BREAKING: North Korea launches ICBM into Pacific ocean

it's amusing how so many who didn't give a flip about North Korea's quest for nukes dating back to at least the 1990s suddenly do. Maybe if one or more of the past Presidents had taken the problem seriously instead of kicking the can down the road we wouldn't be in the situation we now are.
"Handle it appropriately" like Bill Clinton? By giving the billions of dollars and two more nuclear reactors? or handling like the 1930's British Prime Minister Chamberlain? By sucking up to Kim Jong Un? You leftists seem to be pretty good at sucking.
I am no more a leftist than you care about America's welfare. Pence can do the job; Trump can't.
Quit lying.
I tell the truth. You don't. You are simply a shill for American neo-fascist alt right.

Wrong. I am the American neo-fascist alt-right.
Then there are eightteen of you in America. Have fun.

Dream on. You're outnumbered. We have the votes, we have the power, we have the weapons and training to use them.

Any time you slimy leftist cocksuckers feel froggy enough to start some kind of civil war, go right ahead. I heartily encourage you.
it's amusing how so many who didn't give a flip about North Korea's quest for nukes dating back to at least the 1990s suddenly do. Maybe if one or more of the past Presidents had taken the problem seriously instead of kicking the can down the road we wouldn't be in the situation we now are.
"How many?" Who? That is a horse shit comment.
I am no more a leftist than you care about America's welfare. Pence can do the job; Trump can't.
Quit lying.
I tell the truth. You don't. You are simply a shill for American neo-fascist alt right.

Wrong. I am the American neo-fascist alt-right.
Then there are eightteen of you in America. Have fun.

Dream on. You're outnumbered. We have the votes, we have the power, we have the weapons and training to use them. Any time you slimy leftist cocksuckers feel froggy enough to start some kind of civil war, go right ahead. I heartily encourage you.
Yep, you ran at Charlottesville.

You will never have the numbers, and you will always be outgunned.

The military and LEO will be late to the dance if the Alt Right raises up. Their neighbors will dirt nap them. They know who is the Alt Right, and they are prepared for it.
Dream on. You're outnumbered. We have the votes, we have the power, we have the weapons and training to use them.

Any time you slimy leftist cocksuckers feel froggy enough to start some kind of civil war, go right ahead. I heartily encourage you.

Ahh another idiot rooting for a race or ideological war believing that their pea shooters will match up against an Abrams Tank and a few F-16s and drones.

Bunker up - and then piss off to hell :bye1:
it's amusing how so many who didn't give a flip about North Korea's quest for nukes dating back to at least the 1990s suddenly do. Maybe if one or more of the past Presidents had taken the problem seriously instead of kicking the can down the road we wouldn't be in the situation we now are.
"How many?" Who? That is a horse shit comment.
That is a horseshit response unless you don't know who the last three Presidents are and given the severity of your TDS you may very well have blocked that out.
An n ICBM into the pacific, and intel suggesting Kim junk can hit anything but deep water?
So far, Kim Junk's missiles cannot survive re entry:

North Korea has been working hard to perfect “re-entry” technology to one day have a warhead be able to survive re-entry into Earth’s atmosphere. This ICBM would be able to hit any city within the U.S. if a warhead is able to survive re-entry.

It was determined by the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) that the missile "did not pose a threat to North America, our territories or our allies," Pentagon spokesman Col. Robert Manning III told Fox News.
Manning, in an earlier statement, said: "We are in the process of assessing the situation, and we will be providing additional details when available.”


The ICBM flew nearly 2,800 miles into space, according to Yonhap. NASA's International Space Station only orbits the Earth from 250 miles into space.

North Korea has now test-launched three ICBMs in its history. Tuesday's missile flew 1,000 miles higher than the regime's first launch on July 4.

  • President Trump told reporters Tuesday that the missile launch "is a situation that we will handle," and added the U.S. will "take care of it." The president was briefed on the launch while it was still in the air, press secretary Sarah Sanders tweeted earlier in the day.
North Korea fires ICBM into Japanese waters
Trump is learning that talking shit only works with ignorant white folk here in Amerikkka. NK could give a damn. Lets face it folks, the world could give a damn about this country unless it envolves money. That Asian trip.....a fuckin joke. I would bet my last dollar the only thing Trump talked about was the cake!! That beautiful chocolate they had back in the day.....
You know what scares me Jake? The possibility that Trump might start a war over this.

Should we just wait till rocket man can hit us with one, then you’ll be screaming, why didn’t Trump do something

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Guess it was successful imagine that

So far, Kim Junk's missiles cannot survive re entry:

North Korea has been working hard to perfect “re-entry” technology to one day have a warhead be able to survive re-entry into Earth’s atmosphere. This ICBM would be able to hit any city within the U.S. if a warhead is able to survive re-entry.

It was determined by the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) that the missile "did not pose a threat to North America, our territories or our allies," Pentagon spokesman Col. Robert Manning III told Fox News.
Manning, in an earlier statement, said: "We are in the process of assessing the situation, and we will be providing additional details when available.”


The ICBM flew nearly 2,800 miles into space, according to Yonhap. NASA's International Space Station only orbits the Earth from 250 miles into space.

North Korea has now test-launched three ICBMs in its history. Tuesday's missile flew 1,000 miles higher than the regime's first launch on July 4.

  • President Trump told reporters Tuesday that the missile launch "is a situation that we will handle," and added the U.S. will "take care of it." The president was briefed on the launch while it was still in the air, press secretary Sarah Sanders tweeted earlier in the day.
North Korea fires ICBM into Japanese waters

CORRECTION: This one did not burn up on reentry.
General Mattis says North Korea’s latest missile test proves they could strike nearly “anywhere in the world.”
General Mattis says North Korea’s latest missile test proves they could strike nearly “anywhere in the world.”
. Whose helping these idiot's ?? China ? Iran ?? Who ? (NK) is a thug nation, and someone is supplying them with the technical aspects of their war machine. Are they a proxy for someone else ?? How many out there want our head on a platter, but act as our friends, trade partners etc. ??
General Mattis says North Korea’s latest missile test proves they could strike nearly “anywhere in the world.”
. Whose helping these idiot's ?? China ? Iran ?? Who ? (NK) is a thug nation, and someone is supplying them with the technical aspects of their war machine. Are they a proxy for someone else ?? How many out there want our head on a platter, but act as our friends, trade partners etc. ??

Almost like an inside job is coming =)

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