BREAKING: President Trump Suggests Republicans Immediately Repeal Then Replace Obamacare

They're not repealing anything. They're just tweaking, and they may not even get THAT done.

They lied for eight years. They never had a plan.

Mac and I agree on this. They were playing politics. The Republicans have only 2 options here----------> They either repeal to force the Democrats to sit down, or let Obamacare collapse, which also forces a deal to replace.

Republicans need understand that they only have up to the budget to pass what they want with 51 votes. After that, it will need 60, meaning the Democrats will have to help pass it.

Each and every Republican member of congress ran against Obamacare, and claimed they would vote for repeal, that is why you elected them, IF you are a Republican. Now they balk, and the Democrats have a right to laugh about it. It appears to most LOGICAL thinkers, that the RINOs like big government as much as the Democrats, as long as they are the ones controlling it!

I support Trump in most things, but this is not one of them.

If the Republicans pull this nonsense off alone, NO DEMOCRATS will vote for them, and their base will FLEE because they were lied to............kinda like we always laugh at the Democrats about, "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor." The left WANTS us to do this, they just can't say it out loud.

It is a better idea to let Obamacare implode totally, and FORCE both parties to come up with a solution, or repeal it outright, and take our chances!
So you never heard Trump making promises about health care during the campaign.

Okay then. Well, not sure what to say.

I didn't listen to Mr Trump. I wasn't voting for him (Not Conservative enough), so no need to listen to him.

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