Breaking: No One Likes The GOP's Health Care Bill

In 1978 I came off of my parents plan, I have been paying for my own health care needs, as in insurance and other costs by myself since then.
I have never had an issue or a concern over my future care until the democrats F-ed everything up with their attempt to give the lazy bastards even more free stuff.
Going back to what it was prior to the democrats screwing us over would be the best way to fix the ACA. Completely get rid of it and let us go back to being responsible for our own families.

Except nobody wants to go back to what we had before because the Insurance Companies and Hospital companies knew it was unworkable.
and yet it was working.
the only thing that would have needed to be changed was the interference of the government in the industry. Get the government out of the health industry and it would have been just fine.
And it was working, In all of the years prior to the democrats destroying the health care system, I never once was turned down for any medical care
In 1978 I came off of my parents plan, I have been paying for my own health care needs, as in insurance and other costs by myself since then.
I have never had an issue or a concern over my future care until the democrats F-ed everything up with their attempt to give the lazy bastards even more free stuff.
Going back to what it was prior to the democrats screwing us over would be the best way to fix the ACA. Completely get rid of it and let us go back to being responsible for our own families.

Except nobody wants to go back to what we had before because the Insurance Companies and Hospital companies knew it was unworkable.
and yet it was working.
the only thing that would have needed to be changed was the interference of the government in the industry. Get the government out of the health industry and it would have been just fine.
And it was working, In all of the years prior to the democrats destroying the health care system, I never once was turned down for any medical care
The government is not in the health care industry, its the insurance companies that write the policies and set the rates
In 1978 I came off of my parents plan, I have been paying for my own health care needs, as in insurance and other costs by myself since then.
I have never had an issue or a concern over my future care until the democrats F-ed everything up with their attempt to give the lazy bastards even more free stuff.
Going back to what it was prior to the democrats screwing us over would be the best way to fix the ACA. Completely get rid of it and let us go back to being responsible for our own families.

Except nobody wants to go back to what we had before because the Insurance Companies and Hospital companies knew it was unworkable.
and yet it was working.
the only thing that would have needed to be changed was the interference of the government in the industry. Get the government out of the health industry and it would have been just fine.
And it was working, In all of the years prior to the democrats destroying the health care system, I never once was turned down for any medical care
The government is not in the health care industry, its the insurance companies that write the policies and set the rates
nobody said the government was the industry. But if the government stopped trying to regulate everything, industries could be left alone to work as intended.
The government needs to get out of the industries way.
Health care was just fine before it was destroyed with the ACA, anyone that wanted health care insurance had access to it.
and yet it was working.

No, it wasn't. There's a reason why Big Insurance didn't send out Harry and Louise to put the Kaybosh on ObamaCare like they did with HillaryCare. They knew the system was broken and unsustainable.

the only thing that would have needed to be changed was the interference of the government in the industry. Get the government out of the health industry and it would have been just fine.

Not really. the fact is, our system only works because of government support. If everyone, including the old on Medicare, had to negotiate for health care with big insurance and the hospitals, no one could afford to be covered except for the young and healthy... and they wouldn't bother because they'd have better things to spend their money on.

And it was working, In all of the years prior to the democrats destroying the health care system, I never once was turned down for any medical care

I'm sure Marie Antoinette didn't see a problem until they cut off her head, either.

My guess is, you've never had to fight with an insurance company to get them to pay for treatment they've decided they didn't want to pay for. I have.
In 1978 I came off of my parents plan, I have been paying for my own health care needs, as in insurance and other costs by myself since then.
I have never had an issue or a concern over my future care until the democrats F-ed everything up with their attempt to give the lazy bastards even more free stuff.
Going back to what it was prior to the democrats screwing us over would be the best way to fix the ACA. Completely get rid of it and let us go back to being responsible for our own families.

Except nobody wants to go back to what we had before because the Insurance Companies and Hospital companies knew it was unworkable.
and yet it was working.
the only thing that would have needed to be changed was the interference of the government in the industry. Get the government out of the health industry and it would have been just fine.
And it was working, In all of the years prior to the democrats destroying the health care system, I never once was turned down for any medical care
The government is not in the health care industry, its the insurance companies that write the policies and set the rates
nobody said the government was the industry. But if the government stopped trying to regulate everything, industries could be left alone to work as intended.
The government needs to get out of the industries way.
Health care was just fine before it was destroyed with the ACA, anyone that wanted health care insurance had access to it.
We had millions uninsured who are insured today, all through the ACA
In 1978 I came off of my parents plan, I have been paying for my own health care needs, as in insurance and other costs by myself since then.
I have never had an issue or a concern over my future care until the democrats F-ed everything up with their attempt to give the lazy bastards even more free stuff.
Going back to what it was prior to the democrats screwing us over would be the best way to fix the ACA. Completely get rid of it and let us go back to being responsible for our own families.

Except nobody wants to go back to what we had before because the Insurance Companies and Hospital companies knew it was unworkable.
and yet it was working.
the only thing that would have needed to be changed was the interference of the government in the industry. Get the government out of the health industry and it would have been just fine.
And it was working, In all of the years prior to the democrats destroying the health care system, I never once was turned down for any medical care
The government is not in the health care industry, its the insurance companies that write the policies and set the rates

Wow. Kid you just keep on revealing how little you know well, about anything.

The ACA set up a MINIMUM of ten basic coverages that ALL health insurance plans HAD to adhere to (this is what caused all of those folks to lose their plans in 2013), if they did not adhere to those coverages then it was not a "qualified plan" and did not satisfy the requirements to avoid the "Shared Responsibility Payment". The Govt designated the Metal Pans, Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze. Each level had it's own set of deductibles and maximum out of pockets not to exceed $7150 in 2017. Premiums have NEVER been set by the insurance companies, prior to the ACA ALL rate increases were submitted to the individual State Commissioners for approval. After the ACA was implemented any increase of 9% or less was submitted to the states for approval, any increase of 10% or more had to be submitted to HHS for approval.
and so does mine....she was almost hated as much as trump was...she was a tainted person....and should have never have been put out there.....

no, she wasn't tainted. The media repeated the most ridiculous charges like they were true, that was the problem.

While ignoring every horrible thing Trump said and did.

And she still won the popular vote.
yea joe,she was tainted....TAINTED=. To affect or associate with something undesirable or reprehensible: a reputation that was tainted by allegations of illegal activity......and how many of that "popular" vote was by people who said they could not stand her but hated trump more?...we had many of those right here in this very forum....
yea joe,she was tainted....TAINTED=. To affect or associate with something undesirable or reprehensible: a reputation that was tainted by allegations of illegal activity......and how many of that "popular" vote was by people who said they could not stand her but hated trump more?...we had many of those right here in this very forum....

So let me get this straight. for 25 years, the right wing has accused this woman of everything up to and including murder... hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent investigating her, and they've come up with nothing... and it's her fault she's been "tainted" by baseless accusations.
yea joe,she was tainted....TAINTED=. To affect or associate with something undesirable or reprehensible: a reputation that was tainted by allegations of illegal activity......and how many of that "popular" vote was by people who said they could not stand her but hated trump more?...we had many of those right here in this very forum....

So let me get this straight. for 25 years, the right wing has accused this woman of everything up to and including murder... hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent investigating her, and they've come up with nothing... and it's her fault she's been "tainted" by baseless accusations.

I've been trying to figure this out, as well. As far as I can see, the only reason that the Right think that Hillary has avoided indictment and conviction is because of some mass conspiracy, probably having to do with the Illuminati. Once you go to that level, they begin connecting the dots to the grassy knoll, and I run screaming from the room looking to restore my sanity.
yea joe,she was tainted....TAINTED=. To affect or associate with something undesirable or reprehensible: a reputation that was tainted by allegations of illegal activity......and how many of that "popular" vote was by people who said they could not stand her but hated trump more?...we had many of those right here in this very forum....

So let me get this straight. for 25 years, the right wing has accused this woman of everything up to and including murder... hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent investigating her, and they've come up with nothing... and it's her fault she's been "tainted" by baseless accusations.
do you understand what the word tainted means joe? doesnt matter if its her fault,MANY believed those allegations..........MANY felt that because of all those allegations they could not trust her,they felt something was maybe there......and sit down for this Joe....MANY just just did not care for the woman for whatever reason.....i did not care for her when she was 1st lady and i voted for bill twice..........this says it all>>....."a reputation that was tainted by allegations of illegal activity".....
yea joe,she was tainted....TAINTED=. To affect or associate with something undesirable or reprehensible: a reputation that was tainted by allegations of illegal activity......and how many of that "popular" vote was by people who said they could not stand her but hated trump more?...we had many of those right here in this very forum....

So let me get this straight. for 25 years, the right wing has accused this woman of everything up to and including murder... hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent investigating her, and they've come up with nothing... and it's her fault she's been "tainted" by baseless accusations.

I've been trying to figure this out, as well. As far as I can see, the only reason that the Right think that Hillary has avoided indictment and conviction is because of some mass conspiracy, probably having to do with the Illuminati. Once you go to that level, they begin connecting the dots to the grassy knoll, and I run screaming from the room looking to restore my sanity.

Sure because Oswald was SUCH a great shot that he shot from behind the President's vehicle and that shot made JFK's head jerk backwards. You're a bright one.
yea joe,she was tainted....TAINTED=. To affect or associate with something undesirable or reprehensible: a reputation that was tainted by allegations of illegal activity......and how many of that "popular" vote was by people who said they could not stand her but hated trump more?...we had many of those right here in this very forum....

So let me get this straight. for 25 years, the right wing has accused this woman of everything up to and including murder... hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent investigating her, and they've come up with nothing... and it's her fault she's been "tainted" by baseless accusations.

I've been trying to figure this out, as well. As far as I can see, the only reason that the Right think that Hillary has avoided indictment and conviction is because of some mass conspiracy, probably having to do with the Illuminati. Once you go to that level, they begin connecting the dots to the grassy knoll, and I run screaming from the room looking to restore my sanity.

Sure because Oswald was SUCH a great shot that he shot from behind the President's vehicle and that shot made JFK's head jerk backwards. You're a bright one.

He was actually shot by Cruz's father, you know....
Surprise, surprise. Republicans can't govern. But, we already knew that.

Conservatives don't like it.
Libertarians don't like it.
Democrats obviously don't like it.
Bretibart doesn't like it.
Even AARP doesn't like it because older Americans will be unfairly targeted for higher rates.

Can Republicans do anything right at all?

"Can Republicans do anything right at all?"

Like Freeing the slaves. Giving women and minorities the right to vote. Electing the first women to congress.The Interstate Highway System. Desegregating schools, The First Asian-American U.S. Senator ,Civil Rights Act of 1960, First Black female Secretary of State. if you don't consider those "getting things right" then no the Republicans can't. But totally can.
yea joe,she was tainted....TAINTED=. To affect or associate with something undesirable or reprehensible: a reputation that was tainted by allegations of illegal activity......and how many of that "popular" vote was by people who said they could not stand her but hated trump more?...we had many of those right here in this very forum....

So let me get this straight. for 25 years, the right wing has accused this woman of everything up to and including murder... hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent investigating her, and they've come up with nothing... and it's her fault she's been "tainted" by baseless accusations.

I've been trying to figure this out, as well. As far as I can see, the only reason that the Right think that Hillary has avoided indictment and conviction is because of some mass conspiracy, probably having to do with the Illuminati. Once you go to that level, they begin connecting the dots to the grassy knoll, and I run screaming from the room looking to restore my sanity.

Sure because Oswald was SUCH a great shot that he shot from behind the President's vehicle and that shot made JFK's head jerk backwards. You're a bright one.

He was actually shot by Cruz's father, you know....

As I said, you are a "bright" one.
I like the idea behind the new plan. It's certainly better than that ACA BS the democrats shoved down our throats.

Here's a vid Paul Ryan explaining how it'll work....

Whenever you have that many people working on any plan, there will always be some who disagree with something. That should be expected.
The mistake we made was calling the ACA Obama care. It was a mess but contained many things that kept insurance co from over charging or not insuring plus fighting real claims so they did not have to pay. making it political caused the problem. if both ides had worked to make a health care plan that worked after 7 years sure we could have fixed it.Tump care will not be better and may be worse.
yea joe,she was tainted....TAINTED=. To affect or associate with something undesirable or reprehensible: a reputation that was tainted by allegations of illegal activity......and how many of that "popular" vote was by people who said they could not stand her but hated trump more?...we had many of those right here in this very forum....

So let me get this straight. for 25 years, the right wing has accused this woman of everything up to and including murder... hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent investigating her, and they've come up with nothing... and it's her fault she's been "tainted" by baseless accusations.

I've been trying to figure this out, as well. As far as I can see, the only reason that the Right think that Hillary has avoided indictment and conviction is because of some mass conspiracy, probably having to do with the Illuminati. Once you go to that level, they begin connecting the dots to the grassy knoll, and I run screaming from the room looking to restore my sanity.

Sure because Oswald was SUCH a great shot that he shot from behind the President's vehicle and that shot made JFK's head jerk backwards. You're a bright one.

He was actually shot by Cruz's father, you know....

As I said, you are a "bright" one.

Doc, please spare me your nutty conspiracy theories. I have heard them all for 54 years. Everyone knows that LBJ made a deal with the mafia, which was signed off on by Castro and the FBI, in league with the CIA and North and South Vietnam, having been backed by the republicans, the League of Women Voters and Planned Parenthood, as well as the Illuminati and the Russians.
do you understand what the word tainted means joe? doesnt matter if its her fault,MANY believed those allegations..........MANY felt that because of all those allegations they could not trust her,they felt something was maybe there......and sit down for this Joe....MANY just just did not care for the woman for whatever reason.....i did not care for her when she was 1st lady and i voted for bill twice..........this says it all>>....."a reputation that was tainted by allegations of illegal activity".....
Again, my points stands. You have yet to give me ONE concrete thing she did, just a lot of innuendo. It's kind of like I said, "Harry eats puppies every night", and even if you conducted a 70 million dollar investigation accounting for every puppy in the US, by your definition, you are now tainted by the accusation, no matter how founded.
do you understand what the word tainted means joe? doesnt matter if its her fault,MANY believed those allegations..........MANY felt that because of all those allegations they could not trust her,they felt something was maybe there......and sit down for this Joe....MANY just just did not care for the woman for whatever reason.....i did not care for her when she was 1st lady and i voted for bill twice..........this says it all>>....."a reputation that was tainted by allegations of illegal activity".....
Again, my points stands. You have yet to give me ONE concrete thing she did, just a lot of innuendo. It's kind of like I said, "Harry eats puppies every night", and even if you conducted a 70 million dollar investigation accounting for every puppy in the US, by your definition, you are now tainted by the accusation, no matter how founded.
joe i just told why she was considered a tainted person....your love for the woman is in your way,you have the hillary bug too bad to understand why she was tainted...
Doc, please spare me your nutty conspiracy theories. I have heard them all for 54 years. Everyone knows that LBJ made a deal with the mafia, which was signed off on by Castro and the FBI, in league with the CIA and North and South Vietnam, having been backed by the republicans, the League of Women Voters and Planned Parenthood, as well as the Illuminati and the Russians.

You left out the Lizard People from Zeta Reticuli!

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