Breaking: No One Likes The GOP's Health Care Bill

Obama encouraged no illegals to vote.

To repeat that lie knowingly should be punished with enforcement of the libel laws.
Oh, avoiding quoting me in hopes I won't notice and prove you wrong. Only the left confuses cowardice for cleverness.

"RODRIGUEZ: Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens — and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country — are fearful of voting. So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?

OBAMA: Not true. And the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself. And there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating, et cetera. The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential in terms of who you voted for. If you have a family member who maybe is undocumented, then you have an even greater reason to vote.

RODRIGUEZ: This has been a huge fear presented especially during this election.

OBAMA: And the reason that fear is promoted is because they don’t want people voting. People are discouraged from voting and part of what is important for Latino citizens is to make your voice heard, because you’re not just speaking for yourself. You’re speaking for family members, friends, classmates of yours in school…
Are you seriously, SERIOUSLY, going to tell me that he was letting actual legal citizens know that Obama won't deport them for voting? Are you that easily confused? Of course, logical reasoning escapes you, which is why you need the Establishment to tell you what to think, otherwise you'd likely just sit around and drool.

Let me put this in a way that, hopefully, even YOU can understand. Obama clearly wasn't explaining to legal citizens that they wouldn't be deported for not breaking the law. If he was encouraging legal citizens to vote, he wouldn't have mentioned being investigated, nobody would care if Immigration knew where they lived, and "Undocumented Citizens"(Illegals) wouldn't have been mentioned in the discussion. Because, as everyone is fully aware, legal citizens wouldn't need to be assured that they won't be deported, or investigated by Immigration. He was blatantly, obviously letting Illegals know that they can vote.

Of course, you already know that, but you and other leftists prefer to ignore facts. If you didn't ignore facts, well, you wouldn't be leftists.

It is true, of course. I have been told that 3,795,973 illegal aliens voted for Hillary in the election. This is well documented in Donald's notebook of conspiracies that he updates hourly. We know that they were illegal because the had brown skin, spoke Spanish, had names like Juan and Juanita, and were eating tacos at the polls. They all had broken down pickups, but had been driven to the polls by muslim cab drivers for free. We know that they all voted for hillary, because..., well, just because.

After voting, they all went out into the street to celebrate the falling of the towers. Then they went to hospitals to give birth to anchor babies, and are, even as we speak, partying out with tequila, while swatting at pinatas in the shape of Trumps' head and hair, that were sewn from ripped up pieces of American flags! Ah caramba!
I imagine said illegal pieces of trash wouldn't vote for the guy vowing to deport them. Make sure you remember to wipe the drool off your keyboard.
And show us, punkinroller, where he said illegals should vote.

You can't. You lie.
He literally said that there was nothing to fear and they wouldn't be investigated. It's like telling bank robbers that the police are ALL out for doughnuts and there no security at the bank over yonder.

Of course, you already know that, you're just a troll. Well, a troll or a drooling fopdoodle. Either way, you're not worth anyone's time.
And show us, punkinroller, where he said illegals should vote.

You can't. You lie.
He literally said that there was nothing to fear and they wouldn't be investigated. It's like telling bank robbers that the police are ALL out for doughnuts and there no security at the bank over yonder.

Of course, you already know that, you're just a troll. Well, a troll or a drooling fopdoodle. Either way, you're not worth anyone's time.
Thank you for admitting he did not say it. You are trolling when you insist he said it. That's what trolls do: say others are doing what t hey are doing.
nope....try a woman who was disliked by almost as many people as trump....and how many of those 3 million votes were from people who said hillary is not my choice i dont care for her,but i dislike trump more,so she gets my vote.....and many of that 3 mill was from california....

I'm sure there were a lot of misogynists who disliked her. But that's kind of on them, not her.

I frankly never got the hatred of Hillary. I could see why people disliked Bill, he was a sleazy character and always was. But he'd have probably beaten Trump if he could run for a third term.

I think it just speaks a lot to the sexism that so many people hated her for no good reason.
Study Says 15 Million Will Lose Health Insurance
A new Brookings Institution report suggests that at least 15 million people will lose their health care insurance under the House Republican plan currently being considered.

Key takeaway: “Estimates could be higher, but it’s is unlikely they will be significantly lower.”

Axios: “The 15 million number is based on the repeal of the individual mandate, lost employer coverage due to the mandate and cuts to Medicaid. The unknown effects of new tax credits, repealing the Medicaid expansion and installing a system that caps federal Medicaid payments for every person could drive that uninsured figure higher.”
nope....try a woman who was disliked by almost as many people as trump....and how many of those 3 million votes were from people who said hillary is not my choice i dont care for her,but i dislike trump more,so she gets my vote.....and many of that 3 mill was from california....

I'm sure there were a lot of misogynists who disliked her. But that's kind of on them, not her.

I frankly never got the hatred of Hillary. I could see why people disliked Bill, he was a sleazy character and always was. But he'd have probably beaten Trump if he could run for a third term.

I think it just speaks a lot to the sexism that so many people hated her for no good reason.
thats your opinion joe....lots of people did not like her because of who she was.....after all we have seen her for 20 years,its not like she is someone new....
And show us, punkinroller, where he said illegals should vote.

You can't. You lie.
He literally said that there was nothing to fear and they wouldn't be investigated. It's like telling bank robbers that the police are ALL out for doughnuts and there no security at the bank over yonder.

Of course, you already know that, you're just a troll. Well, a troll or a drooling fopdoodle. Either way, you're not worth anyone's time.
Thank you for admitting he did not say it. You are trolling when you insist he said it. That's what trolls do: say others are doing what t hey are doing.
First, you clearly don't know what the word "admission" means.

Second, you clearly didn't read any of my posts.

I said he encouraged illegals to vote. Encouraging something doesn't require you to specifically say something. What you're doing is creating a strawman because you can't argue with me.

Obama clearly encouraged illegals to vote, as he specifically told everyone watching that interview that they will not be investigated and by extension will not be deported. IF he was not specifically targeting illegals with that statement, Immigration and deportation would not have been topics. Those facts are obvious.
You are trolling again, punkingroller. You said he said, not encouraged, to illegals to vote. And your definition of "encouraged" does not meet reality.

You are redefining the meaning of words, a typical Alt Fact tactic of the Alt Right. Run along.

You are trolling again, punkingroller. You said he said, not encouraged, to illegals to vote. And your definition of "encouraged" does not meet reality.

You are redefining the meaning of words, a typical Alt Fact tactic of the Alt Right. Run along.

Now, don't step on Pumpkins conspiracy theories. They are very carefully transcribed and crafted by Rush!
And show us, punkinroller, where he said illegals should vote.

You can't. You lie.
He literally said that there was nothing to fear and they wouldn't be investigated. It's like telling bank robbers that the police are ALL out for doughnuts and there no security at the bank over yonder.

Of course, you already know that, you're just a troll. Well, a troll or a drooling fopdoodle. Either way, you're not worth anyone's time.
I'm willing to bet that you believe that Obama bribed undocumented people to vote for Clinton in exchange for free health coverage. Don't you??
You are trolling again, punkingroller. You said he said, not encouraged, to illegals to vote. And your definition of "encouraged" does not meet reality.

You are redefining the meaning of words, a typical Alt Fact tactic of the Alt Right. Run along.

Now, don't step on Pumpkins conspiracy theories. They are very carefully transcribed and crafted by Rush!
Is that where she is getting her pumpkin pie from?

The GOP voters are going to be happy if the feds transfer entitlements to the states, because they do not think far enough ahead to realize that states will then just have to raise their state taxes when they discover that the fed program will increase the number of uninsured poor in their state. That requires a more sophisticated voter to understand, than those who voted for Trump. Besides. if their state proposes a tax increase for this stuff, these same voters will just blame that on the democrats.
Surprise, surprise. Republicans can't govern. But, we already knew that.

Conservatives don't like it.
Libertarians don't like it.
Democrats obviously don't like it.
Bretibart doesn't like it.
Even AARP doesn't like it because older Americans will be unfairly targeted for higher rates.

Can Republicans do anything right at all?

Hmm, I guess the federal government is just not capable of providing healthcare for everyone. Fine with me. I didn't like Obamacare, and I know I won't like whatever the Republicans put forward. It's insane to create one healthcare system to manage the medical needs of over 300 million people. It won't work no matter who is in office.

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