BREAKING: Rep. Steve Stockman: Sgt. At Arms to Arrest Lois Lerner

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Judge Jeanine Pirro How High Will IRS Scandal Go? New Testimony Links Targeting To DC!

Remember, this was just two rogue agents???

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The Circus at the IRS

Two Goons destroyed under testimony.
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Megyn Kelly tears it up..

Jay Sekulow the Assistant to the Commissioner of the IRS visited the White House 31 times- Email shows they want to make a criminal case against Tea Party groups..- that was May 2013- Lois says she got a call from the DOJ asking them to criminally prosecute conservative groups.

Now both Nicole Flax and Lois Lerners lose email--
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Why hasn't Lerner been arrested yet?

It's like Jay Sekulow said, the cover up and obstruction has been sooo immense, it's been very hard to get information.. he said these emails went to someone, somewhere.. it will come out.. When you have the DOJ directing the IRS to criminalize speech, powerful Democrat Senators and Reps leading the charge with this Administration to use the strong arm of the federal government to target, harass, and even criminalize Americans who did absolutely NOTHING but want to have their voices heard, it has made getting the information tough.

Megyn Kelly tears it up..

Jay Sekulow the Assistant to the Commissioner of the IRS visited the White House 31 times- Email shows they want to make a criminal case against Tea Party groups..- that was May 2013- Lois says she got a call from the DOJ asking them to criminally prosecute conservative groups.

Now both Nicole Flax and Lois Lerners lose email--
Those speculations about what he was doing at the White House 31 times was already debunked Lady...All of the meetings he was invited to, involved the IRS and the Obamacare start up...they were Obamacare meetings, the IRS has a big hand in it with Penalties, verifying annual incomes and all of that....

So once again, that conspiracy that his (hit the panic button) visits to the white house were involved with 31 meetings on how to keep Tea Party groups from getting tax free status....

Just hasn't panned out...

cross another conspiracy theory off the list for being debunked...8 to go
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Megyn Kelly tears it up..

Jay Sekulow the Assistant to the Commissioner of the IRS visited the White House 31 times- Email shows they want to make a criminal case against Tea Party groups..- that was May 2013- Lois says she got a call from the DOJ asking them to criminally prosecute conservative groups.

Now both Nicole Flax and Lois Lerners lose email--
Those speculations about what he was doing at the White House 31 times was already debunked Lady...All of the meetings he was invited to, involved the IRS and the Obamacare start up...they were Obamacare meetings, the IRS has a big hand in it with Penalties, verifying annual incomes and all of that....

So once again, that conspiracy that his (hit the panic button) visits to the white house were involved with 31 meetings on how to keep Tea Party groups from getting tax free status....

Just hasn't panned out...

Oh, did someone from the Tea Party lie again?!?!?!?

Color me totally surprised.....

They'll get the emails, there is always a copy somewhere....they already recovered 24000 of those lerner emails supposedly missing, from her crashed computer through getting copies from the other workers she sent them to....

Megyn Kelly tears it up..

Jay Sekulow the Assistant to the Commissioner of the IRS visited the White House 31 times- Email shows they want to make a criminal case against Tea Party groups..- that was May 2013- Lois says she got a call from the DOJ asking them to criminally prosecute conservative groups.

Now both Nicole Flax and Lois Lerners lose email--

Speculation, conjecture, 'belief' – no facts, no evidence, no proof, nothing objective or documented.


Megyn Kelly tears it up..

Jay Sekulow the Assistant to the Commissioner of the IRS visited the White House 31 times- Email shows they want to make a criminal case against Tea Party groups..- that was May 2013- Lois says she got a call from the DOJ asking them to criminally prosecute conservative groups.

Now both Nicole Flax and Lois Lerners lose email--
Those speculations about what he was doing at the White House 31 times was already debunked Lady...All of the meetings he was invited to, involved the IRS and the Obamacare start up...they were Obamacare meetings, the IRS has a big hand in it with Penalties, verifying annual incomes and all of that....

So once again, that conspiracy that his (hit the panic button) visits to the white house were involved with 31 meetings on how to keep Tea Party groups from getting tax free status....

Just hasn't panned out...

Oh, did someone from the Tea Party lie again?!?!?!?

Color me totally surprised.....

90% of the problems with this case is the misinformation and the speculations are getting in the way with finding the facts...and much of this is the way the Republican Congressional Investigators have conducted themselves in these meeting and with feeding the Right Wing Media....all of their conspiracy theories....may bring the R W Media's ratings up and rile the troops, but it has thoroughly muddied the waters.
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Why hasn't Lerner been arrested yet?

It's like Jay Sekulow said, the cover up and obstruction has been sooo immense, it's been very hard to get information.. he said these emails went to someone, somewhere.. it will come out.. When you have the DOJ directing the IRS to criminalize speech, powerful Democrat Senators and Reps leading the charge with this Administration to use the strong arm of the federal government to target, harass, and even criminalize Americans who did absolutely NOTHING but want to have their voices heard, it has made getting the information tough.
Do you know what the law is on what groups can or can not get complete tax free status?

Megyn Kelly tears it up..

Jay Sekulow the Assistant to the Commissioner of the IRS visited the White House 31 times- Email shows they want to make a criminal case against Tea Party groups..- that was May 2013- Lois says she got a call from the DOJ asking them to criminally prosecute conservative groups.

Now both Nicole Flax and Lois Lerners lose email--

May, 2013? after the election...after this was exposed about extra scrutiny at the IRS?????

Lois lerner says she got a call from the Doj ASKING HER to prosecute??? Huh?
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so, hmmmmm....through the freedom of information act, thinkprogress got the irs BOLO audit lists released, and guess what...turns out the Tea Party was not the only groups singled what has been claimed?

New Records: IRS Targeted Progressive Groups More Extensively Than Tea Party | ThinkProgress

This is why the liberal stooge brigade melts down and creates a strawman continuously.. Their beloved corrupt Senators and Reps are going down in this scandal..

Documents: Close Coordination Between IRS and Senate Democrat in Tea Party Targeting

Documents: Close Coordination Between IRS and Senate Democrat in Tea Party Targeting |
been debunked a long time ago Lady.

Read Senator Levin's letter of was not about the Tea was about following the letter of the Law....regarding 501c's, all above board, all official, nothing in darkness...

read the letter Rep Camp sent the irs back in 2011....he was meddling with the irs, telling them they should NOT FOLLOW THE LAW, and ignore the law as it had been in the past and to not bother with following the law...

now that's a scandal....
So, LGS, has Lois Lerner been arrested yet? I mean, that was the topic of your, uh, OP...

I've answered you several times already but you prefer to remain juvenile. The thread title which was copied verbatim wasn't the entirety of that article but you'd rather create a strawman than actually deal with the facts. This is my last response to you or anyone else who flames the thread asking if Lois Lerner has been arrested yet.
so, hmmmmm....through the freedom of information act, thinkprogress got the irs BOLO audit lists released, and guess what...turns out the Tea Party was not the only groups singled what has been claimed?

New Records: IRS Targeted Progressive Groups More Extensively Than Tea Party | ThinkProgress


Again, more lies. 7 Progressive goups were sent letters as opposed to 209 Conservative.
that was the LIE, not what I posted that was aquired through the freedom of information act...which shows the FULL picture, instead of a pulled out of context, selected small area that the Republicans have finagled.
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