Milk in late 1964. Seventeen is the age of consent in New York, so Milk's relationship was not with someone underage, as many of Milk's detractors have claimed.) Because Shilts includes a remarkably small number of specific dates (I highlighted all dates in my copy and was startled by how few I could find), he sometimes scrambles the sequences of events. This is especially true of the section describing Milk's involvement in Broadway shows with legendary director Tom O'Horgan.
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Scriptures tell us that the very elect (which I am sure that beagle9 and Sil with whom include themselves) will be deceived.
We've already heard from them. They're fine.

"Good evening, Mr. Chairman," the young man said. "My name is Zach Wahls. I'm a sixth-generation Iowan and an engineering student at the University of Iowa, and I was raised by two women."

"Over the next two hours, I'm sure we're going to hear plenty of testimony about how damaging having gay parents is on kids. But in my 19 years not once have I ever been confronted by an individual who realized independently that I was raised by a gay couple.

"And you know why? Because the sexual orientation of my parents has had zero effect on the content of my character..."​

Here's what the American Academy of Pediatrics had to say...

I've already explained about the past APA president who said that the APA has been taken over by a gay cabal in the 1970s-1980s. LifeSiteNews Mobile | Former president of APA says organization controlled by ?gay rights? movement The American Academy of Pediatrics defers to the APA's political stances so for what it's worth: precisely zero. It's like getting an opinion from a NASCAR driver if he thinks exceeding the speed limit is a good idea.

You say "we already heard from them" meaning kids of gay parents. Looks to me like you've already heard from him, not them. I know two identical twin girls raised by lesbians. One of the lesbians was the "man" lesbian [looked, acted like, spoke like, walked like, dressed like a truck driver guy] and the other one was inexplicably attracted to her...I digress...oh anyway, the two identical twin girls grew up one hetero, married with kids she had with her husband, the other, a butch lesbian. Both have issues. Huge mental issues.

But yeah, you got one kid to stand up and self-diagnose for a crowd to assure everyone on earth that the unexplored realm of hidden strangenesses that make up the church of LGBT are "perfectly fine to raise kids under".

All with a stamp of approval from the APA's offshoot, the AAP... :cuckoo:

Yes Sil, we know YOU discount all the major medical associations because of a disgruntled former employee of a single organization. Sane people do not.

Our kids are fine, Sil and parenting has nothing to do with marriage equality. Keep flailing though, it only helps marriage equality.
Jack McKinley was either 17 or 18 which is above the age of consent when Milk met him therefore there was no child sexual abuse. You choose to ignore this but it is a fact.

Randy Shilts, Milk's biographer, was gay, a good friend of Harvey Milk and more importantly, an accredited journalist known, famous for actually, his hard-lined adherence to the truth and facts when he reported. Gays used to spit on him in fact as he walked through the Castro district for being a traitor. Mr. Shilts reported on the AIDS epidemic spreading [he died ot it himself] and his open objections to public bathhouses as the main culprit.

Randy Shilts wrote in Milk's biography of Milk's affair with young teen Jack McKinley these words:

"Sixteen-year-old McKinley was looking for some kind of father figure. … At 33, Milk was launching a new life, though he could hardly have imagined the unlikely direction toward which his new lover would pull him.”

So, either Mr. Shilts the accredited journalist famous for taking heat for reporting only the facts, even from his own friends, stepped out of staunch character just to write those words, or you, Flopper, are wilfully misrepresenting the truth in order to make excuses for the inexcusable.

Since nobody here knows you, nor has any reason to respect you as an accredited journalist famous for telling the truth, I guess we'll have to err on the side of Randy Shilts who knew Harvey Milk personally and was probably the most credible eyewitness the world could hope for as to accurate details of Milk's life and how old his "lovers/victims" were...

The age of consent in New York when and where Harvey Milk plucked this "young waif with substance abuse problem.." was 17. Ergo, Harvey Milk sodomized a mentally ill, drug addicted teen orphaned MINOR boy, while officiating as his father figure.

That's three felony counts of child sexual assault involving sodomy. Sandusky went to prison for that. Harvey Milk gets 60 LGBT groups petitioning successfully, the US Postal service to commission a rainbow "USA' stamp of Harvey Milk instead. He is their cultural hero. His sexuality stands aligned with their own.

Houston, we have a problem.
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Sil, it is you who is wildly mischaracterizing the writing to twist it to fit your cultlike demagoguery.
Jack McKinley was either 17 or 18 which is above the age of consent when Milk met him therefore there was no child sexual abuse. You choose to ignore this but it is a fact.

Randy Shilts, Milk's biographer, was gay, a good friend of Harvey Milk and more importantly, an accredited journalist known, famous for actually, his hard-lined adherence to the truth and facts when he reported. Gays used to spit on him in fact as he walked through the Castro district for being a traitor. Mr. Shilts reported on the AIDS epidemic spreading [he died ot it himself] and his open objections to public bathhouses as the main culprit.

Randy Shilts wrote in Milk's biography of Milk's affair with young teen Jack McKinley these words:

"Sixteen-year-old McKinley was looking for some kind of father figure. … At 33, Milk was launching a new life, though he could hardly have imagined the unlikely direction toward which his new lover would pull him.”

So, either Mr. Shilts the accredited journalist famous for taking heat for reporting only the facts, even from his own friends, stepped out of staunch character just to write those words, or you, Flopper, are wilfully misrepresenting the truth in order to make excuses for the inexcusable.

Since nobody here knows you, nor has any reason to respect you as an accredited journalist famous for telling the truth, I guess we'll have to err on the side of Randy Shilts who knew Harvey Milk personally and was probably the most credible eyewitness the world could hope for as to accurate details of Milk's life and how old his "lovers/victims" were...

The age of consent in New York when and where Harvey Milk plucked this "young waif with substance abuse problem.." was 17. Ergo, Harvey Milk sodomized a mentally ill, drug addicted teen orphaned MINOR boy, while officiating as his father figure.

That's three felony counts of child sexual assault involving sodomy. Sandusky went to prison for that. Harvey Milk gets 60 LGBT groups petitioning successfully, the US Postal service to commission a rainbow "USA' stamp of Harvey Milk instead. He is their cultural hero. His sexuality stands aligned with their own.

Houston, we have a problem.

Accredited by whom? He could have been well - meaning enough and still be wrong / sloppy, but I smell ambition. If one is part of a minority group, the best way to become successful is to sell them out. See Phyllis Schaffly.

And what's with this "we" shit? NOBODY but green bean and gspys follows you with anything but a groan and a snicker.

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