Breaking: Obola Administration Wont Release 2015 Obamacare Premium Rates Until After Election Day.

Over a dozen states will not take Obama's offer of extending plans not in compliance with Obamacare any longer. Of course, the administration has kicked the can down the road for 3 years now to get through the last election and wanted this election done before people were forced from their plans and doctors. The administration, yet again choosing to ignore the law for political gain, offered states another chance to delay the inevitable hardships due to Obamacare, but some states are going to follow the law and that means hundreds of thousands of cancellation notices on Nov. 1, just in time for the elections. Nothing like a harsh wake up call before voting.

More than a dozen states plan to cancel health care policies not in compliance with ObamaCare Fox News

It will sure make it hard for libs to lie about how wonderful it is when that many people are facing hardships.

Someone like you who would end Medicaid if you could blathering about 'hardships'. Unbelievable.

So, you admit that Obamacare is causing hardships. Then you make assumptions and try to insult to change the subject. It's just more of the usual glib where you say someone else would do this, so don't knock Obama.

Why can't you just comment directly on the topic instead of deflecting?

ACA state exchanges

so comment on the topic
Over a dozen states will not take Obama's offer of extending plans not in compliance with Obamacare any longer. Of course, the administration has kicked the can down the road for 3 years now to get through the last election and wanted this election done before people were forced from their plans and doctors. The administration, yet again choosing to ignore the law for political gain, offered states another chance to delay the inevitable hardships due to Obamacare, but some states are going to follow the law and that means hundreds of thousands of cancellation notices on Nov. 1, just in time for the elections. Nothing like a harsh wake up call before voting.

More than a dozen states plan to cancel health care policies not in compliance with ObamaCare Fox News

It will sure make it hard for libs to lie about how wonderful it is when that many people are facing hardships.

Someone like you who would end Medicaid if you could blathering about 'hardships'. Unbelievable.
if anyone is 'ending' Medicaid it is Obama....

Medicaid....becoming known as the poor man's 'pay nothing/get nothing' health insurance....

...aka Socialized medicine....
Eagle, you're an idiot.
what was untrue about my statement...?
1. Medicaid is turning into abysmal healthcare, doctors avoid it, it's going bankrupt
2. Obama is the enabler, he's signing up millions

In spite of Medicaid's growing pressure on state budgets, some governors and state lawmakers want to expand its coverage. They seek to increase eligibility for the program up the income scale and enroll larger numbers of uninsured working families. Aside from the daunting fiscal issues, as a clinical matter, this would be an ideologically driven mistake because Medicaid does not provide high-quality health care. And according to surveys, uninsured Americans would prefer private coverage to Medicaid. Nonetheless, many policymakers insist on pushing them into Medicaid. As editorialists of The Washington Times noted, "That's like forcing people into the medical equivalent of public housing."[1]

A much better option would be to mainstream low-income families into the private health insurance markets, enabling them to secure the kind of coverage that best meets their personal needs

More Medicaid Means Less Quality Health Care
Eagle, you're an idiot.
what was untrue about my statement...?
1. Medicaid is turning into abysmal healthcare, doctors avoid it, it's going bankrupt
2. Obama is the enabler, he's signing up millions

In spite of Medicaid's growing pressure on state budgets, some governors and state lawmakers want to expand its coverage. They seek to increase eligibility for the program up the income scale and enroll larger numbers of uninsured working families. Aside from the daunting fiscal issues, as a clinical matter, this would be an ideologically driven mistake because Medicaid does not provide high-quality health care. And according to surveys, uninsured Americans would prefer private coverage to Medicaid. Nonetheless, many policymakers insist on pushing them into Medicaid. As editorialists of The Washington Times noted, "That's like forcing people into the medical equivalent of public housing."[1]

A much better option would be to mainstream low-income families into the private health insurance markets, enabling them to secure the kind of coverage that best meets their personal needs

More Medicaid Means Less Quality Health Care

BO and other lefties want to expand Medicaid in order to move toward universal healthcare... they are destroying the existing program in the process...they don't give a damn about the low quality or practically non-existent care or the soaring costs...those will just become more reasons to move toward their replace any and all private medicine with socialized medicine.....
Eagle, you're an idiot.
what was untrue about my statement...?
1. Medicaid is turning into abysmal healthcare, doctors avoid it, it's going bankrupt
2. Obama is the enabler, he's signing up millions

In spite of Medicaid's growing pressure on state budgets, some governors and state lawmakers want to expand its coverage. They seek to increase eligibility for the program up the income scale and enroll larger numbers of uninsured working families. Aside from the daunting fiscal issues, as a clinical matter, this would be an ideologically driven mistake because Medicaid does not provide high-quality health care. And according to surveys, uninsured Americans would prefer private coverage to Medicaid. Nonetheless, many policymakers insist on pushing them into Medicaid. As editorialists of The Washington Times noted, "That's like forcing people into the medical equivalent of public housing."[1]

A much better option would be to mainstream low-income families into the private health insurance markets, enabling them to secure the kind of coverage that best meets their personal needs

More Medicaid Means Less Quality Health Care

BO and other lefties want to expand Medicaid in order to move toward universal healthcare... they are destroying the existing program in the process...they don't give a damn about the low quality or practically non-existent care or the soaring costs...those will just become more reasons to move toward their replace any and all private medicine with socialized medicine.....

can't read ? its up to the State you idiot, not Obama.

besides, one day the Right screams about Medicaid and wants to end it, and the next day idiots on the right like you defend it.

which one is it ?
obiecare, coverage so fucking great we can't tell you the details or we will never get another vote again.
When will RW zombies figure out O-Care is helping them and everyone else, and saving everyone money and worry?
None of Ebolacare is helping people. Stop telling lies!

I'm sure there are some subsidized people who think it's great, though we could have expanded Medicaid to take care of them. For the rest, who have to pay for others as well as their own, things haven't gotten better. There are more uninsured at this time and more will soon be dumped from their plans because Obamacare doesn't approve of them. The new ones will cost more for most and it's already more difficult to find doctors and hospitals who accept Obamacare.

The left refuses to acknowledge that most research hospitals and cancer treatment centers will not accept Obamacare patients because the cost of treating them exceeds the amount they will be paid.

Hundreds of thousands more are about to lose their existing coverage and be forced onto Obamacare. Many like what they have and the left doesn't care that they are taking away something that people hold dear. A lot of us have had the same doctor for years and simply don't want to be forced to take whoever we can get because of the new insurance.

It's more expensive because even if you are an 80 year old man, you still have to pay for birth control and prenatal care.

A lot of people who received subsidies from the federal exchange are not legally entitled to those subsidies and will have to pay them back. Subsidies were only allowed, by law, to those signing up at state exchanges. Of course, Obama and the Dems think they can rewrite the law as they go with no regard to the legalities.

Obamacare sounds good because some people got a free plan, but without quality health care, that plan isn't worth squat. And others are paying triple what they were and still won't have the same quality of care they had before.
What's the statutory requirement for posting the 2015 rates?

No answer?

Isn't that the question of the day concerning obiecare? When exactly are we going to follow the letter of the law? This isn't a law as far as the obie supporters go it's more of a suggestion that can be changed at any time. So far none of the deadlines or expectations have been met because elections keep happening before the dems can absolutely go with their full fucking in the ass of the voters.
My thoughts exactly, CF. Dems are behind in a lot of the polls, so why not release all the new rates now since it would change people's minds if it's going to make people so happy? Makes no sense to deliberately hold off such wonderful news.

2015 exchange premiums (proposed, if not final) are publicly available in well over half the states. I don't know of anyone who's had their mind changed by them, including in states where premiums are outright dropping next year.

The "wonderful news" has already been in the headlines in states around the country (in fact, I posted some of them above). Has your vote magically flipped?
What's the statutory requirement for posting the 2015 rates?

No answer?

Isn't that the question of the day concerning obiecare? When exactly are we going to follow the letter of the law? This isn't a law as far as the obie supporters go it's more of a suggestion that can be changed at any time. So far none of the deadlines or expectations have been met because elections keep happening before the dems can absolutely go with their full fucking in the ass of the voters.

I'm just asking that one of you clowns make a sane argument that the release date is inappropriate.
What's the statutory requirement for posting the 2015 rates?

No answer?

Isn't that the question of the day concerning obiecare? When exactly are we going to follow the letter of the law? This isn't a law as far as the obie supporters go it's more of a suggestion that can be changed at any time. So far none of the deadlines or expectations have been met because elections keep happening before the dems can absolutely go with their full fucking in the ass of the voters.

I'm just asking that one of you clowns make a sane argument that the release date is inappropriate.
It's not the same date that is required by the law. Is that sane enough for you? This entire law has not been implemented on the timeline it stated. That should cause a bit of concern don't you think? The law can't come into full effect because democrats will lose elections. That's a law we can all believe in right?
Is every conservative on this forum virtually illiterate?

", the online portal where millions of Americans must buy health insurance, will not display premiums for 2015 until after the 2014 elections, the Associated Press reported Wednesday.

Obama administration officials told the AP that Americans will not be able to find out if their health insurance premiums are going up "until the second week of November," which conveniently falls after Americans will go to the polls November 4th."

I know! The $2,500 saving finally kick in and President Ebola didn't want his base to faint and be unable to vote on Election Day! Not that it matters since the Dem Big City Vote Machines just vote for people anyway

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