Breaking: No One Likes The GOP's Health Care Bill

Can't blame people for not liking Frankenstein's Monster 2.0.

But especially annoying are the Republicans who are pretending to be overjoyed with this wonderful plan, inferring that they have brought Trump's brilliant vision (whatever the hell THAT was) to fruition.

Our "leaders" continue to fail us, 2.0.

No, we failed ourselves by letting Trump steal the presidency.

Had we listened to the people, Republicans would have continued their kabuki dance of pretending to repeal it and Hillary would have vetoed the repeal.

The reason why this is a bad bill is because it doesn't fix the problems of the original (Most of them because we keep letting big corporations profit off the pain and suffering of others instead of going to single payer like every other civilized country) while it just opens up more opportunities for Wall Street to profit. IN fact, that seems to be the only real function of this new bill, doing things for Rich People because the poor dears don't have a thing.
They DO have to fix the problems of insurance companies baling and ridiculous deductibles that still keep folks from going to the doctor. Medicaid expansion covered most people picked up by Obamacare. Now this plan will get rid of that. I don't understand this at all. Someone said, way back when Obamacare was first enacted, that it would destroy the private insurers and leave us with no option but universal healthcare. It seems to be headed in that direction.
In all the rhetoric to say No to American Health Care Act, let's not forget that Obamacare needs fixing, desperately. Democrats and Republicans might actually be able to work on this together if the Repubs would agree to continue calling it Obamacare and invite Dems to help them fix it.
Am I dreaming?
So Trump was elected because millions think he's the greatest dealmaker ever!!!!

it should be easy for him to ram this thing through.
No liar, Trump was elected because we the people are sick and tired of politicians and liberal liars and all the rest.Tired of eight years of Nobama tearing down everything he could with the likes you in full support of that traitor pos.
no, trump is what happens when you run someone like hillary clinton against him....

You mean a sensible woman with lots of experience and knowledge?

Of course, the country got it right, she won by 3 million votes. But unfortunately, we had just enough misogynists who thought we needed a Batman villain in the White House to put Trump in thanks to our broken system and Russian hackers. .
You mean a sensible woman with lots of experience and knowledge?
nope....try a woman who was disliked by almost as many people as trump....and how many of those 3 million votes were from people who said hillary is not my choice i dont care for her,but i dislike trump more,so she gets my vote.....and many of that 3 mill was from california....
There are significantly fewer Socialist Nutjobs than you think, yet more than there should be. On the other hand, that doesn't change the fact that the majority of people still appose that piece of trash legislation, and that support is declining, as it should be.
Pumpkin is suggesting "shop quoting" with (1) not qualifying it or (2) offering anything else. Her argument got its rump spanked.

NYc is 100% correct. So those who want it as is or improved is closer to 68 to 70% of the population.

The Congressional GOP is very aware of that fact.

You have no idea what is socialism or how its principles apply to the US.
Fakey Jakey, perpetually confused as usual. Neither knowing what good healthcare is, what percentages mean, what said percentages are, or what the actual GOP is.

Firstly, I used YOUR statistics. You specifically stated that support for Obamacare is at the highest it has ever been, currently, SUPPOSEDLY being 48%. That means that it only recently even got CLOSE to half, and STILL is below half of the population. That means that since that piece of trash legislation has been implemented, it has been even further below half of the population, meaning the majority has ALWAYS opposed it.

FURTHERMORE, if people supported it as is, or wanted to change it, I imagine they wouldn't have voted for the guy who was running on repealing it.

Of course, don't let plainly observable facts stop you, they never have before. If they did, you wouldn't be a lefttard whackjob.
oh please1

trump did NOT run on simply repealing it, Trump ran on

Repeal and Replace it with something much BETTER!

And ''the people'' did NOT VOTE in majority for trump and his plan...he won the electoral college, NOT the popular there is complete division on this issue...and many others...
Repealing it being a key word, you can't omit it just because it doesn't suit your false narrative<3
If the people wanted more of the same, and supported Obamacare, Hillary would have won. Fact.

They did vote in majority for Trump. Illegals don't count as people, they count as trash.

Surely you don't actually believe the crud you just spilled?

Trump lost the popular vote, fair and square

Hillary lost the electoral vote fair and square

I did NOT OMIT the repeal part of repeal and replace, why act like I did?

This is a terrible replacement Bill that takes no steps to make health care cost any less, it takes steps to make certain EVERYONE pays MORE, except the 1 percenters who get $50k a year from it....

It's a ROTTEN should send a message to your congressman telling him.
Except he didn't, most of the votes for Hillary came from California, which is a sanctuary state, plus Obama encouraged illegals to vote, making it highly likely that Illegals were the ones voting for Hillary. Since they're not Americans, they're not part of the popular vote.

He was promising to repeal Obamacare, which is the biggest reason anyone would support him. Nobody actually wants to replace the garbage after it was taken out. Hence not voting in Hillary... oh, or wanting to replace Obamacare.

Kinda like Obama was making royalties off his piece of trash legislation? Let's just hope it's only repealed on not replaced.
Obama encouraged no illegals to vote.

To repeat that lie knowingly should be punished with enforcement of the libel laws.
Pumpkin is suggesting "shop quoting" with (1) not qualifying it or (2) offering anything else. Her argument got its rump spanked.

NYc is 100% correct. So those who want it as is or improved is closer to 68 to 70% of the population.

The Congressional GOP is very aware of that fact.

You have no idea what is socialism or how its principles apply to the US.
Fakey Jakey, perpetually confused as usual. Neither knowing what good healthcare is, what percentages mean, what said percentages are, or what the actual GOP is.

Firstly, I used YOUR statistics. You specifically stated that support for Obamacare is at the highest it has ever been, currently, SUPPOSEDLY being 48%. That means that it only recently even got CLOSE to half, and STILL is below half of the population. That means that since that piece of trash legislation has been implemented, it has been even further below half of the population, meaning the majority has ALWAYS opposed it.

FURTHERMORE, if people supported it as is, or wanted to change it, I imagine they wouldn't have voted for the guy who was running on repealing it.

Of course, don't let plainly observable facts stop you, they never have before. If they did, you wouldn't be a lefttard whackjob.
oh please1

trump did NOT run on simply repealing it, Trump ran on

Repeal and Replace it with something much BETTER!

And ''the people'' did NOT VOTE in majority for trump and his plan...he won the electoral college, NOT the popular there is complete division on this issue...and many others...
Repealing it being a key word, you can't omit it just because it doesn't suit your false narrative<3
If the people wanted more of the same, and supported Obamacare, Hillary would have won. Fact.

They did vote in majority for Trump. Illegals don't count as people, they count as trash.

Surely you don't actually believe the crud you just spilled?

Trump lost the popular vote, fair and square

Hillary lost the electoral vote fair and square

I did NOT OMIT the repeal part of repeal and replace, why act like I did?

This is a terrible replacement Bill that takes no steps to make health care cost any less, it takes steps to make certain EVERYONE pays MORE, except the 1 percenters who get $50k a year from it....

It's a ROTTEN should send a message to your congressman telling him.
Except he didn't, most of the votes for Hillary came from California, which is a sanctuary state, plus Obama encouraged illegals to vote, making it highly likely that Illegals were the ones voting for Hillary. Since they're not Americans, they're not part of the popular vote.

He was promising to repeal Obamacare, which is the biggest reason anyone would support him. Nobody actually wants to replace the garbage after it was taken out. Hence not voting in Hillary... oh, or wanting to replace Obamacare.

Kinda like Obama was making royalties off his piece of trash legislation? Let's just hope it's only repealed on not replaced.

Pumpkin, you are kind of cute when you get riled up and start channeling Trump!
Obama encouraged no illegals to vote.

To repeat that lie knowingly should be punished with enforcement of the libel laws.
libel laws have no teeth, if they did there would no longer be the media we have give an example, if you know something in the media is a lie like the one you gave as an example of, then it is not punishable under the libel laws because it is obvious to you it is a lie...and even then there are so many hoops to jump through that winning a libel suit is nearly, if not completely impossible...republicans had tried for decades to give them some teeth with cries of "freedom of the press is at stake" ringing out from the left...check out the lawsuit by jerry fallwell against a magazine [hustler I think] where he tried to sue them for claiming he had sex with his mother in an outhouse...he lost because the lie was so outrageous as to be obvious...the bigger the lie the harder to prove libel, and the left demanding to sue over libel just may be the biggest case of hypocrisy in American [maybe even world] history
If for no other reason, I think we can at least give the republicans credit for not ramming this legislation through in the middle of the night. If I'm not mistaken that's how we got the ACA.
No one likes BO's disaster either. Go figure.

With the pols of both parties bought and paid for by big pharma and hospital, do you really think HC can ever be made more effective?

I think the 20 mill covered by OCare are cool with it.

At the expense of the struggling middleclass families having their premiums raised 3 times to subsidized for those 20 million after Obama falsely promised they can keep their doctor and their original plan and that they their premiums will go down.

Sure 20 million people (some of them gaming the system) got free healthcare or very low premium prices at the expense of many more struggling families getting the shaft.
I disagree, F. The freedom of the press can exist without deliberately lying about a subject.
Fakey Jakey, perpetually confused as usual. Neither knowing what good healthcare is, what percentages mean, what said percentages are, or what the actual GOP is.

Firstly, I used YOUR statistics. You specifically stated that support for Obamacare is at the highest it has ever been, currently, SUPPOSEDLY being 48%. That means that it only recently even got CLOSE to half, and STILL is below half of the population. That means that since that piece of trash legislation has been implemented, it has been even further below half of the population, meaning the majority has ALWAYS opposed it.

FURTHERMORE, if people supported it as is, or wanted to change it, I imagine they wouldn't have voted for the guy who was running on repealing it.

Of course, don't let plainly observable facts stop you, they never have before. If they did, you wouldn't be a lefttard whackjob.
oh please1

trump did NOT run on simply repealing it, Trump ran on

Repeal and Replace it with something much BETTER!

And ''the people'' did NOT VOTE in majority for trump and his plan...he won the electoral college, NOT the popular there is complete division on this issue...and many others...
Repealing it being a key word, you can't omit it just because it doesn't suit your false narrative<3
If the people wanted more of the same, and supported Obamacare, Hillary would have won. Fact.

They did vote in majority for Trump. Illegals don't count as people, they count as trash.

Surely you don't actually believe the crud you just spilled?

Trump lost the popular vote, fair and square

Hillary lost the electoral vote fair and square

I did NOT OMIT the repeal part of repeal and replace, why act like I did?

This is a terrible replacement Bill that takes no steps to make health care cost any less, it takes steps to make certain EVERYONE pays MORE, except the 1 percenters who get $50k a year from it....

It's a ROTTEN should send a message to your congressman telling him.
Except he didn't, most of the votes for Hillary came from California, which is a sanctuary state, plus Obama encouraged illegals to vote, making it highly likely that Illegals were the ones voting for Hillary. Since they're not Americans, they're not part of the popular vote.

He was promising to repeal Obamacare, which is the biggest reason anyone would support him. Nobody actually wants to replace the garbage after it was taken out. Hence not voting in Hillary... oh, or wanting to replace Obamacare.

Kinda like Obama was making royalties off his piece of trash legislation? Let's just hope it's only repealed on not replaced.

Pumpkin, you are kind of cute when you get riled up and start channeling Trump!
Nobody on this forum has seen me riled up. Do you have anything substantial to add, or are you just showing up to S-post?

I'm just kidding, leftists never have anything substantial to say.
Obama encouraged no illegals to vote.

To repeat that lie knowingly should be punished with enforcement of the libel laws.
Oh, avoiding quoting me in hopes I won't notice and prove you wrong. Only the left confuses cowardice for cleverness.

"RODRIGUEZ: Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens — and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country — are fearful of voting. So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?

OBAMA: Not true. And the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself. And there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating, et cetera. The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential in terms of who you voted for. If you have a family member who maybe is undocumented, then you have an even greater reason to vote.

RODRIGUEZ: This has been a huge fear presented especially during this election.

OBAMA: And the reason that fear is promoted is because they don’t want people voting. People are discouraged from voting and part of what is important for Latino citizens is to make your voice heard, because you’re not just speaking for yourself. You’re speaking for family members, friends, classmates of yours in school…
Are you seriously, SERIOUSLY, going to tell me that he was letting actual legal citizens know that Obama won't deport them for voting? Are you that easily confused? Of course, logical reasoning escapes you, which is why you need the Establishment to tell you what to think, otherwise you'd likely just sit around and drool.

Let me put this in a way that, hopefully, even YOU can understand. Obama clearly wasn't explaining to legal citizens that they wouldn't be deported for not breaking the law. If he was encouraging legal citizens to vote, he wouldn't have mentioned being investigated, nobody would care if Immigration knew where they lived, and "Undocumented Citizens"(Illegals) wouldn't have been mentioned in the discussion. Because, as everyone is fully aware, legal citizens wouldn't need to be assured that they won't be deported, or investigated by Immigration. He was blatantly, obviously letting Illegals know that they can vote.

Of course, you already know that, but you and other leftists prefer to ignore facts. If you didn't ignore facts, well, you wouldn't be leftists.
And show us, punkinroller, where he said illegals should vote.

You can't. You lie.
Obama encouraged no illegals to vote.

To repeat that lie knowingly should be punished with enforcement of the libel laws.
Oh, avoiding quoting me in hopes I won't notice and prove you wrong. Only the left confuses cowardice for cleverness.

"RODRIGUEZ: Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens — and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country — are fearful of voting. So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?

OBAMA: Not true. And the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself. And there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating, et cetera. The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential in terms of who you voted for. If you have a family member who maybe is undocumented, then you have an even greater reason to vote.

RODRIGUEZ: This has been a huge fear presented especially during this election.

OBAMA: And the reason that fear is promoted is because they don’t want people voting. People are discouraged from voting and part of what is important for Latino citizens is to make your voice heard, because you’re not just speaking for yourself. You’re speaking for family members, friends, classmates of yours in school…
Are you seriously, SERIOUSLY, going to tell me that he was letting actual legal citizens know that Obama won't deport them for voting? Are you that easily confused? Of course, logical reasoning escapes you, which is why you need the Establishment to tell you what to think, otherwise you'd likely just sit around and drool.

Let me put this in a way that, hopefully, even YOU can understand. Obama clearly wasn't explaining to legal citizens that they wouldn't be deported for not breaking the law. If he was encouraging legal citizens to vote, he wouldn't have mentioned being investigated, nobody would care if Immigration knew where they lived, and "Undocumented Citizens"(Illegals) wouldn't have been mentioned in the discussion. Because, as everyone is fully aware, legal citizens wouldn't need to be assured that they won't be deported, or investigated by Immigration. He was blatantly, obviously letting Illegals know that they can vote.

Of course, you already know that, but you and other leftists prefer to ignore facts. If you didn't ignore facts, well, you wouldn't be leftists.

It is true, of course. I have been told that 3,795,973 illegal aliens voted for Hillary in the election. This is well documented in Donald's notebook of conspiracies that he updates hourly. We know that they were illegal because the had brown skin, spoke Spanish, had names like Juan and Juanita, and were eating tacos at the polls. They all had broken down pickups, but had been driven to the polls by muslim cab drivers for free. We know that they all voted for hillary, because..., well, just because.

After voting, they all went out into the street to celebrate the falling of the towers. Then they went to hospitals to give birth to anchor babies, and are, even as we speak, partying out with tequila, while swatting at pinatas in the shape of Trumps' head and hair, that were sewn from ripped up pieces of American flags! Ah caramba!

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