Breaking - Thug Fight: 9 Dead in Waco, TX

Racists are by definition conservatives. Always have been. Lincoln, in his day, was the Liberal.
Don't know a whole lot about history, do ya?

/still offtopic. No one knows why.

Shut up you partisan dipshit, there are plenty of racists who are liberals because guess what, one doesn't have anything to do with the other.

PS - Lincoln didn't give one damn about blacks, if he could have saved the union by allowing slavery , he would have.

Seeing as how the essence of Liberalism is embodied in the phrase "all men are created equal", it's impossible to be Liberal and racist at the same time.

The Republican Party, having been formed largely over the issue of Abolition, were the Liberals of their time. The DP were the conservatives. That's just the way it was. You don't like it? Go rewrite history.

What's more this isn't your errant point anyway, so get bent.

We aren't tallkig about a hundred years ago you moron, We're talking about TODAY'S definition of liberal (basically anyone on the left) and plenty of them are racists.
No stupid. A true liberal is not racist. The very definition of a liberal is someone that believes in equality. A dictionary may be helpful to you on this simple concept. Of course there are some racists in the Dem party but dont confuse them with liberals. Those are 2 totally different terms.

Modern conservatives are Liberals......the entire democrat party is racist....groups that make up the democrat party...La Raza....hispanic racists.....jesse jackson, al sharpton, jeremiah wright, barak well as the Southern Poverty law center, and the congressional black caucus, and then you have the white racists, the clintons, the gores....but they believe in enslaving everyone, not just blacks.......
You do realize you just called conservatives liberals right? Are you really that confused? Please try another cogent argument. This present one is failing.

Nope, same Democrats... Google Yellow Dog Democrats and you'll see they're not Republicans.

Maybe they stopped calling themselves conservative because they were so liberal about hanging blacks.:badgrin:
Nice try fool. Google the Southern Strategy. Racists by very nature are conservative. When you are conservative you are fearful of change. Google that as well.:laugh:

And that is the far left mantra to try and separate themselves from a past they wish to deny.
So why did republicans admit to this mantra? Was it some sort of trick?

See how the far left when confronted with reality acts!

This why the far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet.
Modern conservatives are Liberals......the entire democrat party is racist....groups that make up the democrat party...La Raza....hispanic racists.....jesse jackson, al sharpton, jeremiah wright, barak well as the Southern Poverty law center, and the congressional black caucus, and then you have the white racists, the clintons, the gores....but they believe in enslaving everyone, not just blacks.......
You are struggling............
Update: At least 4 bikers killed by police. More feral white savages on their way to Waco to engage in a war aganst police.

Where is the Natonal Guard?
Democrats are primarily liberal you dummy. :laugh:
No shit, Sherlock, you just made my point for me. Calling them conservatives doesn't MAKE them conservatives but the racists are always Democrats. Thanks, moron. :lol:
Who enforced Jim Crow laws, Conservatives or Liberals?

I already know you will fail this again.
Well, since your butt buddy Asswipias just stated that most Democrats are liberals, and since all racist laws were passed, signed, and enforced by Democrats, I would say that they were probably liberals. The same liberals who enslaved the same black people to welfare in order to keep them on the plantation after their racist laws were struck down by conservative Republicans. If you two were smart enough to recognize that you wouldn't still be on the plantation. But then again, maybe you would, because your laziness would probably trump any ambition you might have had.
So, the KKK was a Liberal group?

Like I said, you're a retard.

No, the kkk was a democrat group....

No, it was not. It was a vigilante insurgent group, and then in its second incarnation, an American Taliban. It was never a political group per se. Simmons tried to sell it as a "social club", though obviously it wasn't as benign as that.

When Simmons hired PR people to spread it around, then it got into dabbling in politics (1920s) and got governors and Senators elected in Colorado and Indiana as well as the Anaheim city council --- all of whom were Republicans. Now why would a "Democrat group" be electing Republicans over Democrats?

Nope, same Democrats... Google Yellow Dog Democrats and you'll see they're not Republicans.

Maybe they stopped calling themselves conservative because they were so liberal about hanging blacks.:badgrin:
Nice try fool. Google the Southern Strategy. Racists by very nature are conservative. When you are conservative you are fearful of change. Google that as well.:laugh:

And that is the far left mantra to try and separate themselves from a past they wish to deny.
So why did republicans admit to this mantra? Was it some sort of trick?

See how the far left when confronted with reality acts!

This why the far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet.
You didnt answer my question. Why did the Republicans admit to the far left mantra of the Southern Strategy if it was not true? I'm waiting on your answer to that very important question.

Nope, same Democrats... Google Yellow Dog Democrats and you'll see they're not Republicans.

Maybe they stopped calling themselves conservative because they were so liberal about hanging blacks.:badgrin:
Nice try fool. Google the Southern Strategy. Racists by very nature are conservative. When you are conservative you are fearful of change. Google that as well.:laugh:

No, you are conservatives before the civil war wanted to conserve owning black people as slaves....Republicans wanted to conserve the principals of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and Bill of Rights......both were trying to conserve something....but the democrats were trying to conserve slavery....and later they tried to keep their power with jim crow......

The change modern conservatives are afraid of.....change away from the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence.....modern democrats, they fear losing control over blacks, and the new democrats want control over the other races as well....
Thanks for admitting racists are conservative. That was a long winded way of doing it but you got there.

So by your definitions being posted here, that would make you a Conservative..

Glad you can admit in an open forum that you a racist Conservative..

Congratulations for coming out of the closet..
white on white crime is off the charts in Waco.......
Shut up you partisan dipshit, there are plenty of racists who are liberals because guess what, one doesn't have anything to do with the other.

PS - Lincoln didn't give one damn about blacks, if he could have saved the union by allowing slavery , he would have.

Seeing as how the essence of Liberalism is embodied in the phrase "all men are created equal", it's impossible to be Liberal and racist at the same time.

The Republican Party, having been formed largely over the issue of Abolition, were the Liberals of their time. The DP were the conservatives. That's just the way it was. You don't like it? Go rewrite history.

What's more this isn't your errant point anyway, so get bent.

We aren't tallkig about a hundred years ago you moron, We're talking about TODAY'S definition of liberal (basically anyone on the left) and plenty of them are racists.
No stupid. A true liberal is not racist. The very definition of a liberal is someone that believes in equality. A dictionary may be helpful to you on this simple concept. Of course there are some racists in the Dem party but dont confuse them with liberals. Those are 2 totally different terms.

Modern conservatives are Liberals......the entire democrat party is racist....groups that make up the democrat party...La Raza....hispanic racists.....jesse jackson, al sharpton, jeremiah wright, barak well as the Southern Poverty law center, and the congressional black caucus, and then you have the white racists, the clintons, the gores....but they believe in enslaving everyone, not just blacks.......
You do realize you just called conservatives liberals right? Are you really that confused? Please try another cogent argument. This present ne is failing.

Look up the classical definition of a liberal.....and you will describe a modern American Conservative....progressives....tried to hide their true nature by taking over the name "liberal" when in reality they are socialists/fascists.....and don't believe in actual "liberalism"....but since they took the name "liberal" to hide their true nature...they get addressed that way....until they change their name to hide that liberal is considered a bad word....

Trying to keep track of lying, statist thugs is hard work.....they keep lying and changing their name to hide their intentions...
Update: At least 4 bikers killed by police. More feral white savages on their way to Waco to engage in a war aganst police.

Where is the Natonal Guard?
How many buildings and stores have been looted and/or destroyed.....................hmmm

You are calling Whites thugs and savages.................Are you Racist.............Are you a Biggot...............

remember................thug is the same as saying you recall that..............

Be careful I'll post that picture up
Now watch carefully how Law enforcement treats a lone suspect because there was a fist fight in the 'hood

Watch how organized Violent white hoodlums are treated...

View image on Twitter

Austin Statesman @statesman

See photos from the scene of a biker gang shooting at a Twin Peaks in Waco #TwinPeaksShooting

any questions ??

You fail to see the key difference.

It isn't about the color of the suspect's skin, nor is it even about the crime committed, it is about how the suspects react to the police once they get there. If the suspects cooperate, you go easier on them. If they fight and resist, you ratchet up, as a LEO you must ALWAYS have control of the scene. Blacks tend to fight more with cops at the scene, so blacks get treated rougher, it really is that simple.

Like the guy that got killed because he'd sold loosies in the past?

No....he resisted arrest and had really bad health.....had he just held out his hands and allowed himself to be cuffed the idiot would still be alive....
Why would you handcuff someone like that? Only a moron cop in the midst of a roid rage would do that.

70 percent of cops are morons with an attitude.
Shut up you partisan dipshit, there are plenty of racists who are liberals because guess what, one doesn't have anything to do with the other.

PS - Lincoln didn't give one damn about blacks, if he could have saved the union by allowing slavery , he would have.

Seeing as how the essence of Liberalism is embodied in the phrase "all men are created equal", it's impossible to be Liberal and racist at the same time.

The Republican Party, having been formed largely over the issue of Abolition, were the Liberals of their time. The DP were the conservatives. That's just the way it was. You don't like it? Go rewrite history.

What's more this isn't your errant point anyway, so get bent.

We aren't tallkig about a hundred years ago you moron, We're talking about TODAY'S definition of liberal (basically anyone on the left) and plenty of them are racists.
No stupid. A true liberal is not racist. The very definition of a liberal is someone that believes in equality. A dictionary may be helpful to you on this simple concept. Of course there are some racists in the Dem party but dont confuse them with liberals. Those are 2 totally different terms.

Modern conservatives are Liberals......the entire democrat party is racist....groups that make up the democrat party...La Raza....hispanic racists.....jesse jackson, al sharpton, jeremiah wright, barak well as the Southern Poverty law center, and the congressional black caucus, and then you have the white racists, the clintons, the gores....but they believe in enslaving everyone, not just blacks.......
You do realize you just called conservatives liberals right? Are you really that confused? Please try another cogent argument. This present one is failing.

No it is far left drones like you who are confused..

Conservative liberalism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Liberal conservatism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

There you go far left drone deny more facts and reality!

Nope, same Democrats... Google Yellow Dog Democrats and you'll see they're not Republicans.

Maybe they stopped calling themselves conservative because they were so liberal about hanging blacks.:badgrin:

Racists are by definition conservatives. Always have been. Lincoln, in his day, was the Liberal.
Don't know a whole lot about history, do ya?

/still offtopic. No one knows why.

Shut up you partisan dipshit, there are plenty of racists who are liberals because guess what, one doesn't have anything to do with the other.

PS - Lincoln didn't give one damn about blacks, if he could have saved the union by allowing slavery , he would have.

Seeing as how the essence of Liberalism is embodied in the phrase "all men are created equal", it's impossible to be Liberal and racist at the same time.

The Republican Party, having been formed largely over the issue of Abolition, were the Liberals of their time. The DP were the conservatives. That's just the way it was. You don't like it? Go rewrite history.

What's more this isn't your errant point anyway, so get bent.

We aren't tallkig about a hundred years ago you moron, We're talking about TODAY'S definition of liberal (basically anyone on the left) and plenty of them are racists.

Uh ..... no we're not, shit-for-brains, and if you bothered to read the background on exchanges that you weren't part of before you came butting in you'd know that by now, Dipshit.

Nope, same Democrats... Google Yellow Dog Democrats and you'll see they're not Republicans.

Maybe they stopped calling themselves conservative because they were so liberal about hanging blacks.:badgrin:
Nice try fool. Google the Southern Strategy. Racists by very nature are conservative. When you are conservative you are fearful of change. Google that as well.:laugh:

And that is the far left mantra to try and separate themselves from a past they wish to deny.
So why did republicans admit to this mantra? Was it some sort of trick?

See how the far left when confronted with reality acts!

This why the far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet.
You didnt answer my question. Why did the Republicans admit to the far left mantra of the Southern Strategy if it was not true? I'm waiting on your answer to that very important question.

They didn't admit to the "Southern Strategy" ....and it wasn't true......the old racist south voted democrat, and the new non racist south voted Republican......

That the parties switched sides on race is the biggest magic trick/lie...that the democrats ever managed....

Nope, same Democrats... Google Yellow Dog Democrats and you'll see they're not Republicans.

Maybe they stopped calling themselves conservative because they were so liberal about hanging blacks.:badgrin:
Nice try fool. Google the Southern Strategy. Racists by very nature are conservative. When you are conservative you are fearful of change. Google that as well.:laugh:

And that is the far left mantra to try and separate themselves from a past they wish to deny.
So why did republicans admit to this mantra? Was it some sort of trick?

See how the far left when confronted with reality acts!

This why the far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet.
You didnt answer my question. Why did the Republicans admit to the far left mantra of the Southern Strategy if it was not true? I'm waiting on your answer to that very important question.

And you ignored mine, but that is ok. It is part of the far left religious teachings/mantra..
white on white crime is off the charts in Waco.......
Seeing as how the essence of Liberalism is embodied in the phrase "all men are created equal", it's impossible to be Liberal and racist at the same time.

The Republican Party, having been formed largely over the issue of Abolition, were the Liberals of their time. The DP were the conservatives. That's just the way it was. You don't like it? Go rewrite history.

What's more this isn't your errant point anyway, so get bent.

We aren't tallkig about a hundred years ago you moron, We're talking about TODAY'S definition of liberal (basically anyone on the left) and plenty of them are racists.
No stupid. A true liberal is not racist. The very definition of a liberal is someone that believes in equality. A dictionary may be helpful to you on this simple concept. Of course there are some racists in the Dem party but dont confuse them with liberals. Those are 2 totally different terms.

Modern conservatives are Liberals......the entire democrat party is racist....groups that make up the democrat party...La Raza....hispanic racists.....jesse jackson, al sharpton, jeremiah wright, barak well as the Southern Poverty law center, and the congressional black caucus, and then you have the white racists, the clintons, the gores....but they believe in enslaving everyone, not just blacks.......
You do realize you just called conservatives liberals right? Are you really that confused? Please try another cogent argument. This present ne is failing.

Look up the classical definition of a liberal.....and you will describe a modern American Conservative....progressives....tried to hide their true nature by taking over the name "liberal" when in reality they are socialists/fascists.....and don't believe in actual "liberalism"....but since they took the name "liberal" to hide their true nature...they get addressed that way....until they change their name to hide that liberal is considered a bad word....

Trying to keep track of lying, statist thugs is hard work.....they keep lying and changing their name to hide their intentions...
I already know that liberal means someone that wants equality. Evidently you didnt know that or you wouldnt have called conservatives liberals. Its ok you got confused. Dont make it worse by getting more tangled up in your error.
On the Southern strategy...the greatest political lie ever told......

Nixon s Southern Strategy The Democrat-Lie Keeping Their Control Over the Black Community Black Quill and Ink

And here’s what I found, Nixon did not use a plan to appeal to racist white voters.

First, let’s look at the presidential candidates of 1968. Richard Nixon was the republican candidate; Hubert Humphrey was the democrat nominee; and George Wallace was a third party candidate.

Remember George Wallace? Wallace was the democrat governor of Alabama from 1963 until 1967. And it was Wallace that ordered the Eugene “Bull” Connor, and the police department, to attack Dr. Martin Luther King

Jr. and 2,500 protesters in Montgomery , Alabama in 1965. And it was Governor Wallace that ordered a blockade at the admissions office at the University of Alabama to prevent blacks from enrolling in 1963.

Governor Wallace was a true racist and a determined segregationist. And he ran as the nominee from the American Independent Party, which was he founded.

Richard Nixon wrote about the 1968 campaign in his book RN: the Memoirs of Richard Nixon originally published in 1978.

In his book, Nixon wrote this about campaigning in the south, “The deep south had to be virtually conceded to George Wallace. I could not match him there without compromising on civil rights, which I would not do.”

The media coverage of the 1968 presidential race also showed that Nixon was in favor of the Civil Rights and would not compromise on that issue. For example, in an article published in theWashington Post on September 15, 1968 headlined “Nixon Sped Integration, Wallace says” Wallace declared that Nixon agreed with Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren and played a role in ”the destruction of public school system.” Wallace pledged to restore the school system, in the same article, by giving it back to the states ”lock, stock, and barrel.”

This story, as well as Nixon’s memoirs and other news stories during that campaign, shows that Nixon was very clear about his position on civil rights. And if Nixon was used code words only racists could hear, evidently George Wallace couldn’t hear it.

Among the southern states, George Wallace won Arkansas , Mississippi , Alabama , Georgia and Louisiana . Nixon won North Carolina , South Carolina , Florida , Virginia , and Tennessee . Winning those states were part of Nixon’s plan.

“I would not concede the Carolina ‘s, Florida , or Virginia or the states around the rim of the south,”Nixon wrote. ”These states were a part of my plan.”

- See more at: Nixon s Southern Strategy The Democrat-Lie Keeping Their Control Over the Black Community Black Quill and Ink

Nope, same Democrats... Google Yellow Dog Democrats and you'll see they're not Republicans.

Maybe they stopped calling themselves conservative because they were so liberal about hanging blacks.:badgrin:
Nice try fool. Google the Southern Strategy. Racists by very nature are conservative. When you are conservative you are fearful of change. Google that as well.:laugh:

No, you are conservatives before the civil war wanted to conserve owning black people as slaves....Republicans wanted to conserve the principals of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and Bill of Rights......both were trying to conserve something....but the democrats were trying to conserve slavery....and later they tried to keep their power with jim crow......

The change modern conservatives are afraid of.....change away from the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence.....modern democrats, they fear losing control over blacks, and the new democrats want control over the other races as well....

You're just wingin' it at this point. You're out of your depth here boy.

The Republican Party were the Liberals, not the conservatives. "Conserving the Constitution" is not what conservatism means. :rofl:
Nice try fool. Google the Southern Strategy. Racists by very nature are conservative. When you are conservative you are fearful of change. Google that as well.:laugh:

And that is the far left mantra to try and separate themselves from a past they wish to deny.
So why did republicans admit to this mantra? Was it some sort of trick?

See how the far left when confronted with reality acts!

This why the far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet.
You didnt answer my question. Why did the Republicans admit to the far left mantra of the Southern Strategy if it was not true? I'm waiting on your answer to that very important question.

And you ignored mine, but that is ok. It is part of the far left religious teachings/mantra..
Its ok if you want to pretend. You cant answer the question and you know it. Thanks for admitting that via your actions.
And that is the far left mantra to try and separate themselves from a past they wish to deny.
So why did republicans admit to this mantra? Was it some sort of trick?

See how the far left when confronted with reality acts!

This why the far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet.
You didnt answer my question. Why did the Republicans admit to the far left mantra of the Southern Strategy if it was not true? I'm waiting on your answer to that very important question.

And you ignored mine, but that is ok. It is part of the far left religious teachings/mantra..
Its ok if you want to pretend. You cant answer the question and you know it. Thanks for admitting that via your actions.

You want a far left myth proven? Just like the word "equality"?
That the parties switched sides on race is the biggest magic trick/lie...that the democrats ever managed....

Every body knows that the racist deep south goes Democrat regularly because its full of liberals...yup sure enough...LOL

go lay down until it passes dude....

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