BREAKING: Protesters Chaining Themselves To Vehicles SHUT DOWN HIGHWAY's Leading to AZ Trump Rally!


Absolutely unaccetpable.
You could have people that are trying to get to hospitals, ambulances and other emergency vehicles need arteries like this to get between places fast.
You do not get to shutdown a major interstate like this. I am beside myself this has not turned violent.
Absolutely unaccetpable.
You could have people that are trying to get to hospitals, ambulances and other emergency vehicles need arteries like this to get between places fast.
You do not get to shutdown a major interstate like this. I am beside myself this has not turned violent.

Reading on it now. They've used steel cables to attach themselves to cars they parked on the shoulder so they can't be moved.

Run em the fuck over.
You have a small group of people shutting down a major artery...this has gone on for waaaaaaaaaaaay long enough that police should have showed up in force a looooooooooooong time ago!!

WTF is up in AZ???
Care to share what you're talking about? Link maybe? Is it a rally?


it is on the news in bunches a websites

and all over this board

you should check it out because

this is what fascism looks like
Civil disobedience is not fascism. The protesters are protesting the American fascist threat called Trumpism.
Sheriff Joe is a dimwitted asshole. He ambushed Mrs. Bernie and now is getting his payback.

He met with her to show her around and explain things to her just like he does for everybody else who comes to see his facility.
Yet another George Soros/Mediamatters/ sponsored event....the Fabian socialists are relentless POS. The end always justifies the means. I like to think of myself as a very peaceful type and I have a great burden for mankind.....but I have such an utter hatred for the uber left that I would gladly smash their faces in and gut them like I would a hog...they disgust me just that much and there is no reasoning with them. What do you with parasites? You eradicate them because they will not cease and desist on their own. The time is drawing near when it is time to take out the trash. The global elites have not had a more useful pawn than the left...guaran-fucking- tee you on that one.
Absolutely unaccetpable.
You could have people that are trying to get to hospitals, ambulances and other emergency vehicles need arteries like this to get between places fast.
You do not get to shutdown a major interstate like this. I am beside myself this has not turned violent.

Reading on it now. They've used steel cables to attach themselves to cars they parked on the shoulder so they can't be moved.

Run em the fuck over.

Seems to me it would be a great time to start whooping their asses ...I mean hell,they're chained to a car it's not like they can run for the border.
Although a gallon of gas and a road flare would solve the issue as well.
They better get prison time...people can seriously get hurt here.
You can have sick people stuck in that traffic etc. etc.
They better get these people good.
You have a small group of people shutting down a major artery...this has gone on for waaaaaaaaaaaay long enough that police should have showed up in force a looooooooooooong time ago!!

WTF is up in AZ???
Care to share what you're talking about? Link maybe? Is it a rally?


it is on the news in bunches a websites

and all over this board

you should check it out because

this is what fascism looks like
Civil disobedience is not fascism. The protesters are protesting the American fascist threat called Trumpism.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Barrypuppet, the NDAA that was passed....look into it, ya stupid fuck....if that doesn't spell "fascism"...what does? You are such a partisan shill...if it's a leftist stealing our liberties, you are fine with it but you get all butthurt because someone wants to control the border and do some vetting of muslims being flown over here on our dime? You are beyond fucking STUPID. Barrypuppet and his alphabet agencies have declared half of Americans as potential extremists but that doesn't set off your bullshit detector? Congrats, you have just made my list of irrelevant posters.
They better get prison time...people can seriously get hurt here.
You can have sick people stuck in that traffic etc. etc.
They better get these people good.

They wont.

They'll get a misdemeanor out by tomorrow...and be on a bus to the next protest.

Run em the fuck over.
You have a small group of people shutting down a major artery...this has gone on for waaaaaaaaaaaay long enough that police should have showed up in force a looooooooooooong time ago!!

WTF is up in AZ???
Care to share what you're talking about? Link maybe? Is it a rally?


it is on the news in bunches a websites

and all over this board

you should check it out because

this is what fascism looks like
Civil disobedience is not fascism. The protesters are protesting the American fascist threat called Trumpism.

They do not have the right to shut down a major highway.
HAha....they are towing all of their vehicles.
Damn straight...I would impound the fuck out of them. The highest fine they can legally place on them.
You have to make sure dumbasses don't do it again somewhere else. Example time.
As soon as you see these animals start swarming a highway....FLOOR IT. Run em the fuck over.
HAha....they are towing all of their vehicles.
Damn straight...I would impound the fuck out of them. The highest fine they can legally place on them.
You have to make sure dumbasses don't do it again somewhere else. Example time.

Tow em? They're just rented cars that the Soros groups paid for and the rental company gets em back.

They better get prison time...people can seriously get hurt here.
You can have sick people stuck in that traffic etc. etc.
They better get these people good.

They wont.

They'll get a misdemeanor out by tomorrow...and be on a bus to the next protest.

Run em the fuck over.
Plausible deniability...."My foot slipped off the brake and I accidentally hit the gas pedal.....really sorry about is my insurance information"....people need to be more creative. If no malice can be proven then there is no crime and you only need one juror to side with you.
Civil disobedience is not fascism. The protesters are protesting the American fascist threat called Trumpism.
Protesting is not shutting down major highways that crucial life saving services are provided on.

These PC Nazis need the hell beaten out of them. Why dont the people get out of their c arts and go apply some frontier justice?

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