Breaking: Obama Approves Plan For Illegal Children To Get Refugee Status Read Latest Breaking News

Refugee status huh.

That means we taxpayers will be paying for all of these kids who shuoldn't be here.

Such a fucking deal for the taxpayers of America.
Your going to be paying for the ones that meet the requirements for refugee status when they arrive. You're just not going to be paying as much. For those that are turned down before making the trip are probably not going to spend the money and take risks just to be sent back. That would no sense.
All this because the republicans turned down the more sensible plan proposed by Rubio.
There is no good plan outside of deporting every illegal that you can.
Having said that, at least with the GOP, the party is made up with people who believe in borders and who are against illegal immigration. Yes we have to beware of GOP politicians, but it's still better than the Dims, because not only are the politicians bad, but the Dim voters themselves have no respect for this countries borders, and they try every step of the way to block anything that actually is tried to stop illegal immigration. Dims themselves are the problem.
Given that we will NOT get rid of them. Rubio's plan was BRILLIANT. Give them a very very long "path to citizenship" where they have to prove they are good republicans, people who work, pay taxes, and collect no welfare all along the way. Essentially all they got was a temporary work visa and a tax bill to pay.
Refugee status huh.

That means we taxpayers will be paying for all of these kids who shuoldn't be here.

Such a fucking deal for the taxpayers of America.
Your going to be paying for the ones that meet the requirements for refugee status when they arrive. You're just not going to be paying as much. For those that are turned down before making the trip are probably not going to spend the money and take risks just to be sent back. That would no sense.
All this because the republicans turned down the more sensible plan proposed by Rubio.
There is no good plan outside of deporting every illegal that you can.
Having said that, at least with the GOP, the party is made up with people who believe in borders and who are against illegal immigration. Yes we have to beware of GOP politicians, but it's still better than the Dims, because not only are the politicians bad, but the Dim voters themselves have no respect for this countries borders, and they try every step of the way to block anything that actually is tried to stop illegal immigration. Dims themselves are the problem.
Given that we will NOT get rid of them. Rubio's plan was BRILLIANT. Give them a very very long "path to citizenship" where they have to prove they are good republicans, people who work, pay taxes, and collect no welfare all along the way. Essentially all they got was a temporary work visa and a tax bill to pay.

Certainly better than nothing, but as long as we keep letting them flood in, it really doesn't matter which program, or what rules to go by. The bottom line, we're toast now as the word gets out that Obama is going to reward them when they get here.
Refugee status huh.

That means we taxpayers will be paying for all of these kids who shuoldn't be here.

Such a fucking deal for the taxpayers of America.
Your going to be paying for the ones that meet the requirements for refugee status when they arrive. You're just not going to be paying as much. For those that are turned down before making the trip are probably not going to spend the money and take risks just to be sent back. That would no sense.
All this because the republicans turned down the more sensible plan proposed by Rubio.
There is no good plan outside of deporting every illegal that you can.
Having said that, at least with the GOP, the party is made up with people who believe in borders and who are against illegal immigration. Yes we have to beware of GOP politicians, but it's still better than the Dims, because not only are the politicians bad, but the Dim voters themselves have no respect for this countries borders, and they try every step of the way to block anything that actually is tried to stop illegal immigration. Dims themselves are the problem.
Given that we will NOT get rid of them. Rubio's plan was BRILLIANT. Give them a very very long "path to citizenship" where they have to prove they are good republicans, people who work, pay taxes, and collect no welfare all along the way. Essentially all they got was a temporary work visa and a tax bill to pay.

Certainly better than nothing, but as long as we keep letting them flood in, it really doesn't matter which program, or what rules to go by. The bottom line, we're toast now as the word gets out that Obama is going to reward them when they get here.
It does matter. Rubio's way the system becomes legal again and the illegals loose their tax free advantage. They pay taxes. Under the current system that the redumbicans are forcing down our throat, we get no tax dollars and pay them welfare. They don't have to get in line, they get to fly under the radar flaunting our system. Laughing at us. Pissing on our flag.

This is it now, this is the word they've been waiting for down south. Now that Obama has approved of this, the word will quickly spread, and they'll be pouring in like never before.
This was the strategy all along, get in, claim refugee status, and hope it works.

Now thanks to the satan-in-chief saying it's okay, the tidal wave will begin.

This is ontop of 70,000/year refugees we already take in.
900,000 to 1,100,000 perment/year
750,000 nationalizions(85% non-white!)

We have brought in 8,000 Somalis last year and this year. They're refugees.
Now we're going to do it for the syrians and the central Americans.

80%+ of our growth are non-white third worlders.

In 1890-1910 85-90% of new Americans came from Europe.
A large part of the 10-15% came from Canada or some other white area.

The democrats are transforming our nation into something very bad.
My advice to all of you guys is do what I'm doing. Start laying the groundwork for getting the fuck out of here, it's clear with a border that is nothing more than a line on the map and an entire political party that encourages everyone south to come here, that there is no future here.
Start looking at places like Australia, or New Zealand. There are rules, but money talks.
My advice to all of you guys is do what I'm doing. Start laying the groundwork for getting the fuck out of here, it's clear with a border that is nothing more than a line on the map and an entire political party that encourages everyone south to come here, that there is no future here.
Start looking at places like Australia, or New Zealand. There are rules, but money talks.
I don't need to leave, I can be completely self sustaining off the grid right where I'm at.
This is it now, this is the word they've been waiting for down south. Now that Obama has approved of this, the word will quickly spread, and they'll be pouring in like never before.
This was the strategy all along, get in, claim refugee status, and hope it works.

Now thanks to the satan-in-chief saying it's okay, the tidal wave will begin.
The real program, not the one in your mind sounds promising. By giving refugee status to children that would receive it once they arrive, eliminates dangers associated with illegal border crossings and reduces the backlog of illegal immigrant processing. More importantly, children that would not qualify are told before they make the trip. If they make the trip anyway, then the cost and turnaround time for deportation will be reduced. It's one of the few sensible plans to deal with illegal immigration that has come out of Washington in a long time.
Naturally you're in favor of it, because as a Dim you want illegals here, and you want them to stay.
No, I'm in favor of it because it will reduce the number of illegal immigrant children entering the country. It should also speedup the deportation process
These people vote democrat as they want a piece of our pie. This is a fact. This is why they come here.
That traitor should be in prison.
What ever happened to the good ole days when we hung traitors. This idea that we should make the worst traitor in the country our POTUS is a bit backwards thinking on the part of the dimocraps.

Democrats plan is to flood America with millions of illegals from foreign countries to cancel out votes by Americans. Do we really want a bunch of damn illegals deciding who our next President is? What the fuck libs. Its a solid plan, grant them amnesty and the right to vote and bribe them with government hand outs to vote Dem. They will destroy the poor and middle class in the process but they don't seem to care.
Illegal immigrants do not elect presidents are anyone else.
Despite your bad grammar, I know what you're saying, and I know that you're missing the point. They get in, their handed refugee status, they begin to collect benefits, they in time become citizens and by then they know which party gives them the handouts.
Our criteria for refugee status is the same in the immigrant's home country or in the US. However if the immigrant's status is determined in the home country, it's much cheaper. It side steps the legal process and months of detainment. For those that don't qualify, they can be turned around before they make the trip or if they persist and cross the boarder and are apprehended, then they can be sent back in 48 hours without going through the legal process.

This program has grown out of the interviews with the children. The vast majority of children believed they would be given asylum or refugee status if they could make it to the US which isn't true. Our criteria for asylum and refugee status is very strict and most kids aren't going to be accepted. So, it only makes sense to make the determination before they try to enter the US.
Refugee status huh.

That means we taxpayers will be paying for all of these kids who shuoldn't be here.

Such a fucking deal for the taxpayers of America.
Your going to be paying for the ones that meet the requirements for refugee status when they arrive. You're just not going to be paying as much. For those that are turned down before making the trip are probably not going to spend the money and take risks just to be sent back.

They shouldn't be here at all. That 2008 law they used was for the victims of sex trafficing. You can't tell me all these kids were in the trade. No way should they ever have been brought here.

They should all be transported right back across the border into Mexico and dumped.
This is it now, this is the word they've been waiting for down south. Now that Obama has approved of this, the word will quickly spread, and they'll be pouring in like never before.
This was the strategy all along, get in, claim refugee status, and hope it works.

Now thanks to the satan-in-chief saying it's okay, the tidal wave will begin.
The real program, not the one in your mind sounds promising. By giving refugee status to children that would receive it once they arrive, eliminates dangers associated with illegal border crossings and reduces the backlog of illegal immigrant processing. More importantly, children that would not qualify are told before they make the trip. If they make the trip anyway, then the cost and turnaround time for deportation will be reduced. It's one of the few sensible plans to deal with illegal immigration that has come out of Washington in a long time.
Naturally you're in favor of it, because as a Dim you want illegals here, and you want them to stay.
No, I'm in favor of it because it will reduce the number of illegal immigrant children entering the country. It should also speedup the deportation process

Immediately closing the border will also "reduce the number of illegal immigrant children entering..."

The "deportation process" should be;

"Do you have a visa or a green card?"

"Get in the truck."
This is it now, this is the word they've been waiting for down south. Now that Obama has approved of this, the word will quickly spread, and they'll be pouring in like never before.
This was the strategy all along, get in, claim refugee status, and hope it works.

Now thanks to the satan-in-chief saying it's okay, the tidal wave will begin.
The real program, not the one in your mind sounds promising. By giving refugee status to children that would receive it once they arrive, eliminates dangers associated with illegal border crossings and reduces the backlog of illegal immigrant processing. More importantly, children that would not qualify are told before they make the trip. If they make the trip anyway, then the cost and turnaround time for deportation will be reduced. It's one of the few sensible plans to deal with illegal immigration that has come out of Washington in a long time.
Naturally you're in favor of it, because as a Dim you want illegals here, and you want them to stay.
No, I'm in favor of it because it will reduce the number of illegal immigrant children entering the country. It should also speedup the deportation process

Immediately closing the border will also "reduce the number of illegal immigrant children entering..."

The "deportation process" should be;

"Do you have a visa or a green card?"

"Get in the truck."
Can't be done. We don't have the resources or the will power to shut down our borders, be they entering by air, land, sea, with or without visas then staying as long as they want. Saying we can just shut it down by snapping our fingers is ludicrous. Not to mention the democrats and corporations would be fighting you the whole way creating underground railroads.
Refugee status huh.

That means we taxpayers will be paying for all of these kids who shuoldn't be here.

Such a fucking deal for the taxpayers of America.
Your going to be paying for the ones that meet the requirements for refugee status when they arrive. You're just not going to be paying as much. For those that are turned down before making the trip are probably not going to spend the money and take risks just to be sent back. That would no sense.
All this because the republicans turned down the more sensible plan proposed by Rubio.
There is no good plan outside of deporting every illegal that you can.
Having said that, at least with the GOP, the party is made up with people who believe in borders and who are against illegal immigration. Yes we have to beware of GOP politicians, but it's still better than the Dims, because not only are the politicians bad, but the Dim voters themselves have no respect for this countries borders, and they try every step of the way to block anything that actually is tried to stop illegal immigration. Dims themselves are the problem.
Given that we will NOT get rid of them. Rubio's plan was BRILLIANT. Give them a very very long "path to citizenship" where they have to prove they are good republicans, people who work, pay taxes, and collect no welfare all along the way. Essentially all they got was a temporary work visa and a tax bill to pay.
rubio said they had to be republicans to become citizens? He may as well kiss his
Political career goodby.
Refugee status huh.

That means we taxpayers will be paying for all of these kids who shuoldn't be here.

Such a fucking deal for the taxpayers of America.
Your going to be paying for the ones that meet the requirements for refugee status when they arrive. You're just not going to be paying as much. For those that are turned down before making the trip are probably not going to spend the money and take risks just to be sent back. That would no sense.
All this because the republicans turned down the more sensible plan proposed by Rubio.
There is no good plan outside of deporting every illegal that you can.
Having said that, at least with the GOP, the party is made up with people who believe in borders and who are against illegal immigration. Yes we have to beware of GOP politicians, but it's still better than the Dims, because not only are the politicians bad, but the Dim voters themselves have no respect for this countries borders, and they try every step of the way to block anything that actually is tried to stop illegal immigration. Dims themselves are the problem.
Given that we will NOT get rid of them. Rubio's plan was BRILLIANT. Give them a very very long "path to citizenship" where they have to prove they are good republicans, people who work, pay taxes, and collect no welfare all along the way. Essentially all they got was a temporary work visa and a tax bill to pay.
rubio said they had to be republicans to become citizens? He may as well kiss his
Political career goodby.
No. That was my take on it.. given that they had to work and pay taxes. I was poking at democrats who's primary constituency does not have to pay taxes because they either don't work or don't work enough to get over the minimum income amount.
Refugee status huh.

That means we taxpayers will be paying for all of these kids who shuoldn't be here.

Such a fucking deal for the taxpayers of America.
Your going to be paying for the ones that meet the requirements for refugee status when they arrive. You're just not going to be paying as much. For those that are turned down before making the trip are probably not going to spend the money and take risks just to be sent back.

They shouldn't be here at all. That 2008 law they used was for the victims of sex trafficing. You can't tell me all these kids were in the trade. No way should they ever have been brought here.

They should all be transported right back across the border into Mexico and dumped.
The Refugee Act of 1980 codified the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and establishes refugee status requirements. The Trafficking Victims Protection Re-authorization Act of 2008 does not address requirements for refugee status. It does provide additional assistance for trafficking victims and coordination with other countries and the UN.

About half the kids come from countries other than Mexico, so you can't dump them in Mexico. Kids from Mexico can be returned after an interview with an agent and returned within 48 hours. 2008 Trafficking Law exempts kids from other countries from this rapid turnaround. However, even without this provision in law, we still couldn't dump them in Mexico. We would have to return them to their country of origin.
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