Breaking! QAnon Shaman Jacob Chansley is released 14 months early from prison after Jan. 6 footage showed him being ESCORTED into Senate by cops

Looks like the Xiden Admin decided to give him a reason not to re-litigate the case after the Brady violation was exposed. Smart move on their part.

And it is ultimately an unenforceable agreement. Anything signed under duress, and that certainly qualifies, is null and void.
A day Of Joy for all thinking Americans as the falsely imprisoned over political protest has been released
Now distraught lib loons are rolling out the but buts however the reality that they are avoiding is that their poster boy is no longer available
"want" Tiabbi's sources. Check the edit.
That exchange was bizarre given the nature of Taibbi’s reporting being an explicit collaboration between him and Musk. This wasn’t a system or anonymous leaks, it was collaboration between known people who talked about their collaboration.

Law enforcement protects confidential sources to be able to prosecute crime. If they didn’t protect them, they wouldn’t be able to recruit sources.

He was accused but never charged because charges mandate a trial. Instead he was imprisoned awaiting charges and a trial

Of course, that's not true. Had it been true, he would not have been arraigned; and even better, he could have filed a motion to dismiss based on being held too long without being charged.

I think they just wanted Tiabbi to have to admit Elon was his source....

By the way, how did those Twitter files work out?

I know they definitely helped Tiabbi's substack revenue
Knowing we have been lied and are being lied to was something I already knew. Now everyone does, they just refuse to talk about it.
That exchange was bizarre given the nature of Taibbi’s reporting being an explicit collaboration between him and Musk. This wasn’t a system or anonymous leaks, it was collaboration between known people who talked about their collaboration.

Law enforcement protects confidential sources to be able to prosecute crime. If they didn’t protect them, they wouldn’t be able to recruit sources.

They also use confidential sources to start trouble. Next.
Look at this thread….calls for his EXECUTION.


There are dozens of these threads where left wing cult fucks show their asses.

Their preferred language is gunfire, the hypocritical little gun-grabbing piglets.

No one worships Trump. And he didn't lose.


Suuuure, cultist. Uh-huh. :itsok:

Knowing we have been lied and are being lied to was something I already knew. Now everyone does, they just refuse to talk about it.
Trump actually pushed for censorship AS PRESIDENT.....

And yet, you folks just give it a's almost like it's not the "government censorship" you are mad just want to be the ones in control of the censoring....most fascists do....

By the way, isn't trump the guy who wanted to use government to ACTUALLY go after the real life?


You should have read your own link:

Though Chansley's release comes weeks after his former attorney demanded he be freed in light of new video from the Capitol riot, his move to the halfway house appears to routine under federal prison policy.

Federal inmates can receive a 15 percent reduction in their prison sentence for good behavior, and can also serve the final 12 months of their sentences in halfway houses at the discretion of the Bureau of Prisons.
Tucker shamed Garland into releasing him.

Pretty simple.

Case Status​

Lang was arrested on 1/16/21. He plead not guilty to all counts of the Indictment on 2/9. Lang was offered a plea deal, which would have granted him 9 years in prison. He refused. Pre-trial conference takes place on 12/19/22 in courtroom 19, DC District Court. Jury Trial set for 5/30/23 at 9am in Courtroom 19 before Judge Carl Nichols. Lang remains committed.

What a deal. Fascist fucks.

Witness Phillip Andersen said Jake Lang called on others in the outdoor archway to push police away from the crowd with fallen shields after they began hurting people. Lang said he witnessed a woman being killed by police and claims he was shot in the foot.
He was NEVER procedurally charged. He was arrested with a media show of accusations and imprisoned. They tortured him to sign a confession or plea deal admitting guilt . He would not.
The video evidence they withheld was finally forced out and when blind men saw he was being escorted around the pressure became too great to continue his false political imprisonment
This is Bidens Nazi America. Oppose us and we will concoct anything we want to take your freedom away
Nauseating lib loons are peppering this thread with “but….but….you read it wrong…he’s really not released” but the longer they offer their delusions over reality, the worse this overall farce is becoming
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