BREAKING: Rep. Steve Stockman: Sgt. At Arms to Arrest Lois Lerner

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I don't want Lerner to get immunity! I want to see her go to jail and lose her pension for what she's done. Screw Lois Lerner, she's one of the big fish. Start with the lowest ranking employees and offer them a one time deal...testify to who did what and don't go to jail or refuse to testify and do max time when and if someone else cracks. It's how you deal with organized crime and drug rings.
sigh....what has SHE DONE that was criminal Oldstyle? And WHY would you want her to go to jail, when no criminal laws have been shown to be broken?

Where oh where are you even getting this notion that some criminal act occurred? For God's sake, what EVIDENCE is there supporting this?

DO YOU HAVE A LINK FOR INFORMATION we may not have read?

The Republican congress critters came out of the pony gate, stating that the white house was involved with Learner to curb these groups...this was their conspiracy, this is what they are still claiming, even though there was NO COMMUNICATION between the white house and Learner with any of Obama's administration....which came out.

Giving Learner immunity, will show if there was collusion or collaboration between Lerner and anyone else to purposely curtail the conservative and progressive groups for political reasons, verse for expediency of accepting the 60,000 groups trying to claim tax exempt status.


What "came out" was that there was communication between Lerner and someone at the Justice Department and then communication between that person and the White House. This claim that there was no "direct" communication between Lerner and the Obama White House is something that's factually correct but totally ignores what took place.

You really can't seem to grasp the fact that targeting of your political opponents using the IRS is illegal! It was one of the things that got Richard Nixon impeached! You can't seem to grasp that releasing private tax information of citizens to other agencies of the government is illegal. You can't seem to grasp that releasing private tax information to political groups to use against the opposition is illegal! Lois Lerner and her merry band broke the LAW, Care! It's why she's taking the 5th!
I thoroughly understand the Nixon situation and this is not even close.

FIRST AND FOREMOST, conservative groups were not the only groups audited and none of the conservative groups were denied tax exempt status although it did take a long time to clear them, and EVEN THOUGH SOME OF THEM DESERVED TO LOSE IT, because they did not meet the criteria required,

BUT, 8 progressive groups did lose their tax exempt status.

hardly an indication that the irs was ONLY going after conservatives. And, if there were more conservative groups applying for tax exempt status, then there SHOULD BE more conservative groups audited...

Every employee was interviewed and they have said that these "short cut to figuring out who of the 60,000 applicants to audit'' (BOLO lists) were created to expedite the process, and were not directed by you have a link or evidence that they were? If you do, please link up becasue that is a pretty important piece to the puzzle....

Was the single incident that you are talking about with communication with the administration INVOLVED with THIS case, or was it the communication where Lerner was asking on what to do with the PAC wanting to pay for Senator Grassley's wife to attend their fund raiser event, which would have been against the law? Link up dear one...where are you getting your info and what was this one communication about that show some sort of GUILT in this case?
A Few Notes On Lois Lerner And The Fifth Amendment

I've been seeing a lot of comments to the effect of "why should Lois Lerner take the Fifth if she has nothing to hide?" Ironically these comments often come from people who profess to oppose expansive government power, and from people who accept the proposition that Lerner was part of wrongdoing in the first place — in other words, that there was a government conspiracy to target people with the machinery of the IRS for holding unpopular political views. Such people do not seem to grasp how their predicate assumptions answer their own question.

You take the Fifth because the government can't be trusted. You take the Fifth because what the truth is, and what the government thinks the truth is, are two very different things. You take the Fifth because even if you didn't do anything wrong your statements can be used as building blocks in dishonest, or malicious, or politically motivated prosecutions against you. You take the Fifth because if you answer questions truthfully the government may still decide you are lying and prosecute you for lying.

Pardon me: if you accept the proposition that the government targets organizations for IRS scrutiny because of their political views, and you still say things like "why take the Fifth if you have nothing to hide", then you're either an idiot or a dishonest partisan hack.

MORE: A Few Notes On Lois Lerner And The Fifth Amendment

No wonder Lois Lerner pled the Fifth. I like this little summation on how invoking the Fifth Amendment can be perfectly logical - even if one has nothing to hide. However, based on my personal opinion and the opinions of others whose legal opinions I value - Lois Lerner should have simply pled the Fifth and shut up. Period. She muddied the legal waters by saying more. Her counsel failed her.
They didn't fail her...statements are permitted, as long as they are not obviously dishonest or revealing something that was never exposed before, and a person has to KNOW they are giving up their 5th amendment rights, before their 5th amendment rights can be waived.

She did not KNOW she would be giving up her 5th amendment rights by her statement, because her statement was part of her exercising her fifth amendment rights, her statement ended with invoking them...that means she CLEARLY DID NOT give up and waive her 5th amendment rights...

the gvt can't come in willy nilly and just say "I am taking the 5th amendment away from you" the 5th amendment is PROTECTION AGAINST the over reaching GOVERNMENT power.....

the waters are not murky at all....
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sigh....what has SHE DONE that was criminal Oldstyle? And WHY would you want her to go to jail, when no criminal laws have been shown to be broken?

Where oh where are you even getting this notion that some criminal act occurred? For God's sake, what EVIDENCE is there supporting this?

DO YOU HAVE A LINK FOR INFORMATION we may not have read?

The Republican congress critters came out of the pony gate, stating that the white house was involved with Learner to curb these groups...this was their conspiracy, this is what they are still claiming, even though there was NO COMMUNICATION between the white house and Learner with any of Obama's administration....which came out.

Giving Learner immunity, will show if there was collusion or collaboration between Lerner and anyone else to purposely curtail the conservative and progressive groups for political reasons, verse for expediency of accepting the 60,000 groups trying to claim tax exempt status.


What "came out" was that there was communication between Lerner and someone at the Justice Department and then communication between that person and the White House. This claim that there was no "direct" communication between Lerner and the Obama White House is something that's factually correct but totally ignores what took place.

You really can't seem to grasp the fact that targeting of your political opponents using the IRS is illegal! It was one of the things that got Richard Nixon impeached! You can't seem to grasp that releasing private tax information of citizens to other agencies of the government is illegal. You can't seem to grasp that releasing private tax information to political groups to use against the opposition is illegal! Lois Lerner and her merry band broke the LAW, Care! It's why she's taking the 5th!
I thoroughly understand the Nixon situation and this is not even close.

FIRST AND FOREMOST, conservative groups were not the only groups audited and none of the conservative groups were denied tax exempt status although it did take a long time to clear them, and EVEN THOUGH SOME OF THEM DESERVED TO LOSE IT, because they did not meet the criteria required,

BUT, 8 progressive groups did lose their tax exempt status.

hardly an indication that the irs was ONLY going after conservatives. And, if there were more conservative groups applying for tax exempt status, then there SHOULD BE more conservative groups audited...

Every employee was interviewed and they have said that these "short cut to figuring out who of the 60,000 applicants to audit'' (BOLO lists) were created to expedite the process, and were not directed by you have a link or evidence that they were? If you do, please link up becasue that is a pretty important piece to the puzzle....

Was the single incident that you are talking about with communication with the administration INVOLVED with THIS case, or was it the communication where Lerner was asking on what to do with the PAC wanting to pay for Senator Grassley's wife to attend their fund raiser event, which would have been against the law? Link up dear one...where are you getting your info and what was this one communication about that show some sort of GUILT in this case?
Once again, where do you get your carefully laid out to help fool the casual reader, erroneous information? Talk about a propaganda campaign! Who is paying you? Someone has to be. You didn't come up with that on your own.
I will hit on your major erroneous tidbit. 501c4's increased by 530 from 2010 to 2011, for a total of 2265, according to the IG report. That can give the reader an idea of how erroneous much of the rest is.
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Oh, and how about the newly reported 'less than 20' more crashed hard drives, of other Lerner colleague's, told to the Committee today by the IRS lawyer? 'Less than 20' more unfortunate coincidences. Riggghhhtttt.
Seems every time they want more info, the eraser fairy seems to make an appearance.
What "came out" was that there was communication between Lerner and someone at the Justice Department and then communication between that person and the White House. This claim that there was no "direct" communication between Lerner and the Obama White House is something that's factually correct but totally ignores what took place.

You really can't seem to grasp the fact that targeting of your political opponents using the IRS is illegal! It was one of the things that got Richard Nixon impeached! You can't seem to grasp that releasing private tax information of citizens to other agencies of the government is illegal. You can't seem to grasp that releasing private tax information to political groups to use against the opposition is illegal! Lois Lerner and her merry band broke the LAW, Care! It's why she's taking the 5th!
I thoroughly understand the Nixon situation and this is not even close.

FIRST AND FOREMOST, conservative groups were not the only groups audited and none of the conservative groups were denied tax exempt status although it did take a long time to clear them, and EVEN THOUGH SOME OF THEM DESERVED TO LOSE IT, because they did not meet the criteria required,

BUT, 8 progressive groups did lose their tax exempt status.

hardly an indication that the irs was ONLY going after conservatives. And, if there were more conservative groups applying for tax exempt status, then there SHOULD BE more conservative groups audited...

Every employee was interviewed and they have said that these "short cut to figuring out who of the 60,000 applicants to audit'' (BOLO lists) were created to expedite the process, and were not directed by you have a link or evidence that they were? If you do, please link up becasue that is a pretty important piece to the puzzle....

Was the single incident that you are talking about with communication with the administration INVOLVED with THIS case, or was it the communication where Lerner was asking on what to do with the PAC wanting to pay for Senator Grassley's wife to attend their fund raiser event, which would have been against the law? Link up dear one...where are you getting your info and what was this one communication about that show some sort of GUILT in this case?
Once again, where do you get your carefully laid out to help fool the casual reader, erroneous information? Talk about a propaganda campaign! Who is paying you? Someone has to be. You didn't come up with that on your own.
I will hit on your major erroneous tidbit. 501c4's increased by 530 from 2010 to 2011, for a total of 2265, according to the IG report. That can give the reader an idea of how erroneous much of the rest is.
Got the info from Lerner's statement before congress, she said her area of responsibility and employees oversee 60,000 tax exempt accounts...she had 900 employees
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And no, i am not being 'paid'.....I happen to enjoy debate, and i am just anal on researching honestly is my best friend...i also don't work for a living anymore so no more 50 hour work weeks, (though i do now have my own small internet business that is FINALLY taking off...)I have more time to research things
And if Lerner is guilty of something, I will not have any problem at all accepting such...

I JUST Don't like railroading and witch hunts and you guessed it, dog and pony shows by our gvt representatives and I will usually fight, with all I got, for the underdog, till i am PROVEN wrong! :D
And if Lerner is guilty of something, I will not have any problem at all accepting such...

I JUST Don't like railroading and witch hunts and you guessed it, dog and pony shows by our gvt representatives and I will usually fight, with all I got, for the underdog, till i am PROVEN wrong! :D

Remember, this has nothing to do with 'Lerner,' conservatives couldn't care less about her – and they care even less about the facts and truth.

All they care about is 'getting rid of Obama.'

Conservatives harbor this bizarre, pathetic, moronic conspiracy theory that Obama ordered the IRS to deny TPM applications for tax exempt status, and further authorized a 'cover up' of this activity. They think Lerner has 'got the dirt' on Obama and is keeping quiet about it to 'protect' the president.

Yes, this is truly bizarre, pathetic, and moronic.

But this is the insane consequence of ODS, the intense partisan hatred most on the right have toward Obama. It's a mental illness, a sickness, a disease that's infected much of the GOP – and it's having a detrimental effect on the Nation as a whole as Congressional republicans continue to hold the country hostage in legislative gridlock.
And if Lerner is guilty of something, I will not have any problem at all accepting such...

I JUST Don't like railroading and witch hunts and you guessed it, dog and pony shows by our gvt representatives and I will usually fight, with all I got, for the underdog, till i am PROVEN wrong! :D

Remember, this has nothing to do with 'Lerner,' conservatives couldn't care less about her – and they care even less about the facts and truth.

All they care about is 'getting rid of Obama.'

Conservatives harbor this bizarre, pathetic, moronic conspiracy theory that Obama ordered the IRS to deny TPM applications for tax exempt status, and further authorized a 'cover up' of this activity. They think Lerner has 'got the dirt' on Obama and is keeping quiet about it to 'protect' the president.

Yes, this is truly bizarre, pathetic, and moronic.

But this is the insane consequence of ODS, the intense partisan hatred most on the right have toward Obama. It's a mental illness, a sickness, a disease that's infected much of the GOP – and it's having a detrimental effect on the Nation as a whole as Congressional republicans continue to hold the country hostage in legislative gridlock.


Boy howdy, do you got that smack dab on. It's killing us, man.
And if Lerner is guilty of something, I will not have any problem at all accepting such...

I JUST Don't like railroading and witch hunts and you guessed it, dog and pony shows by our gvt representatives and I will usually fight, with all I got, for the underdog, till i am PROVEN wrong! :D

Remember, this has nothing to do with 'Lerner,' conservatives couldn't care less about her – and they care even less about the facts and truth.

All they care about is 'getting rid of Obama.'

Conservatives harbor this bizarre, pathetic, moronic conspiracy theory that Obama ordered the IRS to deny TPM applications for tax exempt status, and further authorized a 'cover up' of this activity. They think Lerner has 'got the dirt' on Obama and is keeping quiet about it to 'protect' the president.

Yes, this is truly bizarre, pathetic, and moronic.

But this is the insane consequence of ODS, the intense partisan hatred most on the right have toward Obama. It's a mental illness, a sickness, a disease that's infected much of the GOP – and it's having a detrimental effect on the Nation as a whole as Congressional republicans continue to hold the country hostage in legislative gridlock.


The days of the "loyal" opposition are long gone.

The GOP reminds me a lot of the little boy who constantly cried "Wolf!".........
And if Lerner is guilty of something, I will not have any problem at all accepting such...

I JUST Don't like railroading and witch hunts and you guessed it, dog and pony shows by our gvt representatives and I will usually fight, with all I got, for the underdog, till i am PROVEN wrong! :D

Remember, this has nothing to do with 'Lerner,' conservatives couldn't care less about her – and they care even less about the facts and truth.

All they care about is 'getting rid of Obama.'

Conservatives harbor this bizarre, pathetic, moronic conspiracy theory that Obama ordered the IRS to deny TPM applications for tax exempt status, and further authorized a 'cover up' of this activity. They think Lerner has 'got the dirt' on Obama and is keeping quiet about it to 'protect' the president.

Yes, this is truly bizarre, pathetic, and moronic.

But this is the insane consequence of ODS, the intense partisan hatred most on the right have toward Obama. It's a mental illness, a sickness, a disease that's infected much of the GOP – and it's having a detrimental effect on the Nation as a whole as Congressional republicans continue to hold the country hostage in legislative gridlock.
Actually, they KNOW that Obama did not order this, and this is why they will not give Lerner immunity to testify....they said so themselves, when one of them said they will give immunity to Lerner TO testify if she has anyone to spill the beans on, but if she doesn't then they are NOT going to call her up with's BEEN A YEAR, and they haven't given immunity to get her to that's a telling thing, in my book.

so this is NOT about getting to the truth of the bottom of this when it comes to these Republican Congress critters investigating....

It's all about what they can make their followers BELIEVE to have happened...and sadly, the pawns don't even know they are being pawns...imo....
sigh....what has SHE DONE that was criminal Oldstyle? And WHY would you want her to go to jail, when no criminal laws have been shown to be broken?

Where oh where are you even getting this notion that some criminal act occurred? For God's sake, what EVIDENCE is there supporting this?

DO YOU HAVE A LINK FOR INFORMATION we may not have read?

The Republican congress critters came out of the pony gate, stating that the white house was involved with Learner to curb these groups...this was their conspiracy, this is what they are still claiming, even though there was NO COMMUNICATION between the white house and Learner with any of Obama's administration....which came out.

Giving Learner immunity, will show if there was collusion or collaboration between Lerner and anyone else to purposely curtail the conservative and progressive groups for political reasons, verse for expediency of accepting the 60,000 groups trying to claim tax exempt status.


What "came out" was that there was communication between Lerner and someone at the Justice Department and then communication between that person and the White House. This claim that there was no "direct" communication between Lerner and the Obama White House is something that's factually correct but totally ignores what took place.

You really can't seem to grasp the fact that targeting of your political opponents using the IRS is illegal! It was one of the things that got Richard Nixon impeached! You can't seem to grasp that releasing private tax information of citizens to other agencies of the government is illegal. You can't seem to grasp that releasing private tax information to political groups to use against the opposition is illegal! Lois Lerner and her merry band broke the LAW, Care! It's why she's taking the 5th!
I thoroughly understand the Nixon situation and this is not even close.

FIRST AND FOREMOST, conservative groups were not the only groups audited and none of the conservative groups were denied tax exempt status although it did take a long time to clear them, and EVEN THOUGH SOME OF THEM DESERVED TO LOSE IT, because they did not meet the criteria required,

BUT, 8 progressive groups did lose their tax exempt status.

hardly an indication that the irs was ONLY going after conservatives. And, if there were more conservative groups applying for tax exempt status, then there SHOULD BE more conservative groups audited...

Every employee was interviewed and they have said that these "short cut to figuring out who of the 60,000 applicants to audit'' (BOLO lists) were created to expedite the process, and were not directed by you have a link or evidence that they were? If you do, please link up becasue that is a pretty important piece to the puzzle....

Was the single incident that you are talking about with communication with the administration INVOLVED with THIS case, or was it the communication where Lerner was asking on what to do with the PAC wanting to pay for Senator Grassley's wife to attend their fund raiser event, which would have been against the law? Link up dear one...where are you getting your info and what was this one communication about that show some sort of GUILT in this case?

You understand the Nixon situation and this isn't close? You're right, Care! It's not even close! This is so much worse than what happened under Nixon. Nixon was brought up on impeachment charges for ATTEMPTING to use the IRS against his political enemies...not actually SUCCEEDING at using the IRS against his political enemies! In this case liberals were SUCCESSFUL in using the IRS to target their political opponents!

Your narrative that it was only liberal groups that were denied status is total bullshit and was debunked well over a year ago! What the Lerner group did was keep conservative groups in limbo...not approving them and not denying them. They did that for YEARS!

Tell me the names of the 8 Progressive groups that lost their status? Then explain why the IRS is being sued by approximately 150 conservatives individuals or groups if this wasn't targeted at conservatives! This whole "they looked at liberal groups too!" narrative was laughed out of the room LONG ago...I'm amazed that someone still has the gall to attempt to float it out there as an argument! Did they turn over sensitive information about liberals to conservative political groups like the Lerner group did to conservatives? If so let's see your examples of where THAT took place!

Every employee of the IRS that was interviewed DID NOT say this was simply a "short cut" instituted because of the Citizen's United ruling! If you'd listened to the hearings you would have heard the testimony of one woman who resigned from the Cincinnati office because she was appalled at what Washington was having them do. That was a woman who had the good sense to realize that what Lerner was doing with their office was totally inappropriate and most likely illegal!

As for the Senator Grassley incident? Let me explain this to you...someone offering to pay for the wife of a politician to attend a conference is in no way "illegal" especially if the offer was never accepted. The only thing that WOULD be illegal would be if Grassley accepted the offer but didn't list it on his tax returns. The whole Grassley deal simply illustrates Lois Lerner's ZEAL to go after conservatives!

As for communications between those involved? That would be what was on all these hard drives that mysteriously crashed. Nobody can "link" it for you because it was all destroyed by those that didn't want the American people to see what it was they were up to. But YOU buy that narrative...that those 7 crashed hard drives of all those involved in this are simply a coincidence...right, Care? And that when Lois Lerner was asking about whether voice mail was archived it wasn't that she was trying to find some way to continue her attack on conservative groups without it showing up on the "radar"...right, Care? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
What "came out" was that there was communication between Lerner and someone at the Justice Department and then communication between that person and the White House. This claim that there was no "direct" communication between Lerner and the Obama White House is something that's factually correct but totally ignores what took place.

You really can't seem to grasp the fact that targeting of your political opponents using the IRS is illegal! It was one of the things that got Richard Nixon impeached! You can't seem to grasp that releasing private tax information of citizens to other agencies of the government is illegal. You can't seem to grasp that releasing private tax information to political groups to use against the opposition is illegal! Lois Lerner and her merry band broke the LAW, Care! It's why she's taking the 5th!
I thoroughly understand the Nixon situation and this is not even close.

FIRST AND FOREMOST, conservative groups were not the only groups audited and none of the conservative groups were denied tax exempt status although it did take a long time to clear them, and EVEN THOUGH SOME OF THEM DESERVED TO LOSE IT, because they did not meet the criteria required,

BUT, 8 progressive groups did lose their tax exempt status.

hardly an indication that the irs was ONLY going after conservatives. And, if there were more conservative groups applying for tax exempt status, then there SHOULD BE more conservative groups audited...

Every employee was interviewed and they have said that these "short cut to figuring out who of the 60,000 applicants to audit'' (BOLO lists) were created to expedite the process, and were not directed by you have a link or evidence that they were? If you do, please link up becasue that is a pretty important piece to the puzzle....

Was the single incident that you are talking about with communication with the administration INVOLVED with THIS case, or was it the communication where Lerner was asking on what to do with the PAC wanting to pay for Senator Grassley's wife to attend their fund raiser event, which would have been against the law? Link up dear one...where are you getting your info and what was this one communication about that show some sort of GUILT in this case?

You understand the Nixon situation and this isn't close? You're right, Care! It's not even close! This is so much worse than what happened under Nixon. Nixon was brought up on impeachment charges for ATTEMPTING to use the IRS against his political enemies...not actually SUCCEEDING at using the IRS against his political enemies! In this case liberals were SUCCESSFUL in using the IRS to target their political opponents!

Your narrative that it was only liberal groups that were denied status is total bullshit and was debunked well over a year ago! What the Lerner group did was keep conservative groups in limbo...not approving them and not denying them. They did that for YEARS!

Tell me the names of the 8 Progressive groups that lost their status? Then explain why the IRS is being sued by approximately 150 conservatives individuals or groups if this wasn't targeted at conservatives! This whole "they looked at liberal groups too!" narrative was laughed out of the room LONG ago...I'm amazed that someone still has the gall to attempt to float it out there as an argument! Did they turn over sensitive information about liberals to conservative political groups like the Lerner group did to conservatives? If so let's see your examples of where THAT took place!

Every employee of the IRS that was interviewed DID NOT say this was simply a "short cut" instituted because of the Citizen's United ruling! If you'd listened to the hearings you would have heard the testimony of one woman who resigned from the Cincinnati office because she was appalled at what Washington was having them do. That was a woman who had the good sense to realize that what Lerner was doing with their office was totally inappropriate and most likely illegal!

As for the Senator Grassley incident? Let me explain this to you...someone offering to pay for the wife of a politician to attend a conference is in no way "illegal" especially if the offer was never accepted. The only thing that WOULD be illegal would be if Grassley accepted the offer but didn't list it on his tax returns. The whole Grassley deal simply illustrates Lois Lerner's ZEAL to go after conservatives!

As for communications between those involved? That would be what was on all these hard drives that mysteriously crashed. Nobody can "link" it for you because it was all destroyed by those that didn't want the American people to see what it was they were up to. But YOU buy that narrative...that those 7 crashed hard drives of all those involved in this are simply a coincidence...right, Care? And that when Lois Lerner was asking about whether voice mail was archived it wasn't that she was trying to find some way to continue her attack on conservative groups without it showing up on the "radar"...right, Care? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

No. Nixon was to be impeached for his criminal involvement in the Watergate Scandal - a scandal that had absolutely nothing to do with the IRS.

In the SECOND article of impeachment, as part of 5 complaints within the article:

He has, acting personally and through his subordinates and agents, endeavoured to obtain from the Internal Revenue Service, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, confidential information contained in income tax returns for purposed not authorized by law, and to cause, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, income tax audits or other income tax investigations to be intitiated or conducted in a discriminatory manner.

But that was not the main jist of the impeachment proceedings. Watergate was.
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I thoroughly understand the Nixon situation and this is not even close.

FIRST AND FOREMOST, conservative groups were not the only groups audited and none of the conservative groups were denied tax exempt status although it did take a long time to clear them, and EVEN THOUGH SOME OF THEM DESERVED TO LOSE IT, because they did not meet the criteria required,

BUT, 8 progressive groups did lose their tax exempt status.

hardly an indication that the irs was ONLY going after conservatives. And, if there were more conservative groups applying for tax exempt status, then there SHOULD BE more conservative groups audited...

Every employee was interviewed and they have said that these "short cut to figuring out who of the 60,000 applicants to audit'' (BOLO lists) were created to expedite the process, and were not directed by you have a link or evidence that they were? If you do, please link up becasue that is a pretty important piece to the puzzle....

Was the single incident that you are talking about with communication with the administration INVOLVED with THIS case, or was it the communication where Lerner was asking on what to do with the PAC wanting to pay for Senator Grassley's wife to attend their fund raiser event, which would have been against the law? Link up dear one...where are you getting your info and what was this one communication about that show some sort of GUILT in this case?

You understand the Nixon situation and this isn't close? You're right, Care! It's not even close! This is so much worse than what happened under Nixon. Nixon was brought up on impeachment charges for ATTEMPTING to use the IRS against his political enemies...not actually SUCCEEDING at using the IRS against his political enemies! In this case liberals were SUCCESSFUL in using the IRS to target their political opponents!

Your narrative that it was only liberal groups that were denied status is total bullshit and was debunked well over a year ago! What the Lerner group did was keep conservative groups in limbo...not approving them and not denying them. They did that for YEARS!

Tell me the names of the 8 Progressive groups that lost their status? Then explain why the IRS is being sued by approximately 150 conservatives individuals or groups if this wasn't targeted at conservatives! This whole "they looked at liberal groups too!" narrative was laughed out of the room LONG ago...I'm amazed that someone still has the gall to attempt to float it out there as an argument! Did they turn over sensitive information about liberals to conservative political groups like the Lerner group did to conservatives? If so let's see your examples of where THAT took place!

Every employee of the IRS that was interviewed DID NOT say this was simply a "short cut" instituted because of the Citizen's United ruling! If you'd listened to the hearings you would have heard the testimony of one woman who resigned from the Cincinnati office because she was appalled at what Washington was having them do. That was a woman who had the good sense to realize that what Lerner was doing with their office was totally inappropriate and most likely illegal!

As for the Senator Grassley incident? Let me explain this to you...someone offering to pay for the wife of a politician to attend a conference is in no way "illegal" especially if the offer was never accepted. The only thing that WOULD be illegal would be if Grassley accepted the offer but didn't list it on his tax returns. The whole Grassley deal simply illustrates Lois Lerner's ZEAL to go after conservatives!

As for communications between those involved? That would be what was on all these hard drives that mysteriously crashed. Nobody can "link" it for you because it was all destroyed by those that didn't want the American people to see what it was they were up to. But YOU buy that narrative...that those 7 crashed hard drives of all those involved in this are simply a coincidence...right, Care? And that when Lois Lerner was asking about whether voice mail was archived it wasn't that she was trying to find some way to continue her attack on conservative groups without it showing up on the "radar"...right, Care? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

No. Nixon was to be impeached for his criminal involvement in the Watergate Scandal - a scandal that had absolutely nothing to do with the IRS.

The "enemies list" I referred to was what John Dean revealed during his Watergate testimony was a list of people that Richard Nixon demanded that the IRS target for investigation...a demand that the Head of the IRS simply ignored...keeping the sealed list locked in his safe instead.
I didn't say it was the "main" part of the Nixon impeachment's simply one more thing that came out DURING the Watergate hearings that was deemed to be illegal. It would have been more of a scandal if the attempt to use the IRS had been wasn't because the Head of the IRS balked.
The reason I say that THIS IRS scandal is far worse than Nixon's IRS scandal is that Nixon's attempt to use the IRS went nowhere...whereas the targeting of conservatives by Lerner and her group went on for years successfully handicapping conservative groups.
The reason I say that THIS IRS scandal is far worse than Nixon's IRS scandal is that Nixon's attempt to use the IRS went nowhere...whereas the targeting of conservatives by Lerner and her group went on for years successfully handicapping conservative groups.
If no one in the Administration ORDERED THIS, and no one in the Senate ORDERED THIS, and there was no political or any advantage for Lerner to do this on her own, (she gained no seat in congress, or as President or anything out of doing something like this, but losing her 35 years of reputable service for the government under both Republican and Democratic administrations so no need for one party or the other being in control helps her in any way), you truly and honestly believe she would risk her entire career and jail time to do this....???

It's beyond reason...

I will be floored, if your conspiracy turns out to be true.
What has she really been risking? You've got an Attorney General who wouldn't prosecute her if she was putting conservatives up against the White House fence and executing them with firing squads. You've got a President who has the main stream media in his pocket and SPECIALIZES in stonewalling investigations into scandals.

Yes, I believe that Lois Lerner "did this" and I believe she did so with knowledge of people in the Justice Department and the White House. There is a REASON why those 7 hard drives were made to crash and then none of the data was recovered. A "reasonable" person understands that. What was on those hard drives was incriminating. So they made them go away.
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