Breaking - Thug Fight: 9 Dead in Waco, TX

white on white crime is off the charts in Waco.......
We aren't tallkig about a hundred years ago you moron, We're talking about TODAY'S definition of liberal (basically anyone on the left) and plenty of them are racists.
No stupid. A true liberal is not racist. The very definition of a liberal is someone that believes in equality. A dictionary may be helpful to you on this simple concept. Of course there are some racists in the Dem party but dont confuse them with liberals. Those are 2 totally different terms.

Modern conservatives are Liberals......the entire democrat party is racist....groups that make up the democrat party...La Raza....hispanic racists.....jesse jackson, al sharpton, jeremiah wright, barak well as the Southern Poverty law center, and the congressional black caucus, and then you have the white racists, the clintons, the gores....but they believe in enslaving everyone, not just blacks.......
You do realize you just called conservatives liberals right? Are you really that confused? Please try another cogent argument. This present ne is failing.

Look up the classical definition of a liberal.....and you will describe a modern American Conservative....progressives....tried to hide their true nature by taking over the name "liberal" when in reality they are socialists/fascists.....and don't believe in actual "liberalism"....but since they took the name "liberal" to hide their true nature...they get addressed that way....until they change their name to hide that liberal is considered a bad word....

Trying to keep track of lying, statist thugs is hard work.....they keep lying and changing their name to hide their intentions...
I already know that liberal means someone that wants equality. Evidently you didnt know that or you wouldnt have called conservatives liberals. Its ok you got confused. Dont make it worse by getting more tangled up in your error.

The Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence are "liberal" documents....and are supported by the modern American Conservatives....who want to conserve the principals in those documents moron......
Update: At least 4 bikers killed by police. More feral white savages on their way to Waco to engage in a war aganst police.

Where is the Natonal Guard?
How many buildings and stores have been looted and/or destroyed.....................hmmm

You are calling Whites thugs and savages.................Are you Racist.............Are you a Biggot...............

remember................thug is the same as saying you recall that..............

Be careful I'll post that picture up
Show me where I said thug = ****** you racist son of a bitch. Typical teaper...trying to attribute an argument I never made. What a scumbag. Go kill a n1gger and start your race war...pussy. Stupid fucking teaper... always condoning white savages by pointing at black people. Sickening, unAmerican pussy teaper.

Hmmm. Why would Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman.admit to such a frabrication? - GOP We were wrong to play racial politics

"Mehlman's apology to the NAACP at the group's convention in Milwaukee marked the first time a top Republican Party leader has denounced the so-called Southern Strategy employed by Richard Nixon and other Republicans to peel away white voters in what was then the heavily Democratic South. Beginning in the mid-1960s, Republicans encouraged disaffected Southern white voters to vote Republican by blaming pro-civil rights Democrats for racial unrest and other racial problems."
That the parties switched sides on race is the biggest magic trick/lie...that the democrats ever managed....

Every body knows that the racist deep south goes Democrat regularly because its full of liberals...yup sure enough...LOL

go lay down until it passes dude....

Oh look another far left drone that believes that racism is only white that do not like blacks. I guess Chris Mathews taught you that one..

Oh wait this far left drone is running for top posting drone of the month again..
white on white crime is off the charts in Waco.......
No stupid. A true liberal is not racist. The very definition of a liberal is someone that believes in equality. A dictionary may be helpful to you on this simple concept. Of course there are some racists in the Dem party but dont confuse them with liberals. Those are 2 totally different terms.

Modern conservatives are Liberals......the entire democrat party is racist....groups that make up the democrat party...La Raza....hispanic racists.....jesse jackson, al sharpton, jeremiah wright, barak well as the Southern Poverty law center, and the congressional black caucus, and then you have the white racists, the clintons, the gores....but they believe in enslaving everyone, not just blacks.......
You do realize you just called conservatives liberals right? Are you really that confused? Please try another cogent argument. This present ne is failing.

Look up the classical definition of a liberal.....and you will describe a modern American Conservative....progressives....tried to hide their true nature by taking over the name "liberal" when in reality they are socialists/fascists.....and don't believe in actual "liberalism"....but since they took the name "liberal" to hide their true nature...they get addressed that way....until they change their name to hide that liberal is considered a bad word....

Trying to keep track of lying, statist thugs is hard work.....they keep lying and changing their name to hide their intentions...
I already know that liberal means someone that wants equality. Evidently you didnt know that or you wouldnt have called conservatives liberals. Its ok you got confused. Dont make it worse by getting more tangled up in your error.

The Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence are "liberal" documents....and are supported by the modern American Conservatives....who want to conserve the principals in those documents moron......
Nice try but you are just making your flub worse. :itsok:

Hmmm. Why would Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman.admit to such a frabrication? - GOP We were wrong to play racial politics

"Mehlman's apology to the NAACP at the group's convention in Milwaukee marked the first time a top Republican Party leader has denounced the so-called Southern Strategy employed by Richard Nixon and other Republicans to peel away white voters in what was then the heavily Democratic South. Beginning in the mid-1960s, Republicans encouraged disaffected Southern white voters to vote Republican by blaming pro-civil rights Democrats for racial unrest and other racial problems."

Because he doesn't know what he is talking about and went to history classes in college run by liberal history professors.....

The Southern Strategy Debunked Again Power Line

Gerard Alexander began a thorough debunking of this theme in the Claremont Review of Books several years ago (“The Myth of the Racist Republicans“), and Sean Trende continues the job with a fine column today on RealClearPolitics, “Southern Whites’ Shift to GOP Predates the ’60s.” It’s worth reading the whole thing, but here’s a few highlights:

In truth, the white South began breaking away from the Democrats in the 1920s, as population centers began to develop in what was being called the “New South” . . .

But the big breakthrough, to the extent that there was one, came in 1952. Dwight Eisenhower won 48 percent of the vote there, compared to Adlai Stevenson’s 52 percent. He carried most of the “peripheral South” — Virginia, Tennessee, Texas and Florida — and made inroads in the “Deep South,” almost carrying South Carolina and losing North Carolina and Louisiana by single digits.

Even in what we might call the “Deepest South” — Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi — Eisenhower kept Stevenson under 70 percent, which might not seem like much until you realize that Tom Dewey got 18 percent in Georgia against FDR in 1944, and that this had been an improvement over Herbert Hoover’s 8 percent in 1932.

In 1956, Eisenhower became the first Republican since Reconstruction to win a plurality of the vote in the South, 49.8 percent to 48.9 percent. He once again carried the peripheral South, but also took Louisiana with 53 percent of the vote. He won nearly 40 percent of the vote in Alabama. This is all the more jarring when you realize that the Brown v. Board decision was handed down in the interim, that the administration had appointed the chief justice who wrote the decision, and that the administration had opposed the school board.

Nor can we simply write this off to Eisenhower’s celebrity. The GOP was slowly improving its showings at the congressional level as well. It won a special election to a House seat in west Texas in 1950, and began winning urban congressional districts in Texas, North Carolina, Florida and Virginia with regularity beginning in 1952.

It’s worth going back and re-reading Alexander’s dissection of the academic scholarship on this subject, and especially the conclusion:

The point of all this is not to deny that Richard Nixon may have invited some nasty fellows into his political bed. The point is that the GOP finally became the region’s dominant party in the least racist phase of the South’s entire history, and it got that way by attracting most of its votes from the region’s growing and confident communities—not its declining and fearful ones. The myth’s shrillest proponents are as reluctant to admit this as they are to concede that most Republicans genuinely believe that a color-blind society lies down the road of individual choice and dynamic change, not down the road of state regulation and unequal treatment before the law. The truly tenacious prejudices here are the mythmakers’.
The Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence are "liberal" documents....and are supported by the modern American Conservatives....who want to conserve the principals in those documents moron......
Hey "perfessor" I think you meant to say "principles"....principals you see run schools....
Update: At least 4 bikers killed by police. More feral white savages on their way to Waco to engage in a war aganst police.

Where is the Natonal Guard?
How many buildings and stores have been looted and/or destroyed.....................hmmm

You are calling Whites thugs and savages.................Are you Racist.............Are you a Biggot...............

remember................thug is the same as saying you recall that..............

Be careful I'll post that picture up
Show me where I said thug = ****** you racist son of a bitch. Typical teaper...trying to attribute an argument I never made. What a scumbag. Go kill a n1gger and start your race war...pussy. Stupid fucking teaper... always condoning white savages by pointing at black people. Sickening, unAmerican pussy teaper.
Blow me................It's called payback, KARMA..............choose your poison......................

You see I have no problem calling these turkeys thugs...........scum bags...........and the like.................

But when we say the same and this were a black incident you'd be calling me a Racist again as always..........

Put that KARMA in your pipe and smoke it...............
Nice try fool. Google the Southern Strategy. Racists by very nature are conservative. When you are conservative you are fearful of change. Google that as well.:laugh:

And that is the far left mantra to try and separate themselves from a past they wish to deny.
So why did republicans admit to this mantra? Was it some sort of trick?

See how the far left when confronted with reality acts!

This why the far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet.
You didnt answer my question. Why did the Republicans admit to the far left mantra of the Southern Strategy if it was not true? I'm waiting on your answer to that very important question.

They didn't admit to the "Southern Strategy" ....and it wasn't true......the old racist south voted democrat, and the new non racist south voted Republican......

That the parties switched sides on race is the biggest magic trick/lie...that the democrats ever managed....

It's simple history. The conservative South wasn't happy with the DP for a century, and frequently broke with it and/or disrupted it (see elections of 1860, 1924, 1928, 1948, 1968, 1972) but associating with the Party of Lincoln, the guy who had defeated and humiliated it, was unthinkable, until Strom Thurmond did the unthinkable and bolted (1964) followed by the rest of his racist ilk right down to David Duke.

It's the same one-party-state South; just aligned with a different party. Though it would be inaccurate to say the parties "switched sides on race" since neither party had or has a firm and fast position on it. But the racists in the South lived in DP-land for a century after the Civil War, and then in RP-land after the CRA.

Hmmm. Why would Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman.admit to such a frabrication? - GOP We were wrong to play racial politics

"Mehlman's apology to the NAACP at the group's convention in Milwaukee marked the first time a top Republican Party leader has denounced the so-called Southern Strategy employed by Richard Nixon and other Republicans to peel away white voters in what was then the heavily Democratic South. Beginning in the mid-1960s, Republicans encouraged disaffected Southern white voters to vote Republican by blaming pro-civil rights Democrats for racial unrest and other racial problems."

Because he doesn't know what he is talking about and went to history classes in college run by liberal history professors.....

The Southern Strategy Debunked Again Power Line
I see. So you admit the chairman of the GOP is a retard?
The Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence are "liberal" documents....and are supported by the modern American Conservatives....who want to conserve the principals in those documents moron......

One wonders why the GOP base in concentrated in the former Confederate States....

Hmmm. Why would Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman.admit to such a frabrication? - GOP We were wrong to play racial politics

"Mehlman's apology to the NAACP at the group's convention in Milwaukee marked the first time a top Republican Party leader has denounced the so-called Southern Strategy employed by Richard Nixon and other Republicans to peel away white voters in what was then the heavily Democratic South. Beginning in the mid-1960s, Republicans encouraged disaffected Southern white voters to vote Republican by blaming pro-civil rights Democrats for racial unrest and other racial problems."

This is why the republicans lose the Presidential election...they have morons like this working for them.....
Update: At least 4 bikers killed by police. More feral white savages on their way to Waco to engage in a war aganst police.

Where is the Natonal Guard?
How many buildings and stores have been looted and/or destroyed.....................hmmm

You are calling Whites thugs and savages.................Are you Racist.............Are you a Biggot...............

remember................thug is the same as saying you recall that..............

Be careful I'll post that picture up
Show me where I said thug = ****** you racist son of a bitch. Typical teaper...trying to attribute an argument I never made. What a scumbag. Go kill a n1gger and start your race war...pussy. Stupid fucking teaper... always condoning white savages by pointing at black people. Sickening, unAmerican pussy teaper.
Blow me................It's called payback, KARMA..............choose your poison......................

You see I have no problem calling these turkeys thugs...........scum bags...........and the like.................

But when we say the same and this were a black incident you'd be calling me a Racist again as always..........

Put that KARMA in your pipe and smoke it...............
No...I could care less what you call black thugs. You must be confusing me with your imaginary nemesis, you racist teaper idiot.
Where are the pillars of the white community to speak against this? I haven't heard them on my sources of news so it's obvious that this is acceptable in white culture. Violence and meth.


Hmmm. Why would Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman.admit to such a frabrication? - GOP We were wrong to play racial politics

"Mehlman's apology to the NAACP at the group's convention in Milwaukee marked the first time a top Republican Party leader has denounced the so-called Southern Strategy employed by Richard Nixon and other Republicans to peel away white voters in what was then the heavily Democratic South. Beginning in the mid-1960s, Republicans encouraged disaffected Southern white voters to vote Republican by blaming pro-civil rights Democrats for racial unrest and other racial problems."

Because he doesn't know what he is talking about and went to history classes in college run by liberal history professors.....

The Southern Strategy Debunked Again Power Line
I see. So you admit the chairman of the GOP is a retard?

Yeah....he was Michael steele when he was in charge...the republicans have had some of the worst leadership...they gave us Dole, McCain and Romney.....

Hmmm. Why would Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman.admit to such a frabrication? - GOP We were wrong to play racial politics

"Mehlman's apology to the NAACP at the group's convention in Milwaukee marked the first time a top Republican Party leader has denounced the so-called Southern Strategy employed by Richard Nixon and other Republicans to peel away white voters in what was then the heavily Democratic South. Beginning in the mid-1960s, Republicans encouraged disaffected Southern white voters to vote Republican by blaming pro-civil rights Democrats for racial unrest and other racial problems."

Because he doesn't know what he is talking about and went to history classes in college run by liberal history professors.....

The Southern Strategy Debunked Again Power Line
I see. So you admit the chairman of the GOP is a retard?

When did Harry Reid, Joe Biden or Obama become the chairman of the GOP?

Hmmm. Why would Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman.admit to such a frabrication? - GOP We were wrong to play racial politics

"Mehlman's apology to the NAACP at the group's convention in Milwaukee marked the first time a top Republican Party leader has denounced the so-called Southern Strategy employed by Richard Nixon and other Republicans to peel away white voters in what was then the heavily Democratic South. Beginning in the mid-1960s, Republicans encouraged disaffected Southern white voters to vote Republican by blaming pro-civil rights Democrats for racial unrest and other racial problems."

This is why the republicans lose the Presidential election...they have morons like this working for them.....
They have a plethora of morons in the republican party I agree.
Where are the pillars of the white community to speak against this? I haven't heard them on my sources of news so it's obvious that this is acceptable in white culture. Violence and meth.

why can't they get jobs instead of riding around in motorcycles....
Where are the pillars of the white community to speak against this? I haven't heard them on my sources of news so it's obvious that this is acceptable in white culture. Violence and meth.

savages...meth is ok...but damn if a blackie smokes pot!

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