BREAKING: North Korea releases jailed US student Otto Warmbier


Gold Member
Sep 2, 2016
North Korea releases jailed US student Otto Warmbier

More winning by our amazing president! :2up:

We'll be getting more details as the story develops.

News from The Associated Press

North Korea has reportedly released jailed American student Otto Warmbier.

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Tuesday said the student had been released and is headed back to the U.S. to his family, according to The Associated Press.

Warmbier's release was secured at the direction of President Trump, Tillerson said.
North Korea releases jailed U.S. university student

And what did the Obama administration do to get him released? Ir still amazes me how ineffective Obama and his administration was.

otto warmbier? what an unfortunate name.

otto warmbier? what an unfortunate name.
It could be worse. Gaylord Fokker...

And what did the Obama administration do to get him released? Ir still amazes me who ineffective Obama and his administration was.
Maybe they were behind sending Dennis Rodman over.

And what did the Obama administration do to get him released? Ir still amazes me who ineffective Obama and his administration was.
Maybe they were behind sending Dennis Rodman over.
Really? A jock to convince the NK to release prisoners? That's right, Obama's Secretary of State was busy doing nothing.

And what did the Obama administration do to get him released? Ir still amazes me who ineffective Obama and his administration was.
Maybe they were behind sending Dennis Rodman over.
Really? A jock to convince the NK to release prisoners? That's right, Obama's Secretary of State was busy doing nothing.
Maybe Kim sees Trump as a kindred spirit after all the ring kissing by Trump sycophants yesterday.

With a name that sounds like like warm-beer it’s very hard for the average US citizen to generate any sympathy for an embarrassing moron, Otto Warmbier, who went to North Korea and tried to lift a propaganda sign. Instead of this fool spending the next fifteen years making big rocks into little rocks he is apparently in some kind of coma and has been released. The first question that comes to mind is how can you tell the difference? This clod is not just a joke on the cognitive abilities of his age group he is a humiliation to human intelligence across the globe. There is no shortage of imbeciles in the US but we are now forced to allow this dullard back into the country. What the hell is this country coming to?
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i think it was that weird 'arod' that got this thief released . Course i approve of his release but hey , go to 'norkland' and show off by attempted theft of a pennies worth of 'nork' propaganda and , well hey , you might go to jail . He was a college student [chuckle] and he didn't suspect or guess that there were cameras in the hotel hallways . :afro:
here is 'otto' doing his cat burglar impression . --- --- like i say , i am happy that this ADULT student in a strange land was released . I am pretty sure that he has learned an important lesson that he should have learned in Sunday school or on his parents knee !!
And what did the Obama administration do to get him released? Ir still amazes me how ineffective Obama and his administration was.
Obama was busy looking for more ways to screw Americans.
Otto Warmbier, the college student arrested, tried and imprisoned in North Korea for more than a year for trying to swipe a souvenir from a hotel, has been released but is reportedly in a coma.
Otto Warmbier, jailed US student, reportedly in coma after being freed by North Korea

I read that, too. A case of botulism?
Heard a radio news report that during or after botulism treatment a year ago he was given a sleeping pill...and he's still sleeping. Dunno the validity of the report.
Otto Warmbier, the college student arrested, tried and imprisoned in North Korea for more than a year for trying to swipe a souvenir from a hotel, has been released but is reportedly in a coma.
Otto Warmbier, jailed US student, reportedly in coma after being freed by North Korea

I read that, too. A case of botulism?
Heard a radio news report that during or after botulism treatment a year ago he was given a sleeping pill...and he's still sleeping. Dunno the validity of the report.
Heaard that, too. Thanks.
Just saw the press conference with otto's father.

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If Trump had anything to do with this, which I doubt, expect NK to be privy to SK secrets!!
heard commentary last night that the young adult Otto was tortured , strangulation and lack of blood flow to brain mentioned as the reason for his brain diminishment . Terrible things , can't say much more then that , terrible things probably happened !!
Makes you wonder why travel to North Korea by US citizens is still allowed!
There was a time not too long ago where travel to Cuba was forbidden for US Citizens so it can be done.
probably be Discrimination or some such silliness . Then again , if a bonehead from the USA travels to 'nork land' or similar like 'iran' , well , what the hey , feck them . -------------------- Doesn't that make common sense or what as i shrug my shoulders and roll my eyes ??

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