Breaking:Obama calls for the banning of the Tea Party (Gadsden) Flag

No he didn't. And teapers do not deserve that flag. The way they've disgraced it over the last 6 years is a damn shame.
This flag is part of American history and can't be banned simply because the President says so.
Barry is busy in his homeland of Kenya wasting American dollars pretending to be the new Black Messiah. His father was a Kenyan anti-American left wing alcoholic bigamist who finally killed himself in a car accident. Maybe Barry will leave a fifth of Jack on his tombstone. Anyway it's probably the IRS that has Americans who have the "Tread on me" flag and license plate targeted for destruction and that leaves Barry with plausible deniability
How many times are you guys gonna get burned before you stop falling for everything you read?

"Washington Weekly News" is a satire site.
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How many times are you guys gonna get burned before you stop falling for everything you read?

"Washington Weekly News" is a satire site.

How many times are you going to take the Obama administration at it's word?

There have been constant mutterings regarding this flag being racist. After they managed to declare the Confederate flag racist, it was on to the next one. It has resulted in a complaint now and looks like the government will consider people wearing the flag symbol of being guilty of racial harassment.

"The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has determined in a preliminary ruling that wearing clothing featuring the Gadsden Flag constitutes legally actionable racial harassment in the workplace. In short, wearing the Gadsden flag while at work can earn you the title of "racist", earn you harassment charges, and cost you your job. The ideological witch hunt started back in 2014 when a black employee at a privately owned company filed a complaint with the EEOC when he saw a co-worker wearing a hat featuring the Gadsden flag and the words "Don’t tread on me." The EEOC has decided to side with the over-sensitive employee, despite already admitting that the flag originated in a non-racial context and has been adopted by multiple non-racial political groups, countless companies and more, since it was created.

The ruling is a preliminary ruling and has not yet been made "official" but the preliminary ruling says that you can be charged with "racial harassment." They have not indicated when an "official" ruling will be made and it is ongoing.

The black employee first complained about the anti-tyranny image in back in 2014. His immediate supervisor allegedly asked the "offending" employee to stifle his patriotism and remove the hat. After several failed attempts to shame the proud American the easily offended employee escalated his complaints to the EEOC. Eugene Volokh, a UCLA law professor who runs the "Volokh Conspiracy" blog at The Washington Post, reported that the EEOC stated they would need to "gather more evidence on the case" approximately two months ago. Since that time the EEOC has decided that the Gadsden flag is "racially insensitive."

The investigation has revealed that the "racist" employee in question never uttered a word of even remotely racist speech to the offended employee. The EEOC has also admitted that there is no racist history of the flag. They conceded in a statement made to the Washington Post:

"It is clear that the Gadsden Flag originated in the Revolutionary War in a non-racial context, Moreover, it is clear that the flag and its slogan have been used to express various non-racial sentiments, such as when it is used in the modern Tea Party political movement, guns rights activism, patriotic displays and by the military."

The employee that issued the complaint claims that the flag is racist because the person that designed the flag Christopher Gadsden was a "a slave trader & owner of slaves." According to this logic the Gadsden flag is inherently as racist as swivel chairs, bifocals, and many other items designed by slave owning inventors."

Government Ruling: Wearing "Don't Tread On Me" Gadsden Flag Can Be Racist & "Racial Harassment"

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