BREAKING: Protesters Chaining Themselves To Vehicles SHUT DOWN HIGHWAY's Leading to AZ Trump Rally!

The domestic terrorist may get his wish, and then some. Pepper spray to face, then a quick faceplant to the pavement. Zip tied and carried to the back of a squad car and stuffed in. That's the only language terrorists understand.
You're sounding like a fascist, to me. No wonder BLM is protesting the likes of you. Calling protestors 'terrorists' disrespects all the people who have lost their lives to actual terrorists around the world. That's not what you're dealig with here. You're really out in 'left field' with this one (not "left" in the political sense, obviously).
These scum bag protesters are breaking the law and disrupting the free speech of other people.

They should go to prison at least til the election is over and for decades if I had my druthers.

Fuck these little commie ass holes.
Interesting.....................Chris Christie blocked off a main bridge because of political reasons and many people have already forgotten this.

A bunch of protesters block off a main highway for the same reasons and there is much outrage.

Chris Christie (a Donald Trump supporter) blocked off a main freeway and a woman died.

Trump protesters did the same thing, but yet nobody died.

That's a faulty comparison.

First off Christie could sit in the middle of the highway and literally block it all by himself. Ah, well, that was a joke.

What about those protests in Berkeley? Delayed help for a man for 20+ minutes, and he was dead on arrival at the hospital. How easily you forget. You don't even need to block a road.

Exclusive: Man died after Berkeley protests delayed help
i will be looking for the protest where about 1000 losers defficate on the street leading to the arena to keep the trump fans from entering,,,hey,,,they are all unemployed,,,,im sure they will poop like a dog for 50 bucks

I'll rent em my new pup "Lucky Jim". He's a poopin MACHINE! :lol:
Someone should sue those protestors because they held up traffic which might have costed someone their job. Any business had to use that road that day probably lost revenue. Why can't they be sued?
The domestic terrorist may get his wish, and then some. Pepper spray to face, then a quick faceplant to the pavement. Zip tied and carried to the back of a squad car and stuffed in. That's the only language terrorists understand.
You're sounding like a fascist, to me. No wonder BLM is protesting the likes of you. Calling protestors 'terrorists' disrespects all the people who have lost their lives to actual terrorists around the world. That's not what you're dealig with here. You're really out in 'left field' with this one (not "left" in the political sense, obviously).
You don't know what the word fascism means. I'm very much the opposite. O don't support economic control by government or racism. You're just throwing around an insult you think means bad things.

Intimidation is exactly what terrorism is designed to do. Blocking your ability to speak or travel freely isn't up there with blowing crowds up. But I didn't make the comparison, you did. It is domestic terrorism to screw with people's lives to try to place your agenda on the forefront. BLM is another gang of ill informed idiots so their disapproval of me would be a plus for me.
Someone should sue those protestors because they held up traffic which might have costed someone their job. Any business had to use that road that day probably lost revenue. Why can't they be sued?
They don't work and only have government handouts to live off of. Or what they can bum from suckers on the sidewalks.
Someone should sue those protestors because they held up traffic which might have costed someone their job. Any business had to use that road that day probably lost revenue. Why can't they be sued?

If your boss is such a prick that they fire you for something that is beyond your control, you probably didn't need to work there anyway.

I've worked for some pretty hard core people, and all of them understood being late if the circumstances were beyond your control.
Show where someone died in an ambulance being blocked by the protesters and I will apologize.

Fortunately there wasn't in this case. However, someone doesn't need to die. This is what happens when you deprive someone of medical attention because of your own selfish reasons.

The obvious solution here being to pin the throttle and simply DRIVE THROUGH the mob. Run over as many as necessary.
i will be looking for the protest where about 1000 losers defficate on the street leading to the arena to keep the trump fans from entering,,,hey,,,they are all unemployed,,,,im sure they will poop like a dog for 50 bucks
Another Democrat exploiting the poor that they supposedly champion.
Someone should sue those protestors because they held up traffic which might have costed someone their job. Any business had to use that road that day probably lost revenue. Why can't they be sued?

If your boss is such a prick that they fire you for something that is beyond your control, you probably didn't need to work there anyway.

I've worked for some pretty hard core people, and all of them understood being late if the circumstances were beyond your control.

But these sort of bosses do in fact exist. I know one company that gives no sick leave to their workers and if you do take a day off yo are fired. Yes, God's Truth as sure as I am sitting here typing on this god damned keyboard.
Show where someone died in an ambulance being blocked by the protesters and I will apologize.

Fortunately there wasn't in this case. However, someone doesn't need to die. This is what happens when you deprive someone of medical attention because of your own selfish reasons.

The obvious solution here being to pin the throttle and simply DRIVE THROUGH the mob. Run over as many as necessary.

Oh PLEASE do that in a state that has the death penalty.
Cause of death for the road-blockers should be listed as "stupidity". Mobs blocking highways should be dealt with by having large trucks simply drive through them.
The domestic terrorist may get his wish, and then some. Pepper spray to face, then a quick faceplant to the pavement. Zip tied and carried to the back of a squad car and stuffed in. That's the only language terrorists understand.
You're sounding like a fascist, to me. No wonder BLM is protesting the likes of you. Calling protestors 'terrorists' disrespects all the people who have lost their lives to actual terrorists around the world. That's not what you're dealig with here. You're really out in 'left field' with this one (not "left" in the political sense, obviously).
These scum bag protesters are breaking the law and disrupting the free speech of other people.

They should go to prison at least til the election is over and for decades if I had my druthers.

Fuck these little commie ass holes.
The few who've crossed the line have been arrested. Disliking Trump's statements and ideals is not 'communist,' it's thoughtful, IMO. The vast majority of these protesters aren't paid, aren't part of an evil, leftist plot. They're pissed off at Trump's comments about minorities.

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