Breaking: No One Likes The GOP's Health Care Bill

Breaking News! Bad News for Trump and Ryan! Hilarious to see then try to spin it!!

24 Million People Stand To Lose Insurance Under GOP Obamacare 'Replacement' | The Huffington Post

The Republican plan to repeal and “replace” the Affordable Care Act would increase the number of Americans without health coverage by 24 million and reduce the federal budget deficit by $337 billion by 2026, according to a Congressional Budget Office and Joint Committee on Taxation report published Monday.

The American Health Care Act, conceived by House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and endorsed by President Donald Trump, has already been approved on party-line votes in two House committees.

These negative findings give lie to Trump’s repeated promises that the Republican alternative would provide universal coverage and lower prices for Americans. Shortly before taking office, for example, Trump told The Washington Post that “we’re going to have insurance for everybody” and that coverage would be “much less expensive and much better.”

White House Has A Simple Answer To That CBO Report: Don’t Believe It | The Huffington Post

Neither Trump nor his White House had responded to that estimate by early Monday evening, although Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price said in a late afternoon news conference that the CBO analysis was flawed.
I've been telling people for two years that the only possible alternative to ACA that is better is the equivalent to Medicare for everybody. AARP is against it, the republican conservatives are against it. Medical professionals and hospitals are against it. When rural America finds out that their price tag for insurance goes from $750 to $20,000 per year, they will be against it. The democrats are against it. The Congressional budget office says that 24 million will be uninsured within 10 years.. The insurance companies are not going to play along with this. It is the very definition of "adverse selection".

Meantime, the Midwest farmers have recently discovered to their horror that Mexico is starting to forgo corn purchases from the US, because of Trump's trade rhetoric. So, they stand to lose double.

The Loose Cannon in Chief is rolling back and forth on the deck of the ship, destroying everything in it's path.
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This plan is DOA folks. We can close this thread now

Lindsey Graham: House Health Care Bill Is 'Mortally Wounded' | The Huffington Post

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) offered a grim outlook on the prospects of the House’s proposed legislation to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act.

“It is mortally wounded, I don’t know if it’s died yet,” he told NBC’s “Today” Wednesday when asked whether the bill that House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) presented this month is “dead on arrival.”

That’s because the Senate won’t vote for the bill, known as the American Health Care Act, Graham explained. Both he and Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) refuse to vote for the bill, he said. Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) also publicly opposed it.

and furthermore:

Trump's media allies urge him to dump House Obamacare repeal plan

"Donald Trump staked out the high moral ground by calling for a feasible system of universal health care to replace Obamacare. He shouldn't retreat from that no matter how much the establishment GOP dislikes it," Christopher Ruddy, Trump's friend and CEO of right-leaning news site Newsmax, wrote on Tuesday.

Even Breitbart is telling him to cut and run

Right-wing site Breitbart, which often covers Trump positively, also fired a salvo this week, publishing audio from October in which Ryan said he would no longer defend Trump. In its report, Breitbart wrote that "the new audio file raises questions as to how loyal Ryan is to Trump politically — and is asking the new president to use precious political capital to push through legislation that seems arithmetically destined for congressional failure."

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