Breaking: Obama To Visit Communist Cuba Next Month To Meet Castro

maybe Obama is going there to trade John Kerry for 500 cuban built bycicles?
Or a brand new '55 Chevy.
Obama should trade Kerry and Reid for 10,000 boxes of real Cuban Cigars and at least 100 hot and white cuban females.
Hopefully soon you will be able to buy your own cigars and take that sex tour in Cuba rather than Haiti
what? their cheaper in Haiti? Dammit! you mean i just pissed off 10,000 in Cuba???
Great news!
If you're a communist!

Or an intelligent and pragmatic leader looking to normalize relations.
Reagan was there for their 3rd nuclear weapons summit.
Now, tell me is he going for a nuclear summit?
The last US president to visit Cuba was Coolidge in 1928. There is a reason.

Why is it incredible?

BBC ON THIS DAY | 21 | 1972: Nixon makes historic visit to China

"1972: Nixon makes historic visit to China"

U.S.-Soviet Relations, 1981–1991 - 1981–1988 - Milestones - Office of the Historian

"Gorbachev, Reagan, and Bush in New York City, December 1988. (Ronald Reagan Presidential Library)"


" In May 1988, standing in the middle of Red Square in Moscow, Reagan declared that the term “evil empire” belonged to “another era.”"


Are you kidding me that Obama in Cuba is "simply incredible"?? It's not, leaders go to other countries all the time.
Reagan was there for their 3rd nuclear weapons summit.
Now, tell me is he going for a nuclear summit?
The last US president to visit Cuba was Coolidge in 1928. There is a reason.

Why is it incredible?

BBC ON THIS DAY | 21 | 1972: Nixon makes historic visit to China

"1972: Nixon makes historic visit to China"

U.S.-Soviet Relations, 1981–1991 - 1981–1988 - Milestones - Office of the Historian

"Gorbachev, Reagan, and Bush in New York City, December 1988. (Ronald Reagan Presidential Library)"


" In May 1988, standing in the middle of Red Square in Moscow, Reagan declared that the term “evil empire” belonged to “another era.”"


Are you kidding me that Obama in Cuba is "simply incredible"?? It's not, leaders go to other countries all the time.

So, he went there for something. Obama's going there for something. Nixon went to China to open up relations. There's no difference, it's diplomacy.

Reagan could have gone to Moscow for summits and stayed in his hotel, but no, he went out with the LEADER OF THE USSR to the main place in the country and had photo opportunities. Hmmmm.... was that necessary?

You can try and ignore this fact, but the President of the US is the main man in foreign affairs. Opening up relations with Cuba is the same as opening it up with China, or with relations with the USSR. There's no difference.
So Obama is introducing capitalism to cuba and you people are mad?

Why do you on the left constantly conclude our emotions amid simple discussions? It's amazing how many mind readers there are in the Democrat party.

They say actions speak louder than words. Based upon the actions you do, ie, writing stuff saying how much you hate this, then you'd have to imply that you're "mad" or some other kind of adjective to describe how you aren't happy.

I wonder why when someone makes a comment you then go jump on something that has nothing to do with what is being spoken about to deflect attention away from what is being spoken about.

So, to bring the topic back (let's see what you decide to reply to the most), Obama going to capitalism makes you write how much you hate Obama and Cuba for what reason?
What is he going there for?
Reagan was there for their 3rd nuclear weapons summit.
Now, tell me is he going for a nuclear summit?
The last US president to visit Cuba was Coolidge in 1928. There is a reason.

Why is it incredible?

BBC ON THIS DAY | 21 | 1972: Nixon makes historic visit to China

"1972: Nixon makes historic visit to China"

U.S.-Soviet Relations, 1981–1991 - 1981–1988 - Milestones - Office of the Historian

"Gorbachev, Reagan, and Bush in New York City, December 1988. (Ronald Reagan Presidential Library)"


" In May 1988, standing in the middle of Red Square in Moscow, Reagan declared that the term “evil empire” belonged to “another era.”"


Are you kidding me that Obama in Cuba is "simply incredible"?? It's not, leaders go to other countries all the time.

So, he went there for something. Obama's going there for something. Nixon went to China to open up relations. There's no difference, it's diplomacy.

Reagan could have gone to Moscow for summits and stayed in his hotel, but no, he went out with the LEADER OF THE USSR to the main place in the country and had photo opportunities. Hmmmm.... was that necessary?

You can try and ignore this fact, but the President of the US is the main man in foreign affairs. Opening up relations with Cuba is the same as opening it up with China, or with relations with the USSR. There's no difference.
What is he going there for?
Reagan was there for their 3rd nuclear weapons summit.
Now, tell me is he going for a nuclear summit?
The last US president to visit Cuba was Coolidge in 1928. There is a reason.

Why is it incredible?

BBC ON THIS DAY | 21 | 1972: Nixon makes historic visit to China

"1972: Nixon makes historic visit to China"

U.S.-Soviet Relations, 1981–1991 - 1981–1988 - Milestones - Office of the Historian

"Gorbachev, Reagan, and Bush in New York City, December 1988. (Ronald Reagan Presidential Library)"


" In May 1988, standing in the middle of Red Square in Moscow, Reagan declared that the term “evil empire” belonged to “another era.”"


Are you kidding me that Obama in Cuba is "simply incredible"?? It's not, leaders go to other countries all the time.

So, he went there for something. Obama's going there for something. Nixon went to China to open up relations. There's no difference, it's diplomacy.

Reagan could have gone to Moscow for summits and stayed in his hotel, but no, he went out with the LEADER OF THE USSR to the main place in the country and had photo opportunities. Hmmmm.... was that necessary?

You can try and ignore this fact, but the President of the US is the main man in foreign affairs. Opening up relations with Cuba is the same as opening it up with China, or with relations with the USSR. There's no difference.

Diplomatic relations.
Won't even sit in the same room as a republican but is willing to meet with the first communist he sees. Won't meet with the prime minister of Israel but will meet with every communist government in the world.
America's foreign policy as George Washington became our first president was to recognize governments not as a sign of approval or disapproval but is it that the legitimate government of that nation. It should not matter that we don't approve of the way Cubans part their hair it is the government of Cuba and we should recognized as such.
America's foreign policy as George Washington became our first president was to recognize governments not as a sign of approval or disapproval but is it that the legitimate government of that nation. It should not matter that we don't approve of the way Cubans part their hair it is the government of Cuba and we should recognized as such.
The key word there is "legitimate".
And, as if cuddling up to Communist Cuba were not enough, consider the lavish party Our Kenyan "president" is throwing for his BFFs!

Courtesy of The Economist,

(note, bold-face added so even the lowest of liberals cannot miss the points)

FOR two days next week Barack Obama will lay on a party for an unlikely club at Sunnylands, a Californian estate used for bigwig retreats. Among his guests are: a recent coup leader; Asia’s longest-serving autocrat; a prime minister who thinks there is nothing untoward in having several hundred million dollars paid into his bank accounts; two superannuated communist leaders; and a hereditary sultan with 420,000 loyal subjects and 257 bathrooms. Oh, and there are even a couple of democrats. The club is ASEAN, the ten-member Association of South-East Asian Nations. It is the first time an American president has played host to all South-East Asia’s leaders at once.

Yes, boys and girls and those who haven't yet decided, your tax dollars at work!

Not so much a leader as America's First Party Animal!

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