Breaking: Susan Rice Backs Out Of Tuesday Testimony Before House Panel On Her Alleged Unmaskings

the committee postponed it
For exactly what reason?

Because McCain had to go on "medical leave"?

If that's the case, he needs to resign.

Indeed. One guy goes down and the entire government shuts down? He's not a king. Furthermore, with all due respect to McCain; last hearing he had a less than stellar showing.

Can't McCain sleep through the meeting just as easily from home? /sarcasm
Clinton and Obama rejected 300 requests for help and told a Special Ops unit to stand down for 13 hours.

Everyone from the Consulate building was rescued or recovered except for Ambassador Stevens by Obama's CIA, who arrived at the building 30 minutes after the initial assault and began driving the attackers away.

Read this before the next time you go full retard.
Total CRAP

Benghazi Timeline -

Military timeline from night of Benghazi attack begs more questions
the committee postponed it
For exactly what reason?

Because McCain had to go on "medical leave"?

If that's the case, he needs to resign.

Indeed. One guy goes down and the entire government shuts down? He's not a king. Furthermore, with all due respect to McCain; last hearing he had a less than stellar showing.

Can't McCain sleep through the meeting just as easily from home? /sarcasm

Two things. McCain is not invited to the House Meeting because he is a Senator. I don't think he's even on the Senates' Select committee either.....

U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
Clinton and Obama rejected 300 requests for help and told a Special Ops unit to stand down for 13 hours.

Everyone from the Consulate building was rescued or recovered except for Ambassador Stevens by Obama's CIA, who arrived at the building 30 minutes after the initial assault and began driving the attackers away.

Read this before the next time you go full retard.
Total CRAP

Benghazi Timeline -

Military timeline from night of Benghazi attack begs more questions

From your source. "A CIA team left for the consulate at 10:04 p.m"

Confirmed by the Senate Report. They arrived about 10:10 and drove the attackers away and started searching for survivors. after 13 hours they were on their way out of Benghazi.
Clinton and Obama rejected 300 requests for help and told a Special Ops unit to stand down for 13 hours.

Everyone from the Consulate building was rescued or recovered except for Ambassador Stevens by Obama's CIA, who arrived at the building 30 minutes after the initial assault and began driving the attackers away.

Read this before the next time you go full retard.
Total CRAP

Benghazi Timeline -

Military timeline from night of Benghazi attack begs more questions

From your source. "A CIA team left for the consulate at 10:04 p.m"

Confirmed by the Senate Report. They arrived about 10:10 and drove the attackers away and started searching for survivors. after 13 hours they were on their way out of Benghazi.

Interesting that there are MULTIPLE CONFLICTING TIME LINES for our INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY, isn't it?

Just as interesting as our Intelligence Community telling us there are Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq.

Who runs this country? Our elected Officials, or Our Intelligence Community?

You do realize that we are 6 full hours behind Libya....right? I mean you have to know that, to even be discussing this issue, would you not agree?

Maybe this is why you are so easily confused by the multiple different versions of timelines out there. You'd think The Obama Administration would work harder to coordinate their story, right?

Benghazi in that season was six hours ahead of Washington. The attacks began about 9:45 P.M. in Benghazi, and went on intermittently all night, with the deadly mortar assault coming at about 5:15 A.M. It took another five hours, and then some, before the last of the survivors, assembled at the airport, along with the bodies of the four dead Americans, were flown out of Benghazi -- not by American forces, but aboard a Libyan C-130 military cargo plane. Thus the roughly 13 hours referred to in the title of the movie, from approximately 9:45 PM on the evening of Sept. 11, until about 10:30 A.M on the morning of Sept. 12.

In Washington, six hours behind, that timing corresponded to roughly 3:45 P.M. on Sept. 11 until 4:30 A.M., Sept. 12, with Americans killed during the first eight hours of this terrible span. When mortar fire killed Doherty and Woods, about 5:15 A.M. in Libya, it was about 11:15 P.M., Sept. 11, in Washington. In other words, on the White House clock, the assault in Benghazi began mid-afternoon, Washington time, and went on for the rest of the afternoon and the entire evening. It was close to midnight, Washington time, when the mortar onslaught killed Woods, who was based in Benghazi, and Doherty, who had flown in that night from Tripoli as part of a small rescue squad. They died as part of a small group of warriors defending the other Americans under attack.

13 Hours in Benghazi and the Still-Missing White House Timeline
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You know what makes me sick, that these people died in BENGHAZI because CLINTON wanted to be President, and got caught as did Obama selling arms and financing Al Queda in Libya to conduct a coup and assassinate Qaddafi who actually was cooperating with us.

But what makes me sicker is that they sat on their ass doing nothing while trying to concoct a fake narrative to cover their ass. Sound Familiar? That right there is the Trade Mark of The Clinton Obama Tag Team.

But what makes me sickest of all is 300 calls for help and the first time THE US Government offered any help at all....WAS TO FLY A FUCKING UNARMED DRONE over the area, while Special Ops was around the corner and available and even requesting permission for a rescue.

For Phuck's sake, Obama and Clinton were so negligent, it's almost like they were hoping NO ONE SURVIVED so they could cover up the fact they were USING AN EMBASSY for an ILLEGAL WEAPONS DUMP in VIOLATION OF INTERNATIONAL LAW!

If it weren't for Quaddafi Libyan forces loyal to the 'former" government Clinton and Obama were paying AL QUEDA to overthrow in Libya, we don't even recover the bodies and fly them out ... NOT ON A US MILITARY C-130, but on a LIBYAN military C-130.

Phuck her, Phuck him, and Phuck you lefty!
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Clinton and Obama rejected 300 requests for help and told a Special Ops unit to stand down for 13 hours.

Everyone from the Consulate building was rescued or recovered except for Ambassador Stevens by Obama's CIA, who arrived at the building 30 minutes after the initial assault and began driving the attackers away.

Read this before the next time you go full retard.
Total CRAP

Benghazi Timeline -

Military timeline from night of Benghazi attack begs more questions

From your source. "A CIA team left for the consulate at 10:04 p.m"

Confirmed by the Senate Report. They arrived about 10:10 and drove the attackers away and started searching for survivors. after 13 hours they were on their way out of Benghazi.

Interesting that there are MULTIPLE CONFLICTING TIME LINES for our INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY, isn't it?

Just as interesting as our Intelligence Community telling us there are Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq.

Who runs this country? Our elected Officials, or Our Intelligence Community?

You do realize that we are 6 full hours behind Libya....right? I mean you have to know that, to even be discussing this issue, would you not agree?

Maybe this is why you are so easily confused by the multiple different versions of timelines out there. You'd think The Obama Administration would work harder to coordinate their story, right?

Benghazi in that season was six hours ahead of Washington. The attacks began about 9:45 P.M. in Benghazi, and went on intermittently all night, with the deadly mortar assault coming at about 5:15 A.M. It took another five hours, and then some, before the last of the survivors, assembled at the airport, along with the bodies of the four dead Americans, were flown out of Benghazi -- not by American forces, but aboard a Libyan C-130 military cargo plane. Thus the roughly 13 hours referred to in the title of the movie, from approximately 9:45 PM on the evening of Sept. 11, until about 10:30 A.M on the morning of Sept. 12.

In Washington, six hours behind, that timing corresponded to roughly 3:45 P.M. on Sept. 11 until 4:30 A.M., Sept. 12, with Americans killed during the first eight hours of this terrible span. When mortar fire killed Doherty and Woods, about 5:15 A.M. in Libya, it was about 11:15 P.M., Sept. 11, in Washington. In other words, on the White House clock, the assault in Benghazi began mid-afternoon, Washington time, and went on for the rest of the afternoon and the entire evening. It was close to midnight, Washington time, when the mortar onslaught killed Woods, who was based in Benghazi, and Doherty, who had flown in that night from Tripoli as part of a small rescue squad. They died as part of a small group of warriors defending the other Americans under attack.

13 Hours in Benghazi and the Still-Missing White House Timeline

The Fox News story was two year old when the Senate published it's findings.

The intelligence community was telling us there was evidence that Saddam had not restarted his WMD Program as well. President Bush ignored that part.

The mortar attack happened when American forces made their way to and arrived at the CIA annex from the airport.
For Phuck's sake, Obama and Clinton were so negligent, it's almost like they were hoping NO ONE SURVIVED so they could cover up the fact they were USING AN EMBASSY for an ILLEGAL WEAPONS DUMP in VIOLATION OF INTERNATIONAL LAW!

There is no Embassy in Benghazi.
For Phuck's sake, Obama and Clinton were so negligent, it's almost like they were hoping NO ONE SURVIVED so they could cover up the fact they were USING AN EMBASSY for an ILLEGAL WEAPONS DUMP in VIOLATION OF INTERNATIONAL LAW!

There is no Embassy in Benghazi.
Phuck you Troll, it doesn't matter if it's an outpost, consulate, or embassy..

BTW Stalin's Butt Plug it is still against International Law to use an Embassy, Consulate, Outpost or however you would like to qualify it as a PHUCKING WEAPONS DUMP to funnel money and weapons to PHUCKING AL QUEADA.

What exactly should the penalty be for Obama and Clinton for aiding and abetting our enemies and giving terrorists money and weapons?
Clinton and Obama rejected 300 requests for help and told a Special Ops unit to stand down for 13 hours.

Everyone from the Consulate building was rescued or recovered except for Ambassador Stevens by Obama's CIA, who arrived at the building 30 minutes after the initial assault and began driving the attackers away.

Read this before the next time you go full retard.
Total CRAP

Benghazi Timeline -

Military timeline from night of Benghazi attack begs more questions

From your source. "A CIA team left for the consulate at 10:04 p.m"

Confirmed by the Senate Report. They arrived about 10:10 and drove the attackers away and started searching for survivors. after 13 hours they were on their way out of Benghazi.

Interesting that there are MULTIPLE CONFLICTING TIME LINES for our INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY, isn't it?

Just as interesting as our Intelligence Community telling us there are Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq.

Who runs this country? Our elected Officials, or Our Intelligence Community?

You do realize that we are 6 full hours behind Libya....right? I mean you have to know that, to even be discussing this issue, would you not agree?

Maybe this is why you are so easily confused by the multiple different versions of timelines out there. You'd think The Obama Administration would work harder to coordinate their story, right?

Benghazi in that season was six hours ahead of Washington. The attacks began about 9:45 P.M. in Benghazi, and went on intermittently all night, with the deadly mortar assault coming at about 5:15 A.M. It took another five hours, and then some, before the last of the survivors, assembled at the airport, along with the bodies of the four dead Americans, were flown out of Benghazi -- not by American forces, but aboard a Libyan C-130 military cargo plane. Thus the roughly 13 hours referred to in the title of the movie, from approximately 9:45 PM on the evening of Sept. 11, until about 10:30 A.M on the morning of Sept. 12.

In Washington, six hours behind, that timing corresponded to roughly 3:45 P.M. on Sept. 11 until 4:30 A.M., Sept. 12, with Americans killed during the first eight hours of this terrible span. When mortar fire killed Doherty and Woods, about 5:15 A.M. in Libya, it was about 11:15 P.M., Sept. 11, in Washington. In other words, on the White House clock, the assault in Benghazi began mid-afternoon, Washington time, and went on for the rest of the afternoon and the entire evening. It was close to midnight, Washington time, when the mortar onslaught killed Woods, who was based in Benghazi, and Doherty, who had flown in that night from Tripoli as part of a small rescue squad. They died as part of a small group of warriors defending the other Americans under attack.

13 Hours in Benghazi and the Still-Missing White House Timeline

The Fox News story was two year old when the Senate published it's findings.

The intelligence community was telling us there was evidence that Saddam had not restarted his WMD Program as well. President Bush ignored that part.

The mortar attack happened when American forces made their way to and arrived at the CIA annex from the airport.
I guess, Clinton, Kerry, Biden, Daschle, Feinstein, Schummer, Dodd, Liebernan and Harry Reid ignored everything when they voted to authorize war against Iraq.....huh?
Everyone from the Consulate building was rescued or recovered except for Ambassador Stevens by Obama's CIA, who arrived at the building 30 minutes after the initial assault and began driving the attackers away.

Read this before the next time you go full retard.
Total CRAP

Benghazi Timeline -

Military timeline from night of Benghazi attack begs more questions

From your source. "A CIA team left for the consulate at 10:04 p.m"

Confirmed by the Senate Report. They arrived about 10:10 and drove the attackers away and started searching for survivors. after 13 hours they were on their way out of Benghazi.

Interesting that there are MULTIPLE CONFLICTING TIME LINES for our INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY, isn't it?

Just as interesting as our Intelligence Community telling us there are Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq.

Who runs this country? Our elected Officials, or Our Intelligence Community?

You do realize that we are 6 full hours behind Libya....right? I mean you have to know that, to even be discussing this issue, would you not agree?

Maybe this is why you are so easily confused by the multiple different versions of timelines out there. You'd think The Obama Administration would work harder to coordinate their story, right?

Benghazi in that season was six hours ahead of Washington. The attacks began about 9:45 P.M. in Benghazi, and went on intermittently all night, with the deadly mortar assault coming at about 5:15 A.M. It took another five hours, and then some, before the last of the survivors, assembled at the airport, along with the bodies of the four dead Americans, were flown out of Benghazi -- not by American forces, but aboard a Libyan C-130 military cargo plane. Thus the roughly 13 hours referred to in the title of the movie, from approximately 9:45 PM on the evening of Sept. 11, until about 10:30 A.M on the morning of Sept. 12.

In Washington, six hours behind, that timing corresponded to roughly 3:45 P.M. on Sept. 11 until 4:30 A.M., Sept. 12, with Americans killed during the first eight hours of this terrible span. When mortar fire killed Doherty and Woods, about 5:15 A.M. in Libya, it was about 11:15 P.M., Sept. 11, in Washington. In other words, on the White House clock, the assault in Benghazi began mid-afternoon, Washington time, and went on for the rest of the afternoon and the entire evening. It was close to midnight, Washington time, when the mortar onslaught killed Woods, who was based in Benghazi, and Doherty, who had flown in that night from Tripoli as part of a small rescue squad. They died as part of a small group of warriors defending the other Americans under attack.

13 Hours in Benghazi and the Still-Missing White House Timeline

The Fox News story was two year old when the Senate published it's findings.

The intelligence community was telling us there was evidence that Saddam had not restarted his WMD Program as well. President Bush ignored that part.

The mortar attack happened when American forces made their way to and arrived at the CIA annex from the airport.
I guess, Clinton, Kerry, Biden, Daschle, Feinstein, Schummer, Dodd, Liebernan and Harry Reid ignored everything when they voted to authorize war against Iraq.....huh?

That authorized Bush to decide to use military force based on two criteria. One, if Iraq participated in 9-11. Two, the threat posed by Iraq. Neither of which were satisfied. Furthermore, the majority of Democrats in Congress voted against that AUMF.

From your source. "A CIA team left for the consulate at 10:04 p.m"

Confirmed by the Senate Report. They arrived about 10:10 and drove the attackers away and started searching for survivors. after 13 hours they were on their way out of Benghazi.

Interesting that there are MULTIPLE CONFLICTING TIME LINES for our INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY, isn't it?

Just as interesting as our Intelligence Community telling us there are Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq.

Who runs this country? Our elected Officials, or Our Intelligence Community?

You do realize that we are 6 full hours behind Libya....right? I mean you have to know that, to even be discussing this issue, would you not agree?

Maybe this is why you are so easily confused by the multiple different versions of timelines out there. You'd think The Obama Administration would work harder to coordinate their story, right?

Benghazi in that season was six hours ahead of Washington. The attacks began about 9:45 P.M. in Benghazi, and went on intermittently all night, with the deadly mortar assault coming at about 5:15 A.M. It took another five hours, and then some, before the last of the survivors, assembled at the airport, along with the bodies of the four dead Americans, were flown out of Benghazi -- not by American forces, but aboard a Libyan C-130 military cargo plane. Thus the roughly 13 hours referred to in the title of the movie, from approximately 9:45 PM on the evening of Sept. 11, until about 10:30 A.M on the morning of Sept. 12.

In Washington, six hours behind, that timing corresponded to roughly 3:45 P.M. on Sept. 11 until 4:30 A.M., Sept. 12, with Americans killed during the first eight hours of this terrible span. When mortar fire killed Doherty and Woods, about 5:15 A.M. in Libya, it was about 11:15 P.M., Sept. 11, in Washington. In other words, on the White House clock, the assault in Benghazi began mid-afternoon, Washington time, and went on for the rest of the afternoon and the entire evening. It was close to midnight, Washington time, when the mortar onslaught killed Woods, who was based in Benghazi, and Doherty, who had flown in that night from Tripoli as part of a small rescue squad. They died as part of a small group of warriors defending the other Americans under attack.

13 Hours in Benghazi and the Still-Missing White House Timeline

The Fox News story was two year old when the Senate published it's findings.

The intelligence community was telling us there was evidence that Saddam had not restarted his WMD Program as well. President Bush ignored that part.

The mortar attack happened when American forces made their way to and arrived at the CIA annex from the airport.
I guess, Clinton, Kerry, Biden, Daschle, Feinstein, Schummer, Dodd, Liebernan and Harry Reid ignored everything when they voted to authorize war against Iraq.....huh?

That authorized Bush to decide to use military force based on two criteria. One, if Iraq participated in 9-11. Two, the threat posed by Iraq. Neither of which were satisfied. Furthermore, the majority of Democrats in Congress voted against that AUMF.

Your Leadership voted for it. The Underlings many of whom were freshly elected did not.
But your entrenched Dem Establishment all voted for it.

29 out of 50 Dem Senators voted for it. 58%

From your source. "A CIA team left for the consulate at 10:04 p.m"

Confirmed by the Senate Report. They arrived about 10:10 and drove the attackers away and started searching for survivors. after 13 hours they were on their way out of Benghazi.

Interesting that there are MULTIPLE CONFLICTING TIME LINES for our INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY, isn't it?

Just as interesting as our Intelligence Community telling us there are Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq.

Who runs this country? Our elected Officials, or Our Intelligence Community?

You do realize that we are 6 full hours behind Libya....right? I mean you have to know that, to even be discussing this issue, would you not agree?

Maybe this is why you are so easily confused by the multiple different versions of timelines out there. You'd think The Obama Administration would work harder to coordinate their story, right?

Benghazi in that season was six hours ahead of Washington. The attacks began about 9:45 P.M. in Benghazi, and went on intermittently all night, with the deadly mortar assault coming at about 5:15 A.M. It took another five hours, and then some, before the last of the survivors, assembled at the airport, along with the bodies of the four dead Americans, were flown out of Benghazi -- not by American forces, but aboard a Libyan C-130 military cargo plane. Thus the roughly 13 hours referred to in the title of the movie, from approximately 9:45 PM on the evening of Sept. 11, until about 10:30 A.M on the morning of Sept. 12.

In Washington, six hours behind, that timing corresponded to roughly 3:45 P.M. on Sept. 11 until 4:30 A.M., Sept. 12, with Americans killed during the first eight hours of this terrible span. When mortar fire killed Doherty and Woods, about 5:15 A.M. in Libya, it was about 11:15 P.M., Sept. 11, in Washington. In other words, on the White House clock, the assault in Benghazi began mid-afternoon, Washington time, and went on for the rest of the afternoon and the entire evening. It was close to midnight, Washington time, when the mortar onslaught killed Woods, who was based in Benghazi, and Doherty, who had flown in that night from Tripoli as part of a small rescue squad. They died as part of a small group of warriors defending the other Americans under attack.

13 Hours in Benghazi and the Still-Missing White House Timeline

The Fox News story was two year old when the Senate published it's findings.

The intelligence community was telling us there was evidence that Saddam had not restarted his WMD Program as well. President Bush ignored that part.

The mortar attack happened when American forces made their way to and arrived at the CIA annex from the airport.
I guess, Clinton, Kerry, Biden, Daschle, Feinstein, Schummer, Dodd, Liebernan and Harry Reid ignored everything when they voted to authorize war against Iraq.....huh?

That authorized Bush to decide to use military force based on two criteria. One, if Iraq participated in 9-11. Two, the threat posed by Iraq. Neither of which were satisfied. Furthermore, the majority of Democrats in Congress voted against that AUMF.

Your Leadership voted for it. The Underlings many of whom were freshly elected did not.
But your entrenched Dem Establishment all voted for it.

29 out of 50 Dem Senators voted for it. 58%


So? Bush never met the criteria and Congress didn't give an airborne rodents behind.
Interesting that there are MULTIPLE CONFLICTING TIME LINES for our INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY, isn't it?

Just as interesting as our Intelligence Community telling us there are Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq.

Who runs this country? Our elected Officials, or Our Intelligence Community?

You do realize that we are 6 full hours behind Libya....right? I mean you have to know that, to even be discussing this issue, would you not agree?

Maybe this is why you are so easily confused by the multiple different versions of timelines out there. You'd think The Obama Administration would work harder to coordinate their story, right?

Benghazi in that season was six hours ahead of Washington. The attacks began about 9:45 P.M. in Benghazi, and went on intermittently all night, with the deadly mortar assault coming at about 5:15 A.M. It took another five hours, and then some, before the last of the survivors, assembled at the airport, along with the bodies of the four dead Americans, were flown out of Benghazi -- not by American forces, but aboard a Libyan C-130 military cargo plane. Thus the roughly 13 hours referred to in the title of the movie, from approximately 9:45 PM on the evening of Sept. 11, until about 10:30 A.M on the morning of Sept. 12.

In Washington, six hours behind, that timing corresponded to roughly 3:45 P.M. on Sept. 11 until 4:30 A.M., Sept. 12, with Americans killed during the first eight hours of this terrible span. When mortar fire killed Doherty and Woods, about 5:15 A.M. in Libya, it was about 11:15 P.M., Sept. 11, in Washington. In other words, on the White House clock, the assault in Benghazi began mid-afternoon, Washington time, and went on for the rest of the afternoon and the entire evening. It was close to midnight, Washington time, when the mortar onslaught killed Woods, who was based in Benghazi, and Doherty, who had flown in that night from Tripoli as part of a small rescue squad. They died as part of a small group of warriors defending the other Americans under attack.

13 Hours in Benghazi and the Still-Missing White House Timeline

The Fox News story was two year old when the Senate published it's findings.

The intelligence community was telling us there was evidence that Saddam had not restarted his WMD Program as well. President Bush ignored that part.

The mortar attack happened when American forces made their way to and arrived at the CIA annex from the airport.
I guess, Clinton, Kerry, Biden, Daschle, Feinstein, Schummer, Dodd, Liebernan and Harry Reid ignored everything when they voted to authorize war against Iraq.....huh?

That authorized Bush to decide to use military force based on two criteria. One, if Iraq participated in 9-11. Two, the threat posed by Iraq. Neither of which were satisfied. Furthermore, the majority of Democrats in Congress voted against that AUMF.

Your Leadership voted for it. The Underlings many of whom were freshly elected did not.
But your entrenched Dem Establishment all voted for it.

29 out of 50 Dem Senators voted for it. 58%


So? Bush never met the criteria and Congress didn't give an airborne rodents behind.

To quote Hillary Clinton when she addressed Wall Street in a speech after saying she would go to War with Iran, Syria and Russia to get rid of Assad...

"War should be looked at as an Investment Opportunity"
Hillary Clinton

Plain English: "Dead Soldiers For Dollars"

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