BREAKING: Protesters Chaining Themselves To Vehicles SHUT DOWN HIGHWAY's Leading to AZ Trump Rally!

Nope, just keep posting and admiring the mirror, and the rest will see you for what you are.

Doesn’t “Dale” sound a lot like Creative Dreams to you (if you remember him)?

Candycorn, want to debate a topic? Pick one and let's make this happen. I only recently joined this site but I have friends here that were on the old Yahoo message boards before they shut it down in April of 2013. Bring some game because I can assure you that I will bring mine...what say ye?
i have a suggestion,,,lets bring a 200 watt stereo system there and play Yoko Ono music,,,,full blast,,,maybe then, they will leave

i doubt that would work, they love Yoko.. :up ... :lmao::
Did you know that leftwinger Camp believes that if you are southbound and the road is blocked that you can still reach your destination by going north? THAT, in a nutshell is liberal can't make this shit up......
Well, Dale, I believe it was eastbound traffic coming from Scottsdale that was being blocked, so indeed, for those who perhaps knew the area, going the opposite direction would have taken them to about a 20-mile loop that would bring them to the entrance not being blocked by protesters. People who still use maps would know how to figure that out also. Rt 87 to McDowell to 101 to Shea. Bingo.
i have a suggestion,,,lets bring a 200 watt stereo system there and play Yoko Ono music,,,,full blast,,,maybe then, they will leave

i doubt that would work, they love Yoko.. :up ... :lmao::
Did you know that leftwinger Camp believes that if you are southbound and the road is blocked that you can still reach your destination by going north? THAT, in a nutshell is liberal can't make this shit up......
Well, Dale, I believe it was eastbound traffic coming from Scottsdale that was being blocked, so indeed, for those who perhaps knew the area, going the opposite direction would have taken them to about a 20-mile loop that would bring them to the entrance not being blocked by protesters. People who still use maps would know how to figure that out also. Rt 87 to McDowell to 101 to Shea. Bingo.
Look, dumb fuck, if you want to protest, do it at the venue.....stand there and wave your signs or attempt to engage people as they are entering the building....shutting down a highway and making people have to get to the crossover lane so they can take a twenty mile detour isn't going to win you any converts. Personally, if I was engaged in your UCC system and you did this on a road I was trying to travel on (just minding my own fucking business) I would make it my mission to fuck with you as much as I possibly could within the confines of the acts, statutes and codes. I would do all I could to provoke a confrontation so that I could kick some liberal ass without liability...after all, I am just staying within the parameters of the acts, statutes and codes of this corporate entity....hope this helps!!!
Nope, just keep posting and admiring the mirror, and the rest will see you for what you are.

Doesn’t “Dale” sound a lot like Creative Dreams to you (if you remember him)?

Candycorn, want to debate a topic? Pick one and let's make this happen. I only recently joined this site but I have friends here that were on the old Yahoo message boards before they shut it down in April of 2013. Bring some game because I can assure you that I will bring mine...what say ye?

Sure, tell us what you think happened in NY on 9/11. Still think no planes hit the buildings?
Candydork seems to have left the building and does not wish to take me up on my challenge....why is it that I am not surprised? Leftards talk big but perform small...very typical of them....
These idiots are boosting Trumps poll numbers with each and every one of their asinine protests.

Trump is polling 64% right now in New York for the GOP primary. Cruz is 12% and Kasich 1%
Farmville, VA 1963 civil rights protest used blocking traffic as a tactic.

But that's not 1955. Care to try again?
I never said 1955. I said for over a half century, making the year 1966; The respondent to my post said 1955 because of his math mistake. 1963 was over a half century ago. Check the math if you want.
Lol, here we go with more frivolous topics again. 1955 is half a century plus 11 years... or "over half a century." Note the word "over" in this instance.
Nope, just keep posting and admiring the mirror, and the rest will see you for what you are.

Doesn’t “Dale” sound a lot like Creative Dreams to you (if you remember him)?

Candycorn, want to debate a topic? Pick one and let's make this happen. I only recently joined this site but I have friends here that were on the old Yahoo message boards before they shut it down in April of 2013. Bring some game because I can assure you that I will bring mine...what say ye?

Sure, tell us what you think happened in NY on 9/11. Still think no planes hit the buildings?

9/11 was a 100 percent false flag believe the official story? If so, you also believe in the JFK magic bullet theory as well.... which pretty much qualifies you as an idiot with no critical thinking skills. I never said that planes did not hit WTC 1 and 2 but I am definitely open to the possibility that they used blue beam holographic technology. What I do know is that two planes did not take down three buildings in free fall fashion and there was no plane that hit the Pentagon at all...FACT. Your turn....and bring some game so you don't waste my time....
Interesting.....................Chris Christie blocked off a main bridge because of political reasons and many people have already forgotten this.

A bunch of protesters block off a main highway for the same reasons and there is much outrage.

Chris Christie (a Donald Trump supporter) blocked off a main freeway and a woman died.

Trump protesters did the same thing, but yet nobody died.

Think about that.
Interesting.....................Chris Christie blocked off a main bridge because of political reasons and many people have already forgotten this.

A bunch of protesters block off a main highway for the same reasons and there is much outrage.

Chris Christie (a Donald Trump supporter) blocked off a main freeway and a woman died.

Trump protesters did the same thing, but yet nobody died.

Think about that.
So Trump has control over those that support him? The communist party has supported every demcrat candidate since are we to surmise that demcrats are communists????/ Explain your logic. Personally, I think fat fuck Christi should have been kicked to the curb a long time ago because I despise corruption regardless of phony political party affiliation....thoughts???
Interesting.....................Chris Christie blocked off a main bridge because of political reasons and many people have already forgotten this.

A bunch of protesters block off a main highway for the same reasons and there is much outrage.

Chris Christie (a Donald Trump supporter) blocked off a main freeway and a woman died.

Trump protesters did the same thing, but yet nobody died.

Think about that.
So Trump has control over those that support him? The communist party has supported every demcrat candidate since are we to surmise that demcrats are communists????/ Explain your logic. Personally, I think fat fuck Christi should have been kicked to the curb a long time ago because I despise corruption regardless of phony political party affiliation....thoughts???
To be fair, many right wingers do consider the Democrats to be Communist.
Interesting.....................Chris Christie blocked off a main bridge because of political reasons and many people have already forgotten this.

A bunch of protesters block off a main highway for the same reasons and there is much outrage.

Chris Christie (a Donald Trump supporter) blocked off a main freeway and a woman died.

Trump protesters did the same thing, but yet nobody died.

Think about that.
You telling people to think is funny. You can't. You have no evidence Christie blocked the bridge nor do you know how important it was for everyone blocked in Arizona.
Someone might have needed to get to their EMT job, law enforcement job, any job, pick up medicine, go to the doctor, hospital, etc.

The thing about the vermin on the left is that if they don't like someone, simply not voting for them isn't enough, they don't want you to vote for them either. They think that way because baby libtard is used to getting his way and assumes it's a given. What they really need is a good old fashioned tune up.
i will be looking for the protest where about 1000 losers defficate on the street leading to the arena to keep the trump fans from entering,,,hey,,,they are all unemployed,,,,im sure they will poop like a dog for 50 bucks
Then they should be made to roll round in it and smear it on their faces.
I wonder what the thugs would of chained themselves to if they thought of this in Chicago
The domestic terrorist may get his wish, and then some. Pepper spray to face, then a quick faceplant to the pavement. Zip tied and carried to the back of a squad car and stuffed in. That's the only language terrorists understand.
You're sounding like a fascist, to me. No wonder BLM is protesting the likes of you. Calling protestors 'terrorists' disrespects all the people who have lost their lives to actual terrorists around the world. That's not what you're dealig with here. You're really out in 'left field' with this one (not "left" in the political sense, obviously).
Interesting.....................Chris Christie blocked off a main bridge because of political reasons and many people have already forgotten this.

A bunch of protesters block off a main highway for the same reasons and there is much outrage.

Chris Christie (a Donald Trump supporter) blocked off a main freeway and a woman died.

Trump protesters did the same thing, but yet nobody died.

Think about that.

Christi is a scum bag from a corrupt state. He or the applicable subordinates should have been charged with any injuries caused by such shenanigans.

And when did Trump supporters block traffic? IF they did they should go to jail like anyone else.

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