Breaking: No One Likes The GOP's Health Care Bill

You are trolling again, punkingroller. You said he said, not encouraged, to illegals to vote. And your definition of "encouraged" does not meet reality.

You are redefining the meaning of words, a typical Alt Fact tactic of the Alt Right. Run along.
Now, just because you don't understand English, that doesn't mean words mean what you want them to. He said they wouldn't be investigated by immigration if they voted. That's clearly encouraging.

Also, no, I never said he specifically told them to vote, in any single one of my posts. I said he encouraged it, which he did. In fact, you can't even quote a single post where I stated that. If I did, quote me. Do it.

Not only is it obvious he encouraged them to vote by specifically stating there would be no consequences, but you can't even lie about what he meant, because there's no other possible meaning to his statement. The closest you leftists can come to an argument is that he was telling legal citizens that he won't deport them for voting.
thats your opinion joe....lots of people did not like her because of who she was.....after all we have seen her for 20 years,its not like she is someone new....

No, but when you pin you guys down about why you don't like her, it either boils down to something misogynistic or something that was debunked after being repeatedly investigated.

So my point stands.
thats your opinion joe....lots of people did not like her because of who she was.....after all we have seen her for 20 years,its not like she is someone new....

No, but when you pin you guys down about why you don't like her, it either boils down to something misogynistic or something that was debunked after being repeatedly investigated.

So my point stands.
and so does mine....she was almost hated as much as trump was...she was a tainted person....and should have never have been put out there.....
No one likes BO's disaster either. Go figure.

With the pols of both parties bought and paid for by big pharma and hospital, do you really think HC can ever be made more effective?

I think the 20 mill covered by OCare are cool with it.
Of course they are cool with it. Somebody else is getting stuck with the bill.
Hell, I just bought a new car, I would be cool with it had someone else wrote that check instead of me. Why should I have to be the one to pay $112,000 when there are people out there in a much better position financially? If others would have done the right thing and paid for the car that is just as much a constitutional right as health care insurance is, I could have gone for the Bentley instead of the Z06, but because others like you refuse to pay your fair share of my car, I had to settle for an inferior automobile.
Waiting to see if Trump care can do any better than Obama care. so far looks like it will hurt older people, and medi care. give more to the very rich.
No one likes BO's disaster either. Go figure.

With the pols of both parties bought and paid for by big pharma and hospital, do you really think HC can ever be made more effective?

I think the 20 mill covered by OCare are cool with it.
Of course they are cool with it. Somebody else is getting stuck with the bill.
Hell, I just bought a new car, I would be cool with it had someone else wrote that check instead of me. Why should I have to be the one to pay $112,000 when there are people out there in a much better position financially? If others would have done the right thing and paid for the car that is just as much a constitutional right as health care insurance is, I could have gone for the Bentley instead of the Z06, but because others like you refuse to pay your fair share of my car, I had to settle for an inferior automobile. should be like the left....

And call them selfish bastards.
thats your opinion joe....lots of people did not like her because of who she was.....after all we have seen her for 20 years,its not like she is someone new....

No, but when you pin you guys down about why you don't like her, it either boils down to something misogynistic or something that was debunked after being repeatedly investigated.

So my point stands.

Nobody likes her because she is an ugly human being.

"From:[email protected] To: [email protected] CC: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] more [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Date: 2015-04-19 18:23 Subject: Re: Topper for New Hampshire"

"Truth Sent from my iPhone On Apr 19, 2015, at 4:20 PM, John Podesta <[email protected]> wrote:"

"I know she has begun to hate everyday Americans, but I think we should use it once the first time she says I'm running for president because you and everyday Americans need a champion. I think if she doesn't say it once, people will notice and say we false started in Iowa."

Re: Topper for New Hampshire - WikiLeaks

She is an ugly condescending bitch.
Rubes Rubes Rubes Poor Pathetic Bastards

2/19/16: "Obamacare has to go. We can't afford it. It's no good. You're going to end up with great healthcare for a fraction of the price. And that's going to take place immediately after we go in. Okay? Immediately. Fast Quick." (CSPAN, Timestamp 34:23)

[URL='']Ryan On Millions LosingCare: 'Never Going To Win A Coverage Beauty Contest'
Yet more lawmakers are realizing that such a repeal is easier said than done and would affect a wider swath of the American population than the 20 million who have gained health coverage since its passage, said Bill Clark, associate AARP state director in St. Petersburg.

“They are beginning to see it’s a challenge,” Clark said. “Everybody’s health is at stake.”

I've been saying this all along.

Changes will come to Medicare, check out the money in the bill .
Repeal of Affordable Care Act would affect Medicare recipients
Jan 23, 2017 - Many seniors on Medicare don't know repeal of the Affordable Care Act could mean some of their benefits would disappear,

"An annual wellness visit, cancer screenings and discounts on prescription drugs could be in jeopardy if the law, also known as “Obamacare,” is repealed without preserving key parts for seniors."

A lie, they were covered before and will remain covered.

"Almost 12 million seniors and people with disabilities on Medicare nationwide have saved more than $26 billion through discounts on prescription drugs since 2010 when the health law was passed, according to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid. The average savings to each senior has been $2,200"

Lie, Medicare negotiates the prices and MOST companies are and have been for a long time have been providing discounts even before Bush instituted the Part D program. In 2020 the donut hole will be mostly closed, the most out of pocket incurred will be 25% of the cost in the donut hole. Currently depending on the cost it could be as high as 48%.

Your source is nothing but a scare tactic. Oh yes, I think the Pub plan is bullshit and will never see the light of day, unlike you though I have no need to resort to lies.
Your source is nothing but a scare tactic. Oh yes, I think the Pub plan is bullshit and will never see the light of day, unlike you though I have no need to resort to lies.
The piece of shit orange moron you worships lies 24/7/365 and you Fucking Love it
Your source is nothing but a scare tactic. Oh yes, I think the Pub plan is bullshit and will never see the light of day, unlike you though I have no need to resort to lies.
The piece of shit orange moron you worships lies 24/7/365 and you Fucking Love it

Trumps an ass, the Pub plan is shit, and you are nothing but a liar. That about covers it kid.
In 1978 I came off of my parents plan, I have been paying for my own health care needs, as in insurance and other costs by myself since then.
I have never had an issue or a concern over my future care until the democrats F-ed everything up with their attempt to give the lazy bastards even more free stuff.
Going back to what it was prior to the democrats screwing us over would be the best way to fix the ACA. Completely get rid of it and let us go back to being responsible for our own families.
and so does mine....she was almost hated as much as trump was...she was a tainted person....and should have never have been put out there.....

no, she wasn't tainted. The media repeated the most ridiculous charges like they were true, that was the problem.

While ignoring every horrible thing Trump said and did.

And she still won the popular vote.
In 1978 I came off of my parents plan, I have been paying for my own health care needs, as in insurance and other costs by myself since then.
I have never had an issue or a concern over my future care until the democrats F-ed everything up with their attempt to give the lazy bastards even more free stuff.
Going back to what it was prior to the democrats screwing us over would be the best way to fix the ACA. Completely get rid of it and let us go back to being responsible for our own families.

Except nobody wants to go back to what we had before because the Insurance Companies and Hospital companies knew it was unworkable.
Your source is nothing but a scare tactic. Oh yes, I think the Pub plan is bullshit and will never see the light of day, unlike you though I have no need to resort to lies.
The piece of shit orange moron you worships lies 24/7/365 and you Fucking Love it
The level of stupidity exhibited by the Left, is evident in this also proves how easily the ruling class, MSM, and establishment can dupe millions of Americans.

I wonder how many millions of leftist Americans would be willing to murder Trump? They are inflamed to the point of committing murder.
I wonder how many millions of leftist Americans would be willing to murder Trump? They are inflamed to the point of committing murder.
Dances with "Snowflakes" ...Sad ...Weak...Bimbo like

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