Breaking: Susan Rice Backs Out Of Tuesday Testimony Before House Panel On Her Alleged Unmaskings

Isn't this the second time she has backed out of giving testimony? Why don't they subpoena her? Same reason no one has subpoenaed the DNC Server?

I think Congress doesn't want the actual depth and breadth of the corruption exposed, so this is all a dog and pony show to slow The Trump Administration down.

Is Congress just going to look the other way while this bitch walks like Comey did?
Is there some form of contempt of government or something? If people can just back out of these hearings, than America is as lawless as Canada. That is NOT a good thing for liberty.
She is a proven LIAR! As such, we can't believe a word she utters.

I libs believe this?

"Based on the best information we have to date, what our assessment is as of the present, is in fact it began spontaneously in Benghazi, as a reaction to what had transpired hours earlier in Cairo, where of course as you know there was a violent protest outside of our embassy, sparked by this hateful video," she said.

"We do not have information at present that leads us to conclude that this was premeditated or pre-planned," she added.
the committee postponed it
The HIC wants Samantha Powell to testify as well.

Yah, that will be "postponed" too. Pretty confident of that.

The article does not say "The Committee" postponed it.
It says it was postponed.

Did she back out or did "The Committee" postpone it?
Republicans, no balls, no killer instinct. They're working with the Dems to protect Obama and the Deep State
She is a proven LIAR! As such, we can't believe a word she utters.

I libs believe this?

"Based on the best information we have to date, what our assessment is as of the present, is in fact it began spontaneously in Benghazi, as a reaction to what had transpired hours earlier in Cairo, where of course as you know there was a violent protest outside of our embassy, sparked by this hateful video," she said.

"We do not have information at present that leads us to conclude that this was premeditated or pre-planned," she added.

She puked this lie, knowing full well Clinton and Obama rejected 300 requests for help and told a Special Ops unit to stand down for 13 hours.

She puked this lie up, knowing full well, Clinton sent a classified email to Blumenthal that was leaked to Clinton and Obama's Al Queda group that they were secretly funding in Libya to stage a coup and assassinate Qaddafi and upon receiving The Classified Email Clinton sent to Blumenthal detailing the fact Benghazi was a weapons dump for The Obama Regime funneling weapons and money to Terrorists, they attacked the "WEAPONS DUMP!"
the committee postponed it
For exactly what reason?

Because McCain had to go on "medical leave"?

If that's the case, he needs to resign.

Indeed. One guy goes down and the entire government shuts down? He's not a king. Furthermore, with all due respect to McCain; last hearing he had a less than stellar showing.
I watched it. He was seriously incoherent making people turn heads at each other.
Isn't this the second time she has backed out of giving testimony? Why don't they subpoena her? Same reason no one has subpoenaed the DNC Server?

I think Congress doesn't want the actual depth and breadth of the corruption exposed, so this is all a dog and pony show to slow The Trump Administration down.

Is Congress just going to look the other way while this bitch walks like Comey did?

Yes, they are gonna look the other way. Republican - Democrat? Doesn't matter, they all work for the same bosses at the end of the day. Only Trump associates will be vigorously prosecuted.

The NWO Globalist Elites despise him. And they control the apparatuses that decide these matters. So look for Clinton, Obama, and their lackeys to skate. It's Trump they're really after. He's a 'Nationalist' who isn't going along with their NWO.
Congress has no law enforcement power....Eric Holder is still free to join "the resistance" after being found in contempt of Congress a few years ago...nobody ordered his arrest and still haven't.
She is a proven LIAR! As such, we can't believe a word she utters.

I libs believe this?

"Based on the best information we have to date, what our assessment is as of the present, is in fact it began spontaneously in Benghazi, as a reaction to what had transpired hours earlier in Cairo, where of course as you know there was a violent protest outside of our embassy, sparked by this hateful video," she said.

"We do not have information at present that leads us to conclude that this was premeditated or pre-planned," she added.

She puked this lie, knowing full well Clinton and Obama rejected 300 requests for help and told a Special Ops unit to stand down for 13 hours.

She puked this lie up, knowing full well, Clinton sent a classified email to Blumenthal that was leaked to Clinton and Obama's Al Queda group that they were secretly funding in Libya to stage a coup and assassinate Qaddafi and upon receiving The Classified Email Clinton sent to Blumenthal detailing the fact Benghazi was a weapons dump for The Obama Regime funneling weapons and money to Terrorists, they attacked the "WEAPONS DUMP!"
Rice, Obama, and Hillary lied about something that caused the deaths of four Americans. Yet, the elite media gave them a pass.

Now for comparison sake...Trump stubs his left toe, but tells the media it was his right toe...and they have a conniption screaming LIAR!!!

Amazingly millions of American can't see they are being purposely propagandized.

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