BREAKING: Protesters Chaining Themselves To Vehicles SHUT DOWN HIGHWAY's Leading to AZ Trump Rally!

And yes I think this is as funny as fuck.

Then you are one of the many other trolls on this board who find the misfortunes of others humorous. Because anyone with even a modicum of sense would realize that you don't block highways and hold innocent bystanders hostage while you "protest."

Show where someone died in an ambulance being blocked by the protesters and I will apologize.
I don't understand why you are having a discussion about ambulances. Perhaps you should focus on the topic that protesters shouldn't have the right to prevent people from their right to assemble (which was the aim of blocking the highway, to stop people from attending the least to my knowledge). Since when have we devolved into taking away basic liberties because we don't like somebody?

Boo Hoo Just when the dying babies in the stuck ambulances was getting traction. Killjoy!
Its a slightly ridiculous scenario that is only serving as a diversion for the real reason why people have an issue with this. People don't like it (nor should they) because these guys were stepping upon their basic freedoms (in this case freedom to assemble). It is literally as simple as that. Now me, I'm a liberal, and even I can clearly recognize that these guys stepped way out of line and I can only hope (since the laws are dependent up on the state) that they were charged with something and either pay significant fines or serve some time to perhaps get them to think about what they have done.

None of this is to say that I support Trump nor that I'm a fan of his supporters. However, Trump happens to be an American, just as his supporters are. They deserve the same freedoms we all share and they deserve to have their voices heard...isn't that what this whole election process is about anyways?

Nigga pulleeezz!! Trump is a billionaire. You couldn't share in the freedoms he enjoys in your wildest dreams. :lol:
Its a slightly ridiculous scenario that is only serving as a diversion for the real reason why people have an issue with this.

I beg to differ. Your right to freely assemble, or protest, does not exceed the right of someone else to get proper medical attention if the situation arose. That means allowing paramedics and ambulances freedom of movement within the surrounding area.

Such selfishness elsewhere could lead to such a thing happening. They take this risk when they use their speech to shut down the rights of others, whether it be the right to peaceably assemble or the right to obtain medical treatment.
Show where someone died in an ambulance being blocked by the protesters and I will apologize.

Fortunately there wasn't in this case. However, someone doesn't need to die. This is what happens when you deprive someone of medical attention because of your own selfish reasons.

Brett MacDonald (@TweetBrettMac) | Twitter

On that that person's twitter page, you will see a pinned post of a video of the Chicago "protesters" blocking an ambulance from getting through.

OK nobody died in a stuck ambulance. How about a link to show someone was denied medical attention?
How about a link showing both sides of the highway blocked. All the images and video's I have seen showed only one side of the highway, the one leading into the venue, being blocked and traffic running smoothly on the other side. All law enforcement had to do if an emergency vehicle was need was block traffic in the lanes on the side of the highway that were not being effected long enough for the emergency vehicle to get where it needed to go, you know the same way the do all day long every day all over the country when responding to an accident that has blocked traffic on one side of the highway. Maybe someone has a video showing both sides of the highway being blocked.
Its a slightly ridiculous scenario that is only serving as a diversion for the real reason why people have an issue with this.

I beg to differ. Your right to freely assemble, or protest, does not exceed the right of someone else to get proper medical attention if the situation arose. That means allowing paramedics and ambulances freedom of movement within the surrounding area.
Correct, however, that doesn't seem to have been the case here. Now, I don't have a map of exactly where the blockade was, but the indication is that it was blocking a road that directly led to Trump's rally rather than some sort of major throughfare. If that is the case (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong), then the threat of actually blocking medical treatment is low to none, coupled with the fact that (I'm not sure if you have lived in a major city), people tend to find a way to make room for an ambulance or emergency vehicle, even in gridlock. So, if this situation did arise, I'd agree that it would also warrant being part of the discussion, however, it didn't arise and seems to only be serving as a distraction to the core issue.
When you come crying to me....maybe I will protect you.

Somehow I doubt that some limp-wristed Fabian socialist could protect himself....much less anyone else. I have yet to come across a "liberal" that was physically imposing or whose ass I couldn't kick with relative ease. Leftwingers have earned the reputation of being wimps and there is nothing they can really do to change the perception.

She's a three hundred pound bulldyke...and I ain't even kidding.
I hate that shit. Do you hit a women? Is she even a women?
First world problems.....

Leftwingers are twenty pounds of bullshit shoved inside a 10 pound sack. They are totally clueless and suffer from arrested development. They have no ability to think critically and they bow at the waist to anyone that claims authority over them. They are the most gutless faction of this nation. One of the reasons I like the internet is that it's one place that you can delve into the mindset of a leftard but be spared of having to sit in the same room with them or share air space. I don't like neocons either but I have a hatred for leftwing Fabian socialists that burns like an inner fire......seriously.

Thank God us Texans dont have to deal with them often.
Just the thought of living in California or on the East Coast make me nauseous,hell I avoid Austin like the plague.

Why avoid anywhere? It's America, you are free to go anywhere. Why limit yourself to Taxus.

Taxus? We actually have very low taxes.
Back in the day Austin was pretty cool,these days it's a hipster paradise.
(I'm not sure if you have lived in a major city), people tend to find a way to make room for an ambulance or emergency vehicle, even in gridlock.

Of course, those would be the people who have nothing to do with the protests. On the other hand, the protesters are spoiled brats who lack the decency to do so.

By the way, I have taken trips to Atlanta numerous times, and I live not five miles from a hospital. So there are frequent instances of ambulances parting traffic on the way to or from one. It happens to be the law that people make way for ambulances in such an event.
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So, if this situation did arise, I'd agree that it would also warrant being part of the discussion, however, it didn't arise and seems to only be serving as a distraction to the core issue.

If it makes you feel better, my friend, I had no intention of it becoming one. But when Huggy made such an obviously ill advised statement about paramedics, I felt the need to respond. However, you are right.
And yes I think this is as funny as fuck.

Then you are one of the many other trolls on this board who find the misfortunes of others humorous. Because anyone with even a modicum of sense would realize that you don't block highways and hold innocent bystanders hostage while you "protest."

Show where someone died in an ambulance being blocked by the protesters and I will apologize.
I don't understand why you are having a discussion about ambulances. Perhaps you should focus on the topic that protesters shouldn't have the right to prevent people from their right to assemble (which was the aim of blocking the highway, to stop people from attending the least to my knowledge). Since when have we devolved into taking away basic liberties because we don't like somebody?

Boo Hoo Just when the dying babies in the stuck ambulances was getting traction. Killjoy!
Its a slightly ridiculous scenario that is only serving as a diversion for the real reason why people have an issue with this. People don't like it (nor should they) because these guys were stepping upon their basic freedoms (in this case freedom to assemble). It is literally as simple as that. Now me, I'm a liberal, and even I can clearly recognize that these guys stepped way out of line and I can only hope (since the laws are dependent up on the state) that they were charged with something and either pay significant fines or serve some time to perhaps get them to think about what they have done.

None of this is to say that I support Trump nor that I'm a fan of his supporters. However, Trump happens to be an American, just as his supporters are. They deserve the same freedoms we all share and they deserve to have their voices heard...isn't that what this whole election process is about anyways?
Thank you......I am not a fan of Trump either and neither am I a fan of Hillary but I am not going to make things hard on others on a friggin' highway. If I want to protest something, I go to the venue and stand outside of it....hold up a sign or try to talk to people as they are making their way inside....I don't shut down a major highway that is going to fuck over people that have no dog in the fight.
Show where someone died in an ambulance being blocked by the protesters and I will apologize.

Fortunately there wasn't in this case. However, someone doesn't need to die. This is what happens when you deprive someone of medical attention because of your own selfish reasons.

Brett MacDonald (@TweetBrettMac) | Twitter

On that that person's twitter page, you will see a pinned post of a video of the Chicago "protesters" blocking an ambulance from getting through.

OK nobody died in a stuck ambulance. How about a link to show someone was denied medical attention?
How about a link showing both sides of the highway blocked. All the images and video's I have seen showed only one side of the highway, the one leading into the venue, being blocked and traffic running smoothly on the other side. All law enforcement had to do if an emergency vehicle was need was block traffic in the lanes on the side of the highway that were not being effected long enough for the emergency vehicle to get where it needed to go, you know the same way the do all day long every day all over the country when responding to an accident that has blocked traffic on one side of the highway. Maybe someone has a video showing both sides of the highway being blocked.
Yeah, I need to go south but it is I will cut across and go north.....I will make my destination quicker.....(rolls eyes). Seriously, you are quickly earning the reputation as THE dumbest motherfucker on this site......proud?
  • The Latest: Arpaio: protesters 'locked up' after Trump rally
    Colorado Springs Gazette ^ | March 19, 2016
    Arizona's contentious Sheriff Joe Arpaio says his officers locked up protesters who blocked a main highway leading to a Donald Trump rally and "threw them in jail." Arpaio, addressing a crowd in Tucson, Arizona at Trump's third and final event Saturday, said he's impressed with Trump's assertive approach to campaigning, and said he's sure that Trump will deliver on his promises, particularly his vow to build a border wall with Mexico. Arpaio has endorsed Trump's bid for the White House and introduced him at events in Tucson and an earlier event in his home town of Fountain Hills, Arizona.
i have a suggestion,,,lets bring a 200 watt stereo system there and play Yoko Ono music,,,,full blast,,,maybe then, they will leave

i doubt that would work, they love Yoko.. :up ... :lmao::
Did you know that leftwinger Camp believes that if you are southbound and the road is blocked that you can still reach your destination by going north? THAT, in a nutshell is liberal can't make this shit up......
You have a small group of people shutting down a major artery...this has gone on for waaaaaaaaaaaay long enough that police should have showed up in force a looooooooooooong time ago!!

WTF is up in AZ???
Time to machine gun down these anti American cocksuckers.
Trump is a magnet for protests and riots. Right now it's more dangerous to go to a Trump rally than it is to walk the streets of Juarez by yourself at midnight.

Trumps twitter fingers went crazy ivan yesterday. Now either this guy is a major drama queen in disguise, or someone needs to put him in a straight jacket and haul him off to the nut house.

Trump Goes on All-Out Twitter Tirade Against Cruz, Romney, Erick Erickson, Megyn Kelly and Others

i will be looking for the protest where about 1000 losers defficate on the street leading to the arena to keep the trump fans from entering,,,hey,,,they are all unemployed,,,,im sure they will poop like a dog for 50 bucks
That kind of protest has been used for over a half century in America. The people don't get out of their cars and commit crimes of assault because they are not on a message boarding pretending to be tough guys. It's a reality thing.
It's those protesters are concerned about someone they think of as a racist facist might become president so they commit a misdemeanor.

Buckie wants to commit murder over something as important for our nation? No. Someone is blocking traffic....let's murder them. That's important to Buckie.
STFU, you moron...I bet if I brought 30 people along to shut down I-35 in Dallas to prevent people from going to the Dallas Convention Center to hear that **** Hillary Clinton, leftwingers would be soiling themselves with indignant outrage and the injustice of it all...because to Fabian socialists, the end always justifies the means. Read the manifesto of the Fabian socialists, the communists, the Jesuits and the Illuminati and they absolutely mirror each other. I have been dealing with garbage like you for over 15 years and your lame ass tactics and spew never changes nor does it ever make any sense. You are not going to get the one world U.N communist government that you crave without bodies being stacked up like cord wood. I have sized you up and I am pretty sure that you don't have the stomach for the fight.
No, I won't STFU internet tough guy. I didn't even read your post because I am sure it is the same tin foil hat jackassery you always post. Worthless Bircher crap nonsense.
Yeah, anyone not just left of Mao-Tse Tung must be a "bircher" to a commie fuckwad like you..whatever the fuck a "bircher" is. I know more than you. I have earned my stripes because I invested time and effort and there isn't any punkinpusss liberal douche that can match me on any topic...not one. Keep spewing your bullshit and I will keep exposing you for the "knows-nothing" clown that you are. Hope this helps!!!
LOL. A real honest to God Trumpster. Knows every damned thing in the world by virtue of knowing nothing at all. LOL

The protests will continue. There are politicians that appeal to the better angels of our nature, there are those that appeal to our baser instincts. And then there are those that summon forth the demons in the national psyche. Trump is of the latter type. And that is why those protesters are out there, and willing to go to prison in order to point this out.
Nope, I do not vote as I am no longer a U.S citizen. I reclaimed my pre 14th amendment "free man" rights a few years ago and I am no longer under the UCC...thus I am not beholding to USA.INC and it's corporate headquarters that is the city state of Washington.D.C. I am simply a casual observer to this theater. Trump isn't any better are worse than the klunt the demcrat party is parading out as a viable candidate for being the CEO of USA.INC. Hitlery is a BIG time part of the establishment crowd that needs to go in order for us to return to constitutional governance. Etch it in stone and commit it to memory....noting will improve for the middle class whatsoever if she is allowed in. Trump may be a mole or he may be legit but one thing I do know is that Hillary is a CFR/Bilderburg connected puppet. I know more than you....infinitely with it.
OK, if you are no longer a US Citizen, then why is your sorry ass still in this nation? You know, an immigrant that wishes to work and study to become a US Citizen is worth far more to this nation than a dozen punk whiners like you.

I took an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States of America many decades ago. As far as I am concerned it is still in force. This is my nation, you don't like it, then leave.

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