Breaking: Thousands Of Angry War Protesters Take To Their Beds And Sleep In !

LOL. Once again, if Putin is not in the news to support against America, then support ISIS. What wonderful patriots you 'Conservatives' are.
You're asking the wrong question. There were never any anti-war protests during the Bush term, they were anti-Bush protests. Once Bush left office, there was no longer a need for protests, hence the absolute lack of mass protests against Obama declaring war on Libya and Syria.

Liberals lie. That's all you need to know to understand them. IF those Bush-era protests were really about being opposed to war, then the street would be erupting with protests during warmonger Obama's term.
Another asshole that loved the man, Khadafi, with American blood on his hands. Khadafi well deserved what he got. That the Libyans cannot take advantage of the chance for a real government is their problem, not ours.
CODE PINK has been quiet, their website proclaims they're against bombing, but they're not in the streets.

Obama: Don't Bomb Syria or Iraq!
President Obama has been conducting airstrikes in Iraq and even has over 1,000 pairs of boots on the ground, and now he is threatening to begin airstrikes in Syria–– all without Congressional approval. US military intervention in the region has historically been counterproductive. Tell President Obama: Don’t bomb Syria or Iraq!

CODEPINK Take Action Now
You're asking the wrong question. There were never any anti-war protests during the Bush term, they were anti-Bush protests. Once Bush left office, there was no longer a need for protests, hence the absolute lack of mass protests against Obama declaring war on Libya and Syria.

Liberals lie. That's all you need to know to understand them. IF those Bush-era protests were really about being opposed to war, then the street would be erupting with protests during warmonger Obama's term.

No surprise.......but then again, people on the left to not possess any core principles.
With this sleep-in, with any luck, we wont be seeing DOTCOM or NUDDLY for a time!!! Id be happy to send to the Nyquil fund if necessary!!!:up: Any time you can take these crazies out of commission, you are automatically reducing the chances for a mass shooting incident to take place.
Ahh, here's a handful of them. Of course San Francisco.

Anti-war protesters take to S.F. streets to condemn U.S. bombing

A loud but peaceful group of protesters descended on downtown San Francisco on Wednesday evening to voice their opposition to recent air strikes in Iraq and Syria.
The group, which numbered above 50 at its peak, gathered for about an hour near the corner of Powell and Market streets around 5:30 p.m., with people making speeches calling for an end to the bombing and groups chanting against U.S. military involvement in the Middle East.
“We’re here to call out the hypocrisy of the U.S. government dropping bombs on people to bring about peace,” said Frank Lara, of the ANSWER Coalition, one of the groups that organized the demonstration. “It’s important for people to know that we in the U.S. are against this war.”
Speakers came to the microphone blasting the Obama administration for what they called the most recent in a long string of unnecessary and costly military interventions in a region halfway around the world.
“Millions upon millions upon millions of dollars are being spent to kill people in countries that have never done anything to us,” said Nathalie Hrizi, a public school teacher who brought her young son Adam to the protest.
“Money for jobs and education,” she chanted.
“Not for war and occupation,” the enthusiastic crowd chanted back.
Many in attendance seemed sick of what they called a string of miscalculations the U.S. has made in the Middle East, some of which they said helped create the Islamic State, the Nusra Front and the Khorasan Group, the stated targets of the recent air strikes.
“I’m just tired of the government making the same stupid mistakes over and over again that only hurt us,” said Mike Baldwin, a 59-year-old retiree. “To keep doing the same things that got us into this mess is ridiculous.”
Throughout the protest speakers implored tourists and businesspeople, many on their way home from work or lining up next to the cable car turnaround just a few feet away to join the protest.
“We chose this location because we want to reach the working people,” Lara said. “This affects everybody.”
How many passersby actually joined in was unclear, but organizers promised that the demonstration would not be a one-time-only demonstration. A public meeting was scheduled for Friday night at the ANSWER Coalition headquarters in San Francisco.
Anti-war protesters take to S.F. streets to condemn U.S. bombing - SFGate

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