Breaking: Riot Season Opens Again in Minnesota

There is something wrong with people who would make hanging an air freshener in your car illegal.

There is something wrong with someone that would pull someone over for that.

The place needs to burn.

You can blame the politicians who make the laws.

And those who kill over the most insignificant crimes. All the same, it will be politicians held accountable also if things burn.
Do you feel the same for Ashli Babbitt?

I saw absolutely no justification for her getting shot.

Yeah, but she's white. So fuck her. Huh?

Wow, you are really ate up with it aren't you?
Yes. I feel sorry for Cannon Hinnant. Look him up.

I'm sure. The killer is in prison being held without bail which is what should happen when someone needlessly kills another.
Well ,I did not see the WHITES riot over him. Like I said. Nature of the Beast.

And that's why there have been no answers. If you want to sweep it under the rug that's up to you. Others are no longer willing to do that.

Do you truly care about the loss of life? I think not. Mourn death, don't exploit it. Lament the tragedy, don't take advantage of it.

I do not believe anyone has the the right to take the life of another outside of immediate direct self defense. That's why I am pro-life, anti death penalty and against our stupid wars.

If they're "our" stupid wars, at least you're taking partial credit for them.

Shooting someone for fleeing with an outstanding warrant isn't usually on the approved shooting list.

20 year old. pulled for an air freshener hanging from the rear view mirror. Called his mother to ask for insurance information, was then questioned about an outstanding warrant on another traffic violation. Attempted to drive off and was shot to death, crashing the car also injuring his girlfriend.

We also haven't seen the video yet to see if he drove off or if maybe the vehicle moved forward after they shot him.

Here it is, and even after viewing it, still a shooting not justified, and the police chief has said it is an accidental shooting, because the female officer was supposed to be using the taser.

Bull....She needs fired and charged. Whoever was in charge of her training needs fired.

If not the people should burn things down.

It'd be a shane if people burnt your home or business over something like this huh?

You're a fckn asshole and part of the problem. Innocent people had nothing to do with this, fuckwit

The alternative is easy. Fire and charge her.
In most law enforcement departments, an officer discharging a firearm results in that officer being placed on temporary leave while the episode is investigated. SOP, even if no deaths or injuries occurred. Such is rarely a positive career event for the officer involved, could delay promotion or further advancement.

A person who does something like this should never be allowed to own a gun again.
In most cases the investigation determines it was a justified use.

Would be more helpful to all if you focused on the vast majority whom aren't supposed to legally own/possess a firearm but do. Such as the many felons and criminals the police deal with daily whom are illegally armed.

While you're at it, your solution to end crimes of violence is ... what ???

Address the main cause. Poverty.
Why is there poverty when there is a free Public School System for which I am paying?
The Democrats have spent 50 years creating a sub-society of welfare and slave labor.

And no, I'm not cheering on the Republicans.

I have zero interest in making things like this political.

Isn’t that convenient? The fact of the matter is politicians you support continuously promote false narratives that lead to violence
Shooting someone for fleeing with an outstanding warrant isn't usually on the approved shooting list.

20 year old. pulled for an air freshener hanging from the rear view mirror. Called his mother to ask for insurance information, was then questioned about an outstanding warrant on another traffic violation. Attempted to drive off and was shot to death, crashing the car also injuring his girlfriend.

We also haven't seen the video yet to see if he drove off or if maybe the vehicle moved forward after they shot him.

Here it is, and even after viewing it, still a shooting not justified, and the police chief has said it is an accidental shooting, because the female officer was supposed to be using the taser.

Bull....She needs fired and charged. Whoever was in charge of her training needs fired.

If not the people should burn things down.

It'd be a shane if people burnt your home or business over something like this huh?

You're a fckn asshole and part of the problem. Innocent people had nothing to do with this, fuckwit

The alternative is easy. Fire and charge her.
In most law enforcement departments, an officer discharging a firearm results in that officer being placed on temporary leave while the episode is investigated. SOP, even if no deaths or injuries occurred. Such is rarely a positive career event for the officer involved, could delay promotion or further advancement.

A person who does something like this should never be allowed to own a gun again.
In most cases the investigation determines it was a justified use.

Would be more helpful to all if you focused on the vast majority whom aren't supposed to legally own/possess a firearm but do. Such as the many felons and criminals the police deal with daily whom are illegally armed.

While you're at it, your solution to end crimes of violence is ... what ???

Address the main cause. Poverty.
Why is there poverty when there is a free Public School System for which I am paying?
The Democrats have spent 50 years creating a sub-society of welfare and slave labor.

And no, I'm not cheering on the Republicans.

I have zero interest in making things like this political.

Isn’t that convenient? The fact of the matter is politicians you support continuously promote false narratives that lead to violence

Inane rambling. My candidates rarely win.

You’re on the left your politicians are shameless race baiters

I am pro-life. I fully support the 2nd Amendment. I believe in a balanced budget. I support the electoral college.

What makes me left? That I don't spout hate towards others you see differently than yourself?

let’s get to the crux of the matter. Do u believe in the myth that is called systemic racism? You know the lies you and your cohorts Keep spreading that is the reason for rioting in this country?

Yes there is. That's the reason a law like banning air fresheners was passed in the first place. It gave the police a legal lame excuse to pull minorities over.
Banning air fresheners.never heard thada one.

Then you haven't actually paid attention to the actual story.
Sorry I didn't read all 15 pages of horse shit. I missed the air freshener part

Myself, I heard it was due to a bad tag.
Missing license plate and illegal tinted windows, of course suspect had a warrant and as usual was trying to run possibly injuring officers or others if he got control of vehicle.
Officer meant to pull taser and can be heard saying taser, taser, before firing fatal shot from firearm. Then heard saying "shit, I just shot him".

Regardless of police fucking up, anyone condoning the looting and rioting on this board is scum.

There has been nothing to note that he had a missing plate. Link please.

What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson.
Local news reported missing plate, this link says bad tabs.
Gannon said Wright was pulled over for expired tabs, and that’s when officers discovered there was a warrant out for his arrest for having a firearm without a permit.

Known for carrying a weapon illegally, the kid hardly qualifies as a "good baby who did nuthin".
Shooting someone for fleeing with an outstanding warrant isn't usually on the approved shooting list.

20 year old. pulled for an air freshener hanging from the rear view mirror. Called his mother to ask for insurance information, was then questioned about an outstanding warrant on another traffic violation. Attempted to drive off and was shot to death, crashing the car also injuring his girlfriend.

We also haven't seen the video yet to see if he drove off or if maybe the vehicle moved forward after they shot him.

Here it is, and even after viewing it, still a shooting not justified, and the police chief has said it is an accidental shooting, because the female officer was supposed to be using the taser.

Bull....She needs fired and charged. Whoever was in charge of her training needs fired.

If not the people should burn things down.

It'd be a shane if people burnt your home or business over something like this huh?

You're a fckn asshole and part of the problem. Innocent people had nothing to do with this, fuckwit

The alternative is easy. Fire and charge her.
In most law enforcement departments, an officer discharging a firearm results in that officer being placed on temporary leave while the episode is investigated. SOP, even if no deaths or injuries occurred. Such is rarely a positive career event for the officer involved, could delay promotion or further advancement.

A person who does something like this should never be allowed to own a gun again.
In most cases the investigation determines it was a justified use.

Would be more helpful to all if you focused on the vast majority whom aren't supposed to legally own/possess a firearm but do. Such as the many felons and criminals the police deal with daily whom are illegally armed.

While you're at it, your solution to end crimes of violence is ... what ???

Address the main cause. Poverty.
Why is there poverty when there is a free Public School System for which I am paying?
The Democrats have spent 50 years creating a sub-society of welfare and slave labor.

And no, I'm not cheering on the Republicans.

I have zero interest in making things like this political.

Isn’t that convenient? The fact of the matter is politicians you support continuously promote false narratives that lead to violence

Inane rambling. My candidates rarely win.

You’re on the left your politicians are shameless race baiters

I am pro-life. I fully support the 2nd Amendment. I believe in a balanced budget. I support the electoral college.

What makes me left? That I don't spout hate towards others you see differently than yourself?

let’s get to the crux of the matter. Do u believe in the myth that is called systemic racism? You know the lies you and your cohorts Keep spreading that is the reason for rioting in this country?

Yes there is. That's the reason a law like banning air fresheners was passed in the first place. It gave the police a legal lame excuse to pull minorities over.

Such bullshit. Ironically there are actual laws on the books that gives “minorities” minus Asians and Jews of course and anyone else that isn’t black or Hispanic, advantages. That’s the systemic racism in this country. Maybe you’re stupid enough to believe the lies. Very possible in reading your posts. However these systemic racism lies are the reason for the violence.

I believe in a fair and just justice system. We do not have that.

As far as the law, I have family and friends that are cops and I told them I got pulled over for having my air fresheners on my rear view mirror. They told that law was so it doesn’t obstruct your view. When I got pulled over for it I was compliant with the officers and behaved properly and got away with a warning. Now I put my air fresheners on the side latches of my vehicle. Maybe tell the “minorities” to do that so they can avoid systemic racism.

It's to give the cops a legal lame excuse to pull people over.
You think cops really enjoy traffic stops when they are the most dangerous encounters they face?.....rub a couple brain cells together.

Not all but there are too many that just want control. There is something wrong with someone that would pull someone over for an air freshener.
It was for expired registration

Expired registration and possession of an unregistered firearm.

Think fast, portray the facts accurately.
He did not have a firearm.

No, but the warrant says he had an unregistered firearm. Go look it up.

Portray the facts accurately.

Do you believe people should have to register their firearms?

It is a sensible requirement. Anything beyond that is unconstitutional.
Is there a current report on what's going on???? Looks like the sun has set and the blood suckers awake to feast on plasma tvs

Watch here:

Or listen to the Minn/St. Paul PD dispatch here:

Minneapolis / St. Paul Police Dispatch Live Audio Feed

Quiet so far.

God I hope it stays that way. Fox said the crowds are growing since they were supposed to leave and every one has a window smasher.I dunno
Another model citizen taken from us:

Dude had such a bright future. Look how he can multi-task and rap, wave a gun, and smoke weed at the same time. That's some real talent.

The Lord works in mysterious ways. He may have saved some innocent lives by taking this valedictorian. He may greatly improved the life of Mr. Wright's child. He may have saved Mr. Wright from a self-inflicted future life of self-created misery and suffering.

Regardless, seems like a net gain to society to me.
Shooting someone for fleeing with an outstanding warrant isn't usually on the approved shooting list.

20 year old. pulled for an air freshener hanging from the rear view mirror. Called his mother to ask for insurance information, was then questioned about an outstanding warrant on another traffic violation. Attempted to drive off and was shot to death, crashing the car also injuring his girlfriend.

We also haven't seen the video yet to see if he drove off or if maybe the vehicle moved forward after they shot him.

Here it is, and even after viewing it, still a shooting not justified, and the police chief has said it is an accidental shooting, because the female officer was supposed to be using the taser.

Bull....She needs fired and charged. Whoever was in charge of her training needs fired.

If not the people should burn things down.

It'd be a shane if people burnt your home or business over something like this huh?

You're a fckn asshole and part of the problem. Innocent people had nothing to do with this, fuckwit

The alternative is easy. Fire and charge her.
In most law enforcement departments, an officer discharging a firearm results in that officer being placed on temporary leave while the episode is investigated. SOP, even if no deaths or injuries occurred. Such is rarely a positive career event for the officer involved, could delay promotion or further advancement.

A person who does something like this should never be allowed to own a gun again.
In most cases the investigation determines it was a justified use.

Would be more helpful to all if you focused on the vast majority whom aren't supposed to legally own/possess a firearm but do. Such as the many felons and criminals the police deal with daily whom are illegally armed.

While you're at it, your solution to end crimes of violence is ... what ???

Address the main cause. Poverty.
Why is there poverty when there is a free Public School System for which I am paying?
The Democrats have spent 50 years creating a sub-society of welfare and slave labor.

And no, I'm not cheering on the Republicans.

I have zero interest in making things like this political.

Isn’t that convenient? The fact of the matter is politicians you support continuously promote false narratives that lead to violence
Shooting someone for fleeing with an outstanding warrant isn't usually on the approved shooting list.

20 year old. pulled for an air freshener hanging from the rear view mirror. Called his mother to ask for insurance information, was then questioned about an outstanding warrant on another traffic violation. Attempted to drive off and was shot to death, crashing the car also injuring his girlfriend.

We also haven't seen the video yet to see if he drove off or if maybe the vehicle moved forward after they shot him.

Here it is, and even after viewing it, still a shooting not justified, and the police chief has said it is an accidental shooting, because the female officer was supposed to be using the taser.

Bull....She needs fired and charged. Whoever was in charge of her training needs fired.

If not the people should burn things down.

It'd be a shane if people burnt your home or business over something like this huh?

You're a fckn asshole and part of the problem. Innocent people had nothing to do with this, fuckwit

The alternative is easy. Fire and charge her.
In most law enforcement departments, an officer discharging a firearm results in that officer being placed on temporary leave while the episode is investigated. SOP, even if no deaths or injuries occurred. Such is rarely a positive career event for the officer involved, could delay promotion or further advancement.

A person who does something like this should never be allowed to own a gun again.
In most cases the investigation determines it was a justified use.

Would be more helpful to all if you focused on the vast majority whom aren't supposed to legally own/possess a firearm but do. Such as the many felons and criminals the police deal with daily whom are illegally armed.

While you're at it, your solution to end crimes of violence is ... what ???

Address the main cause. Poverty.
Why is there poverty when there is a free Public School System for which I am paying?
The Democrats have spent 50 years creating a sub-society of welfare and slave labor.

And no, I'm not cheering on the Republicans.

I have zero interest in making things like this political.

Isn’t that convenient? The fact of the matter is politicians you support continuously promote false narratives that lead to violence

Inane rambling. My candidates rarely win.

You’re on the left your politicians are shameless race baiters

I am pro-life. I fully support the 2nd Amendment. I believe in a balanced budget. I support the electoral college.

What makes me left? That I don't spout hate towards others you see differently than yourself?

let’s get to the crux of the matter. Do u believe in the myth that is called systemic racism? You know the lies you and your cohorts Keep spreading that is the reason for rioting in this country?

Yes there is. That's the reason a law like banning air fresheners was passed in the first place. It gave the police a legal lame excuse to pull minorities over.
Banning air fresheners.never heard thada one.

Then you haven't actually paid attention to the actual story.
Sorry I didn't read all 15 pages of horse shit. I missed the air freshener part

Myself, I heard it was due to a bad tag.
Missing license plate and illegal tinted windows, of course suspect had a warrant and as usual was trying to run possibly injuring officers or others if he got control of vehicle.
Officer meant to pull taser and can be heard saying taser, taser, before firing fatal shot from firearm. Then heard saying "shit, I just shot him".

Regardless of police fucking up, anyone condoning the looting and rioting on this board is scum.

There has been nothing to note that he had a missing plate. Link please.

What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson.
Local news reported missing plate, this link says bad tabs.
Gannon said Wright was pulled over for expired tabs, and that’s when officers discovered there was a warrant out for his arrest for having a firearm without a permit.

Known for carrying a weapon illegally, the kid hardly qualifies as a "good baby who did nuthin".

You support making people register their guns?
Shooting someone for fleeing with an outstanding warrant isn't usually on the approved shooting list.

20 year old. pulled for an air freshener hanging from the rear view mirror. Called his mother to ask for insurance information, was then questioned about an outstanding warrant on another traffic violation. Attempted to drive off and was shot to death, crashing the car also injuring his girlfriend.

We also haven't seen the video yet to see if he drove off or if maybe the vehicle moved forward after they shot him.

Here it is, and even after viewing it, still a shooting not justified, and the police chief has said it is an accidental shooting, because the female officer was supposed to be using the taser.

Bull....She needs fired and charged. Whoever was in charge of her training needs fired.

If not the people should burn things down.

It'd be a shane if people burnt your home or business over something like this huh?

You're a fckn asshole and part of the problem. Innocent people had nothing to do with this, fuckwit

The alternative is easy. Fire and charge her.
In most law enforcement departments, an officer discharging a firearm results in that officer being placed on temporary leave while the episode is investigated. SOP, even if no deaths or injuries occurred. Such is rarely a positive career event for the officer involved, could delay promotion or further advancement.

A person who does something like this should never be allowed to own a gun again.
In most cases the investigation determines it was a justified use.

Would be more helpful to all if you focused on the vast majority whom aren't supposed to legally own/possess a firearm but do. Such as the many felons and criminals the police deal with daily whom are illegally armed.

While you're at it, your solution to end crimes of violence is ... what ???

Address the main cause. Poverty.
Why is there poverty when there is a free Public School System for which I am paying?
The Democrats have spent 50 years creating a sub-society of welfare and slave labor.

And no, I'm not cheering on the Republicans.

I have zero interest in making things like this political.

Isn’t that convenient? The fact of the matter is politicians you support continuously promote false narratives that lead to violence

Inane rambling. My candidates rarely win.

You’re on the left your politicians are shameless race baiters

I am pro-life. I fully support the 2nd Amendment. I believe in a balanced budget. I support the electoral college.

What makes me left? That I don't spout hate towards others you see differently than yourself?

let’s get to the crux of the matter. Do u believe in the myth that is called systemic racism? You know the lies you and your cohorts Keep spreading that is the reason for rioting in this country?

Yes there is. That's the reason a law like banning air fresheners was passed in the first place. It gave the police a legal lame excuse to pull minorities over.

Such bullshit. Ironically there are actual laws on the books that gives “minorities” minus Asians and Jews of course and anyone else that isn’t black or Hispanic, advantages. That’s the systemic racism in this country. Maybe you’re stupid enough to believe the lies. Very possible in reading your posts. However these systemic racism lies are the reason for the violence.

I believe in a fair and just justice system. We do not have that.

As far as the law, I have family and friends that are cops and I told them I got pulled over for having my air fresheners on my rear view mirror. They told that law was so it doesn’t obstruct your view. When I got pulled over for it I was compliant with the officers and behaved properly and got away with a warning. Now I put my air fresheners on the side latches of my vehicle. Maybe tell the “minorities” to do that so they can avoid systemic racism.

It's to give the cops a legal lame excuse to pull people over.
You think cops really enjoy traffic stops when they are the most dangerous encounters they face?.....rub a couple brain cells together.

Not all but there are too many that just want control. There is something wrong with someone that would pull someone over for an air freshener.
It was for expired registration

Expired registration and possession of an unregistered firearm.

Think fast, portray the facts accurately.
He did not have a firearm.

No, but the warrant says he had an unregistered firearm. Go look it up.

Portray the facts accurately.

Do you believe people should have to register their firearms?

It is a sensible requirement. Anything beyond that is unconstitutional.

Wow, well. All the easier for the government to find them.
Shooting someone for fleeing with an outstanding warrant isn't usually on the approved shooting list.

20 year old. pulled for an air freshener hanging from the rear view mirror. Called his mother to ask for insurance information, was then questioned about an outstanding warrant on another traffic violation. Attempted to drive off and was shot to death, crashing the car also injuring his girlfriend.

We also haven't seen the video yet to see if he drove off or if maybe the vehicle moved forward after they shot him.

Here it is, and even after viewing it, still a shooting not justified, and the police chief has said it is an accidental shooting, because the female officer was supposed to be using the taser.

Bull....She needs fired and charged. Whoever was in charge of her training needs fired.

If not the people should burn things down.

It'd be a shane if people burnt your home or business over something like this huh?

You're a fckn asshole and part of the problem. Innocent people had nothing to do with this, fuckwit

The alternative is easy. Fire and charge her.
In most law enforcement departments, an officer discharging a firearm results in that officer being placed on temporary leave while the episode is investigated. SOP, even if no deaths or injuries occurred. Such is rarely a positive career event for the officer involved, could delay promotion or further advancement.

A person who does something like this should never be allowed to own a gun again.
In most cases the investigation determines it was a justified use.

Would be more helpful to all if you focused on the vast majority whom aren't supposed to legally own/possess a firearm but do. Such as the many felons and criminals the police deal with daily whom are illegally armed.

While you're at it, your solution to end crimes of violence is ... what ???

Address the main cause. Poverty.
Why is there poverty when there is a free Public School System for which I am paying?
The Democrats have spent 50 years creating a sub-society of welfare and slave labor.

And no, I'm not cheering on the Republicans.

I have zero interest in making things like this political.

Isn’t that convenient? The fact of the matter is politicians you support continuously promote false narratives that lead to violence
Shooting someone for fleeing with an outstanding warrant isn't usually on the approved shooting list.

20 year old. pulled for an air freshener hanging from the rear view mirror. Called his mother to ask for insurance information, was then questioned about an outstanding warrant on another traffic violation. Attempted to drive off and was shot to death, crashing the car also injuring his girlfriend.

We also haven't seen the video yet to see if he drove off or if maybe the vehicle moved forward after they shot him.

Here it is, and even after viewing it, still a shooting not justified, and the police chief has said it is an accidental shooting, because the female officer was supposed to be using the taser.

Bull....She needs fired and charged. Whoever was in charge of her training needs fired.

If not the people should burn things down.

It'd be a shane if people burnt your home or business over something like this huh?

You're a fckn asshole and part of the problem. Innocent people had nothing to do with this, fuckwit

The alternative is easy. Fire and charge her.
In most law enforcement departments, an officer discharging a firearm results in that officer being placed on temporary leave while the episode is investigated. SOP, even if no deaths or injuries occurred. Such is rarely a positive career event for the officer involved, could delay promotion or further advancement.

A person who does something like this should never be allowed to own a gun again.
In most cases the investigation determines it was a justified use.

Would be more helpful to all if you focused on the vast majority whom aren't supposed to legally own/possess a firearm but do. Such as the many felons and criminals the police deal with daily whom are illegally armed.

While you're at it, your solution to end crimes of violence is ... what ???

Address the main cause. Poverty.
Why is there poverty when there is a free Public School System for which I am paying?
The Democrats have spent 50 years creating a sub-society of welfare and slave labor.

And no, I'm not cheering on the Republicans.

I have zero interest in making things like this political.

Isn’t that convenient? The fact of the matter is politicians you support continuously promote false narratives that lead to violence

Inane rambling. My candidates rarely win.

You’re on the left your politicians are shameless race baiters

I am pro-life. I fully support the 2nd Amendment. I believe in a balanced budget. I support the electoral college.

What makes me left? That I don't spout hate towards others you see differently than yourself?

let’s get to the crux of the matter. Do u believe in the myth that is called systemic racism? You know the lies you and your cohorts Keep spreading that is the reason for rioting in this country?

Yes there is. That's the reason a law like banning air fresheners was passed in the first place. It gave the police a legal lame excuse to pull minorities over.
Banning air fresheners.never heard thada one.

Then you haven't actually paid attention to the actual story.
Sorry I didn't read all 15 pages of horse shit. I missed the air freshener part

Myself, I heard it was due to a bad tag.
Missing license plate and illegal tinted windows, of course suspect had a warrant and as usual was trying to run possibly injuring officers or others if he got control of vehicle.
Officer meant to pull taser and can be heard saying taser, taser, before firing fatal shot from firearm. Then heard saying "shit, I just shot him".

Regardless of police fucking up, anyone condoning the looting and rioting on this board is scum.

There has been nothing to note that he had a missing plate. Link please.

What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson.
Local news reported missing plate, this link says bad tabs.
Gannon said Wright was pulled over for expired tabs, and that’s when officers discovered there was a warrant out for his arrest for having a firearm without a permit.

Known for carrying a weapon illegally, the kid hardly qualifies as a "good baby who did nuthin".
Bet the punk has a multi-Felony record.
Shooting someone for fleeing with an outstanding warrant isn't usually on the approved shooting list.

20 year old. pulled for an air freshener hanging from the rear view mirror. Called his mother to ask for insurance information, was then questioned about an outstanding warrant on another traffic violation. Attempted to drive off and was shot to death, crashing the car also injuring his girlfriend.

We also haven't seen the video yet to see if he drove off or if maybe the vehicle moved forward after they shot him.

Here it is, and even after viewing it, still a shooting not justified, and the police chief has said it is an accidental shooting, because the female officer was supposed to be using the taser.

Bull....She needs fired and charged. Whoever was in charge of her training needs fired.

If not the people should burn things down.

It'd be a shane if people burnt your home or business over something like this huh?

You're a fckn asshole and part of the problem. Innocent people had nothing to do with this, fuckwit

The alternative is easy. Fire and charge her.
In most law enforcement departments, an officer discharging a firearm results in that officer being placed on temporary leave while the episode is investigated. SOP, even if no deaths or injuries occurred. Such is rarely a positive career event for the officer involved, could delay promotion or further advancement.

A person who does something like this should never be allowed to own a gun again.
In most cases the investigation determines it was a justified use.

Would be more helpful to all if you focused on the vast majority whom aren't supposed to legally own/possess a firearm but do. Such as the many felons and criminals the police deal with daily whom are illegally armed.

While you're at it, your solution to end crimes of violence is ... what ???

Address the main cause. Poverty.
Why is there poverty when there is a free Public School System for which I am paying?
The Democrats have spent 50 years creating a sub-society of welfare and slave labor.

And no, I'm not cheering on the Republicans.

I have zero interest in making things like this political.

Isn’t that convenient? The fact of the matter is politicians you support continuously promote false narratives that lead to violence
Shooting someone for fleeing with an outstanding warrant isn't usually on the approved shooting list.

20 year old. pulled for an air freshener hanging from the rear view mirror. Called his mother to ask for insurance information, was then questioned about an outstanding warrant on another traffic violation. Attempted to drive off and was shot to death, crashing the car also injuring his girlfriend.

We also haven't seen the video yet to see if he drove off or if maybe the vehicle moved forward after they shot him.

Here it is, and even after viewing it, still a shooting not justified, and the police chief has said it is an accidental shooting, because the female officer was supposed to be using the taser.

Bull....She needs fired and charged. Whoever was in charge of her training needs fired.

If not the people should burn things down.

It'd be a shane if people burnt your home or business over something like this huh?

You're a fckn asshole and part of the problem. Innocent people had nothing to do with this, fuckwit

The alternative is easy. Fire and charge her.
In most law enforcement departments, an officer discharging a firearm results in that officer being placed on temporary leave while the episode is investigated. SOP, even if no deaths or injuries occurred. Such is rarely a positive career event for the officer involved, could delay promotion or further advancement.

A person who does something like this should never be allowed to own a gun again.
In most cases the investigation determines it was a justified use.

Would be more helpful to all if you focused on the vast majority whom aren't supposed to legally own/possess a firearm but do. Such as the many felons and criminals the police deal with daily whom are illegally armed.

While you're at it, your solution to end crimes of violence is ... what ???

Address the main cause. Poverty.
Why is there poverty when there is a free Public School System for which I am paying?
The Democrats have spent 50 years creating a sub-society of welfare and slave labor.

And no, I'm not cheering on the Republicans.

I have zero interest in making things like this political.

Isn’t that convenient? The fact of the matter is politicians you support continuously promote false narratives that lead to violence

Inane rambling. My candidates rarely win.

You’re on the left your politicians are shameless race baiters

I am pro-life. I fully support the 2nd Amendment. I believe in a balanced budget. I support the electoral college.

What makes me left? That I don't spout hate towards others you see differently than yourself?

let’s get to the crux of the matter. Do u believe in the myth that is called systemic racism? You know the lies you and your cohorts Keep spreading that is the reason for rioting in this country?

Yes there is. That's the reason a law like banning air fresheners was passed in the first place. It gave the police a legal lame excuse to pull minorities over.
Banning air fresheners.never heard thada one.

Then you haven't actually paid attention to the actual story.
Sorry I didn't read all 15 pages of horse shit. I missed the air freshener part

Myself, I heard it was due to a bad tag.
Missing license plate and illegal tinted windows, of course suspect had a warrant and as usual was trying to run possibly injuring officers or others if he got control of vehicle.
Officer meant to pull taser and can be heard saying taser, taser, before firing fatal shot from firearm. Then heard saying "shit, I just shot him".

Regardless of police fucking up, anyone condoning the looting and rioting on this board is scum.

There has been nothing to note that he had a missing plate. Link please.

What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson.
Local news reported missing plate, this link says bad tabs.
Gannon said Wright was pulled over for expired tabs, and that’s when officers discovered there was a warrant out for his arrest for having a firearm without a permit.

Known for carrying a weapon illegally, the kid hardly qualifies as a "good baby who did nuthin".
Bet the punk has a multi-Felony record.
Don't mean to be a grammar queen. But you need to use the past tense about this one.
Another model citizen taken from us:

Dude had such a bright future. Look how he can multi-task and rap, wave a gun, and smoke weed at the same time. That's some real talent.

The Lord works in mysterious ways. He may have saved some innocent lives by taking this valedictorian. He may greatly improved the life of Mr. Wright's child. He may have saved Mr. Wright from a self-inflicted future life of self-created misery and suffering.

Regardless, seems like a net gain to society to me.

I heard the kid was the schools Valedictorian of his class
But Americans protesting to go back to work? Why, those are dangerous lunatics! Americans demanding to be let out, Americans demanding that their jobs be reopened, Americans demanding to go back to work are being treated as major problems — major lunatics, great threats to the health of America — whereas the people looting stores in Minneapolis are called “protesters.”

And if you take a look, look at who has been savagely condemned by the media. It’s people reopening their businesses. Not the people burning businesses. Not people looting them. Not the people tearing them down. In the media’s world, the people reopening their businesses are being savagely condemned — or people going to a swimming pool in the Ozarks, or people going to a beach somewhere.

They’re being condemned by the media as risky, as dangerous, as uncaring lunatics. And in the media’s world, this is all because the looters and the rioters were properly triggered. Their actions are completely understandable in Mediaville, in the media world because they were properly triggered, and so they are labeled “protesters.”

“Protests that turned violent,” now. Whereas opening up businesses and going to pool parties “too soon” is “premeditated manslaughter.” You remember the stories that were written claiming that people opening up too soon, going to back to work too soon or going to a public pool or a beach, “Why, those people… Those people are engaging in potential manslaughter!”
Shooting someone for fleeing with an outstanding warrant isn't usually on the approved shooting list.

20 year old. pulled for an air freshener hanging from the rear view mirror. Called his mother to ask for insurance information, was then questioned about an outstanding warrant on another traffic violation. Attempted to drive off and was shot to death, crashing the car also injuring his girlfriend.

We also haven't seen the video yet to see if he drove off or if maybe the vehicle moved forward after they shot him.

Here it is, and even after viewing it, still a shooting not justified, and the police chief has said it is an accidental shooting, because the female officer was supposed to be using the taser.

Bull....She needs fired and charged. Whoever was in charge of her training needs fired.

If not the people should burn things down.

It'd be a shane if people burnt your home or business over something like this huh?

You're a fckn asshole and part of the problem. Innocent people had nothing to do with this, fuckwit

The alternative is easy. Fire and charge her.
In most law enforcement departments, an officer discharging a firearm results in that officer being placed on temporary leave while the episode is investigated. SOP, even if no deaths or injuries occurred. Such is rarely a positive career event for the officer involved, could delay promotion or further advancement.

A person who does something like this should never be allowed to own a gun again.
In most cases the investigation determines it was a justified use.

Would be more helpful to all if you focused on the vast majority whom aren't supposed to legally own/possess a firearm but do. Such as the many felons and criminals the police deal with daily whom are illegally armed.

While you're at it, your solution to end crimes of violence is ... what ???

Address the main cause. Poverty.
Why is there poverty when there is a free Public School System for which I am paying?
The Democrats have spent 50 years creating a sub-society of welfare and slave labor.

And no, I'm not cheering on the Republicans.

I have zero interest in making things like this political.

Isn’t that convenient? The fact of the matter is politicians you support continuously promote false narratives that lead to violence

Inane rambling. My candidates rarely win.

You’re on the left your politicians are shameless race baiters

I am pro-life. I fully support the 2nd Amendment. I believe in a balanced budget. I support the electoral college.

What makes me left? That I don't spout hate towards others you see differently than yourself?

let’s get to the crux of the matter. Do u believe in the myth that is called systemic racism? You know the lies you and your cohorts Keep spreading that is the reason for rioting in this country?

Yes there is. That's the reason a law like banning air fresheners was passed in the first place. It gave the police a legal lame excuse to pull minorities over.

Such bullshit. Ironically there are actual laws on the books that gives “minorities” minus Asians and Jews of course and anyone else that isn’t black or Hispanic, advantages. That’s the systemic racism in this country. Maybe you’re stupid enough to believe the lies. Very possible in reading your posts. However these systemic racism lies are the reason for the violence.

I believe in a fair and just justice system. We do not have that.

As far as the law, I have family and friends that are cops and I told them I got pulled over for having my air fresheners on my rear view mirror. They told that law was so it doesn’t obstruct your view. When I got pulled over for it I was compliant with the officers and behaved properly and got away with a warning. Now I put my air fresheners on the side latches of my vehicle. Maybe tell the “minorities” to do that so they can avoid systemic racism.

It's to give the cops a legal lame excuse to pull people over.
You think cops really enjoy traffic stops when they are the most dangerous encounters they face?.....rub a couple brain cells together.

Not all but there are too many that just want control. There is something wrong with someone that would pull someone over for an air freshener.
It was for expired registration

Expired registration and possession of an unregistered firearm.

Think fast, portray the facts accurately.
He did not have a firearm.

No, but the warrant says he had an unregistered firearm. Go look it up.

Portray the facts accurately.

Do you believe people should have to register their firearms?

It is a sensible requirement. Anything beyond that is unconstitutional.

Wow, well. All the easier for the government to find them.

It helps in case a registered firearm is stolen and used in a crime.
Another model citizen taken from us:

Dude had such a bright future. Look how he can multi-task and rap, wave a gun, and smoke weed at the same time. That's some real talent.

The Lord works in mysterious ways. He may have saved some innocent lives by taking this valedictorian. He may greatly improved the life of Mr. Wright's child. He may have saved Mr. Wright from a self-inflicted future life of self-created misery and suffering.

Regardless, seems like a net gain to society to me.

At least with that blunt in his fingers he was observing the rule of firearms safety #3: "Keep your finger off the trigger until the sights are on the target."

He could have been fine, upstanding NRA material, if he hadn't been a fuckin' doper and a criminal.


This is messed up.... nothing wrong with due process

Fox News: Daunte Wright shooting: Brooklyn Center city manager fired after call for due process for police officer.
Another live feed here. This is Joe Biden's America, folks:


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