BREAKING: Protesters Chaining Themselves To Vehicles SHUT DOWN HIGHWAY's Leading to AZ Trump Rally!

God bless Adolf Trump protesters!!!!! They are exercising their 1st Amendment rights!!!!!

have you always been this stupid.., they are not exercising any kind of "rights" they are criminals for blocking a major highway, i hope Sheriff Joe shows them their rights, "you have the right to remain silent Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney, and to have an attorney present during any questioning. :up:
Show where someone died in an ambulance being blocked by the protesters and I will apologize.

Fortunately there wasn't in this case. However, someone doesn't need to die. This is what happens when you deprive someone of medical attention because of your own selfish reasons.

Brett MacDonald (@TweetBrettMac) | Twitter

On that that person's twitter page, you will see a pinned post of a video of the Chicago "protesters" blocking an ambulance from getting through.

OK nobody died in a stuck ambulance. How about a link to show someone was denied medical attention?
How about a link showing both sides of the highway blocked. All the images and video's I have seen showed only one side of the highway, the one leading into the venue, being blocked and traffic running smoothly on the other side. All law enforcement had to do if an emergency vehicle was need was block traffic in the lanes on the side of the highway that were not being effected long enough for the emergency vehicle to get where it needed to go, you know the same way the do all day long every day all over the country when responding to an accident that has blocked traffic on one side of the highway. Maybe someone has a video showing both sides of the highway being blocked.
Yeah, I need to go south but it is I will cut across and go north.....I will make my destination quicker.....(rolls eyes). Seriously, you are quickly earning the reputation as THE dumbest motherfucker on this site......proud?
The discussion was about an emergency vehicle being able to reach someone stuck in the blocked traffic. What the fuck is wrong with you? Have you never seen traffic blocked on one side of the highway and the police clear lanes on the opposite side of the highway so emergency vehicles can get to the accident?
Civil disobedience is not fascism. The protesters are protesting the American fascist threat called Trumpism.

When you use your "free speech" or "civil disobedience" to infringe on the rights of others to peaceably assemble, or to speak to those assembled, that's called fascism.

The more we tolerate this behavior the worse it will get.

Run them over.

As long as they know all they'll get is a petty misdemeanor ticket and out the next day....they will keep doing it.
Are they willing to die fir their cause? How about dogs biting them?
STFU, you moron...I bet if I brought 30 people along to shut down I-35 in Dallas to prevent people from going to the Dallas Convention Center to hear that **** Hillary Clinton, leftwingers would be soiling themselves with indignant outrage and the injustice of it all...because to Fabian socialists, the end always justifies the means. Read the manifesto of the Fabian socialists, the communists, the Jesuits and the Illuminati and they absolutely mirror each other. I have been dealing with garbage like you for over 15 years and your lame ass tactics and spew never changes nor does it ever make any sense. You are not going to get the one world U.N communist government that you crave without bodies being stacked up like cord wood. I have sized you up and I am pretty sure that you don't have the stomach for the fight.
No, I won't STFU internet tough guy. I didn't even read your post because I am sure it is the same tin foil hat jackassery you always post. Worthless Bircher crap nonsense.
Yeah, anyone not just left of Mao-Tse Tung must be a "bircher" to a commie fuckwad like you..whatever the fuck a "bircher" is. I know more than you. I have earned my stripes because I invested time and effort and there isn't any punkinpusss liberal douche that can match me on any topic...not one. Keep spewing your bullshit and I will keep exposing you for the "knows-nothing" clown that you are. Hope this helps!!!
LOL. A real honest to God Trumpster. Knows every damned thing in the world by virtue of knowing nothing at all. LOL

The protests will continue. There are politicians that appeal to the better angels of our nature, there are those that appeal to our baser instincts. And then there are those that summon forth the demons in the national psyche. Trump is of the latter type. And that is why those protesters are out there, and willing to go to prison in order to point this out.
Nope, I do not vote as I am no longer a U.S citizen. I reclaimed my pre 14th amendment "free man" rights a few years ago and I am no longer under the UCC...thus I am not beholding to USA.INC and it's corporate headquarters that is the city state of Washington.D.C. I am simply a casual observer to this theater. Trump isn't any better are worse than the klunt the demcrat party is parading out as a viable candidate for being the CEO of USA.INC. Hitlery is a BIG time part of the establishment crowd that needs to go in order for us to return to constitutional governance. Etch it in stone and commit it to memory....noting will improve for the middle class whatsoever if she is allowed in. Trump may be a mole or he may be legit but one thing I do know is that Hillary is a CFR/Bilderburg connected puppet. I know more than you....infinitely with it.
OK, if you are no longer a US Citizen, then why is your sorry ass still in this nation? You know, an immigrant that wishes to work and study to become a US Citizen is worth far more to this nation than a dozen punk whiners like you.

I took an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States of America many decades ago. As far as I am concerned it is still in force. This is my nation, you don't like it, then leave.
Holy fucking stupid are you? I am an AMERICAN...not a U.S citizen that is nothing more than a corporate entity of USA.INC...if you area U.S citizen, then you are pledging loyalty to the corporate entity that is USA.INC whose jurisdiction is only within the confines of the District of Columbia, a city/state that has a separate do you not know this shit? I
[QUOTE="Old Rocks, post: 13810306, member: 13758"]I took an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States of America many decades ago.[/QUOTE]

same here my friend, i tell people when/if it is brought up.., i never untook my oath. :up:
If you are not a US Citizen, you are not an American. Unless you are claiming that all the Mexicans, Canadians, and citizens in the nations in North and South America are also citizens.
Show where someone died in an ambulance being blocked by the protesters and I will apologize.

Fortunately there wasn't in this case. However, someone doesn't need to die. This is what happens when you deprive someone of medical attention because of your own selfish reasons.

Brett MacDonald (@TweetBrettMac) | Twitter

On that that person's twitter page, you will see a pinned post of a video of the Chicago "protesters" blocking an ambulance from getting through.

OK nobody died in a stuck ambulance. How about a link to show someone was denied medical attention?
How about a link showing both sides of the highway blocked. All the images and video's I have seen showed only one side of the highway, the one leading into the venue, being blocked and traffic running smoothly on the other side. All law enforcement had to do if an emergency vehicle was need was block traffic in the lanes on the side of the highway that were not being effected long enough for the emergency vehicle to get where it needed to go, you know the same way the do all day long every day all over the country when responding to an accident that has blocked traffic on one side of the highway. Maybe someone has a video showing both sides of the highway being blocked.
Yeah, I need to go south but it is I will cut across and go north.....I will make my destination quicker.....(rolls eyes). Seriously, you are quickly earning the reputation as THE dumbest motherfucker on this site......proud?
The discussion was about an emergency vehicle being able to reach someone stuck in the blocked traffic. What the fuck is wrong with you? Have you never seen traffic blocked on one side of the highway and the police clear lanes on the opposite side of the highway so emergency vehicles can get to the accident?
No, numb fuck...that is what the break down lanes are for and why you can't use them to bypass morons (like you) that drive slow in the left hand lane. They were created for just that situation.
If you are not a US Citizen, you are not an American. Unless you are claiming that all the Mexicans, Canadians, and citizens in the nations in North and South America are also citizens.

Do some research on Blacks law dictionary and admiralty law before you shoot off your big fucking mouth because i know more than you.......FACT!
So you have stated to many people on this board. From what I read of your posts, you know next to nothing on any subject at all. Just willfully ignorant flap yap on your part.
So you have stated to many people on this board. From what I read of your posts, you know next to nothing on any subject at all. Just willfully ignorant flap yap on your part.
Want to debate a topic that you believe that you have knowledge about? Bring it on....I will own you.
I see that some of the protesters were arresting. Would be wrong were that not the case. That is the purpose of civil disobedience. And, after spending their time in jail, they can explain to the rest of us why they considered their cause to be important enough for them to spend jail time.

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