Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013

Supreme Court rejects affirmative action in ruling on universities using race in admissions decisions​

The U.S. Supreme Court handed down a major ruling on affirmative action Tuesday, rejecting the use of race as a factor in college admissions as a violation of the 14th Amendment's Equal Protection Clause.

Many universities have argued that race-based admissions ensures that student bodies remain diverse, while critics such as the plaintiffs in the cases argue the policy discriminates against many qualified students based on race.

Students for Fair Admissions, a student activist group, brought cases against both Harvard and University of North Carolina. The group initially sued Harvard College in 2014 for violating Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, which "prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin in any program or activity that receives Federal funds or other Federal financial assistance."

Supreme Court rejects affirmative action in ruling on universities using race in admissions decisions​

This is not even a difficult call if you consider the Constitution. It's clear as day, and a hallmark of what separates us from other nations. The idea of "equal protection" gave us the end to slavery and also the Civil Rights Movement. At some point then, you must stop discriminating based on race altogether.
USA Today, June 29, 2023

WASHINGTON – The Supreme Court on Thursday invalidated race-conscious admissions policies used by Harvard College and the University of North Carolina to diversify their campuses, a decision with enormous consequences not only for higher education but also the American workplace.

In a 6-3 decision written by Chief Justice John Roberts, the court held that the policies violated the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment.

Supreme Court blocks use of race in Harvard, UNC admissions in blow to diversity efforts

Yay 3.png

This makes me feel good all over! :D
Normally, I would disagree with this but they are publicly funded now.
The govt has no right picking the winners and losers. That is for the private sector.

And reading the tea leaves on this makes you think the Christian baker might win. Private businesses should be allowed to take on the jobs they want, not be indentured toward any request that comes through the door.

But that's another thread....and we will see, probably tomorrow
And reading the tea leaves on this makes you think the Christian baker might win. Private businesses should be allowed to take on the jobs they want, not be indentured toward any request that comes through the door.

But that's another thread....and we will see, probably tomorrow
Not to mention, forcing people to do jobs and things they dont want to do, for whatever reason, goes against natural and human rights.
Now will see how certain people fly without a net.

I was in the airport yesterday and witnessed pilots between planes. I thought, "this is where you definitely don't want identity-specific admissions. How about just people who a plane?"


That is NOT to say black, brown, whatever people cannot fly planes. But the ONLY criteria should be: can you fly a plane?
Having worked in admissions for years, I can already predict how the liberals running the process will “get around” this ruling and proceed with their unconstitutional racism to continue to admit blacks over whites and Asians with better academic credentials.

It said in the ruling that applicants can describe, in their essays, how they overcame racism. So even though there can no longer be a box marked “black,” admissions officers can still identify which applicants are black. And believe me, EVERY black kid will claim they overcame racism. They will be coached by the liberals in the HS counselors’ office.

Then, to close the circle, colleges will add a factor involving “overcoming racist obstacles” - and blacks will get the advantage that way.

Believe me, I know how these people think. They are determined to give blacks extra advantages in their pursuit of “social justice,” and they will figure out a workaround to do just that.
I was in the airport yesterday and witnessed pilots between planes. I thought, "this is where you definitely don't want identity-specific admissions. How about just people who a plane?"


That is NOT to say black, brown, whatever people cannot fly planes. But the ONLY criteria should be: can you fly a plane?
Might want to drive...

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