Breaking: No One Likes The GOP's Health Care Bill

They need to Keep It Simple
Bill 1; abolish obamacare. The poor can get their care through the ER until a new bill is created.
Bill 2; Removal of state line boundaries and allowing insurance companies to compete nation wide for customers.
Bill 3; Removal of national boundaries and allowing people to buy their drugs, via the internet, from any country they chose to. This will bypass drug companies charging our country more than any other country for the same fucking drugs.
Bill 4; Medical welfare plan where we take from the 1% and give to those who make less than 30k a year, or the poverty level, whatever, and provide them with Medical Savings account whose notes can only be spend in authorize medical facilities.

Stop there and see how things goes.

No superbill everyone will have something in to vote against. But a bunch of tiny bills that covers only what needs to be covered. The time for deal making to get a bill passed is past.
Did Business Insider predict a Hillary victory?

What you feel is immaterial. You go with your feelings inside of facts.
I like how you stop quoting so that you can hope I didn't notice you replied. You know, even if the statistics are accurate, Obamacare's popularity is still less than 50%, meaning the majority still opposes it, as it's sitting at 48.5%, and has started dropping again.
Surprise, surprise. Republicans can't govern. But, we already knew that.

Conservatives don't like it.
Libertarians don't like it.
Democrats obviously don't like it.
Bretibart doesn't like it.
Even AARP doesn't like it because older Americans will be unfairly targeted for higher rates.

Can Republicans do anything right at all?

Well no one in America liked Obamacare at all and the only winners in that POS are the people the rest of us are paying for.
Did Business Insider predict a Hillary victory?

What you feel is immaterial. You go with your feelings inside of facts.
I like how you stop quoting so that you can hope I didn't notice you replied. You know, even if the statistics are accurate, Obamacare's popularity is still less than 50%, meaning the majority still opposes it, as it's sitting at 48.5%, and has started dropping again.

But in those surveys you always get around 10% or more who oppose Obamacare because it didn't go far enough, people for example who want single payer, or who wanted a public option in the exchanges.
I wouldn't be surprised if most Republicans secretly hope that they don't pass 'Trumpcare' in any form to replace Obamacare,

so they won't get stuck defending what will inevitably be an unpopular law in 2018.
Why should the frigging corrupt, incompetent and oppressive government be involved at all in any health care?

Shouldn't that be between you and your doctor? Why does a filthy ass government bureaucrat get to dictate health care?
Why the hell is wrong with this country? Have we forgot about the concepts of personal responsibility and personal liberties?

Shut the fuck up.

I know that you stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats hate to address the concept of personal responsibility and personal liberty.

You want the filthy ass government telling you how to run your life and telling you what you have to have with health care.

You are simply not smart enough to manage your own life so you want some stupid bureaucrat, who doesn't give a shit about you, whose boss is a corrupt politician (elected by special interest groups) to manage your health care for you. That is despicable, isn't it?

Obamacare fucked up health care in this country. It ran up the cost big time, took away the freedom to chose our own providers and took away many of our choices in health care. It also gave an entitlement to the welfare queens that ain't worth a shit and demand that other people pay their bills for them. This is what you get when the government gets involved in something that should only be between your doctor and yourself.

You Libtards should be thrilled with the Republican plan. It fixes a lot of the things that were fucked up in Obamacare but it maintains government control and it continues with the filthy ass subsidies to the welfare queens in the form of tax credits.

Meanwhile I don't like either Obamacare or the continued big government alternative proposed by the Republicans. I want the government to stop telling me how to run my life and to stay the hell out of the business health care.
I know that you stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats hate to address the concept of personal responsibility and personal liberty.

You want the filthy ass government telling you how to run your life and telling you what you have to have with health care.

You are simply not smart enough to manage your own life so you want some stupid bureaucrat, who doesn't give a shit about you, whose boss is a corrupt politician (elected by special interest groups) to manage your health care for you. That is despicable, isn't it?

Ahhh... so you want a big corporation to decide your health care instead? How is that better. And before you mumble off something about "Market forces" or whatever, keep in mind that most of us don't pick our insurance companies, our employers do.

If we had to actually have individuals buy insurance and have a truly free market, then the old and sick could never afford insurance and the young wouldn't bother with it.

Also, you have this bizarre fixation with the word "filthy". You know, there are other adjectives in the English Language. But let's move on.

Obamacare fucked up health care in this country. It ran up the cost big time, took away the freedom to chose our own providers and took away many of our choices in health care. It also gave an entitlement to the welfare queens that ain't worth a shit and demand that other people pay their bills for them. This is what you get when the government gets involved in something that should only be between your doctor and yourself.

Again, my insurance didn't change one whit because of ObamaCare and that's probably true for most people. I've talked to people who run private businesses who think the ACA is the best thing ever.

You Libtards should be thrilled with the Republican plan. It fixes a lot of the things that were fucked up in Obamacare but it maintains government control and it continues with the filthy ass subsidies to the welfare queens in the form of tax credits.

well, no, guy, tax credits only help the rich, who didn't need the help. Poor people don't have any money to pay taxes to start with.

Meanwhile I don't like either Obamacare or the continued big government alternative proposed by the Republicans. I want the government to stop telling me how to run my life and to stay the hell out of the business health care.

Then maybe you should get used to having no health care, then. Health care can't exist without government subsidies.
They need to Keep It Simple
Bill 1; abolish obamacare. The poor can get their care through the ER until a new bill is created.
Bill 2; Removal of state line boundaries and allowing insurance companies to compete nation wide for customers.
Bill 3; Removal of national boundaries and allowing people to buy their drugs, via the internet, from any country they chose to. This will bypass drug companies charging our country more than any other country for the same fucking drugs.
Bill 4; Medical welfare plan where we take from the 1% and give to those who make less than 30k a year, or the poverty level, whatever, and provide them with Medical Savings account whose notes can only be spend in authorize medical facilities.

Stop there and see how things goes.

No superbill everyone will have something in to vote against. But a bunch of tiny bills that covers only what needs to be covered. The time for deal making to get a bill passed is past.

Why do all the conservative "solutions' involve helping rich people and corporations?

None of those "solutions' address the problem. They just make it easier for sleazy operators to rip people off.

Let's take your "State Line" argument. So let's say I buy my Insurance from a company in Utah instead of Illinois, and they rip me off? What's my recourse?

I can take them to court in IL, but an IL court would have no jurisdiction over them.

Ahhh... so you want a big corporation to decide your health care instead?

The free market will provide a much better service that the filthy ass government could ever do.

These corporations that you Left Wingers hate so much has a profit incentive to provide good services to us. The filthy ass bureaucrats and their politician bosses have no incentive to provide anything. You take what they give and you had better like it.

Just go look at the veterans that are dying in government run hospitals if you want to see how the government fucks health care up. Just look at the enormous cost that Obamacare has burdened the American people in the form of higher deductibles. higher premiums and higher co payments if you want an example of what you get with government interference. Despicable isn't it? The government should never be in the business of health care. They fuck it up just like they fuck up every thing else they touch.

I don't know why you idiot Moon Bats hate the concept of Liberty, personal responsibility and free choice so much. You are afraid, isn't it? You think some stupid politician is looking after your best interest and that is world class stupidity.

I can handle my own responsibilities thank you very much. Stupid uneducated low information Moon Bat dullards like yourself needs the government to do your thinking for you. I really feel sorry for you.

At least you are getting another big government health care bill with the Republican alternative. Life ain't so bad for you Moon Bats after all, is it?

Although it is better than Obamacare the only good thing about the bill is that does away with subsidies to Planned Parenthood.
Surprise, surprise. Republicans can't govern. But, we already knew that.

Conservatives don't like it.
Libertarians don't like it.
Democrats obviously don't like it.
Bretibart doesn't like it.
Even AARP doesn't like it because older Americans will be unfairly targeted for higher rates.

Can Republicans do anything right at all?
You mean the people who use it the most will have to pay accordingly?

Whoever thought of something so ridiculous!
Surprise, surprise. Republicans can't govern. But, we already knew that.

Conservatives don't like it.
Libertarians don't like it.
Democrats obviously don't like it.
Bretibart doesn't like it.
Even AARP doesn't like it because older Americans will be unfairly targeted for higher rates.

Can Republicans do anything right at all?
No one gives a fuck what you fascist democrats,have to say......:lol:

But do you give a fuck about what fascist Repugs have to say? Because they almost universally hate this bill. Why? Because Repugs fail at EVERYTHING they do.

Everything except cutting taxes for the wealthy
Surprise, surprise. Republicans can't govern. But, we already knew that.

Conservatives don't like it.
Libertarians don't like it.
Democrats obviously don't like it.
Bretibart doesn't like it.
Even AARP doesn't like it because older Americans will be unfairly targeted for higher rates.

Can Republicans do anything right at all?
democrats aint so hot themselves at dont get to cocky....

Nonsense. Obama's administration got millions of people health insurance despite being cockblocked every step of the way by these sanctimonious republican shitbags. There's literally no comparison.
there is more to governing than just health ins ...i lived in california until last year, so i know better...the only reason you cant see that is because you must be one....
Yeah they fucking suck and everyone knows it. Thats why the couldnt get one of their puppets to get the nomination. If trump fails, they are fucked

WHEN Trump fails, they need to wash their hands of him. Sooner rather than later.

Trump is what happens when you give up all your principles to win.
no, trump is what happens when you run someone like hillary clinton against him....
Yeah they fucking suck and everyone knows it. Thats why the couldnt get one of their puppets to get the nomination. If trump fails, they are fucked

WHEN Trump fails, they need to wash their hands of him. Sooner rather than later.

Trump is what happens when you give up all your principles to win.
no, trump is what happens when you run someone like hillary clinton against him....
Inconsistent thinking. Any of the GOP, with the possible exceptiion of Cruz, contenders would have thumped HRC.

Now we have Donniboi with Cruz and Rubio trying to undermine him.

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