Breaking: No One Likes The GOP's Health Care Bill

Let Me see if I understand what you are saying here.

The process of governing is identifying a problem "Obamacare is harming vast numbers of Americans" and then crafting a bill that will address the problem. This is at minimum a two-step process.

Repeal the harmful legislation. Everyone who agrees to that isn't complaining about removing the bad law.

Since the left demand that a bad law be replaced, they have to go through the process of writing an outline, filling in the goals with actual language of law, and then going through the various committees to attempt to address every possible contingent (Can't be done in My opinion as it will take a number of years of 'tweaking' to get it right) and then bringing it to the House floor for debate.

This would be an easy process for the Democrats. They are not thinkers; just followers. They would lock-step with Pelosi regardless of what was in the bill.

The Republicans, however, are thinkers and are voicing concerns about aspects of the new legislation they disagree with (a distinctly American trait) and are fighting for those things they think is right and to keep their promises to their constituents. Something the Democrats really don't care about, constituents that they are beholden to.

So, that leaves the Libertarians, Bretibart, and the AARP. The libertarians are welcome to submit input to the legislation (Those who are members of the House that identify as such) and Bretibart is an opinion outlet. AARP is a lobbying organization.

Sounds to Me like the process is working as it should, which means they ARE governing.

I rate this OP as a total fail.
Surprise, surprise. Republicans can't govern. But, we already knew that.

Conservatives don't like it.
Libertarians don't like it.
Democrats obviously don't like it.
Bretibart doesn't like it.
Even AARP doesn't like it because older Americans will be unfairly targeted for higher rates.

Can Republicans do anything right at all?
Good, then at least this time there will be honest debate with both sides voting. Very unlike when Obamacare was passed and the democrats were ordered, or bought to stay in line. Can you remember the Corn Husker Kickback?
The democrats screwed up Obamacare royally I seriously think they have no right to criticize anything or anyone. At least the Republicans are trying tor fix the democrat screwup. After 8 years of it that won't be easy.

Especially since they only started working on it this week....

You mean it has only been a week of the screeching whining from the left? Seems like an eternity.

Now the screeching and whining is coming from the Right. Sound better to you?
Actually, the screeching, whining, wailing, and gnashing of teeth has been coming from the republicans ever since the ACA was being drafted.
Surprise, surprise. Republicans can't govern. But, we already knew that.

Conservatives don't like it.
Libertarians don't like it.
Democrats obviously don't like it.
Bretibart doesn't like it.
Even AARP doesn't like it because older Americans will be unfairly targeted for higher rates.

Can Republicans do anything right at all?
like obamacare, millions are forced into something they do not want anything to do with and will never use.

Who never gets sick? Who never goes to the hospital?
Did Business Insider predict a Hillary victory?

What you feel is immaterial. You go with your feelings inside of facts.
I like how you stop quoting so that you can hope I didn't notice you replied. You know, even if the statistics are accurate, Obamacare's popularity is still less than 50%, meaning the majority still opposes it, as it's sitting at 48.5%, and has started dropping again.

But in those surveys you always get around 10% or more who oppose Obamacare because it didn't go far enough, people for example who want single payer, or who wanted a public option in the exchanges.
There are significantly fewer Socialist Nutjobs than you think, yet more than there should be. On the other hand, that doesn't change the fact that the majority of people still appose that piece of trash legislation, and that support is declining, as it should be.
Pumpkin is suggesting "shop quoting" with (1) not qualifying it or (2) offering anything else. Her argument got its rump spanked.

NYc is 100% correct. So those who want it as is or improved is closer to 68 to 70% of the population.

The Congressional GOP is very aware of that fact.

You have no idea what is socialism or how its principles apply to the US.
Fakey Jakey, perpetually confused as usual. Neither knowing what good healthcare is, what percentages mean, what said percentages are, or what the actual GOP is.

Firstly, I used YOUR statistics. You specifically stated that support for Obamacare is at the highest it has ever been, currently, SUPPOSEDLY being 48%. That means that it only recently even got CLOSE to half, and STILL is below half of the population. That means that since that piece of trash legislation has been implemented, it has been even further below half of the population, meaning the majority has ALWAYS opposed it.

FURTHERMORE, if people supported it as is, or wanted to change it, I imagine they wouldn't have voted for the guy who was running on repealing it.

Of course, don't let plainly observable facts stop you, they never have before. If they did, you wouldn't be a lefttard whackjob.
Did Business Insider predict a Hillary victory?

What you feel is immaterial. You go with your feelings inside of facts.
I like how you stop quoting so that you can hope I didn't notice you replied. You know, even if the statistics are accurate, Obamacare's popularity is still less than 50%, meaning the majority still opposes it, as it's sitting at 48.5%, and has started dropping again.

But in those surveys you always get around 10% or more who oppose Obamacare because it didn't go far enough, people for example who want single payer, or who wanted a public option in the exchanges.
There are significantly fewer Socialist Nutjobs than you think, yet more than there should be. On the other hand, that doesn't change the fact that the majority of people still appose that piece of trash legislation, and that support is declining, as it should be.
Pumpkin is suggesting "shop quoting" with (1) not qualifying it or (2) offering anything else. Her argument got its rump spanked.

NYc is 100% correct. So those who want it as is or improved is closer to 68 to 70% of the population.

The Congressional GOP is very aware of that fact.

You have no idea what is socialism or how its principles apply to the US.
Fakey Jakey, perpetually confused as usual. Neither knowing what good healthcare is, what percentages mean, what said percentages are, or what the actual GOP is.

Firstly, I used YOUR statistics. You specifically stated that support for Obamacare is at the highest it has ever been, currently, SUPPOSEDLY being 48%. That means that it only recently even got CLOSE to half, and STILL is below half of the population. That means that since that piece of trash legislation has been implemented, it has been even further below half of the population, meaning the majority has ALWAYS opposed it.

FURTHERMORE, if people supported it as is, or wanted to change it, I imagine they wouldn't have voted for the guy who was running on repealing it.

Of course, don't let plainly observable facts stop you, they never have before. If they did, you wouldn't be a lefttard whackjob.
trump did NOT run on simply repealing it, Trump ran on

Repeal and Replace it with something much BETTER!

And ''the people'' did NOT VOTE in majority for trump and his plan...he won the electoral college, NOT the popular there is complete division on this issue...and many others...
Surprise, surprise. Republicans can't govern. But, we already knew that.

Conservatives don't like it.
Libertarians don't like it.
Democrats obviously don't like it.
Bretibart doesn't like it.
Even AARP doesn't like it because older Americans will be unfairly targeted for higher rates.

Can Republicans do anything right at all?
like obamacare, millions are forced into something they do not want anything to do with and will never use.

Who never gets sick? Who never goes to the hospital?
Insurance is not healthcare, quite falling down the well
Did Business Insider predict a Hillary victory?

What you feel is immaterial. You go with your feelings inside of facts.
I like how you stop quoting so that you can hope I didn't notice you replied. You know, even if the statistics are accurate, Obamacare's popularity is still less than 50%, meaning the majority still opposes it, as it's sitting at 48.5%, and has started dropping again.

But in those surveys you always get around 10% or more who oppose Obamacare because it didn't go far enough, people for example who want single payer, or who wanted a public option in the exchanges.
There are significantly fewer Socialist Nutjobs than you think, yet more than there should be. On the other hand, that doesn't change the fact that the majority of people still appose that piece of trash legislation, and that support is declining, as it should be.
Pumpkin is suggesting "shop quoting" with (1) not qualifying it or (2) offering anything else. Her argument got its rump spanked.

NYc is 100% correct. So those who want it as is or improved is closer to 68 to 70% of the population.

The Congressional GOP is very aware of that fact.

You have no idea what is socialism or how its principles apply to the US.
Fakey Jakey, perpetually confused as usual. Neither knowing what good healthcare is, what percentages mean, what said percentages are, or what the actual GOP is.

Firstly, I used YOUR statistics. You specifically stated that support for Obamacare is at the highest it has ever been, currently, SUPPOSEDLY being 48%. That means that it only recently even got CLOSE to half, and STILL is below half of the population. That means that since that piece of trash legislation has been implemented, it has been even further below half of the population, meaning the majority has ALWAYS opposed it.

FURTHERMORE, if people supported it as is, or wanted to change it, I imagine they wouldn't have voted for the guy who was running on repealing it.

Of course, don't let plainly observable facts stop you, they never have before. If they did, you wouldn't be a lefttard whackjob.
IOW, you show your ignorance, punkin roller.

The approval is 53 to 57% as is plus another 10% wants it improved. Your Alt Facts are lies and will not be considered.

The President pushed for it today, and the GOP in the House and the Senate are saying loud and clearly "no."
the People voted for HRC not DJT

DJT said he would put something even better in place for all the people.

he is not an Alt Right or a Far Right when it comes to national health insurance
I like how you stop quoting so that you can hope I didn't notice you replied. You know, even if the statistics are accurate, Obamacare's popularity is still less than 50%, meaning the majority still opposes it, as it's sitting at 48.5%, and has started dropping again.

But in those surveys you always get around 10% or more who oppose Obamacare because it didn't go far enough, people for example who want single payer, or who wanted a public option in the exchanges.
There are significantly fewer Socialist Nutjobs than you think, yet more than there should be. On the other hand, that doesn't change the fact that the majority of people still appose that piece of trash legislation, and that support is declining, as it should be.
Pumpkin is suggesting "shop quoting" with (1) not qualifying it or (2) offering anything else. Her argument got its rump spanked.

NYc is 100% correct. So those who want it as is or improved is closer to 68 to 70% of the population.

The Congressional GOP is very aware of that fact.

You have no idea what is socialism or how its principles apply to the US.
Fakey Jakey, perpetually confused as usual. Neither knowing what good healthcare is, what percentages mean, what said percentages are, or what the actual GOP is.

Firstly, I used YOUR statistics. You specifically stated that support for Obamacare is at the highest it has ever been, currently, SUPPOSEDLY being 48%. That means that it only recently even got CLOSE to half, and STILL is below half of the population. That means that since that piece of trash legislation has been implemented, it has been even further below half of the population, meaning the majority has ALWAYS opposed it.

FURTHERMORE, if people supported it as is, or wanted to change it, I imagine they wouldn't have voted for the guy who was running on repealing it.

Of course, don't let plainly observable facts stop you, they never have before. If they did, you wouldn't be a lefttard whackjob.
trump did NOT run on simply repealing it, Trump ran on

Repeal and Replace it with something much BETTER!

And ''the people'' did NOT VOTE in majority for trump and his plan...he won the electoral college, NOT the popular there is complete division on this issue...and many others...
Repealing it being a key word, you can't omit it just because it doesn't suit your false narrative<3
If the people wanted more of the same, and supported Obamacare, Hillary would have won. Fact.

They did vote in majority for Trump. Illegals don't count as people, they count as trash.
I like how you stop quoting so that you can hope I didn't notice you replied. You know, even if the statistics are accurate, Obamacare's popularity is still less than 50%, meaning the majority still opposes it, as it's sitting at 48.5%, and has started dropping again.

But in those surveys you always get around 10% or more who oppose Obamacare because it didn't go far enough, people for example who want single payer, or who wanted a public option in the exchanges.
There are significantly fewer Socialist Nutjobs than you think, yet more than there should be. On the other hand, that doesn't change the fact that the majority of people still appose that piece of trash legislation, and that support is declining, as it should be.
Pumpkin is suggesting "shop quoting" with (1) not qualifying it or (2) offering anything else. Her argument got its rump spanked.

NYc is 100% correct. So those who want it as is or improved is closer to 68 to 70% of the population.

The Congressional GOP is very aware of that fact.

You have no idea what is socialism or how its principles apply to the US.
Fakey Jakey, perpetually confused as usual. Neither knowing what good healthcare is, what percentages mean, what said percentages are, or what the actual GOP is.

Firstly, I used YOUR statistics. You specifically stated that support for Obamacare is at the highest it has ever been, currently, SUPPOSEDLY being 48%. That means that it only recently even got CLOSE to half, and STILL is below half of the population. That means that since that piece of trash legislation has been implemented, it has been even further below half of the population, meaning the majority has ALWAYS opposed it.

FURTHERMORE, if people supported it as is, or wanted to change it, I imagine they wouldn't have voted for the guy who was running on repealing it.

Of course, don't let plainly observable facts stop you, they never have before. If they did, you wouldn't be a lefttard whackjob.
IOW, you show your ignorance, punkin roller.

The approval is 53 to 57% as is plus another 10% wants it improved. Your Alt Facts are lies and will not be considered.

The President pushed for it today, and the GOP in the House and the Senate are saying loud and clearly "no."
Actually you show your ignorance, it's 48.5. Fact. Of course, nobody actually expects anything from you. You're firmly placed with Billy in terms of members to be taken seriously.

Considering the highest support that piece of trash legislation has ever had is lower than half, you'll likely see it repealed, or all the trash supporting it voted out.

Now that I think about it, you'd probably get along great with Matthew, Fenton Lum, GarryDog, and Billy, they're Socialist nutjobs like you.
But in those surveys you always get around 10% or more who oppose Obamacare because it didn't go far enough, people for example who want single payer, or who wanted a public option in the exchanges.
There are significantly fewer Socialist Nutjobs than you think, yet more than there should be. On the other hand, that doesn't change the fact that the majority of people still appose that piece of trash legislation, and that support is declining, as it should be.
Pumpkin is suggesting "shop quoting" with (1) not qualifying it or (2) offering anything else. Her argument got its rump spanked.

NYc is 100% correct. So those who want it as is or improved is closer to 68 to 70% of the population.

The Congressional GOP is very aware of that fact.

You have no idea what is socialism or how its principles apply to the US.
Fakey Jakey, perpetually confused as usual. Neither knowing what good healthcare is, what percentages mean, what said percentages are, or what the actual GOP is.

Firstly, I used YOUR statistics. You specifically stated that support for Obamacare is at the highest it has ever been, currently, SUPPOSEDLY being 48%. That means that it only recently even got CLOSE to half, and STILL is below half of the population. That means that since that piece of trash legislation has been implemented, it has been even further below half of the population, meaning the majority has ALWAYS opposed it.

FURTHERMORE, if people supported it as is, or wanted to change it, I imagine they wouldn't have voted for the guy who was running on repealing it.

Of course, don't let plainly observable facts stop you, they never have before. If they did, you wouldn't be a lefttard whackjob.
oh please1

trump did NOT run on simply repealing it, Trump ran on

Repeal and Replace it with something much BETTER!

And ''the people'' did NOT VOTE in majority for trump and his plan...he won the electoral college, NOT the popular there is complete division on this issue...and many others...
Repealing it being a key word, you can't omit it just because it doesn't suit your false narrative<3
If the people wanted more of the same, and supported Obamacare, Hillary would have won. Fact.

They did vote in majority for Trump. Illegals don't count as people, they count as trash.

Surely you don't actually believe the crud you just spilled?

Trump lost the popular vote, fair and square

Hillary lost the electoral vote fair and square

I did NOT OMIT the repeal part of repeal and replace, why act like I did?

This is a terrible replacement Bill that takes no steps to make health care cost any less, it takes steps to make certain EVERYONE pays MORE, except the 1 percenters who get $50k a year from it....

It's a ROTTEN should send a message to your congressman telling him.
Surprise, surprise. Republicans can't govern. But, we already knew that.

Conservatives don't like it.
Libertarians don't like it.
Democrats obviously don't like it.
Bretibart doesn't like it.
Even AARP doesn't like it because older Americans will be unfairly targeted for higher rates.

Can Republicans do anything right at all?
democrats aint so hot themselves at dont get to cocky....

Nonsense. Obama's administration got millions of people health insurance despite being cockblocked every step of the way by these sanctimonious republican shitbags. There's literally no comparison.
I presume you haven't been to a Hospital Emergency Room since your lobotomy.
NO ONE is denied medical care...NO ONE.
Too much Alt-Right media for you.
Trump won the over 45 vote by a sizable margin.

In this healthcare bill, his first major legislative initiative, who gets hurt the most?

Americans over 45.
The free market will provide a much better service that the filthy ass government could ever do.

Get back to me when you've had to spend two years fighting with an insurance company to get them to pay for services they promised.

These corporations that you Left Wingers hate so much has a profit incentive to provide good services to us. The filthy ass bureaucrats and their politician bosses have no incentive to provide anything. You take what they give and you had better like it.

this is where you are confused. Cigna has NO incentive to provide ME with good service. they had an incentive to provide my employer with low rates. How did they do that? Declare anything that my doctor said i needed as "elective" or "expiramental". then hope I gave up after they already had my money.

Just go look at the veterans that are dying in government run hospitals if you want to see how the government fucks health care up.

You mean After rEpublicans slashed the shit out of their budget year after year to give tax cuts to rich people while letting big corporations profit off of an unnecessary war. You are right. Government is fucked up when republicans are running it. It's why we need to stop letting them steal elections.

I don't know why you idiot Moon Bats hate the concept of Liberty, personal responsibility and free choice so much. You are afraid, isn't it? You think some stupid politician is looking after your best interest and that is world class stupidity.

Guy, being victimized by big corporations isn't liberty. I think this is where they've scammed you.

I think politicians look out for their own interests. their own interests are in getting re-elected. This is why after talking all this smack about overturning hte ACA, they know they will get voted out of office if they do.

'But, but, but.... you promised!!!"
no, trump is what happens when you run someone like hillary clinton against him....

You mean a sensible woman with lots of experience and knowledge?

Of course, the country got it right, she won by 3 million votes. But unfortunately, we had just enough misogynists who thought we needed a Batman villain in the White House to put Trump in thanks to our broken system and Russian hackers. .
No bill has been passed yet, what are you traitors talking about?
All of the Patient protections in O=Care are GREAT....not allowing the caps on yearly services, allowing kids up to 26 on parent's plan, being able to see your doctor, when ever, with just a flat affordable fixed price, people with pre existing conditions being able to afford insurance, forcing insurance companies to spend 80% of our premiums on actual Health Care and not paper shuffling or CEO'S pay....Paying for the donut hole on prescriptions for medicare patients... Just so so so many little things to protect us that truly add up.

HOWEVER, the faults with O-Care are just a couple, but they are HUGE.

The main thing imho, is the high deductibles and high out of pocket expenses the plans are allowed to have...

And for some people, the mandate....primarily because the cost of health care insurance is still too high.

So it is not so much that O-Care was a bad was a thorough and meticulous and extensive bill that covered near everything and truly gave a lot of protections that benefit us all, specially if we ever become really sick...

IT'S THE PRICE....for all of these benefits, what it costs us.

Part of the problem with price, is that the Supreme Court ruled that the Medicaid expansion was up to the State....

THAT right there is what hurt the price....if we had been able to get all of the poorest on to the Medicaid expansion, then the cost to hospitals having to fund the uninsured would go down, which would make their prices to the insurance policy holders, who do pay, go DOWN.... that didn't happen

Not being able to negotiate prescription prices with PHARMA....another problem

and maybe freeing up insurance companies to cross state lines with some mutually agreed on State protections by the states could help reduce it...

Maybe if there a way for the gvt to fund insurance for those with pre existing conditions and take them out of the regular pool of people buying insurance could lower the overall cost for us as well....

what they should be focusing on is HOW TO REDUCE the price of the ACA, what measures can be taken to make it affordable.
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Of course no one likes it.
Conservatives just see it as Obamalite, while libs will scream their bloody asses off if one cent is taken away from their government handouts.

You mean that they are discovering that you can't get rid of the things people like without keeping the things people don't like.

what you all keep forgetting, is that ObamaCare is the Republican plan, drawn up by the Heritage foundation in the 1990's in response to Hillary's public option and implemented by Mitt Romney in 2002 in Massachusetts.

And you guys were perfectly fine with it. Mitt Romney got more shit for being a Mormon in 2008 than he did for "socialized medicine".

Of course, by 2012, Mitt Romney could have worshiped dread C'Thulhu and the racists on the right wing would have supported him. and once the Black Guy adopted the Republican Plan (with all its flaws), then that plan became evil, no matter who came up with it.

But now you have a problem. You can't really get rid of it and go back to what we had before. that system wasn't working an everyone knew it. It's why Big Insurance didn't roll out Harry and Louise to stop it like they did with HillaryCare.

Nor can you fix the problems without actually creating more government.

Sometimes wilted laurels are better than no laurels at all.

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