BREAKING: Rep. Steve Stockman: Sgt. At Arms to Arrest Lois Lerner

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Warrants require evidence of criminal wronging – evidence that doesn't exist.

Going to neutral magistrate and requesting a warrant because you hate Obama and want to 'get rid of him' doesn't constitute 'evidence.'

You seem confused; the emails are the evidence of criminal wrongdoing, not the crime itself....she plead the 5th which is ample cause to suspect wrongdoing. :doubt:

Do you think that's why our Founders included that RIGHT in our Declaration of Rights in the Constitution, and we need to naturally suspect and incriminate her?

Do you really want to go down this path?

Fuckin A I do......she's part of a criminal conspiracy to prevent Conservative's FIRST Amendment right to free speech through political action. You bet I'll go down this path...and turn it into a 4 lane highway if necessary.
They did back up emails, but they recycled the back up discs/servers after 6 months to a year...this was their data policy, not something Learner was routine for the tech team, from what I have read? I don't know if employees even knew what the policy was for their email back ups and how often their computer techs recycled the emails...but management should have known.
That's a B.S. policy if it is the policy. All our data is backed up for a minimum of ten years.

Although what you just wrote sounds eminently reasonable to me, could you please put me to the US reg that states this about 10 years of backups vis-a-vis Government data? Hmmmm....
I did not say the government did. I said, "our data." Meaning the data belonging to the private corporation I work for. Some if our data is backed up indefinitely, the rest is a minimum of ten years.

I would hope that a government agency should have as strict of standards. I don't say I believe they do, but I would hope.
You seem confused; the emails are the evidence of criminal wrongdoing, not the crime itself....she plead the 5th which is ample cause to suspect wrongdoing. :doubt:

Not true. There are many logical reason for pleading the 5th - having nothing to do with guilt.

Bullshit....the 5th is intended to prevent SELF incrimination not to deny the allegation.

You are obviously a retarded dumbass.
A Few Notes On Lois Lerner And The Fifth Amendment

I've been seeing a lot of comments to the effect of "why should Lois Lerner take the Fifth if she has nothing to hide?" Ironically these comments often come from people who profess to oppose expansive government power, and from people who accept the proposition that Lerner was part of wrongdoing in the first place — in other words, that there was a government conspiracy to target people with the machinery of the IRS for holding unpopular political views. Such people do not seem to grasp how their predicate assumptions answer their own question.

You take the Fifth because the government can't be trusted. You take the Fifth because what the truth is, and what the government thinks the truth is, are two very different things. You take the Fifth because even if you didn't do anything wrong your statements can be used as building blocks in dishonest, or malicious, or politically motivated prosecutions against you. You take the Fifth because if you answer questions truthfully the government may still decide you are lying and prosecute you for lying.

Pardon me: if you accept the proposition that the government targets organizations for IRS scrutiny because of their political views, and you still say things like "why take the Fifth if you have nothing to hide", then you're either an idiot or a dishonest partisan hack.

MORE: A Few Notes On Lois Lerner And The Fifth Amendment

No wonder Lois Lerner pled the Fifth. I like this little summation on how invoking the Fifth Amendment can be perfectly logical - even if one has nothing to hide. However, based on my personal opinion and the opinions of others whose legal opinions I value - Lois Lerner should have simply pled the Fifth and shut up. Period. She muddied the legal waters by saying more. Her counsel failed her.
If Issa and the Republicans wanted to know the truth, they'd simply grant Lerner immunity. Why focus on a meaningless bureaucrat when there are supposedly much bigger fish to fry? However, Issa and the Republicans don't care about the truth, and never have. It's all about keeping the idiot conservative base spun up, and the truth would be an obstacle to that.

Also, sig explains why "taking the fifth" isn't just an American thing.
A Few Notes On Lois Lerner And The Fifth Amendment

I've been seeing a lot of comments to the effect of "why should Lois Lerner take the Fifth if she has nothing to hide?" Ironically these comments often come from people who profess to oppose expansive government power, and from people who accept the proposition that Lerner was part of wrongdoing in the first place — in other words, that there was a government conspiracy to target people with the machinery of the IRS for holding unpopular political views. Such people do not seem to grasp how their predicate assumptions answer their own question.

You take the Fifth because the government can't be trusted. You take the Fifth because what the truth is, and what the government thinks the truth is, are two very different things. You take the Fifth because even if you didn't do anything wrong your statements can be used as building blocks in dishonest, or malicious, or politically motivated prosecutions against you. You take the Fifth because if you answer questions truthfully the government may still decide you are lying and prosecute you for lying.

Pardon me: if you accept the proposition that the government targets organizations for IRS scrutiny because of their political views, and you still say things like "why take the Fifth if you have nothing to hide", then you're either an idiot or a dishonest partisan hack.

MORE: A Few Notes On Lois Lerner And The Fifth Amendment

No wonder Lois Lerner pled the Fifth. I like this little summation on how invoking the Fifth Amendment can be perfectly logical - even if one has nothing to hide. However, based on my personal opinion and the opinions of others whose legal opinions I value - Lois Lerner should have simply pled the Fifth and shut up. Period. She muddied the legal waters by saying more. Her counsel failed her.

^ that
The amount of ignorance and fallacy coming from the left in this thread is nothing short of spectacular. Really, it is just astounding.

First - "Have they arrested her yet?" - Strawman
The press release posted in the OP does not anywhere say that Ms. Lerner would be arrested anytime soon. The press release stated nothing but that Rep. Stockman from Texas had submitted a resolution to have her arrested with supporting precidents showing that the House has the authority to arrest individuals in certain circumstances. The resolution has not been voted on yet. Ms. Lerner would not be arrested until it had been voted on and passed. The tacit assertion made by the statement, "Have they arrested her yet?" is that the press release in the OP stated that she would be arrested soon. Since that is not the case, "Have they arrested her yet?" addresses nothing but a Strawman.

Second - "Allen West? Seriously?" - Ad Hominem
Instead of addressing the content of the OP, a large number of lefters are choosing instead to attack what they percieve to be the source of the press release in the OP. This is wrong for two reasons. First, Allen West did not originate the press release. The press release was made by Rep. Stockman's people on his page. Allen West's site merely reposted it. Next, even if Allen West were the ultimate source of the press release, attacking the press release with nothing but, "Allen West? Seriously?" is nothing but ad hominem.
Stockman files motion ordering the arrest of Lois Lerner | Congressman Steve Stockman

What I don't get is why they care enough to post so much fallacy or ignorance here? All the OP really merits is a, "Hmmm. I wonder if the House will actually pass that resolution." So, lefters, what is it about this thread that got you riled?
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The amount of ignorance and fallacy coming from the left in this thread is nothing short of spectacular. Really, it is just astounding.

First - "Have they arrested her yet?" - Strawman
The press release posted in the OP does not anywhere say that Ms. Lerner would be arrested anytime soon. The press release stated nothing but that Rep. Stockman from Texas had submitted a resolution to have her arrested with supporting precidents showing that the House has the authority to arrest individuals in certain circumstances. The resolution has not been voted on yet. Ms. Lerner would not be arrested until it had been voted on and passed. The tacit assertion made by the statement, "Have they arrested her yet?" is that the press release in the OP stated that she would be arrested soon. Since that is not the case, "Have they arrested her yet?" addresses nothing but a Strawman.

Second - "Allen West? Seriously?" - Ad Hominem
Instead of addressing the content of the OP, a large number of lefters are choosing instead to attack what they percieve to be the source of the press release in the OP. This is wrong for two reasons. First, Allen West did not originate the press release. The press release was made by Rep. Stockman's people on his page. Allen West's site merely reposted it. Next, even if Allen West were the ultimate source of the press release, attacking the press release with nothing but, "Allen West? Seriously?" is nothing but ad hominem.
Stockman files motion ordering the arrest of Lois Lerner | Congressman Steve Stockman

What I don't get is why they care enough to post so much fallacy or ignorance here? All the OP really merits is a, "Hmmm. I wonder if the House will actually pass that resolution." So, lefters, what is it about this thread that got you riled?

Oh, I didn't attack Allen West. His own form of batshit-crazy speaks for itself.

Now, as to the arrest of Lois Lerner, if that is the case (lol), then why did the author of the OP post the thread at that point in time?

I find that exceedingly comical.

Yet another GOP troll in Congress who says: "I'm a gonna arrest you, but, er, ähm, ihm, but not today"


Or are you saying that the GOP was just making a blank threat in order to somehow look good in front of the ever more unsettled Tea Party adherent masses?


In other words, this OP was not news at all. But rather, yet another extreme Right-Wing bellyaching thread.

Ok, got it.

Thanks for the clarification.
The amount of ignorance and fallacy coming from the left in this thread is nothing short of spectacular. Really, it is just astounding.

First - "Have they arrested her yet?" - Strawman
The press release posted in the OP does not anywhere say that Ms. Lerner would be arrested anytime soon. The press release stated nothing but that Rep. Stockman from Texas had submitted a resolution to have her arrested with supporting precidents showing that the House has the authority to arrest individuals in certain circumstances. The resolution has not been voted on yet. Ms. Lerner would not be arrested until it had been voted on and passed. The tacit assertion made by the statement, "Have they arrested her yet?" is that the press release in the OP stated that she would be arrested soon. Since that is not the case, "Have they arrested her yet?" addresses nothing but a Strawman.{"search":["Lois+Lerner+Sergeant+arrest"]}

Second - "Allen West? Seriously?" - Ad Hominem
Instead of addressing the content of the OP, a large number of lefters are choosing instead to attack what they percieve to be the source of the press release in the OP. This is wrong for two reasons. First, Allen West did not originate the press release. The press release was made by Rep. Stockman's people on his page. Allen West's site merely reposted it. Next, even if Allen West were the ultimate source of the press release, attacking the press release with nothing but, "Allen West? Seriously?" is nothing but ad hominem.
Stockman files motion ordering the arrest of Lois Lerner | Congressman Steve Stockman

What I don't get is why they care enough to post so much fallacy or ignorance here? All the OP really merits is a, "Hmmm. I wonder if the House will actually pass that resolution." So, lefters, what is it about this thread that got you riled?
It's not really a "strawman" to ask if they arrested her's been 10 days, and as usual this appears to be just another congress critter just wanting their cut in this 15 minutes of fame thingy...

it was meant for right wing bloggers and then you all to grab on to and run with it, like the Lady did with this thread, and the gazilion of like minded right wingers that high fived her with thanks....

Lerner did not testify and took the 5th because her lawyer advised her to because this congress critter dog and pony show is just that, a dog and pony show not interested in finding out's a witch hunt, period...anyone not licking the right wing's rear end can see this...anyone sane can see this, especially if they have watched these hearings held by these congress critters....

Lerner was also called to testify with the DOJ Investigation around the same time, and she DID NOT TAKE the fifth with them, she did go through the interrogation with them....

It was the Republicans conducting these non professional, pontificating dog and pony show of theirs that kept her from testifying, they have NO ONE TO BLAME BUT THEMSELVES.

and this measure will NEVER, EVER, PASS CONGRESS if it ever was brought up for a's just another bout of partisan posturing that once again will amount to nothing...

and I am paying for these assholes to do this, with my tax dollars? and you all applaud it?

that, I will never understand....
The amount of ignorance and fallacy coming from the left in this thread is nothing short of spectacular. Really, it is just astounding.

First - "Have they arrested her yet?" - Strawman
The press release posted in the OP does not anywhere say that Ms. Lerner would be arrested anytime soon. The press release stated nothing but that Rep. Stockman from Texas had submitted a resolution to have her arrested with supporting precidents showing that the House has the authority to arrest individuals in certain circumstances. The resolution has not been voted on yet. Ms. Lerner would not be arrested until it had been voted on and passed. The tacit assertion made by the statement, "Have they arrested her yet?" is that the press release in the OP stated that she would be arrested soon. Since that is not the case, "Have they arrested her yet?" addresses nothing but a Strawman.

Second - "Allen West? Seriously?" - Ad Hominem
Instead of addressing the content of the OP, a large number of lefters are choosing instead to attack what they percieve to be the source of the press release in the OP. This is wrong for two reasons. First, Allen West did not originate the press release. The press release was made by Rep. Stockman's people on his page. Allen West's site merely reposted it. Next, even if Allen West were the ultimate source of the press release, attacking the press release with nothing but, "Allen West? Seriously?" is nothing but ad hominem.
Stockman files motion ordering the arrest of Lois Lerner | Congressman Steve Stockman

What I don't get is why they care enough to post so much fallacy or ignorance here? All the OP really merits is a, "Hmmm. I wonder if the House will actually pass that resolution." So, lefters, what is it about this thread that got you riled?


Oh, I didn't attack Allen West. His own form of batshit-crazy speaks for itself.

is attacking Allen West. If you were actually letting "His own form of batshit-crazy [speak] for itself" you wouldn't need to post anything like this.

Now, as to the arrest of Lois Lerner, if that is the case (lol), then why did the author of the OP post the thread at that point in time?

That the resolution was introduced is worth discussing. If Lois Lerner were to be arrested on the authority of the House, a resolution like this would need to precede the arrest itself. For supporters of the idea that Ms. Lerner should be arrested, this resolution is a step in that direction. For opponents of the idea that Ms. Lerner should be arrested this is either a foolish motion or nothing but a bluff.

I find that exceedingly comical.

Yet another GOP troll in Congress who says: "I'm a gonna arrest you, but, er, ähm, ihm, but not today"


Or are you saying that the GOP was just making a blank threat in order to somehow look good in front of the ever more unsettled Tea Party adherent masses?


In other words, this OP was not news at all. But rather, yet another extreme Right-Wing bellyaching thread.

Ok, got it.

Thanks for the clarification.

Again, if Ms. Lerner were to be arrested, this resolution or one like it would be a necessary precursor. The point I was making was not over the validity of the resolution though. The point was about the left-leaner response to this thread. Few, if any, left-leaners are addressing the resolution as what it is: a resolution. They are instead acting as though Allen West had reported that a warrant had been issued for Ms. Lerners arrest. Since Allen West didn't do anything but copy a press release from Rep. Stockman, and since said press release said nothing but, in essence, "we have taken the first of several steps towards arresting Ms. Lerner" the lefter response is interesting to me.
The amount of ignorance and fallacy coming from the left in this thread is nothing short of spectacular. Really, it is just astounding.

First - "Have they arrested her yet?" - Strawman
The press release posted in the OP does not anywhere say that Ms. Lerner would be arrested anytime soon. The press release stated nothing but that Rep. Stockman from Texas had submitted a resolution to have her arrested with supporting precidents showing that the House has the authority to arrest individuals in certain circumstances. The resolution has not been voted on yet. Ms. Lerner would not be arrested until it had been voted on and passed. The tacit assertion made by the statement, "Have they arrested her yet?" is that the press release in the OP stated that she would be arrested soon. Since that is not the case, "Have they arrested her yet?" addresses nothing but a Strawman.{"search":["Lois+Lerner+Sergeant+arrest"]}

Second - "Allen West? Seriously?" - Ad Hominem
Instead of addressing the content of the OP, a large number of lefters are choosing instead to attack what they percieve to be the source of the press release in the OP. This is wrong for two reasons. First, Allen West did not originate the press release. The press release was made by Rep. Stockman's people on his page. Allen West's site merely reposted it. Next, even if Allen West were the ultimate source of the press release, attacking the press release with nothing but, "Allen West? Seriously?" is nothing but ad hominem.
Stockman files motion ordering the arrest of Lois Lerner | Congressman Steve Stockman

What I don't get is why they care enough to post so much fallacy or ignorance here? All the OP really merits is a, "Hmmm. I wonder if the House will actually pass that resolution." So, lefters, what is it about this thread that got you riled?

It's not really a "strawman" to ask if they arrested her's been 10 days, and as usual this appears to be just another congress critter just wanting their cut in this 15 minutes of fame thingy...

But it is a strawman. The strawman is the idea that she could have been arrested yet. Since the resolution hasn't even been voted on, that is not a possibility.

it was meant for right wing bloggers and then you all to grab on to and run with it, like the Lady did with this thread, and the gazilion of like minded right wingers that high fived her with thanks....

If you support the idea that Ms. Lerner should be arrested, you would be understandably happy at anything that looks like a step in that direction. The resolution was intended to at least look like a step in that direction. Whether it actually was a step in that direction is debatable.

Lerner did not testify and took the 5th because her lawyer advised her to because this congress critter dog and pony show is just that, a dog and pony show not interested in finding out's a witch hunt, period...anyone not licking the right wing's rear end can see this...anyone sane can see this, especially if they have watched these hearings held by these congress critters....

Lerner was also called to testify with the DOJ Investigation around the same time, and she DID NOT TAKE the fifth with them, she did go through the interrogation with them....

It was the Republicans conducting these non professional, pontificating dog and pony show of theirs that kept her from testifying, they have NO ONE TO BLAME BUT THEMSELVES.

and this measure will NEVER, EVER, PASS CONGRESS if it ever was brought up for a's just another bout of partisan posturing that once again will amount to nothing...

If it was intended for nothing but show, there is still a question of why it was done. Assuming it was nothing but an attention grab is foolish. Maybe it was, but assuming people you disagree with are so shallowly motivated is really just a path to underestimating them.

and I am paying for these assholes to do this, with my tax dollars? and you all applaud it?

that, I will never understand....

Just like I am paying with my tax dollars for "assholes" I disagree with to present motions I think are a waste of time too. Or worse to actually pass laws I think are detrimental to society. Or more pointedly, paying taxes so "assholes" in the IRS can target groups they disagree with.
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The amount of ignorance and fallacy coming from the left in this thread is nothing short of spectacular. Really, it is just astounding.

First - "Have they arrested her yet?" - Strawman
The press release posted in the OP does not anywhere say that Ms. Lerner would be arrested anytime soon. The press release stated nothing but that Rep. Stockman from Texas had submitted a resolution to have her arrested with supporting precidents showing that the House has the authority to arrest individuals in certain circumstances. The resolution has not been voted on yet. Ms. Lerner would not be arrested until it had been voted on and passed. The tacit assertion made by the statement, "Have they arrested her yet?" is that the press release in the OP stated that she would be arrested soon. Since that is not the case, "Have they arrested her yet?" addresses nothing but a Strawman.

Second - "Allen West? Seriously?" - Ad Hominem
Instead of addressing the content of the OP, a large number of lefters are choosing instead to attack what they percieve to be the source of the press release in the OP. This is wrong for two reasons. First, Allen West did not originate the press release. The press release was made by Rep. Stockman's people on his page. Allen West's site merely reposted it. Next, even if Allen West were the ultimate source of the press release, attacking the press release with nothing but, "Allen West? Seriously?" is nothing but ad hominem.
Stockman files motion ordering the arrest of Lois Lerner | Congressman Steve Stockman

What I don't get is why they care enough to post so much fallacy or ignorance here? All the OP really merits is a, "Hmmm. I wonder if the House will actually pass that resolution." So, lefters, what is it about this thread that got you riled?


is attacking Allen West. If you were actually letting "His own form of batshit-crazy [speak] for itself" you wouldn't need to post anything like this.

Now, as to the arrest of Lois Lerner, if that is the case (lol), then why did the author of the OP post the thread at that point in time?

That the resolution was introduced is worth discussing. If Lois Lerner were to be arrested on the authority of the House, a resolution like this would need to precede the arrest itself. For supporters of the idea that Ms. Lerner should be arrested, this resolution is a step in that direction. For opponents of the idea that Ms. Lerner should be arrested this is either a foolish motion or nothing but a bluff.

I find that exceedingly comical.

Yet another GOP troll in Congress who says: "I'm a gonna arrest you, but, er, ähm, ihm, but not today"


Or are you saying that the GOP was just making a blank threat in order to somehow look good in front of the ever more unsettled Tea Party adherent masses?


In other words, this OP was not news at all. But rather, yet another extreme Right-Wing bellyaching thread.

Ok, got it.

Thanks for the clarification.

Again, if Ms. Lerner were to be arrested, this resolution or one like it would be a necessary precursor. The point I was making was not over the validity of the resolution though. The point was about the left-leaner response to this thread. Few, if any, left-leaners are addressing the resolution as what it is: a resolution. They are instead acting as though Allen West had reported that a warrant had been issued for Ms. Lerners arrest. Since Allen West didn't do anything but copy a press release from Rep. Stockman, and since said press release said nothing but, in essence, "we have taken the first of several steps towards arresting Ms. Lerner" the lefter response is interesting to me.

the bolded: cry me a fucking river. You see, the 1st amendment works BOTH WAYS. I have the right to think and speak that Allen West is batshit crazy. Only, I made no indications about him at all on this thread until YOU started bellyaching about it.


You see, DEMS are different. They would have brought up the resolution, voted on it and been done with it. Up or down vote. Really simple. But Nancy Pelosi, the steel magnolia of the HOR, was RIGHT when she said that she could have put forth a resolution to arrest a number of unseemly characters who also shit on HOR rules during the Bush 43 administration, but she didn't. Because discretion is the better part of valor.

Enjoy your bellyaching.

And yes, Allen West is totally batshit crazy. It's like he got nerve gas in his head from the Iraq war but somehow muddled through.

Please, Republicans, whatever you do, nominate Allen West for Prez or VP in 2016.

I am thinking that a Palin/West ticket would do the job quite well...

This thread reminds me of that "Something or other Spring" by Stephanie :D


is attacking Allen West. If you were actually letting "His own form of batshit-crazy [speak] for itself" you wouldn't need to post anything like this.

That the resolution was introduced is worth discussing. If Lois Lerner were to be arrested on the authority of the House, a resolution like this would need to precede the arrest itself. For supporters of the idea that Ms. Lerner should be arrested, this resolution is a step in that direction. For opponents of the idea that Ms. Lerner should be arrested this is either a foolish motion or nothing but a bluff.

I find that exceedingly comical.

Yet another GOP troll in Congress who says: "I'm a gonna arrest you, but, er, ähm, ihm, but not today"


Or are you saying that the GOP was just making a blank threat in order to somehow look good in front of the ever more unsettled Tea Party adherent masses?


In other words, this OP was not news at all. But rather, yet another extreme Right-Wing bellyaching thread.

Ok, got it.

Thanks for the clarification.

Again, if Ms. Lerner were to be arrested, this resolution or one like it would be a necessary precursor. The point I was making was not over the validity of the resolution though. The point was about the left-leaner response to this thread. Few, if any, left-leaners are addressing the resolution as what it is: a resolution. They are instead acting as though Allen West had reported that a warrant had been issued for Ms. Lerners arrest. Since Allen West didn't do anything but copy a press release from Rep. Stockman, and since said press release said nothing but, in essence, "we have taken the first of several steps towards arresting Ms. Lerner" the lefter response is interesting to me.

the bolded: cry me a fucking river. You see, the 1st amendment works BOTH WAYS. I have the right to think and speak that Allen West is batshit crazy. Only, I made no indications about him at all on this thread until YOU started bellyaching about it.


I could care less if you attack Allen West. I don't know him, and I don't know anything about him. He was and is completely irrelevant to my point. That you and those like you would attack the source rather than the content is the entire point.

You see, DEMS are different. They would have brought up the resolution, voted on it and been done with it. Up or down vote. Really simple. But Nancy Pelosi, the steel magnolia of the HOR, was RIGHT when she said that she could have put forth a resolution to arrest a number of unseemly characters who also shit on HOR rules during the Bush 43 administration, but she didn't. Because discretion is the better part of valor.

If she had thought it was appropriate to have them arrested, undoubtedly she WOULD have tried. If she betrays her principles by not having people arrested that she truly believes should be arrested, why would you support her? On the other hand, if she did not actually believe their actions warranted arrest, then her actions make perfect sense, though her description of them now does not.

Enjoy your bellyaching.

I'm trying to decide what you mean to accomplish here. I'm quite obviously NOT bellyaching at all. I'm merely commenting on the illogical posts here. Actually, I find them pretty amusing.

And yes, Allen West is totally batshit crazy. It's like he got nerve gas in his head from the Iraq war but somehow muddled through.

Please, Republicans, whatever you do, nominate Allen West for Prez or VP in 2016.

I am thinking that a Palin/West ticket would do the job quite well...


Again, I don't know Allen West, nor anything about him. I do remark, however, that the left has a common habit of calling people they don't agree with "batshit crazy."
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