Breaking: Sydney Powell and Chesebro Ratting

O.C.G.A. 16-4-8 & 16-9-93( a)

O.C.G.A.§§ 16-4-8& 16-9-93( b)

O.C.G.A. 16-4-8& 16-9-93( c)

You're welcome.
The law doesn't describe anything they did.​
(1) Taking or appropriating any property of another, whether or not with the intention of depriving the owner of possession;
(2) Obtaining property by any deceitful means or artful practice; or
(3) Converting property to such person's use in violation of an agreement or other known legal obligation to make a specified application or disposition of such property
If you take legal advice from a lawyer



And attorney client privilege does not apply in the commission of a crime
Wrong. I see lawyers giving out legal advice on television all the time.
Free speech.
Yep. You keep saying that because that is what your media masters told you to say.

They know you won't do any research and when shown your error you will just type out "free speech" like an idiot.

Sucks to be you, simp.
Yep. You keep saying that because that is what your media masters told you to say.

They know you won't do any research and when shown your error you will just type out "free speech" like an idiot.

Sucks to be you, simp.
All you've done is spit the indictment at me. That proves absolutely nothing. The judge has already thrown out the RICO charge.
Wrong. I see lawyers giving out legal advice on television all the time.
Assuming thee was no criminal behavior or conspiracy involved, a face to face meeting with a lawyer would be protected by lawyer client privilege… taking advice from some Fox asshole on TV would.not

The first would be YOUR LAWYER… the second not
Assuming thee was no criminal behavior or conspiracy involved, a face to face meeting with a lawyer would be protected by lawyer client privilege… taking advice from some Fox asshole on TV would.not

The first would be YOUR LAWYER… the second not
I know. Subsequently I am shocked at how you can ignore it's contents and continue to lie.

The indictments prove nothing? Lol.

Your desperation is palpable.
Yes, and indictment is proof of nothing. It's an accusation, and nothing more.
Assuming thee was no criminal behavior or conspiracy involved, a face to face meeting with a lawyer would be protected by lawyer client privilege… taking advice from some Fox asshole on TV would.not

The first would be YOUR LAWYER… the second not
When did Trump have a face-to-face with Powell?
When did Trump have a face-to-face with Powell?

Dec 18 2020

Michael Cohen might be one of the few people with less credibility than you.
Trump's having invested so much trust in Cohen concerning the most sensitive of Trump's sordid hijinks for so many years is a testament to Trump's ability to choose "the best people" as he has brayed.
The walls and vise keep on tightening viciously on Trump's neck.

2 key people, high ups who know exactly where all the bodies are buried, are set to testify and rat against Trump.
Sydney Powell and Kenneth Chesebro, 2 VIPs in Trump's criminal cabal. These 2 big time criminals were key figures in Trump's crimes, and they know everything, their testimony is set to bury Trump. Most likely other rats will follow suit and rat against Trump as well, because these people are facing real prison time for their crimes and they are not prepares to do time at all.
Broke Rudy Giuliani is next to rat.
Worse yet Trump is facing a Federal stolen documents case and a separate Federal election interference case.
Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. We are a nation of laws and nobody is above the law.

Most importantly, it requires that he [Chesebro] turn over any evidence in his possession and truthfully testify at all hearings and trials involving the case’s co-defendants, including Trump.

Attorney Sidney Powell, who was also set to stand trial beginning on Friday, accepted a plea deal on Thursday, potentially pressuring Chesebro into doing the same.

Honest prosecutors offer simply plea deals. What the DOJ, FBI, and leftie courts are doing goes beyond the norm.
Well, this scenario is far from "normal". Maybe because this Country has never seen a gangster criminal lowlife scumbag sociopath like Trump elected to high office. We've seen it abroad with numerous demagogue dictators. There's a few that come to mind, some still in power who Trump glorifies because he's just like them. Which is why that no good mother****** is headed to prison.

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