BREAKING: Rep. Steve Stockman: Sgt. At Arms to Arrest Lois Lerner

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I'm reporting all off-topic posts. Please get back on topic, not trying to be a mini-mod or anything, just trying to get back on track.


OK, sorry.
My bad.

Any arrest yet?

Let's break this out a little bit here:

Rep. Steve Stockman (R-TX) files resolution asking House Sergeant-at-Arms to arrest Lois Lerner
Per Pergram-Capitol Hill

Resolution would have to be voted on by the House. It is fuzzy as to whether or not if the House actually adopted the resolution whether it would give House Sergeant-at-Arms Paul Irving the authority to arrest Lerner. There is precedent dating back to the 18th and 19th Centuries of Congress holding someone in contempt and then jailing them (in those days, in the U.S. Capitol)

The text of the resolution, H.Res. 664, follows.
Providing for the arrest of Lois G. Lerner to answer the charge of contempt of Congress
Mr. STOCKMAN submitted the following resolution, which was referred to the Committee on ______________
Providing for the arrest of Lois G. Lerner to answer the charge of contempt of Congress
Whereas Lois G. Lerner, former Director, Exempt Organizations, Internal Revenue Service, has been found to be in contempt of Congress for willfully and intentionally refusing to comply with a congressional subpoena duly issued by the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, thereby obstructing the Congress in the lawful exercise of its constitutionally mandated legislative powers; and,
Whereas such behavior is an insult to the dignity of the House of Representatives, an attack upon the integrity of its proceedings, works violence upon the rights of the House collectively, and therefore implicates the long-recognized inherent power of the House to punish and commit for contempt, privileged under the Constitution; and,
Whereas recent history with similarly contumacious and insolent witnesses such as Eric Himpton Holder, Junior, strongly suggests that the present statutory judicial rubric set up to punish and reform such insubordinate and obstructionist witnesses would be ineffective in this case, as it is likely that the US Attorney for the District of Columbia would refuse to perform his lawful duty to bring the offending contemnor Lerner before a Grand Jury and prosecute the same for her misconduct pursuant to section 104 of the Revised Statutes of the United States (2 U.S.C. 194) and section 102 of the Revised Statutes of the United States (2 U.S.C. 192); and,
Whereas the executive and judicial branches’ prolonged and dawdling failure to prosecute Attorney General Holder’s insolent contempt of the 112th Congress strongly suggests that a like proceeding against contemnor Lerner would be similarly futile, and the threat of such prosecution has clearly been insufficient to encourage contemnor Lerner to be honest and candid with the Congress regarding the heinous actions of the Internal Revenue Service;
Now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Speaker issue his warrant, directed to the Sergeant-at-Arms, or his deputy, commanding him to arrest and take into custody forthwith, wherever to be found, the body of Lois G. Lerner, and bring her to the bar of the House without delay to answer to the charge of contempt of its authority, breach of its privileges, and gross and wanton insult to the integrity of its proceedings, and in the meantime keep the body of Lerner in his custody in the common jail of the District of Columbia, subject to the further order of the House. While in custody, Lerner shall enjoy no special privileges beyond those extended to her fellow inmates, shall not access any computer or telephone, and shall not be visited by anyone other than her counsel, clergy, physician, or family.

Rep. Steve Stockman files resolution asking House Sergeant-at-Arms to arrest Lois Lerner | Gretawire

The real questions at this time are; has the house voted on the resolution and does the Sergeant-at-Arms (or his deputy) have arresting authority.

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I'm reporting all off-topic posts. Please get back on topic, not trying to be a mini-mod or anything, just trying to get back on track.


OK, sorry.
My bad.

Any arrest yet?

Let's break this out a little bit here:

Rep. Steve Stockman (R-TX) files resolution asking House Sergeant-at-Arms to arrest Lois Lerner
Per Pergram-Capitol Hill

Resolution would have to be voted on by the House. It is fuzzy as to whether or not if the House actually adopted the resolution whether it would give House Sergeant-at-Arms Paul Irving the authority to arrest Lerner. There is precedent dating back to the 18th and 19th Centuries of Congress holding someone in contempt and then jailing them (in those days, in the U.S. Capitol)

The text of the resolution, H.Res. 664, follows.
Providing for the arrest of Lois G. Lerner to answer the charge of contempt of Congress
Mr. STOCKMAN submitted the following resolution, which was referred to the Committee on ______________
Providing for the arrest of Lois G. Lerner to answer the charge of contempt of Congress
Whereas Lois G. Lerner, former Director, Exempt Organizations, Internal Revenue Service, has been found to be in contempt of Congress for willfully and intentionally refusing to comply with a congressional subpoena duly issued by the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, thereby obstructing the Congress in the lawful exercise of its constitutionally mandated legislative powers; and,
Whereas such behavior is an insult to the dignity of the House of Representatives, an attack upon the integrity of its proceedings, works violence upon the rights of the House collectively, and therefore implicates the long-recognized inherent power of the House to punish and commit for contempt, privileged under the Constitution; and,
Whereas recent history with similarly contumacious and insolent witnesses such as Eric Himpton Holder, Junior, strongly suggests that the present statutory judicial rubric set up to punish and reform such insubordinate and obstructionist witnesses would be ineffective in this case, as it is likely that the US Attorney for the District of Columbia would refuse to perform his lawful duty to bring the offending contemnor Lerner before a Grand Jury and prosecute the same for her misconduct pursuant to section 104 of the Revised Statutes of the United States (2 U.S.C. 194) and section 102 of the Revised Statutes of the United States (2 U.S.C. 192); and,
Whereas the executive and judicial branches’ prolonged and dawdling failure to prosecute Attorney General Holder’s insolent contempt of the 112th Congress strongly suggests that a like proceeding against contemnor Lerner would be similarly futile, and the threat of such prosecution has clearly been insufficient to encourage contemnor Lerner to be honest and candid with the Congress regarding the heinous actions of the Internal Revenue Service;
Now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Speaker issue his warrant, directed to the Sergeant-at-Arms, or his deputy, commanding him to arrest and take into custody forthwith, wherever to be found, the body of Lois G. Lerner, and bring her to the bar of the House without delay to answer to the charge of contempt of its authority, breach of its privileges, and gross and wanton insult to the integrity of its proceedings, and in the meantime keep the body of Lerner in his custody in the common jail of the District of Columbia, subject to the further order of the House. While in custody, Lerner shall enjoy no special privileges beyond those extended to her fellow inmates, shall not access any computer or telephone, and shall not be visited by anyone other than her counsel, clergy, physician, or family.

Rep. Steve Stockman files resolution asking House Sergeant-at-Arms to arrest Lois Lerner | Gretawire

The real questions at this time are; has the house voted on the resolution and does the Sergeant-at-Arms (or his deputy) have arresting authority.


And then to continue:

Your welcome!
I'm reporting all off-topic posts. Please get back on topic, not trying to be a mini-mod or anything, just trying to get back on track.


OK, sorry.
My bad.

Any arrest yet?

Let's break this out a little bit here:

Rep. Steve Stockman (R-TX) files resolution asking House Sergeant-at-Arms to arrest Lois Lerner
Per Pergram-Capitol Hill

Resolution would have to be voted on by the House. It is fuzzy as to whether or not if the House actually adopted the resolution whether it would give House Sergeant-at-Arms Paul Irving the authority to arrest Lerner. There is precedent dating back to the 18th and 19th Centuries of Congress holding someone in contempt and then jailing them (in those days, in the U.S. Capitol)

The text of the resolution, H.Res. 664, follows.
Providing for the arrest of Lois G. Lerner to answer the charge of contempt of Congress
Mr. STOCKMAN submitted the following resolution, which was referred to the Committee on ______________
Providing for the arrest of Lois G. Lerner to answer the charge of contempt of Congress
Whereas Lois G. Lerner, former Director, Exempt Organizations, Internal Revenue Service, has been found to be in contempt of Congress for willfully and intentionally refusing to comply with a congressional subpoena duly issued by the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, thereby obstructing the Congress in the lawful exercise of its constitutionally mandated legislative powers; and,
Whereas such behavior is an insult to the dignity of the House of Representatives, an attack upon the integrity of its proceedings, works violence upon the rights of the House collectively, and therefore implicates the long-recognized inherent power of the House to punish and commit for contempt, privileged under the Constitution; and,
Whereas recent history with similarly contumacious and insolent witnesses such as Eric Himpton Holder, Junior, strongly suggests that the present statutory judicial rubric set up to punish and reform such insubordinate and obstructionist witnesses would be ineffective in this case, as it is likely that the US Attorney for the District of Columbia would refuse to perform his lawful duty to bring the offending contemnor Lerner before a Grand Jury and prosecute the same for her misconduct pursuant to section 104 of the Revised Statutes of the United States (2 U.S.C. 194) and section 102 of the Revised Statutes of the United States (2 U.S.C. 192); and,
Whereas the executive and judicial branches’ prolonged and dawdling failure to prosecute Attorney General Holder’s insolent contempt of the 112th Congress strongly suggests that a like proceeding against contemnor Lerner would be similarly futile, and the threat of such prosecution has clearly been insufficient to encourage contemnor Lerner to be honest and candid with the Congress regarding the heinous actions of the Internal Revenue Service;
Now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Speaker issue his warrant, directed to the Sergeant-at-Arms, or his deputy, commanding him to arrest and take into custody forthwith, wherever to be found, the body of Lois G. Lerner, and bring her to the bar of the House without delay to answer to the charge of contempt of its authority, breach of its privileges, and gross and wanton insult to the integrity of its proceedings, and in the meantime keep the body of Lerner in his custody in the common jail of the District of Columbia, subject to the further order of the House. While in custody, Lerner shall enjoy no special privileges beyond those extended to her fellow inmates, shall not access any computer or telephone, and shall not be visited by anyone other than her counsel, clergy, physician, or family.

Rep. Steve Stockman files resolution asking House Sergeant-at-Arms to arrest Lois Lerner | Gretawire

The real questions at this time are; has the house voted on the resolution and does the Sergeant-at-Arms (or his deputy) have arresting authority.


All true, all true!!

But then that means that the title is false!!!

Oy, weh ist mir!!!
OK, sorry.
My bad.

Any arrest yet?

Let's break this out a little bit here:

Rep. Steve Stockman (R-TX) files resolution asking House Sergeant-at-Arms to arrest Lois Lerner
Per Pergram-Capitol Hill

Resolution would have to be voted on by the House. It is fuzzy as to whether or not if the House actually adopted the resolution whether it would give House Sergeant-at-Arms Paul Irving the authority to arrest Lerner. There is precedent dating back to the 18th and 19th Centuries of Congress holding someone in contempt and then jailing them (in those days, in the U.S. Capitol)

The text of the resolution, H.Res. 664, follows.
Providing for the arrest of Lois G. Lerner to answer the charge of contempt of Congress
Mr. STOCKMAN submitted the following resolution, which was referred to the Committee on ______________
Providing for the arrest of Lois G. Lerner to answer the charge of contempt of Congress
Whereas Lois G. Lerner, former Director, Exempt Organizations, Internal Revenue Service, has been found to be in contempt of Congress for willfully and intentionally refusing to comply with a congressional subpoena duly issued by the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, thereby obstructing the Congress in the lawful exercise of its constitutionally mandated legislative powers; and,
Whereas such behavior is an insult to the dignity of the House of Representatives, an attack upon the integrity of its proceedings, works violence upon the rights of the House collectively, and therefore implicates the long-recognized inherent power of the House to punish and commit for contempt, privileged under the Constitution; and,
Whereas recent history with similarly contumacious and insolent witnesses such as Eric Himpton Holder, Junior, strongly suggests that the present statutory judicial rubric set up to punish and reform such insubordinate and obstructionist witnesses would be ineffective in this case, as it is likely that the US Attorney for the District of Columbia would refuse to perform his lawful duty to bring the offending contemnor Lerner before a Grand Jury and prosecute the same for her misconduct pursuant to section 104 of the Revised Statutes of the United States (2 U.S.C. 194) and section 102 of the Revised Statutes of the United States (2 U.S.C. 192); and,
Whereas the executive and judicial branches’ prolonged and dawdling failure to prosecute Attorney General Holder’s insolent contempt of the 112th Congress strongly suggests that a like proceeding against contemnor Lerner would be similarly futile, and the threat of such prosecution has clearly been insufficient to encourage contemnor Lerner to be honest and candid with the Congress regarding the heinous actions of the Internal Revenue Service;
Now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Speaker issue his warrant, directed to the Sergeant-at-Arms, or his deputy, commanding him to arrest and take into custody forthwith, wherever to be found, the body of Lois G. Lerner, and bring her to the bar of the House without delay to answer to the charge of contempt of its authority, breach of its privileges, and gross and wanton insult to the integrity of its proceedings, and in the meantime keep the body of Lerner in his custody in the common jail of the District of Columbia, subject to the further order of the House. While in custody, Lerner shall enjoy no special privileges beyond those extended to her fellow inmates, shall not access any computer or telephone, and shall not be visited by anyone other than her counsel, clergy, physician, or family.

Rep. Steve Stockman files resolution asking House Sergeant-at-Arms to arrest Lois Lerner | Gretawire

The real questions at this time are; has the house voted on the resolution and does the Sergeant-at-Arms (or his deputy) have arresting authority.


All true, all true!!

But then that means that the title is false!!!

Oy, weh ist mir!!!

Trying to get it back OT :)
Thanks :)
MeBelle 1 : LGS 0

Thanks but no.

First para in her link:

WASHINGTON — Congressman Steve Stockman Thursday filed a resolution directing the House Sergeant-At-Arms to arrest former IRS Director of the Exempt Organizations Unit Lois Lerner on charges of contempt of Congress.

Poorly written headline? Yes.
Intent remains the same.
Poorly written headline? Yes.

An untruthful headline.

A more accurate headline would be BREAKING: Partisan Hack Whines For Lerner To Be Arrested.

Then a story would follow about how an elected official is wasting his time writing resolutions that will go nowhere and would question why said jackass cannot find more productive things to do on the taxpayers' dime.

Instead, we have other jackasses holding this jackass up as some kind of hero! :eek:
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BOMBSHELL: Lerner Still Not Arrested!

I know...I know. BOMBSHELL is so 2012.
Flamers in this thread have ALL had their ass handed to them by ME in different threads-- so it doesn't matter.. let them make an ass of themselves..I copy pasted the headline verbatim, as I always do.. OOooooo0MY GOD.. COPY PASTE, holy shit.. ARREST ME..

BREAKING: Rep. Steve Stockman: Sgt. At Arms to Arrest Lois Lerner - Allen West Republic

From this site where I got the article^^^

Now, G5000 in a thread that once I am off from work, actually called for the death of an innocent man because Obama told him he was guilty..

Let's weigh this.. Copy paste an article title- Want an innocent man to be put to death..

Some of you fucking leftists are just too damn pathetic.. but keep digging..
Type in the title and you will see NUMEROUS sites used that exact title..

CK sent me a message about my titles and my threads being moved in they did not match up.. Ever since then, I copy paste verbatim, PERIOD..

Belle--Thank you.. You and Cabbie.. It's cool.. I'm used to it.. :) It only means I bother them sooo badly that they shit all over themselves messaging each other to dogpile my threads with BULLSHIT..
The IRS will pay the*National Organization for Marriage, a*social conservative group that opposes same sex marriage, $50,000 over*allegations that it illegally disclosed the group’s donor listRead more at
Texas Public Policy Foundation has joined*a class-action lawsuit against the Internal Revenue Service*that has been filed on behalf of Tea Party, religious and other liberty groups victimized by IRS.Texas Public Policy Foundation joins class-action suit against IRS - WatchdogWire - Texas

IRS Admits to Leaking Confidential Information Used Against Mitt Romney | The Political Insider
also True the Vote has the allegations in their lawsuit.
I believe ther is more, but think that should be sufficient.

You Kiddies do grasp the concept that all of the bullshit that the IRS has been shoveling since this started has only one purpose and that's damage control? That the reason the IRS apologized for improperly targeting conservatives was because they DID improperly target conservatives? That they DID illegally turn over taxpayer information to other Federal agencies and to liberal political groups to use against conservatives?

You don't see smoke at a 3 alarm fire...
No they didn't illegally turn over tax payer information...that is YOUR SPECULATION....on what happened, but NOT what happened. Please provide a link to prove otherwise.
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Flamers in this thread have ALL had their ass handed to them by ME in different threads-- so it doesn't matter.. let them make an ass of themselves..I copy pasted the headline verbatim, as I always do.. OOooooo0MY GOD.. COPY PASTE, holy shit.. ARREST ME..

BREAKING: Rep. Steve Stockman: Sgt. At Arms to Arrest Lois Lerner - Allen West Republic

From this site where I got the article^^^

Now, G5000 in a thread that once I am off from work, actually called for the death of an innocent man because Obama told him he was guilty..

And yet you have never been able to produce evidence of this claim every time I have asked. Liar.

It sucks for you that you still have to drudge up shit from 2 years ago to cover up your embarrassment. :lol:

For those who don't know what the fuck LGS is alluding to, I pointed out that the video which got the Muslims in the Middle East all fired up was made by a Coptic Christian who deliberately tried to point that anger toward Israeli Jews. He went into hiding when the protests started, but then came out of hiding just long enough to say it had been financed by some rich Israeli Jews, which was a lie. He was trying to get Israelis murdered by the mob. I also pointed out he was a convicted felon and was forbidden to post videos on the internet, but did anyway. He also lied to the actors in the film about the nature of the film, and dubbed over a different script than the one they acted out.

This is the kind of scum assholes like LGS defend.

LGS has this delusion she somehow handed my ass to me when it was quite the other way around. I proved what a despicable person the film maker is. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about what he did and what he was trying to get the Muslim mob to do. He is an anti-Semite who wanted Israelis to be murdered. How anyone could defend or idolize such a piece of shit is beyond me.
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Type in the title and you will see NUMEROUS sites used that exact title..

Yes, the echo chamber does that. And obedient parrots like yourself blindly copy and paste without using a single volt of critical thought.
Type in the title and you will see NUMEROUS sites used that exact title..

CK sent me a message about my titles and my threads being moved in they did not match up.. Ever since then, I copy paste verbatim, PERIOD..

Belle--Thank you.. You and Cabbie.. It's cool.. I'm used to it.. :) It only means I bother them sooo badly that they shit all over themselves messaging each other to dogpile my threads with BULLSHIT..

How many days total has she NOT been arrested?

Are you keeping track?
Type in the title and you will see NUMEROUS sites used that exact title..

Yes, the echo chamber thrives, and obedient parrots like yourself blindly copy and paste without using a single volt of critical thought. That's why you see the same title on numerous internet forums.
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